My partner constantly hears voices in his head: How can I be there for him?

I know someone that this really happened to. I know what he went through for years–doctors, medications, therapy. Nothing worked. Until one day he found Jesus. And within an instant the voices stopped and he knew what He had done for him. Today he is a deeply committed Christian and a fine friend. All because he gave his life completely over to Jesus. This is not an unusual story. There are others just like it in the Bible. Evil spirits are real. They seek to indwell people who do not have the Holy Spirit. Why? Because they are empty shells without Christ. They are the living dead. When you ask the Lord into your heart and life the Holy Spirit indwells in you. And no evil spirit can co-mingle with Him. So those who have this happening in their lives may want to seek the Lord in a real church with solid teaching and people who can handle this with the Lord’s guidance.

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I heard a man’s voice on the freeway I meant above. Sorry for so many errors

Today i made $ 587 for doing work in part time. my friend has been making $ 18543 from this and she convinced me to try so i am now making more than her. its amazing.

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For your own protection you need to leave because you are not safe. Without going into detail because this is a public forum I have been in a very similar situation and after trying to encourage and help him up close to seek help for himself etc. Things got out of hand one night but we got through it and then a few months went by and there was another incident an incident I couldn’t ignore or excuse away just because he needed mental health help :disappointed_relieved:. Very much in love with this man but life is very different now I live life without him up close and personal and love and care for him from afar and try to help from afar with encouragement and positivity through text messages and phone/videochat conversations. Because I do not feel safe in his presence anymore and it’s not his fault (because it’s a mental health issue) but it is his fault because the couple of times I did convince him to seek professional help speak to a doctor etc he went but he didn’t tell them the whole truth he downplayed it and nothing was done so he then became convinced he didn’t need help :disappointed_relieved: I absolutely love this man with my whole heart but in order to protect myself and my family I have to do it from afar I know I made the right choice for myself and my family’s protection but it’s a very lonely world sometimes because I can’t have my partner in my life because he hasn’t sought the help he needs so that he can have a better more full life. I wish you the best of luck and I encourage you to put some distance between you and him until he takes it seriously and seeks the help he needs before you end up in either one of the situations I did that forced me to have to make the decision to love the man I speak of from afar.


My SIL is like this. Hears voices…get them in like NOW!

Get him help. Take him to a dr to get referred to psych specialists. I’ve had these issues before and seeing the psychologist and psychiatrist helps tremendously. Sometimes things like this happen due to deficiencies and of course hereditary.

Today i made $ 660 for doing work in part time. my friend has been making $ 21227 from this and she convinced me to try so i am now making more than her. its amazing.

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How old is he… sounds like a onset of mental illness that can hit in the 20s and 30s.

Is he seeing a psychiatrist? That’s step one, he needs therapy and probably medication asap. It takes awhile to find the right combo. He could be schizophrenic and a danger to himself or others.

I’m just going to put this out there bc I’ve experienced my situation with 2 people. One was hearing voices and conversations and plots to drug her, dump her body and burn her and said police were involved. The other person would hear voices and that neighbors were talking to her saying mean things through her vents. Before anyone says they are on drugs blah blah not the case BOTH had UTI that went undiagnosed and untreated and that can actually cause a person to hallucinate and hear things…straight from Dr mouth and first family member it had been going on a year before pushing to be checked for UTI. I know it sounds ridiculous but true.


Honestly sounds like he could be using crystal meth


Is he psychic and unaware? He could have second sight. Maybe contact a medium for help

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Male adult onset schizophrenia is real, and it sounds like you’re not in America so I’m not sure my answers would be correct, but I’d look into a psych hold while he’s evaluated, at the very least since he won’t be honest with doctors about the intensity.


YOU need to tell the Drs how serious it is YOU need to make them understand what you’re dealing with!!!

Only way to help this is psychiatrist. Schizoprenia is a very serious illness he needs meds asap


He could have taken some drugs and developed schizophrenia. He could have also developed it without the drugs. It definitely sounds like schizophrenia. If he’s thinking you’re the cause of it now, it could be that way forever. You should be careful and maybe stay away from him. Either way, he needs meds asap.


