My partner is doing drugs again and Idon't know what to do: Advice?

Keep your baby and get rid of him!

Keep the baby and get rid of him


Keep the baby. Get rid of Him

Please do not kill your baby. That little guy or gal could change the world. Let the baby live please.

Pregnancy & Parenting Support Group

I want to say I know how you feel i was in your situation with my ex he would :smoking: crack & weed but never sniff . I donā€™t have any kids by him Thank God . I also tried to talk him into doing but he said that he has to have it due to being Stress . Donā€™t bother him or talk to him by trying to get him to Quit cause he has to be tired enough to Stop on his own . My Ex boyfriend had told me that as well so I just accepted it until I got tired of providing money to buy it yes it was Wrong of me to but if I didnā€™t he would Steal it from me . He smoke around me when we would be in the Hotel or Motel I didnā€™t have no where to go cause I didnā€™t no anyone where he was from . I kept giving him money for Food , Taking the Subway & the Bus so when I had issues with my vehicle & he needed money to get home & I told him my Situation he didnā€™t care the only thing he cared about was himself so I lied & told him yes I would send it but when he called & told me that he never gotten the money & I told him no that I had to get my vehicle fix . He was upset & I havenā€™t heard from him in 3 or 4 years . I got sick of keep spending & giving him what he wanted & he wasnā€™t doing Nothing for me include buying me things for My Birthday or any other Occasions . So I think you should keep your Baby for your benefit because you Love him or her . Yes it maybe hard to do by yourself but pray to God to help you make away for the both of you . Maybe heā€™ll get his Life together but if not then find someone who will Love You & Your Baby . Iā€™m Bless that I donā€™t have any Kids by My Ex. also try to go to your Family for help , ask them to raise your Baby until you be able to Care , Provide , & be there to give the Baby what you Love for him or her to Have Even if itā€™s just Love . Everyday I think & there are some days that I Pray that I had Kids by My Fiance but Iā€™m unable to because heā€™s in Prison for Selling Drugs to help take care of his Sister since there Mother died . I want to Wish You All the Luck & God Bless You , I Hope & Pray You will Make the Right Decision . God Bless :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4::two_hearts::two_hearts::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

You knew what he was like and sorry but not sorry itā€™s not the babyā€™s fault if heā€™s a dickhead.

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No matter what you do. An addict wonā€™t get clean AND WONT STAY CLEAN unless THEY want to. There is nothing that you can say or threaten him with that will make him get clean and stay clean.

Iā€™m against abortion but I would never judge another woman for having one. I will always support another woman regardless of what she decides.

If you feel thatā€™s whatā€™s best for your future and the babies (instead of having an addict for a father) then you do what you have to do. Iā€™m just an internet stranger but I will support you in whatever your decision is.

If you decide that abortion is whatā€™s best, that should be the end of your relationship with this man as well though. You should cut it off here. It isnā€™t worth the drama of trying to deal with an addict. He can only fix himself, you canā€™t do anything to encourage him to get clean, the more you push, the more he will push back.

You can decide to be a single mom, you canā€™t force him to be around either. Itā€™s unlikely that he will want to be around if he is still doing drugs, or he will and it will be a disaster for the baby. Or he will get clean and stay clean for himself because the love for his child. The future is completely unpredictable.

It really depends on you weighing the pros and consā€¦ and ultimately what gambles you are willing or unwilling to take.

Iā€™m sorry you are going through this, I know this is anonymous, but feel free to message me if you see this if you ever need an unbiased ear.

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Keep the baby and lose the loserā€¦