Sounds like a jersey
Some of this says ‘she’ & others ‘he’. Who is who? ‘Partner’ is what? Who came up with this ridiculously rigid scheme? That’s not how to raise a healthy family. ‘Someone’ is emotionally crippling those children; the other ‘someone’ is being compliant.
What is going on here? It reads like a nutty story.
That is absolutely not a healthy environment. Yes babies can be put on a schedule, but good lord their still babies and need tended to when they need you period.
She is controlling & you let her control you
He is not only being ridiculous but he is also being controlling. You are the child’s parent too, not just him!!
Completely insane. I can’t believe someone would make a baby stay in a room and not be with the family. I would be out the door with my kids and never look back
Those control issues will only get worse. They are children not prisoners
Wait you can’t bring your baby to the kitchen before 10am?! You can’t sit in the living room with coffee at 8 with a baby?! What?
Get rid of the SO….something very controlling in this relationship!
This just sounds cruel to me, I don’t understand it at all you can’t keep a baby on a strict routine this is just crazy, I wouldn’t care how upset they got I would take baby downstairs if I wanted too
Other than a bedtime routine in their bedroom where you are in the home shouldn’t affect the timing of the routine which is what’s most important right? I would never let my husband tell me when & where I could take my children in our home!
Is he violent or hits things? He may soon. run
I would be telling my partner to either shape up or ship out! That’s not fair to that baby!
Not adjusting to parenting. She needs an eval with ob for pp anxiety/ depression. This isnt okay for the baby. Whats the plan when its 4 and waking up at 530am to party?
Husband didn’t post this, she’s a lesbian with a LO… “Love One” / Partner.
And…. Hell naaa…. That’s insane! You know damn good & well that’s not normal at all!
You better stand up for them babies, obviously you lack standing up for yourself.
Your “Partner” needs to go! People only do what you let them do!
Poor Little Baby!
I’d take my kids and leave period. That’s controlling. You can keep a schedule but things happen and you have to adapt to it. Every day is different you can’t be perfect at everything.
Does she by chance have post partum ?
Who gives a shit what your partner has to say! Your baby shouldn’t have to be locked on a room until 10am! I would pack me and my kids shit and be gone!
I see a lot of people assuming it’s the man controlling but if you read it you’ll see the woman is controlling
Definitely sounds like she could have post partum and she needs to see her doctor. Sooner or later the little one not being allowed up until late morning is going to impact when she goes down for the night and then your partner is going to be mad that she isnt going to sleep at the correct time.
How isolated that child must feel. Hearing everyone else knowing she cant join. Definitely put your foot down. Breaks my heart
She sounds like a control freak. The rule is unhealthy and needs to go. You need to put your foot down and if she gets mad let her. As long as she isn’t violent and hurts you or the kids that’s ok. If she does get violent call the cops. Maybe that is what it will take to straighten her out
girl leave that controlling psychopath.
Send the other kids upstairs to play with the baby if the baby can’t come downstairs
This sounds like 2 females to me and the one that didn’t carry the baby is making all the rules. I’d tell her ass to fu** off
I would do what is in the best interest of the baby and to help with " routines" the child is what is important and socialize it to the siblings and the home routines so that life can go on is the most important thing. The baby needs to be included in the family activities. If the spouse doesn’t like it then he/ she or they can do the feeding up in the segregated bedroom. But I’d think socializing the baby is just as important.
Collect all your children and leave smartly
She kinda seems controlling. I wouldnt let someone tell me I cant bring my baby downstairs in my own home.
Did I read that correctly? An infant isolated upstairs until 10 am?! My kids have NEVER slept til ten and they are teens. Not sure what the issues at play are here, but this is all kinds of messed up.
**will not let me
Get rid of her, control freak! You will regret it if you don’t unless she sees the error of her ways!
You need to make a choice. Keep the controlling psycho or do what you need to for the children’s safety. This is only the beginning of the control. Its going to change as your situation changes.
wtf. why would you do a 10am feed in bed? are you not awake and moving around the house by then.
your partner needs to get a grip
Wow why are with this person?
