My partner constantly hears voices in his head: How can I be there for him?

You should consider speaking with his parents or family. This sounds like paranoid schitzophrenia. He can harm himself or others if he doesn’t seek treatment. He will only continue to involve you in his paranoias and that only results in him harming you more and more down the road. Help him and get out of the way when you need to.


Went thru this exactly .

Isnt that what people say when they kill… the voices told me to do it… be careful get him help asap…Sorry if that’s insensitive


If he can’t tell the doctors, you need to. Sounds like this could lead to a very unsafe situation for him, you, or even your kids (if you guys have any) if he just continues on like this.

Awful feeling when he calls u with a gun to daughters head for her to say her goodbyes . To be honest I got in my car drove 16 hrs to where I thought he was . Lucky never did find him .

You need to contact his family or next of kin and explain the problem. Then the two of you need to find a doctor who will listen, go in to see the doctor with him and say what he won’t. What he’s doing sounds like schizophrenia. Untreated it’s progressive and can lead to you being physically abused. Hopefully he will get treatment. Once he does, make sure he stays on it. If, at any point, he stops taking his meds, get out. Fast.

He needs mental health checked by the best docs

When I finally let him go it was a huge weight off of my shoulder bc not only does schizophrenia mess with him mentally it messes with you too. If he will not get the help he needs it’s probably better if you leave.

Take him to a neurologist. He could be having seizures. My sister was having some mental issues and the seizures ended up being the root of it. She’s on medication now and she is so much better.

Stop whispering in his ear at night

I’d call his docs and tell them what’s up. Not sure they can tell you anything unless you’re on his paperwork but there’s nothing saying you can’t tell them things.
He is a danger to you right now. And that danger is growing with every second this is left unchecked.
Maybe if you call his drs y’all can get him 5150’ed


I hear voices but I have bipolar and borderline personality disorder get him to make an appointment with his gp

He needs to see an actual psychiatrist because this could be schizophrenia which a serious mental illness and dangerous if not treated. If the doctors aren’t listening, take him to a psych doctor.


Get him to inpatient mental health RIGHT NOW.

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He’s probably schizophrenic

For all of you saying to leave him, what about when you get married what about for sickness and health, right now he’s sick and he needs help, it doesn’t mean you just ditch him when he’s at his lowest, that’s f***** up. Right now he needs you more than ever he’s probably scared himself.


I would go talk to my doctor myself. Explain and ask his opinion. I’m sure you’ll get help. I WISH YOU MUCH LUCK!:crossed_fingers:t3:

You need to get him help TODAY!! NOW!! CALL YOUR LOCAL MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE OR TAKE HIM TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. HE NEEDS HELP. My cousin has this and although hers was caused from using drugs, she’s so much better since she’s been on medication and in therapy. I’ll pray for you. ((Hugs))

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This is literally how schizophrenia starts out. Esp the paranoid delusions. He needs professional help and to be honest with his doctors.


He should definitely get impatient psychiatric help

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He needs to be seen professionally and given suitable medication. It sounds like schizophrenia, which by the way is very much able to be helped and allow someone to live a majority normal life.
My father is schizophrenic, he has the correct medication and has been able to work, drive, parent his children.

I’m starting to understand why at a young age my mum kept his diagnosis from me so I didn’t discuss it with others and have them make me fear my father because wow!

Yes schizophrenia can be a dangerous mental illness if left untreated but they are people who need help, not monsters x

I would recommend him seeing a psychiatrist if he hasn’t been to one yet

He is gonna hurt you or somebody else if you don’t get him help


Tell the doctor. ask for opinions on how to manage it. Ask how to deal with it. They should give you pointers

Paranoid schizophrenia. Voices. He needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Those voices can become hostile and he could act out violently. Please make a Dr’s appointment and go with him!


You can be there by making sure he gets the help he needs hun. Just stand by him


He needs to see a psychiatrist asap!! 

