I would just deal with the bad mood from them. I wouldn’t ever allow someone to make me be mean to my child just because that’s what they wanted. Your babies come FIRST PERIOD.
Put your foot down with your spouse! Your opinion matters and it is your kid too! She does sound controlling
Dont let your kids watch you be a doormat.
I’m sorry but this is incredibly stupid. Feed the babe and bring downstairs. No way in hell I would stand for it. Is there a reason the baby can’t be fed downstairs with the rest of the family? Stand your ground. I would just bring the baby down. If it causes issues, try to talk about it. Good luck
Fuck that partner lol. And her “wishful” as routine.
Ummmm this sounds like abuse and manipulation. Your partner has control issues. This is not ok and very unreasonable. I would do anything for my kids- family is family. And for your partner to be shitty all day for bringing it up?- definitely some red flags there too!
Some of you really don’t know the difficulty with PPD please don’t judge her when only one small paragraph has been given. You don’t know her. You don’t know what she’s been through. Leave her alone! Also- to the poster who asked the question, just try and ask her how she’s feeling. She might be struggling to sleep, or may have PPD. please just communicate
That’s really weird. I would do what I want with my own baby. What is the baby doing between the 7 and 10 feeding anyways?
Stand up for you and your baby. This behavior is not good for you or the kids.
I don’t understand why the baby has to stay upstairs? I’m really confused. The baby can still be on the feeding schedule no matter where I’m the house. I’d put my foot down! Like listen…. I’m bringing the baby down and that’s final. You can stay upstairs until 10 if you want to!!! Like this is just insane. If your partner gets in a bad mood… oh well!
A baby needs comfort and this is sick in my opinion. For what selfish reason does your partner want this ? This could escalate , keep your eyes open for signs ……. The control
Tell Her To Grow Up Or Leave. Your Children Come FIRST
Sounds like he’s a control freak and you need to stand up for yourself and your children.
She’s a baby. She doesn’t understand or care about routines. She needs interaction. She needs a change of scenery. Not schedules.
Make your plan to leave.
Time for a new partner. Too controlling. Borders on child abuse!
All I’m hearing is ur partner is controlling! Run honey! That’s ur home too. If u wanna bring ur baby downstairs, then BRING UR BABY DOWNSTAIRS!!!
Sounds selfish to me . Like your partner is more concerned about themselves than you and your poor defenseless baby. I’d tell that person if they don’t like it to hit the door and don’t let it hot them in the ass. But thats just me.
Sounds very controlling
And you can’t force a 5 month old to be on your schedule
Red flags I repeat red flags! Get out while you still can:pray:t3:
Oh hell no. Your child needs you. You go to her an take care of her needs. She is first an foremost. She is 5 months old she needs you. Tell your so to stay in her room till 10 an she wont have to worry about inter acting with the kids. No not acceptable ever.
I’m sorry I’m gonna stop you at “lets” you. That’s a big ol red flag waving right there. You agree equal in your partnership, and there should be mutual understanding there that you do what is best for the baby, and what is best for the baby is to socialize every chance it gets. So if your partner isn’t “allowing” this you need to discuss the ridiculous restrictions and if she’s not willing to budge it may be time to rethink your relationship.
That’s an obscure rule for her to take such an intense stand on. If she’s not doing the feeding, she doesn’t decide where it gets done.
You simply cannot do that to a 5 months old. How in the world is she suppose to know any of that.
I would be running in the other direction with some VERY strong words. This is not healthy at all. What is going to happen when the baby has their regression or a leap? Is she going to stay upstairs always? I just don’t agree with this
Sounds like you’re partner is controlling and toxic.
Tell your partner to stay in her bedroom until 10am. That’s just crazy. A baby doesn’t know time, it wants to feel safe. And being left alone in its room until almost lunch time is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard of. Also yall should be on the same page for the schedule and if you’re not it needs changed. There is no logical reason for this, kids are usually up way before 10am and your partner sounds like a twat that just doesn’t want to have to deal with a baby.
I’m confused as why you deal w this? How old are you?
That’s crazy!!! There’s no way I can imagine that happening.
