My older sister won't stop hanging out with my boyfriend: Help!

My older sister won’t stop hanging out with my boyfriend, and it’s causing problems between us. I’ve explained to them both that I don’t like it because it makes it seem like they are together because they hang out more than him and I do. He is willing to go do stuff with her, but when I asked for the Same Thing, it’s a problem! I’m pregnant with our first child, and I feel like I’m on the side piece, and they’re dating instead. They say I’m crazy for feeling this way, but I think I have every right to. What should I do?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My older sister won't stop hanging out with my boyfriend: Help! - Mamas Uncut

Ditch both of them. :woman_shrugging: Your sister is shitty for doing what she’s doing but your boyfriend is even shittier for allowing it and for making you feel inferior to her. Get out. Like yesterday.

I would simply have a cage match with my sister :joy:


Ask him who he is in a relationship with and who he is having a child with? that if he cannot be proper and respectful that you’re done.:woman_shrugging:t3: Your sister should know better!


I’d Fight the sister :sob:


I know it’s easier said than done but leave him. Obviously there is something going on between them


Ignore them and move on. No need to want answers to something you already know. Nobody is worth spilling blood over especially siblings who are attracted and interested in your SO.


i would say to your boyfriend go with your sister i would not have it


They both need to respect your wishes if it’s an issue. If not then something’s gotta give. You can’t get rid of family and if dude isn’t stopping then…

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Ew!!! No. Why would your boyfriend want to hang out with your sister when he had YOU?! I’m forever thankful I don’t have sisters.

Yea you have every right to be uncomfortable if they won’t make a change to make you, their sister/girlfriend more comfortable with the situation, fuck them both!

Not good that they think its ok to make u feel like this… both are arseholes to do that knowing how u feel.

Your sister is obviously trash and he is nothing but a sperm donor. Move on from both!

Honey sorry to sound like a bitch . But their fking .
I been in the same exact situation before my own sis was hanging out with my man more than me.
They denied and denied everything n said I was crazy and imagining things . Till i sent a friend undercover n she caught them .

I’d knock them both the fuck out what in the fuckin hillbilly bullshit is that

Sorry you have to go through that. Your sister should know better. Ahe the one that need to know the boundaries because she your sister. Men dont care.


Your bf is the problem. He shouldn’t even be allowing that.


I wouldn’t play this game. He would either stop hanging out with her or id dump him.


Theres always more than merts the eye in this behavour ??id say d had a relationship of some kind or another ???why else would ur own sister do this to u plus ur expecting his baby ffs kuck them both 2 the curb :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


I’d fight em both tbh :100::facepunch: the audacity.


They’re both in the wrong. Give them your boundaries and if they don’t respect that then the relationships need to end. Just because someone is your sibling doesn’t mean that they deserve to be a part of your life.


They both know better but he is the one that owes you the most. Blood isn’t a choice but your relationship is. If he can’t respect you then cut him off; same goes for your sister. As for people telling you to fight the sister, ignore that. You’re pregnant and your child’s life comes before some petty revenge. It sucks but take care of you and the baby and forget the rest


Trust your intuition.


Tell them stop looking crazy and maybe you wouldn’t be crazy…leave him and cut her out. Sounds narcissistic


Ew gross. You should just literally up and go… Trust me :heart:


Yeah serious red flag. Move on to someone who loves you. Bad news is you’re still gonna see him at Thanksgiving


My sister would never :flushed:


That’s really messed up they do that to you.

Tell them both good-bye.

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Ditch them both bc something is definitely going on between them

I know a couple sisters who dated guys then the other sister ended up dating him lol. Very strange but I’d dump the dude if wouldn’t stop hanging out with her, they’re probably already low key dating

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Oh hell no, this happened to me, I made him leave

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Sweetie break it off men do sleep with your sister

Are you equally as mad at him as you are your sister bc they both sound like ass hats

Keep the baby and dump the guy!! Apparently he seems to like being with your sister instead of you—he doesn’t act like he’s very concerned for you!! Time to move on!!!


There’s something going on between the two of them. And if not their both being very disrespectful to you. The d walk away. The stress your going through so is your baby.


If they can’t respect your wishes then its sounds like something is going on between them.


I would tell them if they don’t stop that your leaving the bf and not talking to the sister. Go find friends that actually will do something and get out of the house.

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Something weird is happening

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They are fuckin and you are the side piece get out now! And cut her ass off too

Your thoughts and feelings are valid. Don’t let them tell you that you’re crazy. Trust your instincts.


Speaking from experience, this is a no. My cousin allowed her younger sister to hang out with her boyfriend , boom she is single now. He’s married to her sister.


If he can’t respect your wishes , you don’t need him!!! Move on! You deserve better. There are plenty of men that would love you and that baby as his own!!!


Wake up and smell the deceit. If it walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. It’s a…


Leave . Or have him take lie detector to see if yout gut is right

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Come on now, there is nothing normal about that. Use ur head. It sucks but don’t stand for it. Cut them both loose


Tell your sister to back the F off!

You’re pregnant omg I swear to god there would be hell on earth if that had happened to me when I was pregnant. I used to kick off for the tiniest thing but what you have just said… wow. I would be throwing him out and telling my sister not to contact me anymore.


ditch them both before its u that ends with a heart break


My sister and bf used to hang out quite a bit - they never messed around. But she eventually caught him messing around with her friend.