Try to get him to speak to a doctor. There are a bunch of potential causes. It could be anything from bipolar disorder to schizophrenia to an episode of psychosis. If he is unwilling to be honest with doctors then for your own safety it might be best to remove yourself from the situation until he does. I’m not saying he will pose any risk to you or anyone else but from you’ve said it seems as though you’re concerned because the episodes seem to be getting worse.


You need to talk with his doctor. Prayers hugs and love coming :pray::heart::pray::heart::pray::heart:

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You go with him n tell the doctors the truth or have him be put on a 72 hour hold

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I also hear voices in my head. It’s not usually people I know though it’s just like a party line. I’ve even seen things that aren’t there but I know they’re not there and nobody’s telling me to do anything bad. The sky just said I had Charles Bonnet syndrome. He also said it only happens to people when they are very old and going blind in the hospital but on occasion it happens to younger people with nothing wrong with them. He said it would be going away within 4 years. It’s been more than 10. Apparently you can turn down the voices but I just telling them to turn down. I was told up by a psychic and I don’t really believe in psychics I’m a Christian but just so you know what they said. The important thing is whether The voices are telling him to do bad things. That something else all together. Likely schizophrenia. There are medications one can be prescribed. I’m on Cipralex And I don’t see things anymore and I just ignore the voices a lot easier

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Y’all. Stop diagnosing people. I am in the field. There are so many things could be. So just stop. Yes he needs to be evaluated.


Your husband is suffering a mental crisis. You being there for him is not going to be enough. He is headed straight into complete psychosis and with him blaming you, you are in danger.
If you can involuntarily commit him, do it so he can get the professional help he needs.


You need to insist that he see a psychiatrist and you need to go with him and set the record straight so he can get proper treatment. Despite the stigma, schizophrenia is very treatable and people who have it can live normal, fulfilling lives with consistent treatment. Many times it’s hard for them to get treatment because they’re weary of doctors due to paranoia induced by their illness. He may need a week of in patient treatment to get settled or he may be able to see a psychiatrist and get acclimated to meds at home. People with schizophrenia have a high risk of self harm during episodes, and sometimes even unintentionally harm others. Delaying treatment and half measures are not an option. You need to figure out something now.


You are not able to fix this type of mental illness. He need real professional help


Sounds like he is schizophrenic


You need to talk to the doctor not just him


Get him to a health care professional. Facebook and the internet isn’t the place to go for a diagnosis.

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Go to his doctor before something worse becomes of it


Honey, I’m fearful for your Personal Safety. You’ve been with this man for a good minute and you don’t want to desert him but Schizophrenia is No Joke and can get progressively worst Even if they put him on meds it takes a minute to show effectiveness.
My Prayers for you and your dude.:pray:t5:


Being his biggest advocate is very important!!! If you have any questions, ask! Concerns, anything. If this is the beginning, this is very important to catch and properly handle/ treat. I look it as being trapped in your mind and they can’t get past the mental illness to get out and properly seek help and make decisions. Good luck to both of you.

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He needs to see both a psych doctor and a neurologist ASAP. This doesn’t mean he is ‘crazy’ or has a serious mental illness. He could have something physically wrong in other areas, especially his brain, but even something as minor as a vitamin deficiency causing these “voices.” Make an appointment with his primary, let them know exactly how severe the issue is and figure it out from there. This is an emergency though, as both a physical or mental issue causing these symptoms could get serious fast. Don’t sit on this.


Sounds like schizophrenia. Especially bc he thinks you have something to do w it. It causes extreme paranoia. How old is he? Please be safe as those voices can make him truly believe you’re doing something to harm him & he may try to hurt/k*ll you.


