My parents are kicking me and my kids out, I don't make enough money to do it on my own

Long story, so a few yrs ago due to me leaving an ex I had no option but to move into my parents house. It’s very hard living with my parents but I’ve done it so long bc they are not in good health and need me. I have 4 children and I understand it may be hard for my kids to be under their roof! I do work and do contribute as much as I can and it’s still not good enough. They have made it VERY clear they no longer want us in their house. I do not make enough to move out on my own and I’m just at a loss of what to possible do! Does anyone have any suggestions! I’d greatly appreciate it!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My parents are kicking me and my kids out, I don't make enough money to do it on my own

Unfortunately if they want you out, you’ll have to figure out how to do it on your own. Government assistance, (food stamps, health insurance, daycare assistance, sometimes rent assistance) low income housing. But they cannot just tell you to get out in like a day. Legally they have to give you time, as you’re an established resident there.


Some communities offer housing help for the county or Hud housing.
I took out loans for online schooling while working and used it to get a place to rent. However depending on your credit you could try to use it for a down payment on a house and maybe qualify for a first time home buyers loan. Hope these ideas help.

There are a lot of free got grants sum will pay ur rent

Does your county have the homeless program at your dept of social services they help pay for your 1st and deposit plus put u in motel till like few weeks till you can find housing mayb apply for housing hud too

Apply to public housing , apply for government assistance, seek out women and children shelters…


I would look into local housing programs such as section 8 or local housing authority. My husband is on disability and even when I am able able work which I can’t right now during pregnancy we barely make ends meet after paying bills and making sure our kids were cared for so that is what we had to do. No one ever wants to live in those places but when you have little income it is greatly needed and a great help especially where children are concerned. Of course check into other government programs until you are able to get on your feet better. That is the reason those programs are there to help those who truly need the help. But remember they have to give you time to find housing and leave and legally they have to give you verbal, written, and the court ordered notices so if they try to make you get out on a whim they legally can’t make you, you have to be allowed time to find other arrangements.

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Check your resources in your town, see if they have rental assistance, churches help, section 8


Government assisted homes /apartments


I’m just wondering when you thought you’d ever be able to move out. Is the future and your kids life never a question? This should’ve been figured out awhile ago


Check out or call 211 from your phone and see what housing assistance programs are available in your area.

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Whatever county you live in should have some sort of public assistance office. Call them and apply for everything!


4 kids under your income alone, you should qualify for govt assistance depending on your location. And hey, there’s no shame in being on it.


Sounds like its time for you to put your big girl panties on and do what you need too do!

They are not in good health and still want you to leave. They are too old let them enjoy the remainder of their life kidless and stress free!


go to a shelter and see if they can help you

I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and understand completely how you’re feeling :broken_heart: I would see what help and services are available to you, specifically housing. You’re amazing and doing the best you can given the circumstances; I’m sorry your family isn’t able to see that and it says a lot about who they are as people. You deserve a stable and healthy environment for you and the kids.


Once they officially evict you, apply through social services for TANF, food stamps, medicaid, rental assistance, anything and everything you can apply for. They will track down your ex/exes for the TANF.


See if your town has housing


Obviously they DONT need you, as they are putting u AND your kids out. Girl get away from them.


Honestly it sounds like you need to do some growing up. You have four kids of your own now, it is not your parents responsibility to support the five of you. I can’t imagine the stress they are under having 5 extra mouths to feed and being in poor health. You need to see what your local and federal resources are for help and then go from there. It’s going to be hard, but it will be okay, you will make it and your kids will look up to you knowing that you did it for them.


Look into local income based housing! It’s typically older folks on disability who live in these places and I typically find them to be better neighborhoods than most “low income” or “project” housing situations.


I’m in the same situation it is really hard rn with prices on everything going up it’s almost impossible for single parents to survive keep your head up mana I hope everything works out for you but definitely check your states Government housing ASAP cause the waiting list takes a long time


Go sign up for section 8 an low income housing. Food stamps etc. Put job applications in everywhere you see a now hiring sign. Don’t let pride get in your way.


Parents would never do that to you unless you were completely disrespectful and unappreciative. Repeatedly


Government housing and assistance.


I’d be applying for child support and everything else available to you


Move some where with cheaper living like Alabama or Mississippi ?

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Kinda odd they need help? They are kicking you out


Go ask for help. You sound like you need help. Anyone who needs help deserves help. Go ask

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Just apply for welfare and look for a place to rent

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Check out For RENT Kentucky low income housing some HUD assisted housing available

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Many of the income
Based complexes accept approved section 8 housing vouchers

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lower your standard of living. Cheaper area, lower income area, hood…. whatever you can afford and get out. When they “need you” be busy. you very likely qualify for food stamps and help with utilities.


call Red cross
catholic charities


Once you’re over 18 anything you’re parent do is out of love…I’d try and get your own place


PS; start taking steps. They cannot “make you leave” without filing formal eviction. Have something ready and lined up before it’s to that point, you have time.


