Sounds like he needs medication and freedom.
All because he’s guilty!!!
Oh man. He’s cheating lol
I don’t mean to be mean here, but I think there’s some truth in “those that accuse, may be the guilty party”.
Sounds like he has some serious trust issues. Possibly burned before??
You can either continue to reassure him, or say, grow the heck up, cuz I’m not living like this anymore.
He has the guilty conscience, just leave and do not let him know where you are going. You can’t live with a person who is paranoid. This is a bad relationship. Get out now and do not look back. Make sure you take your name off the utilities so you do not get stuck with the bills. If you are in a joint lease, get your name off once you have moved your stuff out. If it is your home get him out. You might need help from the law. Be very careful. Seek professional help to protect yourself.
That’s abusive behavior. It will get worse. Let him go before u get in to deep.
Girl leave if hes not cheating him self hes trying tp manipulate you just GO.
He’s cheating and thinks you are too. Run
I’d probably turn that spotlight on him.
Mens consciences usually tell on them. As in, they accuse you of what they are actually doing.
I’d definitely be more aware of him and wtf HE is doing from here on out. Actually, no I wouldn’t even want to live my life like that.
Any red flag and I’d be f gone!
Sounds like some real narcissist bs!
You’re only a year in- that’s not long at all.
I personally find his behavior very off-putting, as in completely childish and unattractive.
I’d break up with his childish a$$ and move on. This woman has no time for baby boy bs. Next!
If he accuses you of cheated that’s a sign he might be because the cheaters always turn it around on the partner because they feel guilty
Run don’t walk to the nearest exit. Not the way to live.
This will only get worse
This… hes got a guilty conscience hun.
Sounds like it’s time to leave. He’s probably cheating. Accusations that come out of the blue like that usually speak from a guilty individual
If he accusing he probably doing the cheating
It.s going to get worst
That is him being toxic. End the relationship.
Nothing you do will change this behavior, it will only get worse. For your safety, you need to end this relationship.
I did that to my ex…unfortunately but it was because he wouldn’t give reassurance and he would talk about my wrongs in a condescending way
Imagine what you feeling after this first year, magnified and intensified, pressurised, and aggravated; sometimes nice, but woops, explosive and eruptive or silent seething & long disappearances … multiplying over 5 or 10 years. When he brought you to despair, worn you down with trigger happy anger, suspicions, grievances, secrets and lies, cheating on you, gas lighting you, alienating you from friends & family… I know this story from this very beginning; my friend just got out of this chaos; I pray she is able to recover her happy, funny and loving self; I will never forgive him.
The first sentence has red flags. First you’re complaining then you call him your man. Look, it’s common sense. He thinks you’re plotting against him because he’s doing it to you. He’s cheating and wants you to break up with him.
If someone accuses you of doing something you’re not doing, it’s because they’re doing it and putting blame on you.
He’s cheating and now you know. Move on.
Be careful, the first signs of domestic violence is jealousy
Honey, get out now. You don’t want to waste 20+ years of your life with someone that is a paranoid narcissist. Trust me.
There is someone out there that won’t treat you that way.
He is accusing you because he is doing it to you.
Time to support momma, life too short
First if he is saying you are doing this or that without any reason red flag he is most likely doing what he is saying you are doing. Get out cause it will not get better. You can’t change them. Take care of you first and foremost
He is cheating on you.
I went thru this. Everyone said it’s a sign he’s cheating. He never was. But…as time went on he wanted more & more control over me. Where I went. Who I was around. Got to the point I couldn’t even visit my parents without him & if I did he wanted me to text him constantly. & if I did not respond for even a short period of time he would threaten to drive to wherever I was. If I had to go to the store, which I rarely did because he always insisted he went instead, he would time me. If I was gone longer than he thought i should have been…he would blow my phone up. & it ended up getting to the point of domestic violence. He was severely insecure.
Pay close attention to how he treats you. Watch for signs of control. How he speaks to you. If you can’t have a conversation with him to where he understands & this behavior ceases. Leave.
He’s doing all of that. That’s why. Just went thru this.
Time for him to hit the road!!
He’s probably the one doing shady stuff!!!
He is probably doing something himself
Instead of jumping the conclusions maybe he’s having mental breakdown causing schizophrenia and paranoia
Maybe you should go through his… he is probably cheating on you and that how it normally works
I went thru this he projecting it on to you cause he’s guilty or he’s thinking about it,
Toxic. Red flag . Leave. Do not waste anymore of your time with this. I spent YEARS with someone like that. I couldn’t do ANYTHING without him thinking I was up to something. It puts a mental stress on yourself. I left. Now I’m celebrating a year with the most wonderful amazing man that treats me like gold! I’m ACTUALLY HAPPY!!! AND YOU NEED TO BE TOO!!
There’s one thing you need to remember in this situation. This is a him problem & more than likely coming from unhealed mental illness/ Trauma. You will not fix it. He has to do that Alone. From someone who’s been there all to many times.
get out while you can. It’ll only get worse.
runnnn hell NEVER change it only gets worse
He sounds like he’s guilty of something
Dump him ASAP, he’s doing everything hes accusing you of doing…bad relationship, get out while u can…before it gets lots worse
Statistcally its a dead heat between deep psychological insecurity or adrenal stimulant such as meth causing paranoia, options for salvage are very unlikely
So why you still with him wasting your time?
He’s probably projecting a guilty conscience.
Honestly is he on drugs? That’s the same behavior that came from my ex when she relapsed.
Throw the whole man out. Get a new one. That one’s broke.
