I’m so over my man constantly thinking I’m plotting some crap against him. I’m constantly being told I’m cheating on him or I’m being weird if I’m on my phone in a quiet room. I’ve been with him for over a year and never given him a reason not to trust me. He can go in my phone whenever he wants to. I don’t have anything to hide. He just chooses not to go through it because he thinks I delete shit and I don’t.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My partner constantly thinks I am plotting against him: Thoughts?
Sounds like he’s projecting and he’s the guilty one
He’s guilty looking at you for signs of the same shit he’s doing
He’s doing what he accuses you of, for certain. Dump him.
He’s guilty of what he accuses you of
If he’s got these kind of trust issues then your best bet is to get out before it gets worse and you waste anymore of your life being miserable.
Get out now!!! Either he’s doing those things trying to deflect on you, or he’s just plain CRAZY
Sounds like projection…
It’s called projecting and he’s cheating
He doesn’t go through it bc he knows nothing is in your phone. He’s prob guilty so he wants to flip it on you. He’s pretty much telling on himself
He’s guilty of something and trying to flip it on you.
I had the same issue with my last relationship. He couldn’t stand that I was on social media or just on my phone period but he would play the game literally all day long and would get mad if I said something about it. My opinion there is no reason to be in a relationship where there is no trust but that’s all I have is an opinion best thing though is to sit down and talk to each other and figure things out if you want this relationship to last
He’s either cheating, a Pisces, or a narcissist
Very insecure you can’t fix him move on. He may go crazy when you do be careful
He’s definitely cheating and projecting it on to you
His problem, not yours… Insecure, cheating…something is going on. Those who accuse are to be accused…
When I was being accused of the same things it turned out my ex partner was the one doing the cheating
Don’t love your life under scrutiny! Set boundaries and stick to them! Get rid!
The one doing the accusing is usually the one guilty?
Either projection or BPD.
He’s cheating!!! They project what they are guilty of
He got problems you can’t fix. He sounds very immature and very insecure.
My ex was like that turns out he had gotten on meth and had a dope ho after 30 years of marriage
This will get worse. I’m just telling you, it will get worse and worse and worse.
When my ex did that and his behaviour/mood changed drastically it was because HE was the one who was guilty of cheating and talking with other girls. I hated going thru partners phones but I listened to my gut and went thru his phone when he was sleeping. Sure enough everything he was accusing me of he was doing. And it had been for months. I was in denial cause I “loved him” but my friends had to remind me that if he actually loved me he wouldn’t be cheating and entertaining not just one girl but like 4 of 5 other girls (couple of them being the girls I heard “they’re my bro” or “we grew up together” which was complete bs). Of course he turned it around on me saying I shouldn’t be going thru his phone
He guilty… and taking it out on you. Sorry, but it only gets worse. Leave now
Sounds like HE has something to hide!
Welcome to the world of a manipulative narcissist who’s more then likely doing it to you
Insecure or cheating on you.
His choice to come clean Perhaps time for him to move on.
Maybe he’s cheating. That’s usually how that goes
Red flags. His emotional baggage isn’t yours to fix. Leave
Um is he on drugs? Because it definitely sounds like it from experience
Sounds like he’s deflecting his own issues on you to get out of a relationship. Maybe you should find somebody a little more mature.
sounds to me he has a guilty conscious and is a narcissist to boot
sounds like he is projecting his own guilt on to you.
He has the guilty conscience
He’s trying to flip it around on you. People project there shit onto you. That’s usually when you know something is up… lol they tell on themselves. He knows your not doing anything wrong but he tells himself that so it makes him feel better being the sneaky pig he is
Paranoia- get out quick
Red flag. He’s probably cheating himself. Been there and it doesn’t get better. Save yourself the heartache
No he is using classic control techniques to shut you down he is displaying g the BIGGEST red flag of all red flags of a narcissist. quite definitively RUNNNNNN
Has he been cheated on before in the past is that why he so insecure? But sometimes people will be suspicious of the other person doing something when they themselves are doing it or maybe he’s on drugs
Sounds like his conscious is in overdrive
Been going through it for over 10 years
So I used to always accuse my ex partner of cheating and lying thinking that he was upto something and was plotting to do something I wasn’t cheating and had nothing to do with the star sign it was down to having no trust in anyone whatsoever and being very insecure about myself that I was worried he would leave me and was thinking he was cheating turned out he didn’t and it was me that needed to fix up
You’re with a psycho. Idk how many more flags u need…but run girl.
Leave is all I’m going to say
Sounds like my stbx husband who was cheating but projecting his bs on me
Red flag. I divorced aguy like that. It got to where he would check the mileage on my car. The physical abuse was the last straw.
He is projecting his own behavior on you so you don’t question him.
Red Flag
He’s either cheating or really insecure or both
Possibly a mental issue of some sort also. I chose to not live like that anymore. It’s a mutual relationship with trust,respect and love or nothing at all
I don’t personally have experience with this, except through my parents…shortly after my father started accusing my mother of cheating, she tested positive for an std. Suddenly he changed his tune and said she must have gotten it from a toilet seat (not possible).