He needs to go see a psychiatrist not a normal doctor . That is so scary can turn dangerous for the both of you


Unless he is physically or mentally abusing you don’t be afraid of him.
Get him help. Traumatic experiences can trigger this.
I have never openly admitted this to anyone but my doctor but I can genuinely hear my nanny. It happened when she passed away. I felt like I was going mad. Docs put me on medication. I can still ‘hear her’ but I can now consciously acknowledge it’s my head putting together things I’d want her to say & not actually her at all whereas before it was just terrifying. I was like wtf is even happening to me this is like a horror film xxxx


Go with him and let them know how bad it is or call and leave a message for the dr yourself. Be careful girl if he’s accusing you of having something to do with it. I feel you may be in danger


He needs mental help either he gets it or you turn him in. If he is blaming you it’s not safe to stay around while it gets worse


Schizophrenia. Please tell his doctors. Get their names and call. Also, please if you ever feel unsafe, call 911 and have them send an ambulance. They can take him right to the hospital for assessment and police will also relay your concerns to the hospital staff.
Medication will help as long as he takes it.


This is literally schizophrenia


You did not say how old your husband is. Seeing doctors is one thing but you need to get him to see a psychiatrist ASAP! He has to be completely honest as that is the only way he can get put on the right medications to stop these voices. Are these voices telling to do something? Hurt himself? Hurt others? Is he paranoid? Is he hyper vigilant? His diagnosis could be a multitude of things but schizophrenia is probably on the top of the list.


You have to have a private conversation with his Dr. Let him know how bad it is for both of you. they have ways of testing for problems that most don’t see. Sad, but common.

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I get the voices all the time, mine aren’t violent or negative so I personally don’t do anything for it cause I like the voices, they’re my friends and I can still function “normally” I’m high functioning autistic and have borderline personality disorder with schizophrenic tendencies.

But I’d have him see a psychiatrist and have them determine rather he should be on medications or not. The best thing you can do is support him and let him know that your there for him, if you can’t handle it leave. But do know that the voices to him are extremely real and he’s also probably just as frustrated with them as you are, so don’t let anyone mock him or make fun of him cause that hurts.


If he isn’t honest with the Doctors they can’t get him the help that he needs.

What are the voices saying to him specifically? Is it negative things?

Honestly you may need to leave for yours and/or your children’s safety if he’s already accusing you of being part of the cause
He needs help and if he’s not going to get it he is too sick be there


I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my c0lleague makes over $ 13980 a m0nth doing this and she c0nvinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Sounds like schizophrenia. My brother had it and so did my dad and others on their side of the family. Medication helps some but it never goes away.


Hearing voices happens with other mental illness besides schizophrenia. It can also occur in patients with BPD or bipolar. The best thing he could do is be open and honest with his dr. It’s the only way they can help him.


I have no advice… Stay strong :purple_heart: make sure you have safety plans in place. I’m sorry the doctors are not more helpful… it may be best if you call around and see if anyone will listen to you.

With schizophrenia people they often are abused by others. Often times they will not hurt you.
My husband has had it for a while and on the right meds your boyfriend will be ok. At first my husband didn’t tell the doctors everything either which didn’t help. It took two years and him being put in the hospital for someone to believe how bad he was. Then they took him and myself serious. So please seek help for him, he needs you to help him. Seek out his friends and family for support. Seek counseling for him and yourself because this isn’t easy to deal with. Let him know you are here for him. It rough I know, but with the right meds and a plan of action will help him and you a lot.


Today i made $ 660 for doing work in part time. my friend has been making $ 15433 from this and she convinced me to try so i am now making more than her. its amazing.

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I’m not a phycologist but it sounds like he may be Schizophrenic. I’m sorry you’re both having to go through that. I know it has to be hard


Is he schizophrenia or is he an empath? Make sure you know the difference. Empaths have unique gifts and they get misdiagnosed. Look in to the spiritual world it maybe be crazy but do some research.


