My neighbors child keeps stealing my kids toys...what do I do?

Address the issue with the parents. It’s not your responsibility to parent someone else’s child and you shouldn’t have to constantly keep an eye on your property. If you have a fence, I would add a lock to the gate. If you don’t have a fence, unfortunately you might have to have your child bring all their stuff in with them when done playing outside. You shouldn’t have to do that on your own property, but if the child continues to come take your child’s things, and their parents won’t do anything about it, it’ll at the very least protect your child’s belongings. Alternatively, you could get the police involved. I know they won’t charge a child or anything, but they should be willing to address the child’s parents since it is their responsibility to mind their own child.

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This is a parent problem not a child problem. Talk to the parents.


Get an motion activated sprinkler or one of those scary Michael Myers dudes and set him up on your porch lol


This question can’t be answered logically without knowing the age of the child and what kinds of things they are taking. Is it a 3 year old grabbing a bottle of bubbles off of a porch railing or a 11 year old taking a bike?? These things would be handled WAY differently!!


Stop leaving toys out Or put them in the backyard behind the fence. Either way I would bring it up to the parents

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Its definitely a parent issue. Be a adult and go talk to the parents. No need to have a issue with a literal child.


Always bring the toys in when not in use even from your porch. Also talk to the parents and tell them if it continues then they will have to replace toys if they get broken in the child’s care or that in the last resort depending on age that you will go to the police. I just saw a comment saying your petty but I definitely don’t think you are you have paid for those toys for your child not the whole neighbourhood to play with. Also seen the child may not have any toys again that’s not her place to give the child toys that’s the parents roll. I’d also install cameras at the front to cover the grass and porch so if any are left out by mistake then you can double check it if they go missing again.


How old the child cause if under 5 this is pretty standard behaviour. Is they not fence round to stop the child


This might sound crazy, but how about buy a toy for him? He is needing some attention, badly. And maybe even a cupcake. Tell him you feel bad that you missed his birthday, and you know he was wanting something to play with too so you got it for him. You have an opportunity here, to change this child’s life & direction. If not for my neighbors, taking me in & to church, and teaching me right from wrong, don’t know or want to think where I would be.


there’s truth in the old saying “fences make for better neighbors “

That baby probably has no toys of his own is the reason. See what he keeps taking from yoru child and maybe get them some of the same kind (not the same color or size of your childs but something in that category

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It’s kind of sad I feel bad for the boy I know he’s been told and he’s in the wrong but somehow I feel sad for him


I would speak with the parents and if that doesn’t work have police go and ask him to stop coming there, the police may scare him into not coming. At least he’s not doing damage to your property. When my sister and I were younger we met this little kid who was like 5 we were about 10 and this kid played with us (we never saw him again) and then about a week later my dad found him in our yard with a spray can, spray painting one of my dads cars!
My dad fucking lost it and made my mum go to the house to tell the parents what a little arsehole they raised and that we never wanna see him near our house again. Luckily mum went and was a bit nicer, if my dad had of gone all hell would’ve broken loose. But I guess what I’m trying to say is maybe get the police to scare him into not coming back before something else happens. Also you are liable of this kid gets hurt jumping your fence as he will be on your property so watch out for that too

Get his parents involved.
Lock toys up.

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Honestly I’d just scare the shit out of the kid :joy::joy:

Is his mom stopping him everytime?

Ducktape fixes everything :rofl::rofl:

I would lock his toys up or put a baby gate
on the porch or something

Talk to the mom about having an officer visit and explain the dangers of coming into someone else’s yard without permission, and have them explain why you can’t steal. At least then there’s an authority figure outside of parents that can take the lead


I had same problem and the mom steals my Amazon packages also it’s so sad to see her baby girls taking after her example :cry: we have just separated ourselves and no longer talk with them and I get my packages and the baby’s play out back now

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If youve told him not to come back tell the parents too then watch him to enforce that rule. Maybe get a lockable toy box and make sure everything is put away when your children are finished playing. Depends on the child’s age but maybe get the local police to visit and chat but id ask the parents how they feel about that first if the child is young . Strange to me that a young child would be wandering around on their own tbh

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Maybe go through you child’s toys and give the little guy some to play with.Sometimes alittle love does more good then anything else.


Steal theirs :joy::joy: that’s what we did when one kid in our neighborhood stole my sons scooter. The kid left his football out so we took it :woman_shrugging:t2: yes I’m that petty :joy:


Undoubtedly the child doesn’t have nice toys because their parents can’t afford them. Maybe explain to your kids so they may offer a few toys to the child. Also explain to his mother so she doesn’t have to apologize.

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I thought this was the bad advice group lol glad I re read

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it sounds like the child doesn’t have any up bringing and it must entertain it selfe and they r not teaching right from wrong or it will be a borne thief the rest of its life

Is the child well taken care of, have they toys of their own ? Perhaps you can gift the child a bag of toys your children have lost intreat in or have out grown…


My neighbors kids did the same thing. They had toys galore. Don’t buy him anything. Call the cops. It is theft
And what happens, if he gets hurt on your property
You will be responsible


Talk to the mother again.
How old is this kid

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Put them in ur house or in ur back yard

Remember "IT TAKES A VILLAGE " show compassion and kindness.


