Can’t trust you because you went out with your child ? Red flag
I take my kids out where ever I want to take them when my partners at work or even if his at home I may mention where we may go but sometimes plans change and we may go somewhere else but I ain’t giving no one a run day of my day for taking my own children out sod that
He’s a whack job and I think you know it.
What a jerk! You don’t need permission to take your child on a day out…tell him to piss off
Red flag dump him and run if he said dat2 be A@E be having him as a guest:cold_sweat:
Sounds like he has some ptsd
Hell no tell him to get the tampon out of his butt
Nope see you later,boo!!
He sounds controlling, we are all allowed to do things without our SO. Sounds like he has issues
You didn’t do anything wrong… He is being insane. Next time you may want to shoot him a text saying y’all r going out… That way he knows u guys are safe and everything… But it’s not really necessary…
Um could be a sign he is cheating some men get all accusing when they are in fact the ones doing it. I only say that as I went thru that before. I’d talk to him about it
Sounds very controlling. Run
That sounds controlling how’s he gonna tell you what you can do with your child like you gotta have his approval as a child that he’s treating you like it’s okay for him to do things with his kids but not you hell nah you ain’t in the wrong and I would leave him that’s the biggest red flag you can have and sounds as though he’s jealous over your child he needs to grow up
Hes not controlling, he’s hurt and lashing out. He wasn’t invited to go. You didn’t even bother telling him. He feels left out. Think of it like that. How would you have felt if he left for the day without a word? Then heard about all the fun he had without you. It would make you sad and feeling left out. Don’t lie, you know it would. Men have feelings to. They just express them differently.
He got mad because you took your child out? Something is definitely not right about that. Its your child. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. And it doesn’t make you a liar either. I guess my question is WHAT IS HE HIDING??? SOUNDS SHADY TO ME
Sounds like his problem. Not yours. Did you have fun with your kid? Thats all that matters.
No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Do both of you guys always ask before doing thing? As I read this I see red flags. The real question is what is he doing that you can’t trust him?
No what you’re describing is an abusive relationship. Don’t brush this off it only gets worse from here. You need to find your way out of that situation. That’s a mental disorder.
I agreed with Lisa Marie Bailey…ur in a relationship…u need 2 communicate …ur not single ne more where u can just come & go as u please…look at it this way… .if he did that 2 u how would u have felt
It’s good to let him know where you’re going or just that you plan on going out in general so he doesn’t wonder where you or his child went but you don’t need his permission nor does that make you a liar or untrustworthy. Sounds like he has some insecurities that’s his issue- not yours!
No he’s controlling and narcissistic behavior
I don’t know how you could go a whole day without a msg. I msg my partner whenever i have time which is normally a few times a day or arvo i work shift work so the only time i don’t msg is when i think she would be sleeping. We don’t have kid’s together i believe in one on one time & the whole family do things together. I understand about the young kids it does make it hard but I would have definitely sent him a msg at some point to let him know what you have planned for the day. I have had spontaneous outings with my child & I always tell my partner. It’s just courtesy i don’t think of it as controlling.
So does he need to ask permission or let you know every time he sees his children and spends time with them??
Is he mad you didn’t invite him? Do you get invited to everything he does with his kids or his friends?
Girl please see this controlling abusive narcissistic dude that he is! You’ve done nothing wrong! Run!!
Did he want to go? If not it’s ur kid you spend your time with your son !
No that is controlling behavior. The name calling and guilt tripping are red flags. You don’t need his permission to exist outside of the home and for him to basically throw a tantrum because you did, in my experience it gets much worse from that.
No you didn’t do anything wrong.he needs to grow up
You did nothing wrong … You could have sent a text or let him know before hand but you don’t have to !! It’s your child ffs !! If he feels he can’t trust you because of this he has issues !!!
He sounds like a spoilt brat good on you & hope you enjoyed the movie
Concerned about his behavior and his accusations… Those are not loving, trusting words/behaviors. Having come from a past abusive relationship, I am concerned for you. You did nothing wrong.
You did nothing wrong there’s something bugging him something that may he ain’t even realizing
Sounds like he is jealous
You should show him all these comments about how controlling Ridiculous he sounds. That would gross me out and I’d fall out of love Real quick.