That is schizophrenia he needs to be on medication it is very dangerous if those voices in his head tells him to hurt someone he needs to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist immediately

If you have children do not leave him alone with him ever until he gets help. I know that’s sad but you just can’t risk anything these days. There was a father in the town I grew up in couple towns over now, he was mentally ill and drowned his 3 young kids the other day… absolutely horrific. Just be careful


He needs a full physical because it could be as simple as a UTI or it could be as serious as schizophrenia, and there’s a wide array of possibilities in between. He needs to be painfully honest with his doctors otherwise nothing will change, go with him to the doctors and demand all the scans and blood work be done. If there is nothing found physically then it’s time to move onto a psychiatrist.


He needs to see a mental health provider and get on some seriquil or something in that med group. I work on a behavioral health unit. Please get him help.


How old are you guys?? Schizophrenia in men shows up about 23-26…has he been checked for this??


Take him to a Dr I can’t spell psychiatrist very well so I hope you know what I mean but tell them you want him on abilify. Ok I suffer from the same problem .hey you guys I’m here for you if you need anything just p.m me ok I’ve been threw hell and back it’s totally fine to p.m me

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my c0lleague makes over $ 13966 a m0nth doing this and she c0nvinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Hope he is going to be ok.

He needs to find a psychiatrist and get on medication. Sounds like he has schizophrenia. I know someone who does. The difference medication made was astonishing.

If he’s not going to be honest, they’re not gonna be able to help him. At this point, he is getting in his own way. I wouldn’t want to be with someone who is possibly putting you and themselves in a dangerous position.


My now husband was treated for a mental breakdown almost a yr ago i had 8 days of hell after he came back from a horse fair… that was the worst time of my life but he spents 8 days in hospital and he came home hes not the same man i met but we are adjusting to how things are now xx

No matter what it takes get that man man into a psychiatric facility where he can be monitored and correctly treated before something really ad happens! Praying for him and you.:pray::pray::pray:


I think you should go into the doctors with him and tell the doctor just how bad the situation is and hopefully then you will get him sorted. Good luck xx


Sounds like he is going through a schizophenic manic episode. He needs to be seen by a doctor soon to adjust his medication or put him on something. These audio hallucinations can also turn into visual hallucinations and some people even become paranoid of people watching them.


I’ve been researching vitamins due to no Insurance and have discovered that a lot of bad health is due to vitamin deficiencies. I read a case study about a niacin deficiency causing bipolar and schizophrenia. These patients were given a placebo and others the vitamin and they learned that most were misdiagnosed. Only a few truly had these brain chemical changes. You need to go to the Dr with him and discuss all this with his Dr. He is afraid to face the truth. He’s thinking he’s sick when he may not be at all. Ask the Dr for a Vitamin Panel to check his levels of all vitamins. A vitamin D3 deficiency causes depression to the point of suicide. D3 cured my husband. He no longer has suicidal thoughts. I is a natural antidepressant. If he refuses to do this I would leave until he’s ready to get a handle on his mental health. God bless.


Can u plz get him evaluated ASAP by a Psychiatrist??? It counts exactly try like schizophrenia or schizoaffect disease and he may need to b hospitalized so they can watch him n figure out what course of medications he needs. Please be careful around him until he’s evaluated ok??


Don’t he needs a psych evaluation

You should b very careful! He def needs meds!


Contact your local mental health hotline and see about a welfare visit.

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Go to a local community service board and ask to assessed. From there they get you to see a psychiatrist for medication mangement and maybe able to connect you to other services like case management.
Some medication can quiet the voices. Medications can help keep him from being hospitalized if taken coorrectly. He needs to be honest about it to get the best help.

Sounds schizophrenic, I’d recommend a dr or therapist

They cant help if he is not honest when he is at the docs…sounds like he is schizophrenic

Sounds like the beginning of schizophrenia honey. He needs to be evaluated and be honest. Untreated schizophrenia can be horrible. The longer he goes without medication the worse it will be . Many schizophrenics with medication and self awareness live full and functioning lives with partners now a days. Best of luck to you both. :orange_heart:

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He may be hearing her nagging him all the time! Just kidding!!!


Are you married to him? If not, move out and just pray he gets help before he harms you :pray:


Needs a total psych work up

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Sounds like a looney toon lol.