Keep toys within an adult’s sight at all times. Label the toys with your last name. When the boy steals one, it’ll be easier to confront his parents.

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We pick ours up every night and put into a deck box. And then others like bikes, scooters etc are parked in the garage at night.

If it is continuous issue I would talk to his parents.


i wouldnt leave your kids favorite toys on the porch. find some toys that youre okay with your kid sharing with him. he may not have a lot to play with. pick your battles mama.


Watch the show ‘the middle’ that happens every episode.

Optimist here…

As parents, we toss out things all the time. Let your porch be your new donation spot. I would set all my children’s old toys and clothing on the porch so when the kid comes back he can have his way with it. I would even pretend to not see it. Let this be your blessing moment. I live for opportunities like this!! :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::pray:t4::pray:t4:


Get cameras, press charges.


Take him home and tell his parents every time.


Put up an electric fence!:woman_shrugging:t2:. do not take my advice I’m kind of mean. :rofl: :woman_shrugging:t2: but for real :rofl:


Pad locks on gates and no trespassing signs. Call the police if parents can’t stop the behavior. Maybe then he or parents will listen.

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Keep the toys inside.

Are you serious? Give me a break.

How old is this kid?

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Whilst it’s nice to share
No child should be made to share if they don’t wish so
Would you all be so forgiving if this child was coming into your house and taking your things without consent ?
No I didn’t think so
He needs to learn from a young age you can’t just take what you want too x


How old is the child? Normal behavior at some ages. When my son was very young he would bring things home and say look what I found on the road and I would say is it yours and he say no so I would tell him to go put it back where it belongs because it does belong to someone

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So many making assumptions…the thief is somehow the victim :roll_eyes:

Kid needs to learn, not to mess with others property, because if he doesn’t I see prison in his future.

Locks and gates, now or later.


Speak to mom. Don’t work. Call police to her.


The fact that he is stealing needs to be addressed. This is bigger than a few toys


“He must not have toys to play with” “he’s just a kid” ok and? It’s not her job to provide anything for this child. And him being a child doesn’t make him stealing things ok.


Talk to the other mom
And set him up and let youre child do the same thing to him and let him watch…see if he even cares…let him see how it feels to have his toys taken…maybe he will stop!

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The other kid’s parent needs to step up and take action. Have you said anything to the parents?


Have you talked to his parents?

An age of the child would help
Honestly, the mom is addressing it. Most kids struggle with some sort of behavioral issues throughout their life. It’s hard to be that kid’s parent as well knowing that they’re going to do something naughty and embarrass you. She’s trying to stop him and then bringing it back when he does it so it’s not like you’re losing the property.
I would just continue to have an open dialogue with the mom and tell her that you appreciate her handling her son when he doesn’t and that you will continue to remind him not to.
To me it doesn’t sound like anything detrimental happened. As long as you get the stuff back I would just leave it alone but that’s me


Everybody saying “bring in the toys” who has time, or space to do that?! :woman_shrugging: and besides, you shouldn’t HAVE to do that… that’s your kids “space” and should be able to leave their toys out without y’all worrying something will get stolen! :woman_facepalming:


What concerns me is that child is unsupervised long enough to do it.


Scream at him and scare the crap out of him apparently he has no discipline


I tried to comment on the linked post but it said it wasn’t available… anyway, this was my suggestions.

I would either get a toy chest that has a lock, continuously involve the parents, keep toys inside, etc. I know it’s unfair to you and your child, you shouldn’t have to take these measures to ensure your property isn’t taken, I’m not sure how far you’re willing to take it. I think getting police or CPS involved is too far but you could google what options you have. I did a quick search on google and had a few suggested sites. Here is one of them: Discover How To Deal With Annoying Neighbor’s Kids

Good luck.


I would probably buy him toys. :woman_shrugging:t3:


I would just make sure that the toys
are put away because there’s nothing you can do without causing problems.


I had to stop him coming over and my boys realise that he was taking his toys , some kids don’t listen, and was over hearing my little didn’t do that, yet next he started on my sons clothes :unamused:

Def talk to the parents he may even have a disability


Have your local police to just come and park out there sometime that might scare him


I would gather some older toys or buy some cheaper ones and get a toy bin and take them to the child and say these are for you from us and to please leave your child’s toys on your property and to ask before coming to play with your child’s things etc and I’d welcome the child to have play dates if possible and try to talk to the child … :heartpulse::heartpulse:

Good luck momma :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Maybe give him some old toys your child doesn’t play with any longer. That might help. :heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:


You should not have to bring your kids as toys in on your own property tell that woman she needs to keep her children off your property it is private property and the stuff does not belong to them tell her to correct her kids or the police will


Maybe have a basket of toys he can play with?


Remove the toys from his sight and maybe go to a goodwill and get him something. He may be less fortunate then your child.