He’s controlling. Start planning your escape now.
Seriously? He sounds extremely controlling. And i dont see his point AT ALL? Where is the problem
He sounds like a control freak
So he’s the controlling type. Can’t leave the house, can’t make plans. Can’t do anything. You have to tell him what you do before any of it… That’s gross. I had one of them , thankfully I got rid of him long time ago. Keep a look out for anymore cause they will be there and it will only get worse
To be jealous of a child mother date is immature and controlling
I had dates with my kids often one on one- otherwise their days consisted of ‘get ready for school’ ‘don’t do that’ ‘where did you put it?’ And other shrewish moments. I’d have coffee, they’d have a babycino and we’d share a cupcake. Then I made sure to talk about me, and ask about him. We’d window shop, and laugh. I have three sons, and a date is still something I look forward to.
You didn’t do anything wrong. Sounds like a red flag
In my experience men will try to break the bond between you and your child/children
You didn’t do anything wrong. Know I get mad at my partner because he never takes me to do anything. If we do it HAS to involve his out of control child, so I don’t get to enjoy it. I get so angry because he’s always taking his kid to do something. Playing games at an arcade, a movie, shopping, ect, ect. He won’t do anything with me like a date??? Always some excuses. I also have to give him my exact location at all times and can’t go anywhere with anyone else or on my own. He even took his 9 year old monster out to a nice stake house, without telling me. Then said I’m ungrateful because at least he brought me home something. Yes yes he brought me home 3 hour cold steak that was extremely rare, and put it in front of a fan for 3 hours till I got home…
I would be questioning his actions. Usually when they start going on about trust issues etc out of the blue, their projecting their own actions and are trying to find ways to justify their actions.
He sounds super controlling and quite possibly up to no good
Girl you keep on making happy memories with your kid/kids, don’t you let anyone take that away regardless of their reasoning. Shame on him for making you feel as if you did something wrong, let him sulk and don’t even acknowledge it save your energy for more happy days with you kid/kids!
Uncalled for and unreasonable reaction to your time with your children. If he’s having issues with this and what will be next??? I would not tolerate anyone who got between myself and my children like this!!
That’s crazy. I can understand wanting to be told just so he knows your both safe but the excuses he made? Sounds kinda like projecting in my opinion.
Not one thing wrong with that!!!
Now concerning the cost if you’ve got an allowance example (that’s given to you as a stay at home mom.) it’s still your money you used the partner cannot control finances so tightly that you cannot choose without prior permission on money already given to you. Your child right? The other is allowed to do things with their child while you can’t with your own is not exactly a healthy example to those children altogether as the dads can see that they get treated better etc and either become snotty to yours or yours begin to feel they aren’t as important to be allowed fun just like his kids. You have every right to not be belittled because spending time with children one on one where each feels understood is extremely important. I take my two older on separate mommy and me dates and I explain doesn’t matter which activity they chose they’re not to rub it in the siblings face or outings will become exactly the same for both of them and very predictable lol.
That sounds really controlling. I would communicate with him about how it makes you feel and also ask him what’s going on (if this behaviour is out of the norm).
At the moment I have to let people know when I’m going out by myself with my kids but, that’s only because of my Health at the moment.
Get the f out right now!!! That is the biggest red flag I have ever seen!!! My man will come to me and say hey…I gotta work late tonight or I gotta work this weekend…here is some extra cash. You and your son go spend some time doing something fun. No…your man’s reaction is wrong wrong wrong wrong.
Sounds like he’s just another child of yours
hell no its YOUR SON red flag get out asap
You’re not in the wrong
Is he serious
He has problems
Did you leave the little ones at home and not tell him exactly where yall were going? He probably wanted you to include him too. Maybe you and him go see a movie together and leave the kids at home. Did he tell you he was taking his kids to go see the movie?
I would be looking further into this lovely. Does seem like quite a big response to an innocent outing with your child.
Maybe he was worried were you were all this time. Maybe you could have told him were you’re gonna be, and with who. You didn’t need to ask his permission, if you can do this, but just tell him that this is what you’re gonna do today.