Jennifer Greene
That’s because he is a cheater
My EX husband did this constantly to me. Always accusing me of cheating, going through my phone, calling my married, best girl friend a whore whenever I hung out with her…all bc he was the one cheating. The guilty pig squeals the loudest.
maybe he’s cheating…the guilt is always put on you.
Why do you want to be with this person?
In my experience….they accuse you of what THEY are doing.
The guilty are always suspicious
Get out. I was in a relationship like that it didn’t start getting really weird and controlling until 3 years in I was with him for 5 years. And nothing to show for it
The guilty usually try to point the blame to others.
Maybe he has had past experiences that make him untrusting. That doesn’t make him an automatic cheater.
Did you ever think he’s cheating?
Run and don’t look back
Either he is the cheater or he maybe hiding a drug problem or he is narcissistic and just starting to show his true colors.
I was in a relationship exactly like this!! He didn’t accuse me of cheating but he accused me of tampering with his phones, vehicles etc like wire tapping blah blah blah. Well he was a meth head and no matter what happened I was the person to be blamed. He always went thru my phone and said the same things “that I deleted shit” or I “put trackers on his phone” I wouldn’t even know where to start with any of that lmao I’m in no way technology inclined. I don’t understand it rly and I’ve never learned too. He once found electrical tape wrapped around his wires, he thought and believed with every fibre of his being that it was gps tape. Now I googled gps tape to show him none looked even remotely close to electrical tape. He wouldn’t listen. We went to an electrical and installation place and they confirmed it was in fact electrical tape. He argued bcuz the “fibres” which were the glue and hair.
I also want to mention that when he was doing weird shit not exactly cheating… but was looking for hookups around Regina he denied ever having looking at it. But the evidence was right in front of me. But he wasn’t admitting to it. Just called me crazy and I’m fukd up, this and that. And not once did he accuse me of cheating. So there’s many different factors as to why and where this is all coming from. Maybe just rly insecure about himself…
If he isn’t willing to address this appropriately with a professional I think you should reassess if this is the life you want
Just get rid of him.
Find someone new… it will only get worse
They accuse when they’re guilty
He’s projecting. He’s cheating.
Sounds like he’s projecting cause he’s doing exactly what hes accusing you of
Insecure or cheating or both. You said he can go thru ur phone whenever nothing to hide, how does he react to u wanting to go thru his phone? Haven’t asked or tried? Then ask to see his phone his response will tell u what u need to know if he has nothing to hide he might be pissy but he will show u his phone. If he has something to hide it will turn into a big ordeal and fight and u will not see what is in his phone bcuz he won’t allow it. Either way toxic is toxic and you sound like your drowning in toxicity imo js
It’s him he’s cheating
Run far away from that narcissist
Stop cheating on him
Maybe he’s guilty and is paranoid
My narcissistic abusive ex husband was this was after about a year being together. Get our now. You deserve better
These are red flags…either he’s cheating, or he’s trying to control you (as abusers do). If he won’t go to counseling (for himself, or as a couple) you need to let him go forever.
Narcissistic behavior. RUN!!!
Sounds like my son the way he does his Gf . My son deflects because he is cheating so he accuses her . Don’t kid yourself to think he doesn’t go through your phone . My son hides cameras around his house only one caught doing anything was him . Outside in the middle of the night with a flashlight going thru her car looking for money .
Everything he is accusing you of he is guilty of that and more! Trust me , just walk away
So why are you tolerating it and wondering what to do? Move on. It’s a no brainer.
Hes the one who is doing shady shit more than likely.
He is the one busy with the stuff that he is accusing you of,he is just playing your mind
Projection. He is hiding something.
Fucking yikes
Nah. Leave. Now.
Throw the whole man away.
Insecure sounds like to me
Baby Girl Run don’t walk to the nearest exit GTF outta that situation NOW…
l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21196 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
My ex did the same thing to me. Turns out he was the one cheating on me! I’d leave him, sounds like there’s no trust
That is definitely a big red flag. If it’s not making your life better by being in it… don’t keep it. Goes for people too
A guilty conscience speaks the loudest. I’d be willing to bet that HES being unfaithful.
That’s what they say if their accusing you of it their the guilty ones
Sometimes a cheater accuses you of cheating
That’s his own guilty conscience!!!
You better run the other way fast
Seems insecure for some reason.
im going to probaly be the only one but ask yourself WHY? it started in the first place. ALOT of females are NOT innocent & act very shady, do foul stuff then when the man catches on & calls stuff out they pull the innocent victim act & make him the bad guy cuz theres always 7,000 ppl that DIDNT see your bullshit (like he did) that are just a click away on the internet, ready to blindly agree cuz ive watched alot of woman blame men when its in fact the WOMAN but society blindly stood with the woman & the man is just ignored & treated fcked up and only option he would have is to call shit out for change OR to leave so talk about a lose lose situation for HIM & a win win for her & she has sooo much support while he gets none and allllllll because SHE was a shady bit*h to start with & he caught on! it aint always the men like some woman say!
Those who can’t trust, can’t be trusted.
Girl he’s cheating… Runnnnnnnn
“Deal with YOUR trust and insecurity issues or we’re done.” Not your monkeys… and constantly defending yourself from his issues is going to shred you. All you can do.
In my experience when someone is accusing you of something you know you didn’t do. They’re projecting their own behavior onto you. Dudes telling on himself.
It’s his own guilt. He’s projecting his bad behavior on you. Run
Life is too short to deal with that . Tell him to go get counseling for whoever hurt him . Because until he deals with those issues no relationship he gets in will prosper .
Just a tad paranoid.