That is utter bullshit. Control issues are strong in your relationship. Stand your ground thats your child and home
This is absolutely absurd. That would be the day anyone " let me" do anything in my own home with my own children. Babies needs change all the time. Their awake and sleep cycles change all the time. This is the crazy. You need to tell him to get a grip on reality
Why would you stay with someone who treats you that way?
My question is why doesn’t your SO help with the baby? Your SO needs to help and change her attitude. This is abusive to you and the children.
Um I wished someone would try to act like that when it comes to my child! That’s too damn controlling.
Tell her my he needs to share. She could take her back upstairs at that time.
That sounds borderline cruel to be honest
Take your kids and Run. This is a control tactic. It will only get worse.
That’s the strangest thing I’ve heard. She sounds very controlling.
Control issues… that’s a huge red flag. Babies do not need to be left in a room until a certain time. Routines matter when it comes to bedtimes and feeding times but it doesn’t matter where you feed them. If a baby is up at 6 it should not be left in a room alone while awake for 4 hours. And if she thinks it’s ok to make you stay upstairs with her that whole time then make her do it one day. That has got to be the dumbest rule I have ever heard of.
Do what you think is best for your child. Stand up for yourself, even if she gets upset. I’d honestly look into getting away from this relationship too.
Routine schedule is ok but baby’s schedule changes all the time as you know you have other kids. Your husband needs to relax if he doesn’t your the mom you know best because your with the baby all day.
Bring that damn baby downstairs with you when you wake up. I’ll be damned if someone I married, or am dating is telling me what I can and can’t do with my child.
As a therapist I have to tell you that this is very unhealthy on you and the baby. You don’t spoil a child through love. Children are spoiled by doing for them what they are capable of doing for themselves. This child will grow up with all kinds of mental health issues. Please put a stop to this immediately!!!
Ok to be 100% honest here… that is VERY unusual. I get the whole routine thing, I agree, it’s very important but this… it’s crazy honestly. First off- 10:00 am is really late in the morning. Second… the baby should not be left alone in her room by herself for that long. I mean is there a reasoning for this “rule” … why can’t she be out of her room before 10 am? Is there even a reason or is it so your partner feels like she has power and control? If I were you - I’d put her out or remove yourself and the kids from the situation. That’s absurd. Don’t allow somebody to control you and your kids like that. Your kids don’t have a voice yet but you do!! It’s your responsibility to protect and stick up for your kids!!! Please do the right thing. Your babies are counting on you!! Best of luck to you
There’s no way I’d put a grown woman’s “wants” before the “needs” of my child. I’d be outta there in a heartbeat. Her and her foul mood left behind. Remember, some people are not meant or cut out to be parents
This makes no sense to me! What is the reason for that? Poor baby!
No no no no… babies love morning time and being loved on and talked to. Make a new routine. It won’t hurt her to be downstairs before the next feed?? Sounds like she just doesn’t want to deal with the baby and is being very controlling which is awful for your kids. I’d run!
I would be heartbroken if I was confined to my room till 10am, that’s a prison sentence not a routine… I’m sorry you have to deal with this mama! I hope for your babies sake that this changes! Sending love to you and your little ones
I’m sorry hun, Is this her first baby? Maybe she thinks it has to be this way, or your child will be completely in disarray. It’s really hard knowing what to do with your first child even if you’re with a partner who has had children. It’s also hard parenting in general.
Try this…
Sit down just you guys. And start off…
I know how much you want (insert your babies name) to thrive. I know how much you care and this is why there are routines. But our baby has something that they cannot regulate. It will eventually regulate itself but for now they need a little extra help and love. I want you to consider that fact when I get shut down. (That’s the only “you” that’s okay because it’s enforcing recognition) I’m not here to attack you or hurt your feelings I’m just trying to make sure all of our children are healthy happy and their needs are met. It does not have to stay this way it will not stay this way at a certain point I will enforce the routine, but for now my love, our baby needs extra help.”
Don’t use “You” it makes a person instantly defensive. I can tell y’all love each other very much you’re just having a hiccup in your relationship but you guys are doing a great job she’s doing a great job. I’m sorry that she’s not handling it correctly, but we all have our moments.