Schizophrenia. Needs treated. An old neighbor had it and stopped taking his medication… It got so bad that he’d see someone out walking and come charging outside to argue and try to attack people. He’d threatened to blow everyone up at the complex and even punched his tiny little mom in the face and knocked her straight to the ground. He heard voices but not just from people he knew… the longer he was off his meds, he started telling people the devil is after him and the devil wanted him to do things… Finally the cops took him and MADE him STAY at a mental hospital and he was gone for a good 6-7 months… He’s back now and I guess doing great and is actually taking his medication. He’s also walked into peoples houses, charged after people and he’d have knives… I know schizophrenia is something nobody can help but sometimes it can get too bad where they listen to bad voices tell them to do BAD things. Get him professional help and if you have too, go see a different doctor

Sounds like he’s developed schizophrenia. He needs to see a dr and get on meds … I’m sorry, love

He needs professional help

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13509 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


My husband experiences this. Google told me its a form of dissociation, but not always schizophrenia. Hewring vocies can be a synptom of ptsd and severe depression as well

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My brother is gone Bc the voices got to much and he tried to drowned them out and couldn’t so he listened to them instead of the people around him… he wrecked cars, ripped mirrors and things down swearing they were watching him, we went to the hospital and he swore they were planting a bomb inside to kill him… he thought if he touched his gf they would kill her so he didn’t touch her for 6 months almost… we chased him down for hrs because “they” were chasing him… if you don’t get him help it’s only gonna get worse… video it or something but be sure he doesn’t see you doing it… then he will really turn on u and it could take a turn for the worse… you can only do so much tho…

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Take recordings of his behavior and show the Dr’s. If it just magically started 1.5yra ago. Their is likely something going on in his brain that’s more than just psychological

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You need to be concerned of your wellbeing at this point


If he can’t be honest with his doctor he can’t get better.

If you’re not married yet and he’s not getting the help for whatever reason, someone needs to move out and stay somewhere else because it sounds dangerous tbh

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You can’t help him by yourself, he needs professional help he’s developing schizophrenia


You need to call the Dr’s & tell them. You don’t have to be involved, per se, but in order for him to get help, they have to know. I had to finally email all the VA Dr’s bc my husband has brain damage & he’d forget what to ask or what they said. So, I did it. But, we were married & I’m listed on everything.

My advice, sadly… Your may have to Leave until he’s ready to face his journey.

Need to see psychiatrist. Go with him.

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This is very scary and he needs to get the proper help. Something terrible can happen and he won’t even know he’s doing it. If he’s lying about how bad it’s gotten, record him. Good luck.

Just…be careful. He could become dangerous. I’ve been there first hand with multiple family members

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Have you asked him if you could go to a doctors appointment with him? Maybe you could talk to the doctors as well.
Is it possible that he’s on drugs? This could be brought on by drug use which could mean that it’s only bad when he’s under the influence or coming down and not as bad when he’s at the doctors and possibly doesn’t remember it completely.
If it’s not drug related and is something like schizophrenia, again he may not realize how bad it is when he’s not having an episode. So it’s possible he’s not intentionally withholding information from the doctors, he just doesn’t remember specifics while he’s there talking to them.
Most people that suffer from mental illness don’t realize they have a mental illness and don’t realize how bad their symptoms are until they’ve been treated and start feeling better. So what you’re seeing and what’s he’s thinking is happening are probably 2 VERY different things. So the chances of him being able to convey his symptoms to a doctor may be very difficult.
The fact that he’s starting to blame you and think you have something to do with it is very concerning and I’d be concerned for your safety at this point. I understand wanting to help him but you have to be cautious. Schizophrenics that are untreated can become unhinged very quickly and become very aggressive, depending on the severity.


Maybe a scan of his brain he might have a tumor or something

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If he’s not completely honest with his doctors. They can’t properly help him.

See the doctor with him and make sure they hear both your sides to the situation.

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If he won’t get help, talk to his closest family and ask them to help you get him to seek help.

Get him help. Please.

My brother in law did this and ended up having blood clots in his brain.

