My partner constantly thinks I am plotting against him: Thoughts?

He’s paranoid and you’re enabling him.

There’s a combination of 3 things that could be happening.

A) he’s doing everything he’s accusing you of and is projecting it onto you.

B) he has trauma issues he hasn’t worked out yet (and really needs to if he expects to keep a relationship)

C) he has a mental health issue that is not being addressed

No matter which way you spin it though it is HIS responsibility to get help, not keep putting it all on you. If he’s cheating get rid of him. If it’s one of the other 2 though and he still won’t go get seen, still get rid of him. You don’t need someone that can’t work on themselves when they’re hurting others.


You can bet he’s doing what he’s accusing you of doing. Maybe check out his phone.

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I hate the way a person puts their own issues off on someone else. And hate to see anyone constantly trying to pacify these people who are slowly breaking someone else down.

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Why are you with him?

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Paranoid. Unfortunately it is a form of mental illness and total control.

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He has issues and not good ones. He’s either paranoid mentally or from past experience or he’s cheating on you. Surprised you put up with this for this long.

He is mirroring his own behaviors…

Ugh just dump him lol

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Why are you with someone who doesn’t trust you?

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It is because he has done it before, he is projecting. He has issues. Run away. Seriously.


He either is cheating and that is guilt talking, he is extremely insecure, or he is projecting exs onto you either way toxic and not worth the drama and stress. He either goes to therapy and really works with the therapist or he goes out the door. At this point in my life he would have been out the door.


Nicole Chaney yeah…he was a stellar guy lol. I was 13 or 14 at the time and nowhere near sexually active, but he took the “toilet seat” theory so far that he tried to get me a pap smear, too. The doctor looked at me and asked my age, asked if I was active yet, then refused to do it when I said no. I’m sure it would have been considered unprofessional but he legit shook his head in disgust lol.

Sounds like a child mentality. You can either deal with it or move on. People don’t change. Don’t expect it to stop.

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As someone who copped this for years. Get out. It will get worse and worse until you lose every good part of yourself.

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Sounds like u need to look closer to who accuses may be doing what he is accusing u of…sounds like it to me…open ur eyes…

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Because he’s probably doing stuff behind your back

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This is the start of nothing but bad for your future. Narcissist!

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Narcissist. Run. And run fast . And don’t look back


He can’t see what he thinks he sees in you if it is not in him

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Because he’s doing it to you


If he’s is accusing you then he is doing it

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He has abandonment issues. Have get counseling

His guilty conscience trying to make you into the bad guy …suspicious to me …red flag


Wake up he’s accusing you because that’s what he’s doing!


Maybe mental illness

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Sounds like he’s projecting his guilt onto you…guilty dogs bark first…


Dump him quick. It will only get worse as he’s trying to control you. Run girl!


If he can’t trust you and for no valid reason then, I think this is not love because how can you love who you don’t trust ?

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Those who accuse are the guilty ones!


Insecure…abandoned issues…not everyone who saids that is cheating (guilty conscience).


Just think of how short this life is and you’ll have the wits to leave.


Guilty conscience? Insecure? Either way, get out or make him seek therapy.


I always heard, that when your partner is jealous like that, they are the ones that are guilty…


Run… simple as that!!!


it sounds like the pot calling the kettle black IMO. as in, he is accusing you of the stuff that actually HE is doing behind your back. #FoodForThought #ThingsToKeepInMind


he is guilty of what he says you are doing


My daughter dated a man like that. It was so bad she contacted his ex wife. Exactly the reason he’s now her ex. She immediately left him. Run. He’s not worth it.


Boundaries. I don’t stand for foolishness like this. NEXT!!!


BIG RED FLAG GIRL… bet he would bitch a fit if you did that to him daily…Makes him sound like the guilty party

Trust issues red flag get out while you can


When they accuse you that’s when they’re doing it


Time for you to leave. This toxic. He’s not going to change.

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Best If you leave now that will never ever change no matter how much he tries ( which he won’t) He’s either guilty or toxic you’re better off without.

You deserve better than him.

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If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, he’s probably cheating

Hate to say this but He’s probably doing something he shouldn’t be my bd the same way while im on my phone back in my bedroom and i caught him cheating

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He’s projecting possibly for his own guilt ?