My daughter who is now 1 has reflux and a dairy allergy from been a baby and now a have a baby who’s 9 weeks and it is challenging however me and my partner work together a do night feeds and then one day a feed my daughter who one and he feeds my son 9 week old next day we swap so who ever has the baby feeds him can either get up and feed him or stay in bed and get more rest after his bottle as he tends to fall asleep after it helps so much even if it is an hours rest or 2, keywork is key, work together don’t worry to much about routine use it as a guideline it don’t matter if its a little late or early it’s best to go on demand a put water in bottle a hour before his due and then add milk to bottle when due so your not waiting for bottle when needed but ur not wasting the milk incase they don’t wake up, hope this helps xxx
Your partner sounds like a control freak. Really? Leave a baby upstairs till 10? That’s BS do what you want and if they don’t like it they can leave! They don’t own you! Makes me feel like they don’t like the baby, why else would you force a baby to stay upstairs 3 hours after they get up. Pretty mean. I’d be careful and keep an eye on your children. This is a big red flag for me.
I’m sorry but you said “not allowed”…oh hell no!!! Take care of your kids he sounds like an anal and controlling asshole!! Fuuuck that!!
I’d confine her to her room until 10am one day and see how she feels. Sounds incredibly controlling to me and I’d just ignore it and bring the baby down with they wake up.
Whatttttttt I have never heard of this . Unless it’s jail or military
I honestly think she may have postpartum anxiety like I did. I didnt know it at the time but figured it out when my daughter was 2. I felt like I had to control everything when it came to my baby. I was very strict with the way I liked things done and id get really bad anxiety if my baby daddy would change my routine (I was a stay at home mom) She may be having trouble. Id sit down and talk to her about it. Ask her what shes going through.
Oh man, that routine needs to include the others - as a mom of 3 - those kids NEED time to bond and learn about their new baby!
What’s she doing with the other kids while your upstairs and locked away till after feeding?? I’d be concerned about that if she gets angry or annoyed with you when you bring up changing the “routine”.
Separate. Your kids more important
Get a new husband…ok I’m kidding. He probably thinks he’s helping by keeping her on a schedule but if he’s a good man talk too him and things can change.
WTAF!!?? Your ‘partner’ has serious control issues!! This is absolutely ridiculous! You need to get some predestination help. Speak to your doctor ASAP!!
This is stupid. Tell her ur baby comes first if she don’t wanna be around the baby till lunch then she need to go sit in that room till she can face her children. How childish is that? No body Will ever treat my kids like that and if they try…They going down.
You are the mother you can do what you want
That’s abusive and controlling. Absolutely not!
Needs to be called into social services
Jesus christ… Some of these comments talking about separating & to call into social services are ridiculous.
Just sit down with her, I agree with a previous commenter that it may be anxiety, she may feel like shes out of control when this routine is slightly off, and thats okay. However, I would talk to her & just let her know that if baby is awake between that 7am & 10am feeding baby needs to get away from upstairs, the bedroom, whatever & see the other kids. & gently let her know that you can continue the routine downstairs, its about what you do & when, not where you do it.
Let the pediatrician in on this. See what they say.
It’s a baby not a machine yes routine is important but it has to be what’s right for all, when is play time etc, and the child is both of your not just hers ! Tell her to grow up she’s a mother !
Sounds like a right freak!
This baby is not a priority for your partner. Very concerning
Wtf you mean you’re not allowed to take your child downstairs before a prescribed time? So you’re in an abusive, controlled relationship. Not at all healthy, or acceptable. You’re not being loved, you’re being controlled, gather up your grit and get the heck outta there for your childrens and your own sake.
Sounds like mom has 1: serious control issues. 2: maybe post PPD or something of the sort.
Also sounds like this is her first? So maybe even a little resentment for messing up her body/normal routines. She may need to get some serious help cause this is wild.
Kick his ass to the curve…
Babies don’t understand being strictly controlled. It rarely works.