If you have expressed how you feel and they continue, maybe consider their position in your life. I understand you are pregnant so that causes a bigger dilemma, but if you dont mKe boundaries for them and make it clear then hows it going to be when the bBy arrives. Your emotions will be different and you dont need to worry about them while caring for a child. Give them a ultimatum. If coming on harsh isnt your thing maybe sit them down together, say i dont like this i feel left out and comig from the father of my child and my sister thats really wrong.


Yeah that sounds ridiculous and the fact neither one of them respect your feelings is quite alarming

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Sister sounds whorish for even thinking


I knew someone who had the same problem with their younger sister. Ruined her marriage. Red flags.


Wow the nerve of her and him!

Dump them both. She’s not much of a sister and he’s not the one you want to spend your life with. He’s not going to change.

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Wow way to not validate your feelings. Seems like they are trying to gaslight you about it…


The sister should give the sister space

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They’re both being very disrespectful. Wow! I’m so sorry :disappointed_relieved:


How old is the bf and little sister??? Do you think something may be going on?

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Messed up! If your gut tells you something’s going on, there probably is. Speaking from personal experience😒


Um … you’re pregnant and wtf who even ask such a question like this… girl put urself and that bby first fuck the rest …

My younger daughter is very close to her older sister’s bf. It’s never been an issue. They just like to hang out.

Question your sister. It’s messed up she’d do that to ya in the first place. Family will screw you over faster than a stranger.


This is a joke right

If you’ve told them it bothers you and they still don’t care, ditch them both. Zero respect for a sister, and the soon to be mother of his child.

If it was me though, as soon as I heal after my pregnancy I would be dragging the fuck out of my sister on SIGHT. :rofl:
Because a lot of times I hear people say you shouldn’t be mad at the other girl because it’s your guy who has a commitment to you, but that’s your SISTER! I would beat her ass If it turns out they are actually sneaking around​:grimacing::grimacing:

You are seriously NOT crazy.

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Sisters can be scandalous too girl.


Well if she has his kid too the kids will be cousins and siblings. What a deal!


Leave move on hes not worth ur energy or time if he doesnt show you respect :100:

They are definitely fucking.

My sis and ex husband did that. Im sorry you are experiencing this.

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Put your foot down and say enough .thats weird he might be screwing her too

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I’d have done rocked my sisters shit.

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This is disrespectful on all levels. Your sister should respect your feelings in this situation! I wouldn’t allow that if it was me, I wouldn’t quite say that is a normal thing to do :confused: Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him getting on with your sister and other family of course but to go out his way and actually go out and hang with her without you or hanging out with her more than wanting to be with you, to me that’s just not right. You need to either leave him or have a serious chat to your sister and tell her to back off! Good luck :heart:


He has shifty eyes can’t me trusted. O married one.He was never faithful but o loved him so

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Nah.dont let them disrespect you like that.


Family don’t always act like family… seems like she has her priorities messed up… hell they both do…


Tell her plain and simple not to hang out with your boyfriend unless you are there. Tell him. They’ll respect it or… :woman_shrugging:


dump him and take him to court for child support


I’d sit them both down and say from here on out this is how it will be xyz…
If they still disrespect you by saying you’re crazy and they won’t change their ways then walk away from both.


Wow… definitely a huge red flag in my opinion. I’d feel the same way if my sister and boyfriend hung out like THAT. And I’d NEVER wanna hangout with her boyfriend alone period. Not that anything would ever ever happen in our worlds. But it’d just be awkward.

I’d be dipping out if they can’t take you serious, and don’t care about your feelings.

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That’s super weird, and bottom line, if they can’t respect you, they are both scum. Why the hell would they be hanging out MORE than you and him? Weird. Why would he refuse to go out and do similar fun things with you? Weird. Nah, this sounds shady. Follow your gut instinct, if something feels wrong, it probably is.


Wow, what your parents have to say? Dump this guy!! He’s ruining siblings/families relationships! Make him pay for child supports!!

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Dump him and see who he runs to. Guarantee it’s your sister.


They most defintely messing around for them to hang out more than you and him to hang out. Kick him to the curb as well as her.


Your sister doesn’t sound much like a sister at all!!! How dare she make u feel this way…ditch them both xx


Reread your post again, it sounds like you already know. Always trust what your gut is telling you! Always! Glad I’ve got no sisters :rofl:


follow your instincts girl! they do not lie! 3


If you have already told them you don’t like it and instead of taking your feelings into consideration they brushed it off and called you crazy, then you do not need either of them, let them have each other.


With you being pregnant emotions are running high but you should leave him now … shame on your sister for not respecting you


Tell your mama so she can beat yo sisters ass :grin:

How red can the flags get?


Lawyer up! Go for full custody no visitation and cut them both out of your life


Girl they are sleeping together


Go with your gut , your sister should stop she is your sister fine her own boyfriend to hang with not yours she that’s crazy


Hang out with his dad


They f#%$@ing, sry sis :woman_shrugging:


am i the only one who’s thinking maybe they’re planning a proposal together?? who knows how long this has been going on but that’s the immediate vibe i get. maybe because i know my sisters would NEVERRRRR do dirty shit to me like that. they would pretend they’re making friends if they’re planning a proposal or something idk :sob::sob::sob: maybe i just wanna get proposed to :joy::joy:

Move on …let him go boo

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