My partner has had so many kids!

Sounds like he doesn’t give a shit :roll_eyes:

Obviously you didn’t know a lot about him…
If you go along before knowledge what has changed…my big concern is how does he support all those children and if he doesn’t what kind of man is he


Another, Notch in his belt

He’s s of centered. They thinks he’s a Stud and children are trophies

I would question if he had asked them to terminate the pregnancies. My daughters ex did, which is part of the reason he is no longer in their lives. And she found out she wasn’t the only one he had ask to terminate the pregnancy after they split up.

Yall act like that’s a big deal… most people have slept with 10 people or more in their lives…


Maybe it’s the way you wrote it but it sounds like he’s proud of himself, sounds like a Very irresponsable BOY to me…

Just because he has a bad past doesn’t make him a bad person. I’m not gonna lie I’m only 26 years old and I’ve been around, but now I found my one partner that loves me for me. Can’t judge a book by its cover. Unless he’s off cheating on you or something. But maybe he’s matured and is a better person now than what he was.


Wow you really asked that question?


He was honest with u I don’t understand the dilemma here if the situation was reversed should he feel different about you?


Ewww its like hes proud

Obviously, I don’t know either of you, but from where I’m sitting, that doesn’t seem like something that would be true, because how would he even know? And say that it is, how fucking irresponsible. It sounds like something that he said in order to get a reaction/jealousy from you. He definitely seems to be a toxic individual from what you stated in your post.

He’s the reason why so many woman are pushing for male birth control. SMH :woman_facepalming:t2:


Your better than that, get out while you can

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My biggest issue is that it is obvious he isn’t using protection


Mine is 15 years older then me and he used to live in Cali when he was younger he would go to the sperm banks and sell his sperm he has four children we know of personally and he is in all of their lives! But that’s a different story.

Research, Ladies I encourage Research.

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I’d worry that he’d keep that list going …think long and hard.


It’s his past. It shouldn’t matter anymore. Apparently he’s not like that anymore right? I’m 29 and I have a past but I’m not that person anymore.


My husband has 8 kids from previous relationships and he told me off the bat and he does help with them when he can I don’t think it’s gross I just think it’s 8 other babies I get to love as my own :heart:


Smh. He should be ashamed of not being careful enough and having been apart of do many abortions. It’s disgusting. People like that are the reason women health clinics are being shut down. ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. And should not be treated a such. He needs to get a vasectomy frfr.
And as far as how you feel… I would be upset and pissed he didn’t tell me that before we even had a kid, Sounds like such a great father figure :roll_eyes: Smh


So he has slept around unprotected. The pillar of responsibility. I would be more worried about how and if he takes care of his children.


That’s what you’re disgusted about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:I’d be more disgusted by the fact that he’s giving away raw community :eggplant:. :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::nauseated_face:


Obviously doesn’t value life…to be a party to that many terminations…yuk yuk yuk


Yeah I’d be more concerned with all the raw doggin he’s done… get checked.


You’ve had 3 years with him. You’re just now finding out? Those are things you should’ve discussed already.


Kinda sounds like he’s a whore :woman_shrugging:t3:

Eww like it’s a badge of honor that’s nasty

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It IS disgusting and shows a lack of spiritual maturity and discipline. But there’s hardly any men with that. And if there are men with those things it’s because they learned it from a woman.


Yeahhhhh I think I’d have figured that one out before I had a kid with him sounds like he doesn’t know how to stop shooting his seed dude needs to get fixed.


I would be less concerned about the amount of potential children and more concerned about the potential STDS and would have him get tested and go get tested myself.


That’s a really weird way to put it. If I hadn’t had miscarriages, a stillborn and a deadly illness, I would have had 11 children of my own, all with my husband. But like, that’s totally different. I grieve for his 11 babies that weren’t wanted :disappointed_relieved:


True story:
My dad has 17 children with many woman i am now 45 and I have now only met 10 of my siblings from my father

Mind you he did not help in raising me nor does he know any of his grandchildren from me face to face just by name

Okay I am a mother of 13 children I raised and have been in their life 24/7 THEIR ONE FATHER has been the best parent :heart:

Big difference between a grown man my husband and my father not one red cent i only found him myself at 18 years old i have no hate for him but he could have asked once or twice how i was???he knows of his grandchildren cause I have been the only 1 making attempts BUT for 3 years I have stopped

Don’t just think of you…think of his kids too and make sure he takes his “FATHER” AND “HUSBAND” ROLES equally


Not to be a bitch but maybe you should’ve asked more questions about his past partners before having a child with him.

