My partner is cutting my hair while I sleep

When I snore my boyfriend lays there and tries to sleep Lol then I wake up in the morning and ask if I snored he said “yes but it’s alright” and I laugh because it’s embarrassing and he reassured me it’s fine

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Do you realize what your doing to your children by staying in this kind of environment??? Seriously!!!


Leave now, there are resources to help. And if you private message me, I will go and find EVERY resource in your area if you need help. Please run though


Sleep in the single bed with your two kids and snore all you want!!!

But also I had a crazy and a manipulative ex who insisted I snored and it was super annoying. He even made me put on breath right strips every single night so I didn’t annoy him. No one else since has mentioned my snoring sooooo he probably was just trying to make me feel bad and control me the entire time.

People snore. That’s life.
Punishment won’t change that.


At least you have somewhere to go. Some women wish they had a single bed in one room. Get away from him! It’s hard starting over but better being able to wake up and next to your babies everyday!


Leave. Your jot only subjecting yourself to abuse but your kids are witnessing it too which is not okay, you can get a blow up bed at Walmart. Don’t stay and teach your kids being abused is normal or okay:

Sleeping with your babies is safer than staying with him. You kids needs you.

I’d be leaving for sure! That’s absolutely disgusting, I’d sleep on the floor and give my kids the bed before I’d be near that man!

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Enjoy sleeping with your kids!!!

That single bed sounds good. Get out today.

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Your “partner”? That’s not a partner.

He is cutting your hair while you sleep, or said he will cut if you do it again?

I read somewhere if you murder someone within one second of waking up it can’t be held against you…

I’d rather sleep safely and peacefully in a single bed with my two kids than live in an environment like that not knowing what could happen next… please get your children out of there.

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Invest in bunk n beds and don’t walk run home snoring mostly is involuntarily that’s nuts

People are always willing to help especially single Mom’s escaping violence, run as fast as you can! I can guarantee you can find a free clean bed that you can sleep in.

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Bloody hell if he’s able to do that what be next…he needs to see someone…hopefully someone with a cuddle jacket.

Move back home. What would be better? Being cut which will just be the beginning or sleeping on the floor

What else will he do with those scissors next time you snore, hair cutting can lead to something much worse if he’s doing weird shit like that already

single bed it is All the way!! that is NOT OK!! u don’t know what he could do Next with the scissors


Move home…or move to a spare room with a lock and if he breaks in call the police. I would call the non emergency number anyway and ask to speak to an officer to see if this could be a charge of some sort. Spitting on someone is assault so it wouldn’t hurt to see what they say about cutting your hair

Stop wasting your time … Find someone who values you

What a nutball. Move home!!!

I’d sleep on the floor somewhere before I’d put up with that. Love yourself. Leave.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do… cuddle time!!!

A single bed with two kids is a lot better then this toxic relationship. And saying toxic is putting it lightly. My husband and I will post videos making fun of each other for who snores louder. We literally laugh at each other for how loud we can be. If he even threatened to cut my hair for any reason my kids and I would be gone. Can you imagine what he is fully capable of doing to you and those babies. GET OUT NOW. FILE EMERGENCY CUSTODY. GET A RESTRAINING ORDER IF POSSIBLE. Seriously. GO. Not for just you but your babies well beings too. Please go. This is absolutely scary!!


That’s attempted murder! In the eyes of lawww

Id sleep in that single bed.did abuse 1x.think that bed sounds small wait until your children react from the trauma they are expiriencing from watching the abuse.

Holy cow girl you gotta get out of there, I feel so bad for you i know what its like having a controlling and violent man in your life you just gotta move on and get away from him!

If you have the resources which I’m hoping you do, find a cheap place for a couple months until you find a house you like. Or move back home until you find something. Leave him. What kind of person does that? He’s no good for you or the children it sounds like

Go back home!!! Sleeping on the floor would be better than the situation you’re in now :frowning: I pray you leave and get as far away as possible :heart: I lost my best friend to her abusive ex husband :sob: Your babies need you alive! My friends 2 children watched their dad kill their mom :frowning:

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My kids would be in the single bed and I’d be on the floor before any man was threatening me!!! You’d better get out now before those threats go far beyond your hair!!

I’d move back home and sleep in a single bed with my 2 kids.


I rather that single bed… I’d even sleep on the floor and give them the bed. Girl press charges. He’s insane… A fkn psycho

RUN, don’t walk, and get those children out of there!