HE HAS A problem either Bio Polar or schizophtenia , an will need meds an hell be fine the voices will go away . VERY HARD TO DEAL WITH … ALL THE BEST …:thinking::purple_heart::rose:


I’d go talk with someone who can go to the other side ( if that makes sense ) actually being able to find such person may be hard as there are many frauds looking for a fast dollar .


Has he had a scan on his brain? I’ve heard of people with brain tumors hearing voices. I’m not sure how old he is but my dad was hearing voices when he was diagnosed with dementia


Help him to a therapist. Truly

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He may have had much trauma as a kid and the voices he hears are him recalling convos from the past. It’s like a whisper that he is trying to concentrate what it’s saying and then it begins with paranoia and delusional behavior. Actually thinking some people are speaking poorly of him or threatening.
Imbalance in the brain. Until he’s honest he will then begin getting treated.
My sister deals with this and it uproots everyone else’s lives Becuz she swears she hears us speaking bad about her then she burns bridges. She says she sees stuff out of place at her home when it’s not true. She has gotten an alarm system anyways feeling someone has after her and kids.
Does ur bf smoke weed? Sometimes it causes illusions and paranoia.
But overall it’s schizophrenia which the person is not possessed. They hear constant voices telling them horrible things and my uncle had it too. Although he was prayed over and freed
Contact pastor Mike Signorelli on fb to help with prayer regarding this. Yes there’s medication but it’s also a spiritual battle.
I want u to be careful Becuz when it’s not treated the person gets very anxious and irate with all the chaos in his head and sometimes can be difficult to manage. Try to also set healthy boundaries and still take care of u while ur waiting for him to take care of himself. Sometimes they never admit it and it get very much out of control.

Get him to a doctor immediately.

He needs intervention. Needs to be seen by a psychiatrist for evaluation


Take him straight to the emergency ward

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Have you gone with him to Dr appointment maybe you can tell them how bad it is. It’s obviously not normal and needs to keep trying to figure out with drs and get a diagnosis definitely before it gets worse

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First…how old is he? Men usually develope schizophrenia in their late 20’s. Let him know that you want to record him while you’re having a normal conversation and see what happens. He needs a doctor asap so he can be diagnosed/meds.
Best of luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Careful what if he turns on you


Stress induced or even possibly a hormonal imbalance induced schizophrenia. Go to a therapist together and you bring it up because your partner won’t. People don’t want to be labeled"crazy" and hike back when they really need mental help.
The voices usually get worse and what he’s"hearing" typically will become more aggressive in nature. Potentially causing him to not be able to tell what is reality and what’s not. You and others could become the victim of violence induced by these voices. I only share this because growing up, my mom had a nervous breakdown and this was her result. She didn’t get help until later when the voices started “telling"her that we were trying to harm her and she should kill us.” Thankfully she was able to get the help she needed, and we were able to not be killed, despite there were many violent outbreaks.

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he needs an evaluation by a licensed psychologist

I would definitely take him for scans ASAP to rule that out. Then INSIST a psychologist does extensive appointments to help him and yourself. I genuinely hope you both get some reprieve soon

Get him in to someone asap. Like now. If he thinks you are in on it he is obviously paranoid and you never know what he could do.


It sounds like schizo affective disorder. If he’s not honest he can’t get appropriate treatment. It is extremely important that you get him the right help.

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You need to tell the doctor, & he needs help & medication for rest of his life "


Voices are real very scary to and you should be scared as long as he’s medicated he’ll be safe but not medicated God help you if he listens to one of those crazy voices you need to call the doctor before he goes in and explain what’s going on that’s your job living with him and they will listen to you because this needs to be addressed very quickly it doesn’t come from somebody getting hit in the head it comes from heredity disease several other things mental illness is real it’s a disease just like heart disease or diabetes and it needs treated like a disease please make sure he goes back to the doctor and gets on some meds for his safety and yours so he doesn’t get in trouble I have seen so many people with mental illnesses end up in prison or jail through no fault of their own he needs to go to a doctor and he needs to go very very soon God bless you and I will keep you both in my prayers but don’t dismiss this