There will be always be men like this everywhere until the day ALL WOMEN stop having sex with men like this

He sounds like a hand me down sweater that noone else wants :woman_facepalming:


I feel like the fact that you’re the third baby mom should have been the first clue that he’s been around the block LOL I’m sorry but my ex had three daughters from three different relationships when I got with him and I could already tell by his reputation and the fact that he had 3 kids by 3 different mothers that he was a ladies man… we went on to have 2 children of our own, but he had changed a lot so it may sound crazy to others, but at the time it made sense to us. Even my step daughter’s mother’s had said that he had changed so much being with me. I found out later that he would have had two children each with two of his daughter’s mother’s but one had an abortion and the other one had a miscarriage. I also had a miscarriage the third time I got pregnant by him. I didn’t hold that against him and you can’t judge people on their past. Is he still acting like a guy who would go around spreading his seed to so many different women? If not, then let it go and move on… almost seems like you’re looking for an excuse but maybe I’m wrong.

Wow just wow. What a low life of a man.


Does he know that is not really anything to be proud of??? I don’t think I would look at him the same way ever if it was me.


well now you know he’s never used protection. get yourself checked girl lol


A man can impregnate way more females in a year than females can carry pregnancy. Ok so perhaps there was 14 times in his life there was a positive pregnancy test. He could have been with someone who had multiple miscarriages and in the end their relationship ended… 14 seems like a high number but there are likely scenarios he he may or may not know regarding the pregnancies…


Do you know about about other kids? If he’s been with you three years then I’d say you have no reason to complain

You seem petty they had the right to decide if they had the baby or not.


I think he sounds like a tomcat, having babies with all the females he can mate with. Sounds like he goes for quantity over quality. And that many abortions is nothing to be proud of.


I wonder what the concern is?

That he’s had that many partners?

Truth is at the end of the day the pregnancy outcome isn’t his choice. Is it that he’s callous about it? Lots of
people believe life does not begin at conception. So there isn’t a “loss” so to speak.

Is he a good father to all 3 of his children?

If it’s really just his scorecard, well that would be on you to have asked if it
was a priority to you. Personally I don’t care about my husband’s past… Didn’t settle for me but chose to be with me as your partner is choosing to be with you.

Now if it’s really an issue for you, it won’t change. He can’t change it. Not how that works. It is what it is. If it’s a problem, move on. If he is not a good father, move on. Next time make sure to know someone before settling into a relationship, make sure values line up.


I mean… You knew who he was when you decided to be with him :woman_shrugging: Is it ridiculous that he clearly doesn’t know how to use protection? Absolutely.
But is it fair to say he’s a “used sweater that’s been passed around”? Not really in my opinion :woman_shrugging:
In my 20s when I was young and having fun, I probably slept with more than that :sweat_smile:
I would be more concerned with making sure he’s clean then the fact that he’s been around the block a few times.


Sounds like his pull out game is weak! … nothing to be proud of but at least he is being honest…


Shouldn’t be telling all his secrets.

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I couldn’t be with someone like that, but that’s just me. That shoulda been brought up before y’all got together so you knew what you were getting into.


People are speaking bad about him not using protection but the women he was with didn’t either. It takes two to tango.


My question is did you know this before or after your pregnancy?? He hasn’t been passed around, seems like he has been around. His attitude would make me question a lot about his character.


I mean……ask him how many hes slept with that didn’t get pregnant lol that will appalling :joy::joy::joy::joy:


And why wasn’t this something you found out before laying up with him and making a baby?


I would think that’s his past and came before me. I wouldn’t judge buy how many kids he had/has but by how he took care of his kids. Also its sad women get pist about being slut shamed but so many doing it here. Ppl tell us to mind our bout women who have 5 6 7 baby daddies but a man can’t.

It’s not your concern how many people he has slept with before you. And definitely not your concern what other women have decided to do with their own body. If you’re gonna judge someone off of how many sexual partners they have had you should probably have that discussion BEFORE you also sleep with them.


Why would he be so proud of getting everyone pregnant? He has issues!


Yikes. What a scummy thing to do!


He doesn’t seem like he is very responsible. Are y’all planning on getting married? Does he see his other kids. Also, could he be lying about 14 kids? Something is not right about him. You need to use birth control , he doesn’t sound like someone for long term commitment.


I mean, everyone’s got a past right?
I personally would be put off by it if he went on all the time.

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Ewww. That just sounds irresponsible on both sides.

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I’ll play devils advocate: are we positive that he truly would have had 14 children the the other women kept their pregnancies? I mean I know some women that have lied about pregnancies and/or women that claimed the pregnancy was from a man - but it was from someone else. Now if it is all true and he used to “get around” that is gross - but if you guys have been together for three years, did you guys not discuss partners in the past/the beginning of your relationship? You definitely aren’t wrong for your feelings. Yet it’s been 3 years and he’s been committed to you.

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For so many of the women who have been with him to go
“Nope not keeping his baby!”
That sounds like his a major red flag :flushed:


Sad and disgusting! He she be fixed.


