My older sister won't stop hanging out with my boyfriend: Help!

A lot of people are saying fight them both, but I’m going to play the devil’s advocate here. One: you’re pregnant. Two: baby, if your boyfriend is allowing another female to entertain him, especially your own sister without regard for your feelings, neither one of them are worth it. You and that baby deserve so much more than that. Walk away. Start fresh. This is your first baby and you may not realize this now, but someday you’re going to be the example to your child. I want you to ask yourself if that’s what you would want him or her to settle for. Boss up, girl. You are strong and you can do better.


Obviously they want each other. If he is willing to do things with her and always with her they are clearly more than just a friend. And regardless, that’s just weird? She’s your sister and he’s your boyfriend.
They have to be f***ing


This is a very touchy subject … yikes

Sounds like somethings going on between them two behind your back. I would honestly tell him you want space from him and see how he reacts. If he’s fine with it then red flag. I would probably pop up when their out end see how their acting


Does he have a brother? :woman_shrugging:t4:


Red flags.let your sister have him


If they can’t respect your boundaries, you need to go!! It is actually quite weird that they’re doing this. I’d be suspicious too. Don’t let ppl on here or your family make you feel like you’re wrong. You’re not!


Giant red flag, sounds to me like they are both gaslighting you, run girl


Sounds like the sister needs a slap, and bf needs a to be put out before baby comes


I’m sure your thinking that you should put up with it because she is your sister and he is your child’s father FUCK NO. You leave him and cut your sister off for not respecting your wishes.

They are banging each other


You need to call Jerry springer!


Smells like treason to me :woman_shrugging:


Your better off with out him

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They f*****g move on.

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I mean, were they friends first before you met him or something?! If not, I don’t see why she just can’t stop hanging out with him so much. I’d hate to say that there might be something going on but there might be. I’ve always had a majority of guy friends ever since I was a kid. I’ve just always found it easier to deal with guys than girls. I never had any issues with their significant others due to my having respect for their relationship and them knowing I have my own family. My husband is fine with it too. Obviously if you’re not okay with it, they shouldn’t do it as much as they do.

I’d break up with both of them💁🏽‍♀️


They would say ok and stop if nothing was going on


What in the actual fk- if you’ve told them both that you are not ok with it and they keep it up. Be done with them both. Straight up disrespectful and they shouldn’t be ok with it. So they are Choosing to actively hurt you and it doesn’t matter if you were pregnant or having your time of the month these 2 aholes are up to no good and you need to get them out of your life.


Drop him like the trash he is, let your sister have him and you leave and never look at back at either of them. Raise that baby and find your happiness. They both sound like losers

My boyfriend did that to me years ago with my younger sister anything she wanted to do, go,music she wanted to listen to in the car and come to find they were messing around when I was at work (having sex) .We already had a baby and I was pregnant again when this happened. Not saying this is your case but just keep an eye on them.

I guess my comment was deleted. I didn’t say anything wrong either. I guess just listen to everyone here because if I say how I feel (with no cuss words) my comment will be deleted :roll_eyes:
Good luck!

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Sounds like they ARE together. Actions over words.


No wouldn’t be having it or if he has a brother do the same thing.


your sister is a jerk


Your sister is disrespectful. That’s really weird and wrong, especially since he doesn’t go out of his way to do things with you like he is with your sister… Kick his ass to the curb and once baby gets here get his ass with child support. Sister is purposely being a thot. Never trust her ass with future boyfriends. Some siblings get off screwing over their own blood.

Girl they are scr**wing


Sounds like they are both disrespecting you.


They both disrespecting you hardcore. Sounds like they are already together.


Girl I’d break up with him and cut off the sister :grimacing:


Uncle Daddy?!?:woman_shrugging::joy::man:


You are definitely not crazy sweetie…
Break up with him and cut ties with your sister


Read the book n c the lite

Maybe planning an engagement??

Uh fuck your sister & bf seem like bull shit to me

I’m pretty sure they’re dating.


Sweetheart you’re the side chick


Kick them to the curb

You should probably kick both of them out of your life before you have your child. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are waiting till you give birth so he and her can try to get custody.


