My new boyfriend let his dog lick him in the I overreacting?

Sounds like your not an animal lover and your boyfriend is. If it upsets you, I’d find another person like yourself because as a dog lover, I’d never choose your interaction with dogs over your boyfriends. That’s a hill I’d die on!

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We love dogs but allowing an animal that licks their own butt to lick u in the face is a big no no. My husband does that when he plays with ours and after that he knows that he must not touch a thing and go straight to the shower😂otherwise no kisses or hugs from any of us. Communicate if he is important to u.



I can’t :rofl: find someone else. Who cares if animals go on the furniture? Their world is small enough, why stop them from being up on a comfy spot near their loved ones? That’s cruel. And wow they allow their dogs to show them affection oooooh big whoop


:eyes: I’m just going to sit here and pretend my dog doesn’t sneak a face lick in at any given opportunity!

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You two are probably just not a good match.


Dogs lick their own backsides and lippy, then lick humans faces, it’s gross. No probs on the furniture thing tho’ unless the furniture isn’t cleaned once I a while…


My dog is my family if you don’t like my dog sleeping in my bed or laying on my furniture we’ll BYE FELICIA…


If you’re not a dog person, dont date a dog person. Also, a dog licking his far is far cleaner than you eating without properly washing your hands first.


There’s literally nothing wrong with someone not liking dogs on furniture or licking them in the face…I love dogs…but find it disgusting when people let dogs lick them in the face…if you watch dogs they literally are very unsanitary especially with their mouths…I also try not to allow ours on the main furniture that will come in contact with mine or our kids faces…dogs cant wipe their :poop: off so after coming indoors and immediately sitting on your furniture…well… its gross. To each their own…but to act like whoever made this post is an awful person for being turned off by this is weird. Obviously though…you should be with someone who has similar views.


LMAOOOOO… ooppps … not the best of ideas ma’am to come in here talking about animals like that because the first thing you don’t want to do is ask for advice and help when it involves you not liking animals or something to that effect animal lovers tend to unite and I don’t know how much affective advice you’re gonna get here lol so here’s mine

You worried about this man’s dogs when he probably been eating ass like groceries i’m pretty sure throughout his lifetime It all works out girl don’t worry about it get over it… and I don’t particularly like the vibe I get off of people that have issues with animals especially when you have a person like this is loves his animals so much and you don’t really find that all the time so my issue lies with you and how much it irritates you that you had to post it so I would say yeah you’re the problem and I would go as far as to say that you have never had a pet talking about the furniture and kisses and you’re over reacting and you don’t deserve this man that’s what I think. Just do the guy a favor and walk away. And who cares what you believe is right or wrong he clearly doesn’t believe the same shit and you don’t have permission to tell him anything about that … I don’t know who you think you are ma’am and if you’ve never had a pet or loved a pet like that you haven’t lived. We don’t care of them about what you feel is right or wrong when it comes to an animal a pet you’re in the wrong you’re the problem And you have an passive aggressive arrogance about you that is kind of like nose stuck up in the air holier than thou agree with me because I’m better type of feel and SMDH let me get off this post before I go to Facebook jail lol :woman_facepalming:t2::sob: diagnosis

DIAGNOSIS is that you’re insecure and you’re jealous of the dogs. He spends more time with them and pays more attention to them than he does you and clearly shows that love to them and vice versa lol and That’s on that… You don’t want the dogs on the furniture sitting next to him because you’re probably sitting on the other side…you don’t want the dogs kissing him and loving on him because you’re jealous And let me tell you something this is a losing battle for you you will never be chosen over those dogs I promise you that I promise you it will not work out in your favor. You can try though but I wouldn’t go there if I were you lol

That man better run and never look back.


Is this even real? You can’t be serious all because he let the dog lick him in the face? Sounds like you need to come off your high horse or there is something mentally wrong with you. Not trying to be rude but I find this absolutely ridiculous. I let my dog on my couch but that’s my preference. I just don’t see anything wrong with him letting the dog let him lick his face. Who cares. If it bothers you that bad, maybe you should find someone else. My dog is like my kid. We even share an ice cream from time to time. :woman_shrugging:

Sounds like you need to be excommunicated

If you’re man showing his best friend affection makes you doubt your feelings for him, do him a favor and leave. I promise you he will never choose you over his dog. And for you to make him feel he’s doing something wrong is not acceptable. Dogs are loyal in a way that humans are incapable of. Clearly your boyfriend knows this. And loves his best friend. No mam, dogs don’t belong on the end of a chain, they are not some kind of disposable accessory for you to kick out of their favorite spot on the couch. They deserve the kind of humans just like your boyfriend, and he deserves far better than what you’re offering. I mean seriously? Your doubting your feelings for him? That just seems a little unbalanced and irrational so do you both a favor and leave the man alone with his loyal friend. My advice to him would be leave you alone and adopt another dog. What kind of person doubts their feelings for someone because they show affection? You sound like a nit picking narcissist.