That’s intentionall neglect, this is a child not an object on the shelf, be a damn parent
I don’t see how bringing a child out of the bedroom is going to mess up a routine. You can still feed the baby and lay the baby down for naps at certain times. What she’s saying literally makes no sense. Maybe she is dealing with a depression/mental issue. Sounds like she needs to see a Dr. She should be happy that you’re taking care of your child and not just leaving all the responsibility on her
the baby come first not your partner
Sounds like your partner doesn’t want to be a parent to me. Infants dont run on alarm clock schedules and shouldnt just be locked away until one person deems fit to see them in common areas. Your partner needs therapy.
When people think only of straight parents. Yall, them saying “partner” and not “husband” or “wife” should have clued you in that this probably isn’t a straight couple…
Bring your baby down stairs fuck your partner that’s controlling as hell! Those are major and I mean major red flags!! You need to talk to your pediatrician I understand a set routine but that’s a bit excessive
Your partner is abusing you and the child. It’s y’all’s house too and you shouldn’t be forced in ur room to till 10 am. Leave the partner now bc that kind of controlling behavior never ends well
Mom is freaked out. Talk to a professional about how to compromise on this. What if the older children go upstairs to play with the baby quietly? Then she can have a break for coffee, shower, whatever.
Holy cow. That is not normal or healthy. That’s actually … concerning. By 10 am my baby was fed, showered and playing … what kind of controlling freak is this ?!?
Um… tell your spouce that baby has changed her routine and staying upstairs until 10 doesnt work anymore. Which happens like a billion times before school starts. On another note, this is the most fucked up thing I have heard in a while. Good luck
Sounds like someone has control issues, and that’s ridiculous to not allow the baby downstairs before 10am if anything that’s neglect! Stand up for your child because there’s no reason to why that baby can’t come downstairs before 10am
Compromise,meet half way,instead of waiting til ten,since can’t tell time,say let’s try 9:30 for a wk and see how it goes
Your child is your #1 priority not your partner.
I’m surprised you’re still together. Seems alot ridgid to me. It’s all about being flexible and adaptable when parenting.
What?? My two month old and four year old wake up between 5-6 in the morning that’s when our day starts everyone up out of bed and doing the day no damn way would I trap my baby in a room all night until 10ock the next morning that poor baby is getting barely any interaction with the siblings or even you an your partner and that shit is not okay. Yes routines are healthy but this is the opposite
I’m sorry they would just have to kick off and be in a mood!
You aint telling me when and where I could take my kid to feed them,
are you kidding me? Sounds like you’re in a controlling relationship and you might want to open your eyes to the red flags that are going on around you.
Who gets mad and in a bad mood when your partner is telling you something, you should be able to be open and talk about anything with your partner without feeling scared of the responce, or their attitude, if they don’t like what’s going on. That does not sound like a healthy relationship!
Sounds like she needs a reality check that baby needs loves not a military style life
This is bizarre. Both of you should consult a doctor together regarding the baby’s schedule so they can see that it’s not the end of the world and probably beneficial that the baby can be fed or just exist in different areas at any time.
Send him to work and don’t let him back
Wow that’s cruel. Get that baby up till 10 then let her sleep till 2
Control freak. Baby comes 1st.
That’s just outrageous. If you want to take your child downstairs you should be able to. And how would he know if you went downstairs anyways. I say do it and bond with all your kids. In any part of the house you seem fit.
Why does your partner think the baby has to stay in the room till 10am? If everyone else in the home is up and about, I can’t imagine her reason for forcing the baby to be separated from everyone and it sounds like a major red flag unless there is a legitimate reason but I can’t think of a single excuse that could be called a reason.
This is insane. Why in the world would you do that? Being trapped in one part of the house doesnt sound like a schedule to me it sounds like partner doesnt want to be around baby as much as physically possible.
Absolutely not you need to put your partner in place and worry about your baby. If your partner wants to be in a foul mood let her do it on her own and just go about your day.
I would tell my partner to get bent.
Is this an anxiety thing for her? Possibly PPA, maybe she needs to talk to someone. Obviously, I don’t know your partner but being that strict about a routine seems abnormal.
Put your foot down. My partner wouldn’t be telling me a damn thing about what to do with my baby. That’s just weird.