My parents are kicking me and my kids out, I don't make enough money to do it on my own

I had “one” (1) child because I made a bad choice for a “Father” to my child and realized it after he was born … I couldn’t leave because I had never worked … (and by the time
I COULD get out … I was too old to have any more children)… and I wouldn’t have Made enough to pay for child care … the difference here is … I STOPPED after one child … I know it’s closing the gate after the horse gets out … but WHY keep having kids … when you know you can’t support them …???


Single parenting is challenging may God see all the single parents needs :disappointed_relieved:


I am not sure what you do for a living, but right now, there is an endless supply of jobs and everyone is short handed, so if you aren’t making enough money at your current job, DO NOT HESITATE to apply for a new job somewhere else, especially right now there are tons of work from home options to that will help you save on daycare. Next, look up and research all the programs in your area that you may qualify for; low income house, WIC, Food Stamps, EBT; Reach out to your local churches and see if they have a list of people that are willing to rent granny flats, etc that you can rent/afford. There are options out there, you just need to take a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other and slowly move forward. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it. We manifest what we tell ourselves. A shift in your attitude, will make a big difference in your own personal self confidence and while you may not be able to afford the luxuries you’ve grown accustomed to living at your parents house, you’ll be able to get them back but you just have to do it.


Where’s the kids father? Hey, hold him accountable. Do your best, cut your spending, seek government help and make a life for yourself and your children. Good luck.


You’vebeen there 4 YEARS and haven’t saved money to get your own place? Putting 10 bucks away for 4 years would have given you over 2k. Where is their father? Not paying you support? You have had 4 years to take care of that. If that’s the problem. If he is, where has that gone? Where’s your paycheck going? Not working? Why not? You need to STEP up.


They obviously don’t need you if they’re kicking you out. Look into local resources and shelters and housing options based on income, get daycare vouchers etc, you can do it, gotta learn to rely on yourself and be the strong one for your kids❤️


I need to know how old the children are? If one or two of them are working age, can they not help? I’m a single parent of two children and I worked retail to pay my bills. When I went back to college, I worked at night so I didn’t have to move back in with my parents. It was extremely hard but I was determined to do it and it happened. There are a lot of factors not present in your story. What happened with your income taxes, stimulus checks, and the extra child tax money?


You can probably get emergency help for housing.


Sigh up for affordable housing. Hun I don’t know how old your parent’s are but when we get older we lose our patients rappedly our nerves are not like when we we’re young.


Is this post real. It’s hard on you and your kids living with your parents. They already raised their family, you shouldn’t be complaining that they want their home back. Wise up.


Yes get help from social services. Call them right away make sure you tell them you have been asked to move and have no where to go. They will put you at the top of the waiting list. Been their done that. Then they will help you with college too.

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Call your local DHHR, they should be able to help with food stamps and medical. As far as rent goes they CNA help set you up with emergency Lodging and get into HUD. Local missions can help with bills and household needs until you find a solution

Ask the government for help.

It must be hard for your kids to be under their roof?:woman_facepalming: clearly it’s harder for your parents to have y’all under their roof​:woman_shrugging: that annoyed me sorry, if it’s been 4 years that’s outstaying your welcome just a bit. Why’s everyone so entitled nowadays. Let your parents live quietly and contact your local council homeless or organisation that may help. Your parents have done more than their bit but good luck :heart:


Look into Housing, goes by income

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you are fortunate to have had your parents take you AND your children in. I have made it clear to my 6 children that once they have a child they have to be on their own.


Apply to your towns rental assistance programs, also housing.

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Years later and still can’t afford it? What have you been doing…? Suck it up and get more hours and/or a better paying job.

She said a few yrs. ago she split with an ex and has been with her parents. Also it’s hard on her kids. It must be a nightmare for her parents! Grow up and get out!

I am so sorry for you and your kids. I would live in the garage before I kicked my bay and her babies out. I am sorry I don’t have any advice for you but just wanted to let you know I will pray for you.


Shoulda thought of that before you got knocked up !

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You need to get your own place with 4 kids. Go to the shelter and do what you gotta do so you can have your own. You say it’s hard for your kids to be under their roof and I’m sure it’s hard for them to have 4 kids under theirs. I’m sure there’s another side to this story…

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Maybe ask for more hours from your employer or get government assistance. Although I’m sure your parents love you and their grandchildren, It isn’t fair on your parents to have you all living under their roof. You and your children are not their responsibility

Hmmm, I’d love to “ raise” my grands. I’d help my daughter any way that I could for as long as I could. My child and her children will always be welcome under my roof. It’s more likely that I need her or them than they will ever need me. Mine are never a bother to me, never have been and never will be. To each their own , I guess, but folks really should become self- sufficient before having children. Where is the dad and why isn’t he helping with expenses… there in may lie the problem, He should be supporting those children and putting a roof over their head!


Section 8 or public housing is everywhere. You should have applied years ago. I don’t know you or your parents personally or your situation but chances are someone in this scenario is an inconsiderate asshole.

If you don’t make enough to afford it on your own, you should qualify for HUD.

You’ll figure it out. I’ve been on my own since I was in HS. I never went back home even when I was homeless with a 2 year old. Just grind it out, girl. Just do it.