My Niece and I Like the Same Guy, Did I Do the Right Thing?

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"There is this guy we dated for awhile and broke up a year and half ago because of outside issue.

We started talked just recently. It’s clearly obvious that both of us never moved on after a year and half and we both care deeply for each other.

Then comes well my niece. She’s has mutual friends with him. And she’s has always wanted to be with him and he has turned her down and looks at her like a kid. I know this bugs her the wrong way.

So him and I made plans to meet up at the park. With my children. My niece calls me up and asked if I babysit her kids. I said yes of course. I called him up and said hey I’ll have two extra kids and it’s going to take me longer to get the kids to the park now.

My niece drops off her kids and then go straight to his house. He’s on the phone with me and says oh your niece asked if he could look at her car (she is having issues with it). He let’s me no when she got there and when she left.
I was slightly annoyed because she was supposed to be running around doing things well I watch her children plus she was all dolled up.
Throughout the day he asked if I need any help. We are texting all day. Then he calls me and I give him an update on my time and he tells me that my niece is over and they are chilling in his drive way.
It struck a nerve because he told me they never hang out, she told me they never hang out. And then twice in one day they are hanging out.

I said I’m sorry this isn’t going to work out and I hung up and deleted him.

I know my niece played him but he was to dense to see it.

I guess my advice is did I do the right thing. I feel I’m way to old for any bullshit and drama. I didn’t explain myself or y I was upset. But I feel common sense is needed here.

I’m baby sitting her children and getting ready to go see him and she went over there to hang out with him well she knew I was getting ready to see him.

She blew up my phone saying none of her friends are home and she finished everything early and was just bored and wanted to chill with someone. But still I’m in my 30s. This guy is two years older then me. I feel this situation is self explanatory."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Sounds like alot of drama. Your 30, too old for that kind of stuff. Move on and find someone else"

"He’ll likely be trying to screw you both and brag to his friends about it… and she doesn’t sound any better…"

"I’d say you were so right. She’d likely stir the pot if you continued. If you’re looking for drama free I’d avoid them both"

"Too much drama there. I would leave him go too. Not worth the time or heartbreak between all 3 of you. No reason to compete for him, there are other men out there!"

"I feel sooner or later he would have finally acted on her advances and she would have came to you to brag about it. I’d say stop talking to both of them. I’m 34 and I would shut that drama down so quick, I’m too old for those types of games."

"Call the guy so he knows exactly why and let him know what you think of him hanging out with someone so much younger .than cut that lowlife backstabbing toxic niece out of your life .she knew exactly what she was doing"

"If a man cared for you or cared for her he would not put either one of y’all in that position. He’s the only one that knows what he is doing"

"He didn’t do anything wrong. He told you that she was there and they were talking in his driveway whats the issue? You're causing drama where there was none. Your niece is in the wrong for sure but also at the same time you're not exclusive. You say you're grown well grown up people talk not just hang up and delete someone over something that very well could of been innocent. I’d say if you truly have feelings for him be an adult and talk to him and if not then he must not honestly be very important so maybe its better for him for you to walk away."

"The fact that he’s keeping you in the know about what’s going on tells me he’s trying to be honest about it all. But , I don’t understand why he hasn’t told her he has plans and can’t hang. You did right telling him your not into drama. I would also tell your niece the same. No more sitting."

"Like, I woulda said “Oh my niece got time to chill, tell her to come get her kids since she ain’t busy” 2 can play, baby."

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