Control,time to go,it only gets worse
Your partner’s a moron and there’s more to his outburst than he’s showing . RED FLAG ! HONESTLY , If you ain’t fighting this , then you’re enabling his behaviour . Tell the douch bag this kid is yours as much as it’s his .
Like is your man mentally challenged ? Cause then I’d accept his shit , but he ain’t
This got under my skin too early in the morning
Seriously is he normal,
I think you need to assess your relationship
He is a control freak
he missed his dinner… and you were not there to feed him… he’s a jerk…
Wow what a massive red flag. Unless you guys organised to go together then you just up & went on you’re own, he has literally NOTHING to be this upset about. You’re allowed to spend time alone with your own kid…
This might sound weird but do u have a cell phone? Did u guys not talk all day or did u ignore his calls?
He’s trying to control you
I take my son everywhere I go the beach the river parks nature trails my hubs had a work meeting out of town and they fed him so my son and I went out to Mexican for dinner just the two of us and he a toddler
I think he just felt left out
Are you a stay at home mom and he’s the only one that works??
Maybe he felt like he’s always working and you get to have fun with the kids
Next time tell him maybe he can go and u stay home
I’m sure he just felt left out
Sounds like a bossy as bitch lolol who has his period when shit don’t go his way
You did nothing wrong. There is however something wrong with him.
Major red flags. Nothing wrong with taking your child anywhere
He is gaslighting you, big red flag.
He was jealous cause u didn’t include him
No each parent should do this often with ea.child.
No u didn’t do any thing wrong.
Maybe he wanted to go
I don’t see why he’s making an issue out of this. If this is what bothers him he must have a pretty privileged life.
He sounds like a controlling dumbass. Red flags and insecure. You can have one on one time with your child.
he should of been happy for you and your child, great memories for the both of you, maybe he was jealous
No MF on this earth will tell me what I can do with /or for my child! Kick him to the curb where he belongs…Massive Red Flag
Not really any of his business
If he’s upset that you spent time with your child huge red flag. Is this a child from previous relationship? Some ppl just always got to complain about something.
Ummm is he doing something to the children? Why is he threatened by your alone time with them? Nope take kids to the dr
What means red flags in this page? I don’t get it
No disrespect that’s his shit an you do what you think is right
cos if he loves you he loves all of you an human emotions always kick in.
No. Absolutely not. Tell him to rethink his comments.
I see
From personal experience, I wonder why he is acting like this or what he is up to when you aren’t around.
Maybe he was over worried and that’s how it came out.Communicate with each other
Who sounds jealous ??? And insecure… and controlling … and…
Maybe just incase something happen it’s always good to communicate where your going just incase but other than that he shouldn’t be upset.
He sounds controlling. Red flag you need to think about things what other red flag remands has he put to you, think because there will have been some.
Tell your partner he not the boss of you . You should see this as red flag not good kids . You do what make u very happy with ur kids .
When I was married my husband didn’t trust me. He was the one cheating.
No he sounds controlling
I’d tell him to kiss my (!)
Ummm NO you did nothing wrong. He needs to get a grip
Call it what you will but I need to be informed where my kids or my husband is or else I get crazy anxiety.
It’s takes nothing to inform your partner "Hey I’m stepping out to do so & so shoot me a txt or a call if ya need me.
Creepy controlling bs. Run
Tell him stop being so selfish and childish
This is just the beginning
Manipulation,control freak, narcissist. Don’t ever put a man before your children. You didn’t do anything wrong. ROAR Mama! You are your children’s only voice. This is emotional abuse/verbal abuse. 
Make it make sense? I must be missing something? You mean some parents DONT take their kids on dates? I take my son and my husband takes our daughter at least one every few weeks. We also do boys day/ girls day. Dad and son go fishing or car show. The queen and princess gets pampered. Only thing that might be off is, we tell each other what we’re doing so we don’t mess up any plans and so neither one of us is worried.
Because of past relationships. My immediate first thought is “he’s trying to make you look guilty when in reality HE’S the one guilty of something” usually when they’re pointing the finger at you. It’s because they did something far worse. But want you to fixate on what exactly you did while they get away with whatever they did scot-free just know YOU are NOT in the wrong here!
Yeah somethings not right with him
You don’t have to tell him get out of the relationship now!!!