I would gladly sleep in a single bed with my kids to get away from that abuse. I know easier said than done but don’t allow your kids to see you take that


Girl I’d rather stay in a cardboard box on the street than deal with that! That’s scary and sick that he’s even like that. Does he not know when people snore, THEY ARE UNCONSCIOUS AND DONT KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING?! If people could simply “not” snore, no one ever would. Get out of there asap.

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Kick him out of the room…tf he has to sleep there…what if he’s half asleep and stabs unwith them…he would walk and ur kids have no mom…that man has got to go!!! Man i wanna bitch slap him for u

No win here get the fuck out​:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

This is very scary.
I used to sleep with one eye open because my sons dad was so abusive and unpredictable. Please leave for the safety of your children and yourself. Please update this post

Get as far away from him as you can please rotten scumbag

Where are you? (State) I’m sure there are an army of abuse survivors that would gladly help you get the hell out! (Including me)


Man what I’d do to someone if they cut my hair :rage:


Dear, you typed “the only other thing to do is move back home…etc…”, do it NOW. Today it is scissors, tomorrow ???

I totally understand your fear of leaving, but the fear of him possibly harming you/your children should be greater.

Sweetheart, if sleeping on the floor with your children would be safer than sleeping in a bed next to a man who is happy to threaten you with physical violence and is abusive.

It isn’t fair on you but it certainly isn’t fair on your kids either.

There are women’s shelters, people you can reach out to.

I know it is scary.
I know it is difficult.

But please, do it for you and your kids.

Find that strength.

If he is capable of being saying that, god only knows what else he is capable of.

And I really don’t want you to end up finding out!

You and your kids deserve so much better!
You are worth so much more!

Where I live, that’s battery. Call the police on him and get him removed from the home and get yourself a retraining order. Please keep you and your babies safe.


So go back home for a few months until you find somewhere else to stay.

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Do it I did with 3 small children it was tough but now we have a beautiful home that was meant for us.

If it were me that single bed would be enough! The kids would get the bed and I’d sleep on the floor knowing me and my children were safe!!! Why TF do you even have to ask?! You know what needs to be done!!! Just do it!!! It’s scary yes but it’s better than being the next story on the news!!!


A single bed is better than an abusive partner.


Sleep in that single bed with the kids. Hell, sleep on the floor.


Move back home. Get bunk beds and an extra mattress stored underneath, pull out at nights. Also use Scissors to remove his balls before leaving.

Serious though, please leave.

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Move back home n sleep in that single bed with your kids. Your partner is crazy. If he truly thinks cutting someone’s hair is going to prevent them from snoring then he’s got bigger issues going on in his head. He’s been violent towards and he’s very controlling towards you. This isn’t the environment your children need to see their mom in anymore. Go file for a restraining order against the lunatic seriously then change the locks get door and window alarms (they’re cheap too) and get wasp spray also.

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Hell no them scissors would be going in his eye

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Why don’t you use those same scissors and just cut his balls off?

Move home, let the kids have the bed and sleep on the floor until something comes around.

That’s not a good relationship, and after 12 years you owe it to yourself to get tf out and be happy, show your kids a happy mom

Leave don’t look back …He’s a full blown narcissist with traits of possibly more serious problems.You or your children need to be exposed to any further trauma .


RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOY CAN…move home with the kids …yes it will b a struggle for a while but at least u won’t b bein controlled n are safe x

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Leave him immediately! You are not safe and your kids aren’t safe! Do what you have to do to get away from him! Sleep in that single bed with your kids till you can get things figured out and file a police report so you’re not in trouble for leaving with your kids.

Get out!!! Love that single bed with your babies!!! ANYTHING is better than what you’re going thru!!! I’ve been in your situation and it only gets worse from there!!! Trust me I know!!! I’ve been thru some pretty unthinkable things with my ex and my children witnessed a lot of it and have some issues they deal with everyday of their life and it’s been 11 years since I got away… so I’m begging you PLEASE GO TO THAT SINGLE BED WITH THOSE PRECIOUS BABIES!!!

Do you really need us to tell you to leave? No…you don’t!!! Step out on faith and move out.

At this point I’d pack up, you and your kids deserve better.

Your kids come first! Get out now!!

