My newly discovered brother is living with us and my husband hates it, what should I do?

You moved a male stranger into a home with 2 young girls and yourself, plus your husband? That doesn’t seem safe, or wise, on many levels.

Will pray. It would be good to get your husband to share with you what he is worried about.

You can’t. He either has patience or not.

Give bro a timeline. Or have him buy a travel trailer so u have your house back but he can still be around

7 months? Does he have a job? How long does it take to find a place? I’m siding with your hubby on this one.

Timeline so everyone is on board with when transitions should start happening.

Is 7 months how long he has been there Or the intended deadline?

Why is your brother living with you, is he not working?

If you have money on you then help your brother to get a place and let him move there.

7 months is a long time . Time to move .


I would have bailed out 5 months ago. Cheeze!

I think your husband should support you. Mine husband would :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck

7 months is a long time to visit! Continue talking with your husband, Prayers

Brother needs to get his act together and move out

husband sounds spoiled and a bit selfish

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He needs to find another place to stay. Help him to find another place.

Sounds like your husband is jealous of the happy relationship you have with your brother. I have no advice. :cry:

What a jerk.
He wants to To except him and his family but wont except yours?
Screw him.
Some people hate seeing other’s happy.

Just don’t talk about it. Live your life and let him live his.

He sounds like he is jealous. Your husband that is.

I do think it’s time he found a place of his own can be near by

Your husband should be ecstatic to help you reconcile with the fact that you now feel you “belong” to a family. I would definitely seek guidance from a family or a couples therapist. You mentioned he helps clean the house and have been very giving, so he’s not “freeloading”. Maybe your husband feels he’s sharing your attention/care now with someone else. Maybe also once you seek a therapist’s help, include your brother in the next session/s to come up with a plan on when he’s gonna move out. Goodluck! I’m happy for you though that you found your brother :heart:


7 months is plenty of time to get on ur feet and find a place. Put ur husband and kids 1st.

Time to talk to your brother about moving on.

Leave your husband and move on with your new brother :smiley:

I’d tell him get over it…he’s staying…

Pay his deposit on a new place

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Your husband and kids come first

First if all congrats BUT 7 months really? You don’t even know him actually you’re getting to know him and you are putting him before your family you better think about what you’re doing and think hard and quick


You are going through emotional hell. You are a good loving person.

Sounds like your husband is jealous.

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Is he really ur brother… or… ya know… :smirk::thinking::wink: ur having ur cake and eating it too? Lol

He will never leave. Tell him get out

You have ever right to feel the way ur feeling, ur husband is being insensitive,
and not supporting u. Maybe that’s one reason he was divorced before?? He need to get his head out of his behind and respect you and ur feelings more!!

a few days stay is ok, but 7 months is too long.

Bye bye brother, your husband comes first

OMG! I can not believe the people saying her husband needs to just get over it. Blood or not this man is a stranger that she moved into a home where teenage girls live. Do you people not read/watch the news. If this was a boyfriend that she had known for such a short time would y’all be saying the same thing? This man is a STRANGER! If I were her husband, I would get this stranger out of my house and away from my children, if she wants to go with the brother she would be more than welcome to go!

7 months is plenty of time to find a job. Ask your husband to give him one more month. Then He goes, no matter what. Both of you tell your brother.

Wow tell your selfish man to back up n grow some balls …
There is no need for him to react like this n give you shit for having your long lost brother stay with you …
You accepted him n his family to this day n don’t give him shit or grief …
What’s his problem
If he cared about you n loved you he would allow you to have this time n just be on the lookout for a flat or something that he can eventually move into when the time is right .
Just don’t let your brother take advantage of your generosity either …
Make sure you are ok with everything your doing

Quite possible that he sees things that she does’nt or in her finding brother she is turning blind eye to

Maybe counseling to help him understand how you feel.

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Maybe Jerry Springer can help?

I’ll see on tv :tv: whole family killed do you know him I’m with your husband move somewhere else bye bye


If he’s willing maybe you can go speak to a therapist. Maybe he’s feeling left out of the loop. Ignored. Make a special effort to include him. And let him know he’s number one.maybe he’s feeling a little jealous.

Hes been there 7 months and your a fool cause he isnt leaving. Sorry

7 months is a long time but i have had this happen with me too not the same situation but my brother did stay with me for about a month and my ex bf hated it but i accepted his daughter from his marriage and raised her like she was mine for eleven years and he couldnt stand my brother staying with us for a month he started fights my brother ended up having pnuemonia my ex ended up leaving and doing shit behind my back so men are just big ass babies and cant stand another man no matter if its your family or not take away your attention u have to figure out a way to deal with it my ex was a piece of shit and i have a great husband now so you need to get a handle on the situation

Sorry can’t sugarcoat this one asshole! My wife’s mother became very ill and couldn’t live alone my wife approached me and asked me if it would be all right if she moved in with us looked her straight in the face said I love you didn’t even have to ask! Would make me smile watching her take care of her! I turned my TV room which had a half bath close by into a hospital room stayed with us for maybe about four months then passed away from lung cancer! My wife was the perfect nurse slept on the couch right by her side! Plus it earn me some time in the loving department win-win!

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Couples counseling with your husband! If you can open your heart to 2 stepchildren, he can open his heart to your brother, especially since its not a forever situation.


Is he working? Paying rent, food and any other household expenses. Understand wanting to get to know him but when will he move on? Been in this situation and everyone seems to outstay their welcome and need hints to move along. You can still have a close relationship without him living with you.