What in the hell?…. I just can’t even with this post :woman_facepalming:t2:


Ummm you don’t have to personally like/allow letting your dog lick you on the face but in terms of you now not knowing how to feel about your new boyfriend because his parents allow their dog on the furniture and to lick them on the face… yes you’re overreacting and no your thought process isn’t quite normal. If this is enough for you to question the entire relationship then I think you might not be ready for the trials and tribulations of a serious adult relationship because if you find this situation as a serious one, got help you when there’s actually a semi serious discussion that pops up!


Date someone without pets if you’re bothered by somebody else’s fam allowing THEIR pets on THEIR furniture and allow them to like theeeeir faces🥴 to any of us animal lovers out there they are literally family to us.


No, this is not normal for this to happen. This being your childish behavior of course. You don’t know how to feel about your boyfriend now because he has different opinions than you? Time to break up. You need to be and stay single. You’re never going to find someone who feels the way you do on everything all the time. Until you mature and understand that, you need to not be with anyone.


Yeah, no relationship with him since you do not like dogs. Cut it off now.

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Move on! You don’t deserve him, his family or dogs🤷‍♀️


I mean, if you’re looking for a reason to leave him, just say that. Sheesh. Talk about nitpicking…


Keep the dogs…you can leave


Youre not a dog person dont date one.


Absolutely. I’m sure your mouth has found itself in a preDICKament at times, too. The dog isn’t judging you. :woman_shrugging::grin:


He needs to throw your ass away!

Maybe you need to be licked🤦‍♂️


I can’t stand dogs, but that doesn’t bother me :joy:

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I let my dog eat my ice cream :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Good thing this is a new relationship which means it will be an easier break up so just go ahead and let him go. Find someone that doesn’t have pets and that doesn’t intend to have pets. I don’t like dogs to lick me but I’ve never seen this reaction over a dog licking someone else or even being on someone else’s furniture


Gosh I kiss my dogs more than my other half all the time :woman_facepalming::rofl:


Lol you are not a dog person and I don’t think your the right person for him either judging on how they love there dogs haha.


Yeah it happens a lot with dogs, its not a bid deal. If these things really bother you then you shouldn’t be with someone who loves dogs.


That is shallow as hell.

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Dogs mouths are cleaner and healthier than humans lol
And it’s very normal to get kisses from fur babies


Its the dogs house not yours. Its their furniture nor yours. It the dogs boyfriend not yours really :rofl:


Dam girl, u are a whole slice of drama! Get gone! If his not ur type then leave, because u will come between him and his love for dogs which I think is totally unnecessary. Let the man love his dogs, as long as he only loves 1 woman. I just don’t get some women :roll_eyes:


Save that poor man’s heart and leave him alone. Go find you a man with no pets😒


If it bothered you this much you should probably just break up now.


Is it normal? for some people yes. Is it gross? for some people yes. Just because she doesn’t want a butt-licking dog licking her face, doesn’t mean she hates dogs. people give me shit all the time about my dogs not being allowed on my furniture and not letting them sleep in my bed. You know who doesn’t give me a hard time about it? The dogs But in the case of his family, it’s their dogs, their house, their rules.

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You LIKE dogs. You’re not a dog person. If I die in a ball of fluff and kisses, that’s how I died. Lol you have pets, they’re not part of your family.


I wonder how she feels about cats lmao My cats will lick me on the lips if I let them

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I love all animals, cat sleeps on the bed with us , dog did until he went to dog rainbow land, but I never let my animals lick in the face … but everybody is different. I can see the licking thing being an issue , but not the furniture thing. MYbe a good thing you found this out early in the relationship.