Girl, get him to turn his phone over bet he’s doing exactly what he’s accusing you of
Usually the accuser is the one cheating. I learned that in my past relationship.
Don’t stay with a man who doesn’t trust you. He’s probably the one hiding something.
He is the one cheating. Dump him asap
Um he is cheating… yeah kick him to the curb sis
Has he been hurt before by another partner ? Trauma from the past accounts for 90% of arguments and fights. Sounds like he has trust issues. If you love…instead if accusing him…ask himabout WHY he mistrusts you. Guarenteed someones done him wrong. Try not to focus on the reaction andmore on WHY or the emotionbehindit.
It’s the cheater who’s always the acuser & maybe narcissistic.
Sounds like my ex boyfriend. He was an abusive, narcissistic, cheating piece of garbage
Disappointing all of the unsupportiveposts. Very sad…none of yas evencare about WHY he is that way
Been with a man like that for 10 years. It got so bad he would say I was cheating while I was in nursing school. I would run, fast and far!
RUN NOW!!! Major Red Flag
RED FLAG! He’s the one cheating. RUN.
Sounds like an idiot
He’s got something to hide…most likely cheating on you. Throw the whole man away
Leave now it gets worse
Well not sure why you posted this but the truth of the matter is. Deal with it or get out!!! Don’t use the excuse of but I love him! How can you love a man that don’t respect you?
I’m the odd ball here. Just because he’s saying that stuff doesn’t mean he is cheating. He may have his own mental health issues or past trauma. You can either talk with him and find out if you want to be with him or you can leave.
as fast as you can things will just get worse
My ex was like that. It was the worst when his mental health spiraled. But also he’s a narcissist and never saw that he was the problem. Unfortunately he pulls the gaslighting bs on our 10 year old. The way it is, it isn’t healthy for you. If he’s not willing to get help for his issues, you should walk away.
Sounds like he’s the cheater and blaming you to keep you on your toes and worrying. RUN !! I was married 16 yrs to a similar man. Divorced now 15 yrs , got two amazing sons out of it . Drama and cheating accusations OVER ! He was the cheat .
He’s the one cheating. Guilty conscious… Dump himmmmm!!!
No. He chooses not to go through your phone because he doesn’t want you going through yours in return. Ya mans is doing what he’s accusing you of doing. It’s typical of someone who is out cheating on their partner to accuse their partner of the one doing it. You’re to just defending yourself to think about the WHY behind it. Unfortunately, I learned this from experience. Now, it is 100% possible that he has past trauma. It’s also possible that he has a mental illness. IF he’s been this way since day one. But if he just randomly started acting this way, without cause, it’s because he’s doing wrong and is trying to shift blame.
Red flags!! Get out now while you can… And I’m not saying that he’s cheating but those are red flags for somebody that is controlling and that behavior only gets worse…
He is either cheating or using and paranoid
been there done that got the t-shirt get out now before it gets worse , normally it’s because the person saying it too u has something too hide
Guilty conscience. Run. These kind of relationship turn into living hell before long.
That will never change and that’s no way to live. I think your better off actually walking away. Most of the time behavior like this is nothing more than projection. They are afraid that everyone around them is doing the same thing and it’s better to catch someone else doing it first than to get caught. It’s not a healthy block to build a relationship on. Good luck.
Leave that toxic situation. He isn’t a man. He has a lot od growing before he can be called that.
Guilty dog barks the loudest
He’s doing whatever he accusing you of! Guilty are always suspicious
Throw the whole man away
Ruuuun. Fast, far and in the opposite direction. Speaking from experience.
It will never get better. This is your future from now on if you choose to stay. I spent 15 yrs with my ex trying to prove my love.
They say the one that is accuse is the guilty one.
There’s 2 things that could be going on here, he could be up to something, yes or he could of been cheated on so much he’s paranoid. How far into the relationship did this start? Also are there things like alcohol or anything involved also? Either way I’d need to get to the bottom of it if that were me, your gonna have to bitw the bullet, sit him down, and have that convo with him
- He can’t be trusted so he’s accusing you of what he’s guilty of, or 2. He’s a controlling psychopath. Either way, no good. Run.
Red flag. Projection often means they accuse you of what they are doing.
He’s cheating on you been there done that they always tell you what’s going on with the way they treat you guilty conscience
Paranoid. Needs help.
Honey run! He’s clearly cheating and most likely a narcissist
He is a narcissist! Sounds like my ex! Get out before it gets worse!
Guilty dogs always bark first . If he is accusing , he is usually doing and feeling the guilt . But I’d sit him down and have a conversation with him , get to the bottom of it
Get out of there!! RUN!!
Cause he doing it all baybeeee!!
He sounds psychotic. Get out!
Sounds like his guilty conscience is getting to him
it is past time to get out of this relationship…nothing good will come of this…run now…