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I have a sibling that had paranoid schizophrenia. I say had bc she is no longer with us bc it became too much for her. This is how she started and very quickly paranoia set in that those who loved her most were doing it. She became a danger to herself and others and had to be institutionalized for a little while. It is not okay for him to go without treatment and it is not safe for you. I would speak with his family members in private and try to get him evaluated by a psychiatrist. Recording him is dangerous for you, but so is just being there. My sister had attacked and tried to kill at least two people on separate occasions. Mental health disorders are nothing to wait around and see about, take action now!


Hum Please be safe

My brother’s also schizophrenic, it can be dangerous! The voices in his head make him believe these crazy stories that people are plotting against him if It goes untreated it will only get worse. No joke it can be terrifying, like the person you love is no longer in there.


Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia or something going on in brain. Someone needs to make sure how bad things are either from you going to appointments with him or a family member or trusted friend. Also, beware of what’s going on for your own safety as well. Other thought is somehow get another person to help you commit him or get law enforcement/ doctors to see he is at risk of harming himself or someone else.


Are you sure it’s not drug related? I’d write a letter to the doctor and schedule his appointment. Let them know everything you witness before he goes, or ask him to get a psychic evaluation. Through the ER or mental institution.


I can’t even give you advice except be careful. My son who has comorbid mental diagnosis is 29 and the last 2-3 years is going threw this. It’s not always schizophrenia, it can be split personality multiple personalities it can be delusional personality , paranoid bipolar at times threw mania exhibit this behavior. There are multiple different personality disorders. But like my son he does not tell the Drs the extent of how bad it is. It come to us fist fighting and me having to put my 6’2 380 lb kid on the ground . I’ve had to literally fight him like I was fighting a random person till he said he gives. Then that didn’t work so he came at me with brass knuckles and a solid lousy ville slugger. When I would go down he hit harder I was able to injury him the police were called he was arrested. He physically fight the voices so there in his room he is jumping off the wall punching each basically he is fighting himself. The police get here is nice as can be the doctors nice as can be.mind you I’m a retired behavioral & mental health outreach advocate specialist in ASD for children threw 21. I don’t even have the answers.


He would benefit from seeing a counselor. They can give him mess to help. I work with mental health and it’s very common foe the voices to be heard.

Is he on any medication? I have 3 voices in my head and is managed by medication. It is an awful condition to have. My heart goes out to him.:purple_heart:

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He needs to RUN not walk to therapy.

Hopefully he is seeing a mental health professional. If not, he needs to. You should accompany him to his appointments so that the doctor is aware of all that is going on. You need to be aware that your safety is at risk. If he has family, you need to make them aware of his condition. They need to be involved in this.

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Maybe go with and advocate for him.

If he doesn’t get help from a doctor you are putting yourself at risk if you stay! You need to think about your safety.


Sounds like schizophrenia better get some help


My friends daughter did this. She had a massive brain tumor. They had her in a psych ward. Once discovered she passed away 3 months later.


You said partner, which means you can’t have him “committed” as some ppl suggest. However, if he will not be honest with the doctors and completely honest, then you may have to love/support him from afar… in fact you mentioned meds and it getting worse, that is likely due to it being the incorrect meds, and incorrect meds are often worse than zero meds. I am not saying ditch a person that you love, and depending on where you are from on laws, but you CAN talk to his medical doctor, if you aren’t on his medical papers they can’t say anything to YOU, but YOU can let the dr know, so they can better treat him.


Go with him and tell the doctors how bad it is!

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I had an ex who dealt with this and he was dealing with schizophrenia. The only difference is that he was completely honest with his docs and got put on the proper medication to help with it and it helped him a ton… not tryin to sound like his mom but you need to go with him and make sure the docs know how bad it truly is if he ain’t going to be 100% honest and get the help NEEDED. Doctor and a psychiatrist need to know what’s going on though or he won’t ever get any type of relief.