He sounds like he is suffering from OCD, as soon as he starts trying to dictate what others can do, it’s become a problem.
Id just take the baby downstairs anyway. What are they gonna do? Yell, cause problems? Get aggressive? If you answered yes to any if these, the baby waking isn’t the problem and maybe you should start really have a one on one, heart to heart and explain how you feel bc your partner isn’t the only one in the house and they’re only little once. Being a parent is hard, especially with losing sleep. It comes with the whole experience.
Let mum do her thing, if she’s a first time mum then she’s just overprotective, all these comments like leave is she the stay at home mum while you work maybe she knows how baby reacts to the reflux and for her sanity to stay sane she has this routine to cope, baby’s with reflux cry ALOT it can be draining and after sleeping all night you can be worst after your first feed, time will pass just let mum do her thing and help where you can
Is it because when your daughter feeds if she moves too much she throws up?
My granddaughter is on a feeding tube and this was the case.
Ask your partner is that why she wants her in one place if so tell her you can keep her immobile downstairs with the family.
As others have said you don’t want your daughter to associate eating with the bedroom that can lead to eating problems later in life.
We fed my granddaughter then put her in a Bumbo so she didn’t move around but still was in the kitchen, living room even on vacation with the family.
Your partner needs to get over this, this isn’t a life for your baby, your partner , you or the other kids that feel alienated from their sister.
Also this is your daughter too there shouldn’t be you aren’t allowed to things!
I paid pretty good money to have a sleep trainer explain to me that you DO NOT want them conditioned to feed in a certain environment around sleep because it creates habits that are hard to break, especially at that age when sleep training makes the most sense and is easiest. If you condition them to take a bottle at a certain time and in a certain place they will start to demand it and it will be that much harder to get the baby on a schedule that makes more sense when needed. Let her wake up naturally, get her changed and dressed for the day, get her out of her room and acclimated to the day and then get her a bottle.
I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be at nap and bedtime with that going on. And if it’s not difficult yet, hold on… it’s about to be!
She may be struggling with anxiety as that manifests in people by being controlling, moody, irritable, easily frustrated, overwhelmed, overly rigid with routines, intense fatigue, emotional outbursts, lack of patience and many other symptoms others cannot see.
Talk to her, let her know you support her and love her and just be kind in explaining what you want.
She might feel overwhelmed at the idea of having to care for all the children, all at once, first thing in the morning and she just doesn’t have the mental or emotional bandwidth to deal with it.
Get really really curious and ask some questions from a genuine place of wanting to understand. Let her know you really are interested in understanding her reasoning. It might help her open up and and share whatever has her insisting upon this strict routine.
I seen some him and he’s thrown around just want to point out this could be a woman too! Can’t just assume it’s the father when baby could have 2 mom’s . My opinion it’s your baby tell her this isn’t working for anyone but her and change is good sometimes even with routines. Baby is growing it’s time to let her try something different.
Sounds like dad doesn’t want to take care of his 2 kids and wants her and the baby downstairs so she can watch all the kids.
This is very Controlling behavior You are a grown woman no one can tell you what to do. You do as you see fit for your child.
Is she a 1st time mom? She needs to realize their schedules change every couple months. If she’s so dead-set on it I would start pumping and she can stay upstairs until 10 to feed the baby. And this “let you” wtf, you’re not one of the kids. She needs to grow up. Parenting is working together and sometimes compromising but to just be nasty the rest of the day because she didn’t get her way gtfoh
It sounds like your partner has postpartum anxiety and OCD. Why does baby absolutely have to be fed in the bedroom? For the sake of a routine? Will baby not eat anywhere else?She really should discuss with her doctor. I’m all for routine, but when you have other children- some flexibility is a must.
Sounds like this is more of a control thing than being a “partner!” And your other kids are affected too……oh hell no! Tell your “partner” to kick rocks!
Sounds like the OCD in her needs to be put in check. You and your babies are not robots.
