My partner makes me feel worthless

And if you stay, your children are watching everything, even if you think they dont…they do. Staying they’ll think its acceptable behaviour. Plus think of yourself, you dont deserve this. Stay strong Momma.

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He can’t reject your breakup. He acts a fool call the police make a report. And have them escorted off the property. Go to court and apply for a restraining order. End of story. Work out custody and divorce through a lawyers

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Get out of there and go somewhere safe

Take yourself out of the equation and ask yourself if this is healthy for your kids. You need to run!

Make a plan to leave and do it. The sooner the better

Marriage isn’t easy I been married for 29 yrs since 1992 and we been through want your going through now and much worse spend some time apart that works it makes you realized how much you love each other and just think back to what you Loved about him win you first met him and both of you need to work on it together sometimes it’s more work on the wife and sometimes it more work on the husband if you truly love him and he truly loves you thin you two can make it work trust me I put my wife through hell and I fell so bad about what kind of bad person I was but she never left me and now I give her anything she wants because she’s worth it for putting up with me but like I said the biggest thing to help your marriage is time apart no matter how hard it is spend time apart like 2 week’s or longer go out of town to family or whatever it takes good luck

Nope , your teaching your children it’s ok to be treated this way … leave him

Call a DV agency NOW. They will help you leave. I’m not going to sugar coat it. It’s not going to be easy. But it’s going to be better than what you’re going through right now. They’ll put you in shelter & provide you will counseling. They’ll try to involve him too.

Sounds like a Rocky relationship I would go to anger management classes with him and his drinking is not good every night if it makes it worse he is holding alot of feelings inside he needs to see a doctor if he wants to make this work counciling is the key good luck

Please set up a safety plan for you to leave. Do you have family and friends to help?
They all say that, and the sad truth is… THEY’LL NEVER CHANGE!
His behaviour will definitely get worse over time.

Contact domestic violence when he’d not home you couldn’t possibly love this treatment think of the kids and next time it maybe yoj i stead of the wall

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Get out he will not change

Set up your exit without him knowing and don’t look back.

For the sake of the kids, please leave. before it turns into physical abuse, then your kids would have to see and hear that.

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Get away from him now…it only gets worse…run

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I’m so sorry but I don’t understand why you are still with the loser! Leave him and don’t look back!



Keep running.

You are not alone and you deserve so so much better. Make a plan and leave when he is gone. Contact a local domestic violence organization they can help you file a protection order and set you up with other resources. Run. As far and as fast as you can.

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Remember no is a complete. You don’t need to get his permission to leave.

You are not going to see 23 if you staywith him.


While your with him, take him up on the anger management, I would even set his appointments up. Then you can see if he’s willing to work on himself/marriage. I know you say you love him- I understand that, but if he don’t follow the with the anger management then you have your answer.

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Sounds like my previous marriage get out now… it will only get worse… and the mental damage he’s caused your won’t even see until your gone … I had ptsd and major anxiety by the time I left

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Been somone thats put up with it for years and have 8 kids trust me. He won’t change, and its not a life to wake up to every day woundering what your done or why your not good enough for him as they make us ? Our self when the problem not you its him and you deserve better if you dont do it for your self pease do it for your children as it play’s a big part on there life seeing there mum so unhappy and been treated like that.


Run girl run. Pack up his stuff put it outside change the locks and get a restraining against him. You or anyone else do not have to live that way!!!


Call a domestic violence hotline when you’re away from him. He is abusive and scary and you need to take precautions to leave him safely. Do not wait. Things will not get better, only worse. Not sure how you could love him after the way he treats you. Get in touch with a lawyer and plan every step of your exit. There are resources to help you no matter your circumstances.


Get the fxxk out. This man can do some serious damage if you don’t get out now. Go seek help while he’s at work & work on a plan. He’s only willing to do anger management if you stay with him which means he doesn’t want to change himself so it won’t work. You are in danger. Go to a centre for non violence and talk to them privately and make a plan to escape. :heart::heart::heart:

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I think you picked the wrong man.