It’s his face… I’m not a fan of licky dogs but I’m not going to tell someone else who does allow it off…

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Probably cleaner than having your mouth near him


Omfg…. Please tell me this is a joke to make us flip out… it’s fake right?? :woman_facepalming:t2: Boyfriend needs to dump you immediately!! How can you say you love dogs but want to treat them like they are “just” animals?? This guy deserves a woman that loves dogs as much as he does. There is something seriously wrong with you to even have weird feelings like I don’t know how I feel about him now because his dog licked him. You’re the one with issues… please get help. Sorry not sorry.


The boyfriend and the dogs deserve a dog lover. Let them find her :grin: Breakup time!


Your not a dog person. Lol your not normal. Leave let him Find someone better lol


Let him know now so he can find someone who really loves dogs and can live happily ever after…. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Haha get over yourself! I love dogs, I dont particularly like them licking me cos I don’t like the wet feeling but doesnt mean its gross! And on another note, it’s their house so if you dont like dogs on the furniture dont go there, but best case scenario is your boyfriend should leave you for being so ridiculous


I love it when puppies give me kisses. Not everyone is a dog kisses lover. And that’s ok.


Leave him find someone without pets dogs lick the ones they love every now and again in the face if it grosses u out that much then maybe u arent the right person for him

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I think its gross also, but people are strange sometimes with their pets. Some people asking too much value to them. It’s totally up to you if you can overlook it or not


My dog isnt allowed on furniture. :woman_shrugging: she has a big ass costco dog bed and LOVES it. We’ve never allowed her to lick as a pup so now she doesnt lick us. We love her to death, she’s VERY WELL taken care of. :woman_shrugging: to each their own.

Please break up with him. He deserves better.


Your lucky to have a bloke who loves animals, says a lot about him. If you can’t handle that then maybe move on. I’ve 7 rescue cats and they sometimes sleep with me at night, if a girl tried altering that them I’m afraid I’m sticking with the cats


It’s completely normal to be ok with it. But it’s also common for many people to be disgusted. I’ve legit caught my dog drinking shit water and since then nooooope. I’m out lol. Tbh I’d just ask him to respect your face lol wipe your smoochie lips before you smooch with them lol germs. Ick

…Save him. He deserves better and you are clearly NOT compatible. Their entire life is mostly confined to your HOUSE, and you want to limit them to the floor…don’t get animals if this is your mentality…seriously just don’t. A pet is a member of your family not some cute little trinket or toy you occasionally show attention when it’s convenient or guests are over. He deserves Happily Ever After…let him go.


Be mindful tho. They legit don’t see an issue n that’s completely fine!

Do yourself, your boyfriend, his family and the dog a favor and end this relationship now. If this dog issue got you this upset, you two don’t belong together.


Joe O’brien this made me laugh :rofl::rofl:


Clearly you’re not as comfortable with dogs as he and his family are and that’s okay! Don’t allow anyone on this comment thread to bully you into thinking there’s something wrong with you just because you don’t like/feel strongly towards dogs. Rather find someone who would be more suitable for you and move on, so that he can also find some who is more suitable for him.


Perfectly normal to me


You have a problem with his dog licking him in the face!? Your saliva has a lot more germs & bacteria in it than a dog’s, even with good dental hygiene, so he’d be better off with that dog licking him on the face than he would with you kissing or making out with him. Yet you will go have unprotected sex with a man just as you’ve done many times before & and remain completely unbothered by that.i mean ibdon’t personally like it when a dog ls licking on my face, but im not going judge someone else for not caring about that shit.
Lower your standards hunny you dont deserve him

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Dogs are probably cleaner than humans :rofl: :woman_shrugging: maybe you need to chill a bit? Hope everything works out

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please just stay single for the rest of your life … dogs give kisses , dogs get on furniture … also , if you have any dogs … please rehome them , so they can be loved unconditionally


 Here’s my example… You’re not gonna win ma’am you’re not that special

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You are way overreacting think you might need help


My husband and I let our precious girl lick us and snuggle with us in bed :heart: If u don’t like animals time to move on …I’m sure your bf’s dog would be more than happy :laughing:


If this is a red flag to you then take it as one… trust me, your future self will thank you


My girls are my babies along with my human children. We always have kisses it’s perfectly normal for people that’s love their pets . Leave the poor man alone and let him love his dog :dog:


Please never own a dog.

There’s no way you love them when you wouldn’t allow them on the furniture.


I love dogs but I don’t let them lick my face or hands. Did he at least lift his face so the dog was licking his chin? I feel like that’s more acceptable lol


You don’t ever want to come to my house…. :crazy_face::rofl::joy::rofl:

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I swear this page will repost old submissions because I’ve seen this one before. Yes it’s hella gross imo to let a dog lick your face but it’s not a deal breaker unless it’s like French kissing


My dog comes before anyone lol so if they’re even some what the same you’ll be gone first :joy::100:


You need serious help lol that’s what dogs do lol :joy: they show attention by licking you and show the love for their owner… listen lady if you can’t and won’t like dogs, that dude is not for you… nothing wrong with dogs being on furniture either lol you need mental help and let me tell you, that man will choose his dog over you, as he should… lol you ste seriously weird lol


I wouldn’t try and get between someone and their dog lol they’ll always pick the dog :sweat_smile:


Your boyfriend and his parents sound like loving dog owners. That dog is very lucky to have humans like them. You just sound like a straight up b!tch!

I’ll admit, I was raised with a clean freak of a mother who only allowed us to have cats as pets. And they were outside not inside. I’ve since grown and had my own children, and I have two inside cats. And also an inside outside dog. It was weird at first I had to fight my inner (that’s gross and stinky) lol but honestly so glad I crashed that barrier down. Nothing like a pets love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yes, you’re overreacting.


Sounds like its not your type of person or family then

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You are way over reacting. When I got my wife 13yo I had a dog he was my best friend had him 10yr when I met her. I told her on day one that if I had to pick her or my dog I was picking my dog. Dogs are just like someone children and have the right to be treated as such.


I wouldn’t kiss a guy if he let a dog kiss his face


I agree they lick there bodies to clean themselves and some body parts are not good ones either lol. I understand where your coming from it is gross its fine for your dog to lick you but not in the mouth or just over and over on the face because they do lick there butty hols and other private parts. So yes there gross people just tell him jokingly say yuk he licks his butt hols don’t let him do that to you.

You’re the weird one here. But some people are like you. If your not a dog lover like them then maybe they family isn’t for you.


I dnt mind dogs on bed furniture etc but dnt let mine lock on the face especially with kids

My dogs don’t lick but I don’t mind if a dog licks me it doesn’t bother me. It’s showing love and affection.

My dogs and cats are allowed on our furniture. They live their whole life here they can lay on furniture if they want. It’s their home too.

If you don’t like that kinda stuff maybe he isn’t for you then. :woman_shrugging:


Leave him now. Yes you’re overreacting


This isn’t the boyfriend or family for you. You’re not a dog lover as you claim, that dog is family and deserves to be treated as such.


Since you don’t like and won’t let the dogs on the furniture, why don’t you try sleeping/just being on the floor for a full day that includes no bed and see how you like it…They just want to be comfortable too and they deserve to be especially in their home.


I kiss my grand kids all the time 3 and 1 and they both have their own best friends and they will open their mouth and let them kiss them. I still kiss my grand babies. It may not sound the cleanest but what ever. My dogs 4 of them 2 large Great Dane and choc lab sleep on my couch and the lab will get in the bed with me when my husband leaves for work. I don’t see a problem with it. Everyone has their own opinion and that’s fine


This is my dogs home, of course they are allowed on the furniture. Also they sleep on my/in my bed. It is said that when a dog licks it’s it’s way of saying “I love you”


I don’t like being licked. One or two little licks but my partner loves to be showered with the licks. The dogs have learned what we each like. I don’t get grossed out.


Ignore the childish people calling you a non dog lover I’m not being funny I love my family and friends but I sure as hell wouldn’t be letting then lick my mouth and face, pretty sure my partner wouldn’t want to kiss me after if I allowed them aswell, dogs lick there balls, dog food/raw meat and other dogs asses, no dogs tounge would be coming near my face not even my own pup, also who wants a bed riddled in shedding hair? I love dogs but there’s a limit same as humans :sob: immature people downgrading a person just because she has a different opinion, toxic asf

What is up with these BS “Fan” questions lately??? Starting to think they are admin.


As long as he doesn’t ask to be alone with said dog and jar of peanutbutter


Honey you are so OVER REACTING! Lol
Perfectly normal! That’s how they show affection!


My dog is family. She sets where she wants. She sleeps on my bed.
My suggestion is if you can’t accept their love of their dog and how they live then you need to move on. Don’t think of trying to change how your boyfriend interacts with his dog


Well you sure don’t sound like a dog lover…that’s how dogs show love and affection!