I think id move on i would think about what he has done alot

That means he’s experienced and not out looking for something he’s missing. He’ll be able to please you intimately and he chose you. He’s done with everything else
That’s his business. Not yours. We all have a past. Whether you agree with it or not. Leave it alone


“Passed around like a piece of meat” :joy::sob::joy:

Funniest thing I’ve heard all day. HE CHOSE to sleep with x number of women, and JUST now telling you some important information like this? Wow. Sounds like a straight up dog, and I feel horrid for you. :sweat:


I Always I mean Always ask how many and how old if he says he has kids

My oldest daughter was with a guy who donated sperm to 12 - 13 children… 3 my Grandchildren… He Didn’t pay child support for any of them!! Sad, yet true!!

Any way how do you pay child support to that many kids. Damn

Well did u not know before u had a baby with him that he had been around and had so many babies cause because I get with someone I’m sure gonna know we’re he has been and especially how many kids he has


Sounds like my ex. I have one of his kids and apperliently there are 13 others!! I had no idea he only claims 4 of them not all 14 kids. He and is wife are expecting or just had their first. He slept with the whole county at this point. They moved out of state and we share 50/50 custody with our daughter it’s the only kid he actually sees

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Totally disgusting :face_vomiting:

More disgusted because he was using all these females for pure lust🥴


So you slept with him had a child all without knowing about his past. Sorry Hun this is all on you now. You didn’t look into his past. You don’t get to bring it up now!!!


Can’t expect people to not have lived their life before before settling down. There’s nothing wrong with that. The only concern is being careless with protection so many times. I suggest both of you to test for stds just to be on the safe side. What’s important is having a healthy relationship right now and moving forward. Better to put your energy into that rather than worrying about the past.


Goodness… Sounds like a community preek :weary::weary:

What is he? A public donor of sperm? :weary:

Doesn’t sound like a responsible person or someone ready to give up his old ways. Who gave him the mandate to have 100+ babies? :weary::sweat:

Maybe we should stop having kids with men we know nothing about :joy::joy:


I’d be more worried about marrying him with 14 kids to pay child support for


He sounds immature and irresponsible


My baby daddy would of had 9 kids if all of the women would of kept them they all had abortions except for me and we have 2 together

It sounds like my ex,I knew he had only two kids before me we had 4 together ,after me well his tally went up,he now has 17 kids doesn’t support any but is court ordered to see one of them


He’s probably the reason for the abortions.


I mean dont judge your partner by how many sexual partners hes had maybe. He’s more than a piece of meat being passed around and sexual pleasures dont negate a humans worth. He’s not staying with you cuz hes ‘had everything else’ besides you theres PLENTY more females out there. :woman_shrugging: shaming isnt cool

It’s a little late to be worrying about this now, don’t you think? Okay, so he had copious amounts of sex :white_check_mark:. Adults made decisions to not continue those pregnancies or chose adoptions :white_check_mark: All adults involved didn’t use protection and acted irresponsibly :white_check_mark:

So, why is his past now what you’re concerned about? Shouldn’t this had been a thought before you slept with him and had a child? Honestly, myob.

But you do know that you’re the 3rd. I mean that’s just like him having 14 sexual partners before you


I’d feel disgusted actually that he’d been so irresponsible. Lol. Too bad he gave that info freely. Now it would never leave my mind. Dont ask don’t tell policy maybe is best.


That’s horrible :sob: Start running and don’t look back! This is so gross,Trash!

Honesty hes probably over exaggerating lol :joy:


Feels like a before we get pregnant conversation rather than after. :grimacing:


Ew, I personally wouldn’t be with someone like him but that’s my personal preference. :woozy_face:


ehhhhh i mean…most men honestly have slept with 14 women…but they are usually more careful. ya gotta look at him as a person…is he good, loyal, hardworking? then let it go…did he cheat on the other babys moms? if so then you know to atleast kind of expect it. and should probably reconsider the relationship but if not and you really love him then proceed with caution


I bet hes just trying to big his self up to you, mans acting like he has super spunk :rofl:

My daughter is #7 out of 8


2 other baby mamas would be too much for most women. That is a lot of child support going out the door and two extra personalities that will have an affect on your relationship.

If he has treated you well enough to make you feel he is a decent enough man to have a child with; let his past stay in the past. He can’t change any of it at this point and upsetting yourself about it is wasted energy. If your feelings for him have changed based on finding out about his past, do a favor to both of you and cut him loose until you can accept it or not.


Then why tf are u with him if u have such a problem with it??? :woman_facepalming:t3:


Im sorry, is he bragging?!? :exploding_head::persevere:


Sounds like hes a manwhore


His past is his past! How dare you throw it back in his face.
What makes him the bad guy for sleeping with 14 ladies are these ladies that didn’t keep the babies bad too?


Sounds like my bd, except most of them kept the babies and decided they wanted nothing to do with him nor his family, I’m just glad that I had mines with him before all of that

That would honestly gross me out too. Not really the “passed around” bit but how unbothered he is to have unprotected sex with that many women. :nauseated_face::nauseated_face: