My partner got mad that I didn't tell him I went out with my child: Thoughts?

It’s respectful to tell your partner your plans for all he knew you could have been in a accident,ran off even having a fling. I always let my partner know where I’m going cause it’s what you do when you are in a relationship


So is he demanding that you tell him every single time you go somewhere with your child?? Tell him to stop being a kid himself and to grow up. I bet he doesn’t check in with you about your child 24/7 does he?


I think you are missing the bigger picture here… I don’t believe that he’s mad because you spent one on one time together with your son, it’s more the fact that out of respect you should have called or texted him just to say " hey, me and (your son’s name) are going to the movies, ring or text me if you need me, movie should be finished by blah blah time and we will see you at home"…

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No man is going to dictate me spending one on one with my child! He’s being ridiculous and controlling! Get away from him now!


No if he dont like it go fly

He wants to be a priority, even before the kids. You tell me how that makes you feel? Controlling behavior only gets worse!


No your partner sounds like a real jerk. Your child will always remember those one on one moments.

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I don’t think he was concerned she got in an accident if he didn’t find out until the evening. He would of been blowing up her phone and she would have told him then. Also his wording that she was liar and he can’t trust her when she was just with her child seems like red flag behavior.

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Omg Is he jealous of a child??? No just no :-1:t4:

Seems like this is missing some information/pertinent history because most guys could care less. First confusing thing is you said he was you partner then you called him your kids dad like you’re not together. Is this a ‘his, mine, and ours’ (kids) situation because you said ‘my child’ like it’s not his too? Do you live together or no? Did you leave the other kids at home or were they even there? Is there a history of some kind of issues? Too many pertinent details left out to give a thorough answer.

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No he sounds like a psycho. You’re also a parent and I would always tell my partner where I’m going out of courtesy, it should NEVER be a “requirement of trust.” You either trust me or you don’t. Lol

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That’s weird! Has to be more to the story

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No he’s controlling no relationship u should b in u r completely right each child should have one on one time if the trust is gone its over no fault of yours

LADIES In case no one has ever told you… You ARE NOT a rehabilitation center for someone else’s poorly raised Man!!! :joy::heart: Repeat it as often as needed :heart:

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no you didn’t do anything wrong your partner is a douch canoe

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You and child might save a lot of heartache and walk … away

No you didn’t do anything wrong , your husband is just doesn’t understand why you never said anything to him. Has he done something similar… nothing to do with trust, he sounds like he wants to be in control. Anyway don’t feel guilty,he is being a numpty.

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Control freak—RUN….FAST!!! Overreaction!!!

:x::red_circle::red_square::red_circle::x::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: I couldn’t find enough red " alarms" not just flags … girl… nooooo. You did nothing wrong. That sounds like jealousy almost :flushed: that your child got to spend time alone with you. What in the actual F… a liar ? Did you say you weren’t going to the movie ? Then did go ? He can’t trust you? There’s more here that we need the details too… sounds like ALOT of jealousy and trust issues … but your own child… naw … your kids should always come first. I’d start questioning sooo many things if I were you. Good lucky. I know not everyone takes the opinion and advice in the end everyone does what they want and feel is right for them. Best… of… luck…I think you’re going to need it to stay in this relationship

Controlling and manipulative :triangular_flag_on_post:


You did nothing wrong. Run Forest run.

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No, you are doing fine. He’s having issues with his feelings about spending time with your kids! So now he’s saying he can’t trust? Don’t trust him

You didnt do anything wrong

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You did nothing wrong, he is either covering up something he did wrong by making you feel like you did or he has major controlling and manipulation issues


Before you rush to any conclusion here have you wondered if there was a reason he would go off that way. Has he maybe experienced a similar situation in the past where his gf said she was spending one in one time her kid but it was other reasons. Maybe you should try and talk to him. Try and find out why he feels that way. You didn’t do anything wrong so why does he feel like you did something untrustworthy. Communication is key however if he can’t do that and just keeps blaming you then he’s an ass and move on

He’s being an ass ignore his childish whims. Make yourself happy first it isn’t his Job. If he’s being a douche let him that’s not on you he’s the fool, unfortunately your the one that sees it, you have the ability to let it go in one ear and out the other, like a rant from a child. BE HAPPY, show your children you are the strong one. If you know you are right then his voice isn’t counted.

Sounds like you’re man’s a little bitch.

NO- there was nothing wrong- he sounds insecure- and then the name calling- keep a check on him

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Not that you have to ask permission but, you should have told him what your plans are for safety reasons. It’s called common courtesy. Also it sounds to me that he might have been cheated on and kids used as a cover up.

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You didn’t do anything wrong.

Personally, even when I’m headed to go grocery shopping I let my husband know I’m leaving the house before I go. He does the same for me. We get notifications anyways when we leave through Life360, but his reaction is pretty out there in the breaking trust part, you were with your kid.

Get rid of him he’s a jerk anyone who can’t spend one on one time with there own child

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He really needs to grow up !! One on one with your child is very important don’t stop mom.

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My ex used to get jealous every time I did anything with my daughter, he was a controlling narcissist.

No he’s making an excuse. He’s mad you went out without talking to him period. Has nothing to do with the movie or the point of it all. It’s a jealousy issue

He’s the one hiding something.


No you did nothing wrong u did right by spending quality one on one time with your child he is the one with the problem

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You did nothing wrong.
He is trying to manipulate you.and control you. Boy has issues,men treat partners with respect!

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I think there’s something wrong with your partner. You took your child put for the day. That’s not a bad thing. It’s important bonding time for you guys. He’s being a jerk

No I don’t think so. It is important to have time with your child.

It’s definitely an over reaction. If you live with the dad, then a courtesy “were going to the movies” would have been nice but if you don’t live with him, then no he doesn’t need to know and that’s crazy controlling.

Run…hes a control freak…

He sounds controlling.

Bizarre reaction from him. There is more to this.

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Absolutely not.You didnt do anything wrong at all.You spent quality time wyth yiur child.Didnt know you have to ask permission to spend time with your chiid.He sounds like hes got issues.Jealousy too.

Ummm….that’s insane. Run from this man