I can’t believe the way you people are jumping to schizophrenia you are not doctors quit telling her what it could be or what it is it could be bipolar it could be a million other things it needs to be addressed by a doctor not by people but bye a doctor that’s like people trying to diagnose him for heart disease or anything else a regular person cannot do this don’t listen to all these people you don’t even know if they’ve ever even been around mental illness it could be a lot of things the main thing is he definitely needs to go to a doctor and you need to be on his side call the doctor’s office explain to the nurse what’s going on they will write it all down the doctor will know it all if you let him go in there on just his word they won’t get a true evaluation if you love him you stand by him now and you help him this is no different than heart disease diabetes or any other disease it is a disease that cannot be helped but needs treated best of luck to you I live in the crazy world of mental health problems to myself that’s how come I know what I’m talkin about prayers for you and him both

Sounds like schizophrenia

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He needs to go to the Dr it could be the beginning of schizophrenia.


You need to be honest to the docs for him

Take him to the emergency room and tell them how bad he is suffering.


I’d go with him to his next appointment. If he’s thinking your part of it. It could turn harmful for you, ask questions. Maybe separate till this is figured out, be safe.


Idk but I think I’d be scared to sleep in the same place as him until he gets help. Especially with how it’s escalated and gotten worse


He needs help…you cant be the one to do it…


Be careful, I’ve seen people snap on whoever is around

A young person I know of had such severe thyroid problems they were making her delusional. It could be anything.But get that checked out.

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You may want to let his doctor know the voices are worse than he lets on. Hearing voices brings serious anxiety and thoughts of helplessness and sometimes worthlessness. Knowing whose voices he hears is important to his progress but it is only one step and he has a lot further to go. Hearing voices is not a positive experience. Let his doctors know. They cannot talk to you about his treatment but they need to know the voices are taking over. You need to be more careful based on his comments “you’ve something to do with it”. I’d share that information with his doctors, too. There isn’t anything you can do for him other than to make sure he gets/continues treatment. His doctor has to help him with each voice and the comments from each voice. You seriously do not want to be in the middle of these events. Call his doctor.


Yes you need to go with him and push for them to help him…also I dont wana sound harsh but me personally I would get the hell outta there, he could end up hurting you if its schizophrenia or something like that. That shit does happen!


Take him to mental health or behavioral health. Let them know he is hearing voices and getting angry.
Schizophrenia needs meds to help get them under control


He needs medical care now, this is the paranoid part of schizophrenia, my nephew has lived with this for over 30 yrs, they have better meds now, without meds he can act out towards you. Please seek help for him and you. What is his age, this usually starts in the early 20’s?


Agree w/Donna Moore. Get him help fast B4 he blames u for something and hurts u or worse or others. Yor responsible bc u live w/him and u kno how he is doing :bangbang:

My son had a mental breakdown and now takes anti psychotic medicine. He has missed a dose and he will hear voices. . Your hubby needs to see a Dr. Stat!!

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If he’s going to get help he has to be 100% truthful and forthcoming with the doctors. This is more than likely schizophrenia. There are a couple of other things it could be, but if he’s not severely depressed it’s doubtful that it’s anything but schizophrenia. The thing is, he 100% believes the delusions and he absolutely can be of danger to you. If you feel like you’re in danger, leave immediately! You have to take this seriously. He needs immediate and lifelong medical treatment.

  1. Non synthetic b vitamins, deficiencies in B vitamins are strongly linked to mental health, mood, depression and Schizophrenia.
  2. Gut health using good bacteria are essential for absorption of nutrients. Dysbiosis and diverticulitis and also liked to mental health etc.
  3. People get tricked into believing the foundations of health are more complex then they are. I’m happy to send more info as it can be hard finding correct information. Here’s an excellent reference for natural vs synthetic vitamins. The vitamins are only a short term solution though because probiotics are actually capable of making vitamins, b vitamins that suit our bodies needs. There are lots of lies being told. Just saying. I could send you info for days.

Sounds like he’s becoming schizophrenic. Please help him see drs and let them know what is going on. My aunt is schizophrenic, has been since her late teens and she had to be put in a home :pensive: schizophrenia is no joke and can get way worse if untreated. Be careful