My parents don't want me visiting their house, what should I do?

I would telly mom he said that to see if that how she feels too.

First step is figuring out if you actually believe him on your mom’s behalf. Than take it from there.

Sounds like you’re leaving something out. There’s tension, why? Where’s the conflict you need to give more context

Give them their space. They love you very much but everyone needs space.

Especially if shes always watching your sister’s kids, she probably just wants to enjoy her home in peace.

If you’re bored during the day, maybe you can help with your sister’s kids and you could take them to visit your parents once a week? That way your mom gets her peace in her home, your sister has a safe person to leave her kids with, and you arent left with boredom. AND you still get to go visit your parents but without overstaying your welcome.

Either way, I’m sorry it hurts your feelings but your mama loves you. She just needs some peace and some empty space in her home. And that’s okay :purple_heart:

Parents deserve to have a life too and may just want to enjoy time together. It wouldn’t matter who it was, I wouldn’t want someone hanging around regularly. If they’re already watching the sister’s kids, they may just want time alone. Visiting to say hello is one thing, to spend your days over there is kinda weird to me.

Sounds like it’s your step dad saying it. He doesn’t want you to tell your mom.

You are using them. What do you expect? So rude. You visit parents because you care and to spend time with them. Not to go and do your hair because you are bored. My god

My mum would be sad if I didn’t visit

Talk to your mom!!!

Talk to your mom about it.

What about getting a job? That would occupy your day.

My momma’s house as well as my aunts’ houses were ALWAYS open to ALL the children in the family. We were always a very closeknit family on my dad’s side as well as my mom’s side. I would definitely speak to my mom if anyone other than her told me not to come to her house!


Talk to your mom. My guess is she has no clue what he did behind her back


I know this feeling. My mom used to keep my sister’s kids but never mine & I really think it was to do with one of my kids being disabled but who truly knows. I’ll pray for you!. If they’re gonna be like that, me being me, I’d probably not see them hardly ever after this.

I think they just want privacy. Maybe they want to have sex or walk around naked without having to worry about having someone around. I think you should make ur place feel more safe and stop going over as much. Let them miss you a little bit

I would mention it to your mom in the most loving way possible. Sounds almost like he doesn’t want you there and mom has no clue he said that :woman_shrugging:t3:
My husband works offshore so the weeks he is gone my mom and I hang out almost daily, unless one of us is having a hard day or just not feeling well then we stay home. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s never easy to be told you’re not wanted around. But I’d definitely discuss it with your momma and make sure. If she’s in agreement then she should talk to you about it. Set up boundaries of what is felt appropriate or not. But if it’s what they want then you should respect that.

You should not feel bad going over there. I would never tell my kids to not come see me. My door is open 24/7 for my kids and grandkids.
I would talk to your mom. Chances are she don’t even know he said that. Chances are your mom never said anything like that to him.
Also if there ever was a man in my life that said that to my children, he would be gone.
Wherever I am it’s home to my children and that will never change.
Talk to your mama darlin. Talk to your mama.
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you did something wrong. They are wrong for saying that.

Everyone needs time alone so if it’s a daily thing, I can understand. When you’re there, are you doing things to help them? Are you helping with meals, cleaning, gardening, etc? I’m not sure how old your parents are but helping them might make things more palatable

My step mom did the same thing to me and my sister. So as of to this day I don’t go over there unless my dad asks us to come over. I did tell my dad what she told me and my sister. And its sad my little boy doesn’t even know his grandpa.

Tell mom mommy’s never say that to there kids ever in less that mad but thay don’t mean it if u any kind of a mom she never said that

If he is your step dad I’d 100% speak up and say something to your mom. Fuck that shit. No parent is ever going to truly tell their kid to stay away. If he has a problem with it that’s on him. This baffles me. I am a step mom and i would NEVER tell my child she couldn’t come over. Especially if she felt unsafe while being alone where she lived. I’d pick her up every day personally.

Could really be nothing. Older folks like naps, peace and quiet.

Bring it up to ur mom n then stay away from them

in my experience, learn to live with out them

Step dad ? He’s not eve ur real dad pffffttttt go right over that fools head and tell ur mother what he said
Creep trying to push u away
Not on my watch :upside_down_face:

Id be asking my mom wtf regardless of what he has to say

Talk to your Mom. Anytime someone says ''Dont tell so n so…tell so n so

Definitely go to mom.