So go sleep in the single bed with two kids like a queen. Cause you are absolutely a queen and deserve so much better, what’s going to stop him from doing more than just cut your hair while you’re asleep, he could easily turn on the kids, this is so very dangerous. Please leave while you still have your life. Women leave abusers every day and not only survive, but thrive. You most definitely can do the same, I believe in you, and I may not know you but I do love you and want the very best for you and your kids.


Over snoring??? Hell I’d rather sleep on a bed of nails compared to sleeping next to a psycho like that. Get away from him quick.

Threatening you is not okay. Please leave this is abuse. Don’t be like me, it doesn’t get better.


Move back home and sleep in a single bed with your kids!!

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Get out. Move home. Get an air Mattress. That’s terrifying

Two words- Lorena Bobbitt

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Wtf lol I just nudge my husband to make him move and usually he stops snoring bc it was way he was laying. That’s insane. It truly never bothers me either. Get out of there asap

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Get an air mattress if you need to. But get out!


Sorry you are going through this I pray for your safety and courage to leave. At first it will be hard but you will come out strong and on top in the end!

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Get the important papers/documents and go!! Research domestic violence advocates in your area, and there are national advocates as well. I’ve been there hun, it won’t get any easier, do it for your precious babies AND yourself. It might be hard to see your own worth right now, because that’s what abusers do, erode your own self worth. You are amazing and deserve the best. You have parents nearby. And there are so many people who would love to support you. :purple_heart:

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Anything for a better begining hun take care of you and your kids

Get an air mattress and get out!!!

So sleep in a single bed. That’s a threat of bodily harm. Run

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Going home to sleep in a single bed with your children is better than casket! Get out girl !


:woman_facepalming: Jesus Christ woman… why are u putting up with that? I’d rather sleep in a single bed with 2 kids than them watch a man be violent around us and end up bald :woman_bald: get a bloody grip… and find the strength to leave :neutral_face:


You can’t stop yourself from snoring, but you can get rid of this control freak. I would not even let on that I was planning to leave. Just gradually pack away your things, and then leave when he’s at work. Someone who is capable of that kind of behavior is capable of anything.

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A single bed is the start of a better life. Take the single bed, you’ll build up from there


He cuts your hair because you snore. Now, read that last sentence again………….Honestly, a single bed for your kids is better than suffering anymore of his behaviour. That is abuse and is likely to get worse. You have said it hasn’t been a happy relationship and there is violence. Take your kids and run to keep them and yourself safe. X


I’d rather be safe with my kids in a twin bed than in a coffin


Listen to Ava Max her song Everytime I Cry is inspirational

He’s nuts- leave now! Go back home and give the kids that single bed— sleep on the floor or blow up a mattress. Before you leave put NAIR in the shampoo bottle .


Sometimes Im convinced the posts are fake. This is weird to me. If this is real, he deserves jail for causing you bodily harm and you need therapy/counciling and more importantly parenting clases. How do you allow this man to be around your kid(s)? Love your kids more than you love that man. Pitiful.


I’m sorry but this is weird. Like how childish can he be! I know easier said than done but get out of that relationship! Good luck to you mama

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Well, you nor your kids deserve that… so go sleep in a single bed with your 2 kids till you can afford better. Because it will get worse, cutting hair now, Beating you till you’re black and blue later. I have been there. Get out.

Run! Very Very fast!

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Get out. Anything is better than living like that & letting your 2 kids watch.

You need to get out as soon as possible as you are being abused. There are local DV shelters all over the US. Call 1-800-799-7233. It’s a toll free 24/7 hotline. Please stay safe, and get out of there as soon as you can.


It’s not about what you WANT right now… It’s about what you NEED… and right now what you NEED is to get the fuck away from him.

Go back home! Line the floor with mattresses or blankets if you have to and get the hell out before it’s too late!


I’d go sleep in a single bed with my kids. That’s abuse.


That’s abuse. Run , run fast and don’t look back.


I’d sleep on the floor rather than put up with Mr Perfect’s threats. Run & run fast!!!

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That’s insane you need to leave and make a plan never to return

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Girl you need to get the hell out NOW… Because I swear on my life it’s going to escalate and get worse. That is literally one of the most psychologically, narcissistic craziest thing I’ve ever heard as far as that goes… Over SNORING. My husband shakes the walls with his snoring but never in my wildest dreams would I ever even think of doing something like that.
Get yourself an air mattress and get out… Contact a domestic women’s shelter because they have TONS of options and helpful things to get you on your own. Nobody deserves that kind of torment…