Just pray to God for him every day… ask God to take all the negativity away from him, believe me this will work :heart::heart::heart:


This is so scary and sounds like you are in danger honestly…


Get a different Dr and be honest. If he won’t tell them then you do if. He needs help now

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I had the same issue with my exhusband…the voices told him i was cheating and he believed it even though I was with him 24/7…the voices got worse and so did he…he beat me and sa me and tried to drown our kids…he did drugs that made them bad but even off the drugs he swore ppl were talking to him and though I was a Dr. Keeping tabs on him…i had to put him in jail because he refused a dr and said nothing was wrong with him and tried to kill me with a machete…get out…ik u love him but it might kill you😔


Needs to see a doctor .sounds like he is a paranoid pscizsophrenic

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Maybe you need to advocate for him at the dr

Get him a diagnosis asap. Possibly schizophrenia. He will need LOTS of therapy and support.


Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia. He needs professional help. If ignored it can be violent and problematic for any and all involved. Regardless of how understanding & supportive you are, Your not safe if he’s not medicated and seeking help from a knowledgeable professional.


My mom’s cousin went through the same thing. Found out after months of countless appts seeing Dr’s, neurologists, therapists, etc., they found a tumor on her brain. At that point it was too late for any treatments. She passed away less than 6 months later. I would definitely go to the Dr appts with him and pust for a CT scan and rule that out first. Hopefully it’s not to this extent and he can get some help. Keep your head up.

Look up targeted individuals and gangstalking

Get an MRI ASAP there might be a tumor I know of couple borderline divorce and then they discover she was being so mean and out of character because of a tumor

Absolutely contact his doctor and tell him how he is actually acting. Do this for your own safety. The doctor needs all the information to positively treat him. Including civil commitment.


You need to speak to mental health together

Today i made $ 587 for doing work in part time. my friend has been making $ 18543 from this and she convinced me to try so i am now making more than her. its amazing.

Open this>>>

This is schizophrenia. Please be careful and make sure you are safe, and he needs to be put on a medication that works well with him and they need to be taken daily. Not to scare you, but I was viciously violently attacked by a man that was the highest level of schizophrenic. He heard voices all day and night and even on his meds, but the meds helped a lot and helped make him not so crazy and unpredictable. The one night he heard voices telling him they were coming for him and watching him and he seriously told me that he thought it was the fbi and that he thought I was working with the fbi and that he thought I was a secret informant. I told him I wasn’t and that he needed to be on his medication again and he locked the apartment door and hit me in the back of my head with a baseball bat and then repeatedly kicked me in my stomach and head. I managed to escape and find help and was rushed to the hospital where I ended up getting seizures from the baseball bat hitting the back of my skull. What I’m trying to say is, be careful. And know that this is 100% schizophrenia and he could sadly become violent at any givin time. Please find and get him help before you become a victim like myself. Feel free to message me if you need or have questions


Then go with him and tell the doctors urself how bad he is
Soon before something bad happens


Please get him help before it gets dangerous for either of you. Sincerely, a woman whose currently dealing with the struggles of someone having schizophrenia or a mental break not knowing if they hurt someone.

Did he have a traumatic thing happen in his life? I was sitting on my bed not long bc ago and I heard my moms scream my name so eobb C loud right in my face that I jumped CD and yelled what?!!! No one was there but it C was her voice she died s few months I guess a year before this happened to me. When she yelled my n as me it C upset me so so bad. Once on freeway… I heard a mama h B once say very calmly move over. I moved over. I heard it again move over. I moved over. I saw sn off ramp and got on it to getbb C off thinking I’d better get gas as I was almost out. The car just stopped. On the off ramp. I had been j go ping 80 if the car stopped in the fast lane with all those cars speeding CCD around me. I’d have been killed or hurt really really bad. I believe it was GOD saving me. Not sure what my moms voice was though that night. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing or a crazy thing. Maybe it’s to get our attention. Be there for him and have him pray and it’ll all work out you’ll see god bless you♥️