If you can afford it buy him one once in a while, if you can’t afford it give him an old toys. He is just a child


Maybe he doesn’t have toys , give him some toys


Why isn’t this child being watched by his damn parents

Knowing an age would definitely help with suggestions. But I’m going to guess around age 5. Later in age, they typically stop those behaviors when it’s not their belongings. Let’s keep in mind 5 year olds today experienced Covid and a lot of them missed out on preschool and daycare and other social development opportunities! He may not have siblings or other kids in his family or even learn the same as your child did through the pandemic. My advise would be to explain to the kid that All the toys are to be put back where they were found. Maybe give a peace offering (he is a child, after all) get him some toys from the dollar tree that he’s welcome to play with at his own home outside… sand bucket, shovel, balls, etc. maybe he doesn’t have toys either… talk and ask questions if he’s at your home. Gain his trust :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It really depends on the age the of the child.


Have the police come explain to him that what he is doing is trespassing and theft and that he can go to jail for those actions. He obviously needs a hard lesson so he will stop. I fear if this behavior is not stopped now it will progress as he gets older to actual theft.


I talk to his parents and explain that what he’s doing is stealing and since he is so young they will be held responsible not him 

  1. How old is he?
  2. Is it possible he might be autistic or on the spectrum?

tel him can play with toys but he must ask 1 teach him to ask so he can see wgats write in live

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Don’t leave them outside. Or lock them up.


Put your name on everything.
Large letters, permanent marker.


Keep your kids stuff out where no one can’t get to it. I get you shouldn’t have to but if you know these a problem why would you continue to leave things where they can be taken


Honestly I would invite myself over to the kids house, see if he even has any toys. Talk to the kid and see what’s going on. He could be hurting and trying to get your attention. He could be a child without anything. If all above seem to be fine then take the next step by having an officer stop by and tell him the seriousness of this .


Why leave them outside if you know he’s taking them?


Put a camera up on the porch and garage to your phone get the evidence he is coming over and taking with out your knowledge then show the police maybe they can talk to the child’s parents and child this not allowed


Buy something to lock them up in and i would def tell his parents


Big ass super soaker

At least the mom is aware and isn’t defending him, like at least she is trying. Maybe he’s troubled or there’s other issues? Maybe look into a security camera and light sensors for outside to help detour him from doing that nore - also I’d have your kid put away things from outside as well just in general as anyone can take anything from your yard if they want to


Everyone assuming he’s in need because he’s stealing is wild to me. Is it not possible he’s just a clepto? I would be beyond pissed. I work hard for the toys I get my kids and would be damned if I allow some kid to take them. I would have gone over and said something his parents the first time tho. And every single time after that. One day he’s going to steal from the wrong person and something awful could happen.

I’m guessing he doesn’t have any of his own. I agree with Sara Elizabeth Schroder


Follow the kid home and tell his parents to keep their kid out of your yard.

Tell the parents if it continues you are pressing theft charges. I had this problem and I retrieved my son’s toys twice then went to the mom and reported it to my landlord because he owns both our places.


Poor little boy it’s actually sad … :slightly_frowning_face:


Rewarding bad behavior is wrong. It is training him to be a thief. He must learn as a child that he cannot take something that is not his.


I have the same problem. Parents don’t teach their kids not to steal any more. Take the good toys inside. Leave a bucket of toys you don’t getting ruined on your porch. Either put bleach in the bucket or acrilic paint in the bucket along with the toys. When he steals he’ll get it on his hands & wipe it on his clothes. Mom will watch her kid & teach him better after his clothes get ruined.


Put them in the backyard or get a locking toybox for your front porch.

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Give some toys to them, invite them to play, teach the share feels and have open communication about leaving the toys when they’re finished, they’re less likely to feel they need to be stealthy


Maybe he doesn’t have many toys of his own? Invite him over to play.


Tell his mom. If you have a gate put a lock on it. Clean up the toys so they’re out of sight

What kind of toys is he taking? We have a big deck box with a lock! Highly suggest one

I know things are expensive, especially now a days, but perhaps you can go to Goodwill (or some other resale shop) and buy a few to leave in your yard that he can play with…he may not have many of his own toys. Just a thought.


It depends on the kid and the situation. I have a problem with a neighbors kid just coming over to our yard wether we’re here or not. I dont like it. I need to know when she in my yard. Her mom doesnt watch her and shes 4. So i get worried that shell hurt herself. Not to mention shes opened my baby chicken pins several times. Also has gotten into my house when i wasnt here after i went to the mom about her opening my pins and Letting her know im leaving. :person_facepalming:she got through my doggy door and opened my front door btw. Its very worrysome. If taking toys was an issue id go to the parent again. Let her know yoou arent okay with this and that the kid needs to stay off your property. If it continues well… Youll have to have another talk with the mom about dhr. As bad as i had those words…thatd be a last resort thats effective


Go to parents if that does not work out a came a up let parents know one is up tell them if continues tapes will be turned into police. This has become a nucsenses