Yikes that’s a huge red flag, please get away from both of them. How far along are ? If you don’t want to be a single mom just saying maybe if you are still in time frame you know…
Def a :triangular_flag_on_post:.
I pray you get them out of your life


Leave him. Cut contact with your sister. Invest in multiple stocks or invest in something so you can bring income in and afford to live on your own. Fuck both of them.

My mom and ex did this exact same thing …when the mf gave us both chlamydia- I knew they was both liein pieces of shit.

This was the second bf of mine she fucked.
My dad walked in on her and the first guy and is legit the reason they divorced.

Needless to say, I’m a lesbian now, we have 3 kids and I do quite well on my own not having talked to any family in over 10 years. :sweat_smile:

Kick them both too the curb

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They are up too no good


Ummm no that’s fucking weird. And if they aren’t changing things after you tell them it bothers you, neither of them care. I smell trouble and a ton of drama

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Dude ur the sidechick here. Ur boyfriend and sister are douchebags! Ur sister shud be ashamed of herself. Why do u girls not play it safe and lay off having kids untill ur married so if he doesnt take responsibility u could drag it to court… anyways i wana slap ur sister and boyfriend so bad. Horrible excuses for human beings


Your sister?? What’s her problem???


I hate to say this but sounds like they r def more than just friends and it has prob gone further than it should have. U don’t need this stress with being pregnant. Tell him it’s u or her


Unfortunately u are the side piece. They are already dating behind ur back. Leave them both and never look back


Your sister should respect you and do as you ask her to do


They’re cheating already.


This is not appropriate on any level. He’s a dirt bag for doing it and she’s a home wrecker for not respecting boundaries. They fuckin ……bottom line babe. Get out while you still can and raise that baby in a healthy environment without that drama!

Under no circumstances is that normal, especially if you’ve brought it to attention & been brushed off. Don’t put up with that!


Yeah they playing you girl


Regardless of whether they are actually up to no good, making clear that it makes you uncomfortable & then they carry on doing it is major disrespect!!


You should tell them both to go play games with someone else. And raise your child without their bullshit.

Is this real life? :woman_facepalming: I’m soo sorry you are dealing with this. Better yourself and get away from those toxic fools.

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They are definitely fucking.

Miranda Chastain I have a sister that would do shady shit like that. It’s fucking sad. :exploding_head:

Why aren’t you invited? If you don’t want to go with them why isn’t your own sister offering to just hang out with you instead?
I think something shady is happening here. Get rid of the boyfriend.


You need to plan on being a single Mom. Get out of your relationship now. If your sister is going places with your man and not oncluding you . You will never do things with him. They are both a pair of no good human beings. Bring you new baby up better than they are. GET OUT NOW!!!You are going to be hurt and hurt bad.


Been there. Bye bye sister and bf, not worth it, I promise


My older sister tries to do this all the time with my boyfriends and exes. Just ignore it and him.

Yeah they’re together. Because there’s no way. I say cut them both off and enjoy your life with your baby


Nah that’s not normal at all. Even on the off chance they aren’t doing anything they’re disrespecting your boundaries.


Get rid of both of them and make sure you get that asshole on child support and you definitely should file for full custody so he has little rights and can’t take your child without permission and you control circumstances.

Maybe if you all live together, hide some cameras where they’d be if alone. Put audio recordings in bathroom etc. Download an app that all his messages go to your phone too.
But at the end of the day THEY BOTH DISRESPECTING YOU!!!
Know your worth!!! You deserve better than 2 ppl who’s supposed to love you and especially your sister who’s to have your back, making you out to look dumb.


You are the side piece and I’d kick the shit out of my sister for crossing that line.

You’re the side piece unfortunately


You need to dump both of them she is not dont need her in your life if she does this once she will keep doing it she is jelous of you

Bin them both off. They are welcome to each other. Go live a happy life with your baby x


You are crazy…crazy for allowing it. I would have already beat the crap out of both of them.


Camera 1st for proof…when you get that, they can’t lie and walk from both.

Dump them both NOW‼️ AND don’t look back‼️


Smack em both in the mouth… Or atleast thats what i would do anyway lmao

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Sounds like you may be the side chick… I would run fast and cut ties with your toxic sister


Speaking from experience … Nothing good will come out of this situation. I know it may be difficult considering you are pregnant but I’d say your best option is to cut ties with both of them. You don’t need that negativity in your life. Two people who are supposed to love & care about you are completely disregarding your feelings and that is inappropriate on so many levels!


Honey you need to kick them both to the curb… They’re definitely together !


Leave . You are the side piece , from how you explain it . It’s time to go .


Lose them both you deserve better


That is so disrespectful of them. I would talk to each one and let them know how I feel about it and that if they continue then they can have each other and cut them both off. This situation is so weird. I wouldn’t be putting up with that. And I mean, you’re pregnant. You don’t need this bullshit.

Maybe they are planning a baby shower


I know how you feel. My boyfriend would hang out with his female best friend more than me, and it irriated me badly, because if I was home I would basically not exist to him when she came over to visit and what pissed me off more, is she would show up 3 to 4 times a week, hang out for a good 3 hours with him, even after I went to work, he would leave with her in the morning and get themselves something to eat and bring it back and eat it in front of me,not even considering getting me something. Things have gotten a little better since she moved to Texas., but I get to look forward to this treatment again when she comes back to Illinois to visit family and friends around the holidays. He wonders why I had a bad jealous streak whenever she was around and it doesn’t help that she would constantly sit right next to him on the couch, and not even ask if I wanted to sit by him when I woke up. I was always in the corner by the window like it was my assigned seat whenever she was around, I felt like Baby in Dirty Dancing , with the acception no one was saying No one puts baby in the corner. I finally let this all out on him after she left state. No female should get all of your man’s attention, no matter friend, sister, cousin ect.


You have every right

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i’d cut them BOTH out of my life SO FAST.

it’s literally not even worth your time.


Fuck that. Leave his ass. Ain’t no way, I’d ever allow that disrespect from either of them. Your sister is your blood and you bf should always respect how you feel. Nah, you deserve better mama

Your sister needs herself slapped back into reality! Heaven help the mister that comes between me and my sister. I’m sorry your sister is having fun off of your misery.


I agree with everyone, if they can’t include you on their outings or respect your wishes, loose them both, I know it’s hard to disconnect from a family member, but as your sister she should respect your wishes and be there for you, and not for him.


You can’t tell them they can’t be friends but they shouldn’t exclude you all the time. You should want him to get along with your family.

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Tell both of them goodbye. Period. I’ll be danged if my sister ever did that or my man. They have absolutely zero respect for you AND you’re pregnant. Girl you can do bad all by yaself! Don’t forget it.


That’s the problem… getting close enough to get pregnant without a solid commitment. Yes, I’m a Karen that has common sense.


Lolol are you blind? So, are you still with him? Girl move on


Thats very disrespectful and concerning. You need tell your boyfriend to stop hanging out with your sister or you’re done. Red flag all the way.


Uhhhhhhhm, yeah. That’s messed up.

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Hey… this is from experience…
My first ex… i was madly in love with… my best friend I wanted to do everything with too.
She came along on almost every date we had.
Whoa so comes down to a Halloween date night in which they left me in a cornfield maze alone.
I found them walking holding each other side by side by their hips.
They were together a month before he even got with me… that was almost a year.
He was cheating the whole time. And he went to the same college as her.
Please leave them. They have no respect for your feelings or your baby. I know it’s hard and heartbreaking. You need to for your own sanity.


BOY BYE and yes he’s obviously a BOY, the sister would go too​:rofl::rofl:


Get gone. Fuck them both. Let her have them and you see your sisters true colors. Been there. Good luck, you can do the single mom thing it’s hard but so worth it!! Stay strong!

Yeah… I would break up with him… let’s get married and make me officially your wife,or I’m gone…

Get a new Sister and boyfriend…


Go with them everywhere or have a long talk with both and see how much they love you or get rid of them and get some pride in yourself for not putting up with being crapped on like that. And quit getting pregnant or sleeping with guys you aren’t married to or that loves you instead of just using you. Use your head. You have a child to think of, love & raise so start thinking about the responsibility for a while and making plans.


Neither has respect for you. Peace out to both.