First they are not in good health and they need you but you work. What do they need you to do?
5 extra people in a house is alot. Especially with 4 kids. Maybe your parents are tired


There has to be programs out there to help you get on your feet

Look for low income housing & apply for food stamps, Medicaid , daycare assistance… anything government can give out.


Get on a waiting list for income based housing ASAP! With current housing environment I’m sure it will take some time. Worse case you’ll have to go to a shelter once you’re there they’ll find you housing.


Did you save any money in those few years that you were there?
Child Support?
Did you expect to live there forever?
Having 5 extra people in your house for a few years can be very tough. As adults we have to grow up and figure things out without depending on our parents.


U gotta learn to take care of yourself on your own. Most likely that is what your parents are trying to show you. Parents don’t live forever… Then what!?


Income housing go file n see if u can be put on a waiting list.


That’s what sucks about being a single mom. Good luck to you. Almost every county in America has a housing problem. I won’t say shelter shortages cuz there’s literally a house to house every man woman and child but they make it impossible.

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Start kissing your parents butt.

Apply for housing and assistance

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Years of living with someone and you haven’t saved enough to get your own place? :grimacing:


If there was domestic violence in the previous relationship, they have vouchers to help with deposits for gas & electricity.


Apply for assistance. As a single mother with 4 kids you should be able get assistance such as housing, food, etc. Also, if you’re not receiving child support you need to be filing for that as well.


Time to bounce, mama! Look for and apply for low-income based housing, here it’s mostly apartments. They base your rent on your income and so they are great for single parents.

Keep working.

Figure out what the problem is with your child support, or file for that if for some reason you haven’t.

If you are taking steps in the right direction, maybe your parents will see an end in sight and let up on you a little. At least not kick you out.
Sounds like everyone will be happier when you’re not all crammed under one roof.
You got this!


Talk to your parents. Tell them you’re going to apply immediately for low income housing and DO IT. Reign your kids in. Have them do chores and make sure that house is spic and span. Keep the noise level tolerable. Make sure they’re respecting your parents. Everyone is in a bad situation but your parents didn’t take your kids to raise. They’re tired. You’ve been there long enough to have filed for housing. I’ve been in this exact same position with my daughter. She only had a part time job. Wouldn’t save any money. Didn’t make and effort to get a place of her own. I had to cook and clean up after kids because she refused to help me reinforce any rules. Told them they didn’t have to listen to me when I asked for help. Yes. I booted her out. Parents can only do so much. Grow up.


Call housing authority, they’ll help you get started


I know you don’t want to hear this, but you need to overcome tough obstacles in life to succeed. I’m sure your parents want nothing more than to be close to you and your children, but we all deserve our own space, especially your children. Many women have gone through similar situations you will get through it, mothers are the strongest people because you do what you have to for your babies, don’t doubt yourself. Sending you lots of love and positive vibes!


A few years ? With 4 kids? It’s not their job to raise your family , jeez.


Oh my God guys, less of the judgemental comments.


Better sign up for assistance/and or public housing ‘til you can do better :ok_hand:t5::+1:t5::bangbang::100:


Apply for section 8.


So tough love time - from someone who has been there as a single mom. You approached this post like you are doing them a favor, shake that. Clearly they don’t need you if they are willing to ask you to leave. They’ve let you live there for years and you haven’t taken the steps to get an education or save? I can tell you - if you view the situation from the hard but accurate view you’ll start making moves to get yourself independent.

Save every penny, get a 2nd job ASAP, file for child support, get into an online school, file for assistance … time to start doing whatever it takes. It’ll be hard, you’ll be exhausted … but once you take the steps to better earning potential life will get so much easier.

Remind yourself every day - YOU are responsible for you and your children and YOU have all the power to improve your circumstance. That is a heavy realization but an amazing one. When I was working 2 jobs and going to school I reminded myself of that every day. I was dependent on my ex while we were together and was in a TOUGH spot when we split. Hard work got me out of it… wish I could say it didn’t suck but it did. Working and school took almost every ounce of energy I had so raising my daughter was a challenge. Hardest year of my life hands down but it paid off! Flew by and when I was done I got a job that meant I only had to work one, didn’t have to stress all the time about bills and was able to not depend on anyone. It’s an amazing feeling!

Options for single moms are work hard and tread water or work really, really hard and get ahead. No it’s not fair, but it’s reality.

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Look for low income housing, they have in rental apartments too. Apply for food stamps and child support, plus cash assistance.


Housing goes by income

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Support from your X is a start


They want their space… time to figure it out you a grown woman with kids


Yoy said you’ve only been there that long because you’ve been helping take care of your parents, then say you can’t afford to move out. I definitely understand it’s difficult to be a single parent, especially with 4 kids. But there is help out there. I’d start applying for affordable housing, food stamps, look into church programs, if domestic violence was an issue there might be organizations in your area that helps home yoy and your family qt a price you can afford


A few years ago…you’ve lived there for a few years and have made no effort to leave. Maybe this is what you need to become independent :thinking:


Where ya at momma I got 3 kiddos let’s find us a big ole rental!