Some routines are helpful, but you’ve got to go with the flow on a lot of things in parenthood. Sounds like she’s a first timer who’s ideas of what it would/should be like aren’t realistic.
Sit her down and have a “come to Jesus” moment with her.
“Oh, hi. I have two kids I want to spend time with this morning so you can do the morning feed upstairs. I’ll see you when you come down.”
Routines change. Example, your 6am feeding is now 7. Your partner may have other issues going on. I wouldn’t let it affect the children any longer
When you have a baby the world should revolve around the Baby , not an adults Wants !!!
He’s not getting it. Just take that baby downstairs. Is he there at all times? Don’t allow him to control you like that. You are your babies voice
I’ve literally never heard anything so strange in my life. Did your SO not want this baby?
Its your child also… pick your battles. If you let this slide what will be next
Tell her She cant go downstairs until she poops! That is the. most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard!
Grow a pair…it’s your child !!!
Easy solution here.
Sit your partner down hold hands look your partner in the eye and say “my kids are at the top of my list so go fuck off”
Make sure you do this around 715 see you can get up go grab your kid and bring him or her downstairs.
Make sure to take a bow after coming down too, and make sure to feed your other two kids something really messy and unmanageable to eat while playing on the floor with a little one.
Jokes aside your partner sound like a real control freak and that’s not healthy for anybody especially a new baby with some health issues.
Whose more important your kid or your husband …kid always comes first he comes second ! He gonna have to get used to his new life tough … tell him you don’t give a ×× your the mom and what you say goes lol
Your a push over and he is a controlling asshole sounds like a very wholesome relationship
That seems cruel to me. What about when the child finally goes to school and its a struggle to wake them up. I’d tell my partner to piss off I’ll do as I please
Go to the next pediatrician appointment and discuss it with the pediatrician. Get his opinion. That’s all that matters
Some of these comments are heartbreaking to read. Do you not remember having a you g baby? Your first baby? For some it’s easy and you adapt quickly. For others it’s very overwhelming and can quickly turn into depression and anxiety. To the poster - please don’t just take the baby, this won’t help. Speak with her calmly and suggest you speak with your health visitor or GP and talk about a routine. Yes young babies don’t need much of a routine, but it sounds like your partner needs a routine to keep her sane, it may be how she deals with her anxiety. Telling her to man up won’t solve anything. She needs to be supported, not made to feel crazy.
She sounds like she’s struggling with control can happen after having a baby she may feel that she needs to do everything right or by the book and this can lead to control. She could also be a bit postnatal I was and I had to control alot as I was always afraid of doing wrong.she might not mean to be this way. But I’d defo have a word baby is urs too and not good keeping her in the room that long
They sound like a controlling partner… ignore any advice and do what Mum thinks best! U know ur baby inside out. Baby wont have a clue what time of day it is, and i bet you £1000 the routine will change multiple times in the coming weeks/months so the 10am will soon be irrelevant.
I had 2 LG with lactose intolerance that was fobbed off as reflux, keep pestering the GP if they dont get better.
I know how hard it is… Good luck x
Is the baby on her own until 10am or is your partner with her? Sounds odd to me…
Sounds like your living with a narcissist…shame on you for putting up with that situation and putting your child in that situation.Re-avaluate all the pros and cons.
Not really a partner with that behavior. Very controlling#
Is she depressed being irrational might need help
Tell her she has to stay in the bedroom until 10am see what she says!
Should be down with the rest of the family tell him to go upstairs permanently
That’s when I would tell my control freak of a partner to shut up and I would take my baby wherever I wanted whenever I wanted. Really??
What hell is she a Hitler!! You have rights too!! This is down right abusive and super controlling… you have some major red flags flying
Sounds like you may be scared if someone gets mad. Tuff that’s your baby too!
The 7am feed would be breakfast. Routine is good but not before 10AM seems really odd .
Thats pretty ridiculous. Your partner needs to get a grip. 10am is pratically middle of the day to kids!