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He is not your long lost child. He is a grown man who should have a house and job and come visit your family.

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7 months IS giving you support. Enough already. Your home and energies should be for your immediate family. Or emergencies. 7 months is NOT an emergency. Time for him to go.b

Brother cannot be a free loader. How about you find your brother a place for peace sake. With your brother at his own place you will enjoy your life with your brother even more. Trust me.

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Sounds to me like your husband is a bit jealous over the newly found family and his ego is being busted. Since now you are spending time getting to know your brother and discovering your whole new family, you have put your husband on the back burner and he doesn’t like it. He figures he should be number one in your life. He sounds a bit childish too. You obviously have to tell your hubby he will always be number one however he has to understand you have many years of catching up to do with your brother and new family. If he still remains to be a jerk about it perhaps you have a more serious problem with your husband being a control freak.

As long as he is not staying in your house permanently, and understood that’s the condition in order to move in with you. What’s so wrong with helping family members out in their hard time? Ask husband if this is his own brother, is he still feeling the same?

Too bad for your husband. Is he that selfish. Tell him you dont want his kids around and see how he likes it.

Girl, you don’t know this man he might be your brother but he still a stranger and you want to sacrifice your family for this person? Time to tell your brother to leave.

He helps clean. Does he do anything else? Does he have gameful employment and contribute to the household overhead? If so you have a legitimate complaint. If not I think your husband is afraid that he is mooching off you and he.

I agree that a conversation must occur however, since you’ve stated it always turns into an argument, a mediator (or counseling) may be the only possible solution for an amicable discussion. It appears your husband and the rest of the family are jealous, possibly due to this new brother receiving more attention than they may be used to receiving. Life can be a challenging balancing act at times. I guess it would also be helpful to know exactly what it is that they dislike about him or the current living situation. It certainly just can’t be because your new found brother (their family step or otherwise) is there.


Share this post with him and ask him what would make it more palatable for him and remind him of all the changes you’ve had to deal with recently. Have him write a response if necessary. Good luck, consider counseling to help you both…

Get a job and poof…in a few short months you can get a place with first and last month’s rent plus deposit? Are you even living in this country??

If you can love his kids he can love your brother.

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Help your brother find and obtain a place for two and move with him.


Brother needs to go.

Your husband is very selfish and very spoiled.

Kick the husband out and keep the brother…easy peasy

Tell him he has to get a job that will get him running away fast!

What a sellfish a__!!!

Press on try to stay calm

Listen to your husband

He sounds like a selfish person…

Time for him to go NOW

Hes a selfish pos. Do what makes you happy for a change. If your brother wasnt being helpful in ways that he can then I can see your husband having a problem, but he needs to take 2 seats

Praying you work it all out!

He needs to give you a break

Let him read this post…

He need to think about you

Beth Raich agree with you.

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Let him read your statement and these comments.


Get a life. Move on.


My biggest concern would be your daughter. Do you know your new brother well enough to have him stay under the same room roof as your 9 year old daughter? Most sexual abuse is committed by family or friends of family. I would never let them be alone together. I would have her lock her door at night or some other protection. I know too many people who’s young daughters were assaulted. Better to be proactive even if it hurts sometimes feelings.
Secondly, 7 months is a long time. It should only take a couple months to get a job, first few paychecks, and find a place. A second job with tips would help as well. When you have a nuclear family, they come first. You can still help your brother, but with safe appropriate boundaries.

Sounds like you made a household decision without household consideration. There are probably some jealousy issues. But their is probably other issues like safety for the kids. You are obviously overjoyed and completely blind. Your new brother needs to be out like yesterday. You chose to spend your life with your husband… you should respect his feelings in the family home. And Brother seeing the burdan he is on your husband should not have accepted, left quickly, and certainly talked to your husband before anything

Hubby sounds like he’s a little jealous of how close you and your brother are becoming. Perhaps you can set aside time for just you and the hubs to be together so he doesn’t feel so pushed to the side and threatened by this new man in your life.

How long and how well do you know your brother? I’d be uncomfortable with a man that I don’t know well moving into my home. Especially with young girls in the house.
Blood or not, you’re just getting to know this person & you have to be sure who you bring into your home!

Have to be honest it wouldn’t fly with me at all! 7 months is way extreme and why does it take almost a year for him to find a place!?

I think the husband is right. It’s your house and your family. Why does he need to be living with you? You can’t help him get a place close by of his own so you could still see him and get to know him?

I refuse to be uncomfortable in my own home…unless me & my husband agree it’s a big NO

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As long as your brother is carrying his own weight this shouldn’t be a problem. Did you and your husband discuss him moving in in advance? Has the time frame changed at all? Marriage involves support and sacrifice, and if 7 months can help you put together the pieces of who you are and heal from that I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask your husband to support you in this.

You don’t have to make up for lost time. Look to the future. I’m adopted and never found my blood family but adore my adopted one. Brother should be moving on soon, and keeping a relationship with you.

Tell him to walk in your shoes for a while and see how he would do anything different. Your husband is probably jealous of the attention you’re giving your new found sibling. Tell him trade places with me for a while, your husband should stop being so critical life is too short to act in a negative way.

Your husband should support you. Not complain. It is only 7 months not a lifetime… I could understand if your brother was a pig and was rude and not helping around the house.

Kick him out he’s a bum a loser pack his stuff and say lots of luck

Are you 100 percent sure he’s your brother , just saying I’ve known this to happen before when the guy was a fake !