Their is a wait list for section 8 or public housing but apply. Look for organizations in the community that help with families, single moms for assistance also look in your area for HUD housing do applications they go off your income to. You got this you will find if you seek. Good luck look for fulltime job get your kids child care for the day while you work you got this momma.


Deff use any resources available to you. It will take time but you will get on your feet and be okay. Sometimes we need the push to get ourselves going. As a mama you’ll do what you gotta do and figure it out. It’s what we do!! Best of luck


With the stimmy checks plus your tax returns, I’m wondering how you didn’t have enough to move out then?
I was a single parent to 3 children and did it on my own, no help from child support or anything. It’s possible, get your shit together and get outta there!

Sec8;…it sucks… but its a roof and affordable. Wait lists are usually long, but if you tell them you and the kids are homeless or soon to be, it might speed it along some.

I would start with filing for child support for the kiddos! Also, ask some trusted people in your life if anybody would like to be roommates. If it comes down to it, there are resources that will help single mothers with affordable housing. Good luck to you.


There is assistance as well as check with your tax prepare. You should be receiving 250.00 per child 6 thru 17 and 300.00 per child under six every month theu December


You got 4 kids you got plenty of help if you apply yourself


Do you not get child support?
4 kids and being a single mom, you’d probably qualify for food stamps, child care assistance and maybe even living assistance. I’d definitely look into getting help. No shame when you’re trying to get back on your feet.


You need to get 2 jobs so you can get a place urself. Look for help

Food stamps, wic, section 8, google food pantries near u


Dont play victim, youve overstayed your welcome. Youll figure it out as we all do in life.


I was in almost the exact same situation. My parents kind a pushed me to leave. I started the process of trying to buy a home and used the money from my tax return as a down payment. I never thought I would be able to own my own house with raising 3 daughter’s. However, it’s been 4 years on our own and it’s been great for my relationship with my parents. It was just too much for all of us to be under one roof. Anyways every day is a struggle but it’s my struggle and I’m making work come hell or high water. You can too! I promise you that when it comes to your kids you will find a way! Good luck. Hope it works out!


Section 8 in my area is a joke. The best thing to do is look into income based housing. In my area there is normally a waiting list tho. Check into free/low cost daycare programs. They are normally income based as well. If you don’t have state aid go ahead and apply for it but I’m gonna guess you already do. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Make a plan and stick to it. When everything seems like it’s total choas and your not sure what to do remember that list and go over it. It will get you back on track. Mom of two. I’ve started over a few times now. Somehow us moms always find a way

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Try to find an apt that goes by your income and let them know you’re going to be homeless and will likely get in faster as it’s an emergency and you have kids

Contact public assistance agencies in your city.

Well said Danielle Friday !!!:revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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Go after child support should help!

Try looking into some based on income housing and if you can’t find any a 1 bedroom apartment is better than being homeless. You should be able to get government assistance to help pay for health insurance, food and daycare. You can do it


Some churches may help with some sort of assistance. I have no idea what it’s called but there may be an option out there that can help with a down payment atleast for a place, possibly even help with electric, Google something with that in there and see if anything pops up. I didn’t use it, but heard someone has.

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You got this. Look into resources that can help you get on your feet.

Clearly they don’t actually need you. Time to put your big girl pants on a problem solve it out. There are a ton of welfare programs out there for single mothers and you should probably start there. It probably won’t be as nice as what you’re used to at your parents but you have to start somewhere.


I can’t imagine being of ill health and having 4 children to look after. It must be tiring.
Question though… everyone saying parents cannot just kick their children out because they are ‘tenants’… is that a US thing? Seems odd to me

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You definitley need to find government housing near you. I had to do the same when me and my husband split. I have 3 kids. You can do it. Is it scary and hard? Hell yes. But it can be done. I am only able to work part time bc child care is outrageous but we make it work and so will you. Good luck to you!

Income based housing is basically your best option. Child support and also possibly a higher paying job if possible of course would help as I’m sure you already know.

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What state are you in?

Honestly I just went through a situation similar, only not living with my parents, there’s actually plenty of resources to help single parents, full time employment is a great start, and definitely take advantage of the help.


Depending on your location, there’s so many resources through the county and state… Look into it.

Apply for state assistance. Apply for higher paying jobs.

I think you may need welfare for a bit and maybe help with schooling

Get assistance…it’s their space… saying they’re in poor health is making excuses for yourself not them… if they wanted or needed your help they’d ask


Your fault… Its been years?? You should have signed up for housing soon as you have to move in with your parents. You would have been considered homeless and got help alot faster. Also you say your parents need you?? But if they want yall to move out they clearly dont need you.


Do you get child support? Have you filed for it? How about assistance or housing?


Public housing. HUD rent program.

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Look up Catholic charities, they have loads of money, and should be helping single moms. God luck and God bless. I know it’s not easy, I’ve been in your shoes.

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