No one fears theft as much as a theif. The same applies to cheaters.

Not healthy for you. Leave

Don’t allow her m to treat you that way. Stand strong and leave.its better to be alone starting over than with the wrong people

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Google the terms ‘narcissist’ and ‘gaslighting’… Want better for yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Why are you even in a relationship with him???

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Those are his insecurities to fix, not yours.

Can’t be in a relationship with someone who has trust issues and it sounds like there are clearly trust issues

Narcissist or very insecure. This won’t change. Leave now while ya can.


Sounds like he is guilty

That’s called deflection. I would start questioning him and watching him because people often times can’t handle the guilt of things they have done to you, so they have to flip the story to make themselves feel better. So if he is so worried about you cheating it might be because he already has.


NARCISSISTIC MANIPULATIVE GASLIGHTER- please run before it runs you down


My most recent ex was that way. He was sleeping with pretty much everyone. Got married to one of them, and proceeded to sleep with pretty much everyone and would hit me up asking to hit it :nauseated_face: cheaters gonna always project. Always. Plus if the attention is on you, you are too distracted to focus on what he’s doing. Regardless though it’s not a relationship you want to waste any more time on


He’s the one that’s probably cheating and trying to blame u. Kick him to the curb fast, don’t need that BS

He may be a cheater that is projecting. Or he needs therapy. Either way I’d say bye bye bye.

Are you Heart broken, Divorced Do you feel separated from your partner or is he/she taken by someone from you you or even you want your ex back here is the time you end worries and pain by contacting

If he is accusing you he is the one cheating guarantee it


He probably is cheating honestly I’d leave he sounds controlling


Just throw him in the bin that is the hardest thing to deal with he won’t change because he doesn’t want to put simply should definitely read why does he do that it’s a great book but he’s also being emotionally abusive trying to wear you down and make you feel bad

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That’s a metal problem and you can’t fix it. Cut your losses

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Definitely cheating go find urself what u deserve better xxx

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Everyone is saying he’s cheating, but honestly the man could just be extremely insecure and have mental issues dealing with relationships.


Are you sure he’s not on drugs?

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Does he do drugs? They often times result in bad paranoia

sounds like a guilty conscience to me.

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Run before you invest anymore time with him!

needs some psych drugs!

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sounds like he’s got a guilty conscience

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An Ex was like that for two years :upside_down_face: I ended up moving out secretly because it only was getting worse

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How many red flags do you need?
If you’re determined to continue this “relationship”, then please do so with the help of a good therapist and/or couples counselling.
At best he’s cheating, at worst he’s cheating AND practicing his controlling and gaslighting trechniques.
Personally, having already wasted one year of your life on him, I’d walk. But I’m older and happier with myself now…


He’s cheating on you. The accusers are typically the ones doing what they’re accusing you of. Leave his cheating, controlling ass before it’s too late.

My first Husband was like that, I put up with it for 10 years had a daughter with him, I sense then got re married to a wonderful man we have been married for 27 years & he’s amazing he was a great father to my first daughter & we have a daughter together, please don’t take crap from any man !!! There are good men still out there !!


Honey, he’s cheating on you… He feels guilty so he’s trying to turn it around on you.


Leave him, he’s either cheating or he’s damaged and taking out stuff another woman did to him out on you. Either way he’s showing you he doesn’t trust you and you can never have a good relationship without trust. Leave him


Are you? Just because he’s paranoid doesn’t mean he’s not correct. Joke over. Find someone better.

Run , don’t walk away from this jerk, it’s only going to get worse. You deserve better .

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Leave. Now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

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Leave seriously leave he’s projecting what he’s doing to you nine times out of 10 and sometimes the one out of 10 is just cuz it’s happened so much to them but go go with the first one don’t invest any more time

Maybe because HE actually has stuff to hide? Or is hiding stuff from you? Guilty conscience and deflects it onto you?

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Run…don’t walk…away…manipulation is his goal in life. Please don’t waste any more of your life on this “relationship”…he will destroy you!

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Run away…far far away !

Sounds like he got the problem

He’s def cheating on, sorry girl!

You know what they say… it’s the guilty dog that barks first.