Leave now bin the animal

Leave don’t let him controll when you can and can’t leave it he says he’ll kill him self or go do things if you don’t stay or if you do stay it’s just a ploy to controll you leave it could escalate

He can’t"reject you leaving him". It doesn’t work that way. If you say " we’re done", then your done. If he won’t go, you go to a women’s shelter or call the police due to DV ( because that’s exactly what punching a hole in the wall was). No is a complete sentence, lovely. Your job is to protect your children from their father. Time to get moving.


Loving someone doesn’t always mean you should stay with them. Unfortunately love isn’t always enough to save a relationship. Think about how your kids are feeling seeing their father treat you with so much disrespect. I know you want to make this work but it sounds as if he doesn’t want to make this work. If he did he’d actually work on his anger and other issues. I think the best thing you can do is take yourself and your kids out of this environment. If he doesn’t want help you can’t force him just by staying. You need to leave.


If you are leaving him make sure you prepare. Start putting things aside make sure you all have somewhere safe to go etc. If you want him to leave that will be a little more difficult. I expect you will need an AVO and change the locks.
I would definitely be moving on because this will not get better and do not waste another 10 years like I did before you do it.


Leave him - take the kids and go. You deserve better x

Another way to look at it …your children are going to possibly have partners when there older…would u want them to be treated or spoken to this way…u would as a mum be dragging them out of there…so…time for u to look out for yourself…u can do this…hold your head up and make a happier life for u and with that the children will grow up with a happier and mentally healthier mum

See the wall sweetheart your next.then he will jump on the kids after that because he knows he can.hes toxic and vicious don’t sell yourself short.leave for the kids sake before your beat up by him and your kids will think it’s ok to live in or create the same situation.


Someone must decide to become an adult

You already know what needs to happen or you yourself are condemning your own life. The affirmation you’re looking for is right here. All the people commenting have been through similar situations, so go. Live a happy life. This will be a life lesson for you. Get going.

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This time it was the wall… Next time it could be you or your kids. Walk away, make him leave, safeguard your children as they are your priority.


Oh my dear sister. There is a really powerful lesson we all have to learn: YOU are the only one who determines your worth. KNOW that You are worth More than what he is offering. KNOW that walking on eggshells is not a good thing and your relationship will likely get worse. KNOW that you are worthy of ALL the good loving stuff—ALL OF IT. TAKE Your Power Back. Live your life for you! Love YOU first. Love yourself so very much that you NEVER tolerate anyone treating you this way again. You are married to an abusive man. You have to leave. Take the children and Go. KNOW your worth sister. Sending blessings of Strength and Love and Courage to you :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:


Were you under the impression that getting married would change him for the better?

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Leave!!! Leave now! Do not waste your life on this jerk! Don’t wait for it to be you instead of the wall. For God sakes do not raise kids in that mess! Don’t you think your kids are watching. Does he have to start hitting them? Leave girl! Leave!!!

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Never waste your youth on a loser. Make your strategies and an exit plan.

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And you chose to Marry this Ass.

My ex was exactly like this.
fuck him off! he WONT change

Leave. It doesn’t get better unless he gets help. I have a feeling he won’t.

Takes alot to leave and stay gone but you have to. There will be empty promises and yet it gets worse. This time it was a wall. You will be next. The im so sorry i will never do it again will come out of his mouth. But trust and believe it will get worse. Seperate let him get help if he chooses and see if he changes. But stay away until he does and start slow if he really loves you he will change. If not it will just get worse. Run far away for you and your children. Prayers gor you. And stay strong.

Run!! Everyone makes mistakes. Yours being him!

Leave it won’t ever get better. At best it will stay the same as it is now at worst he starts beating you. Your kids are seeing the way he acts and him being angry all the time will mess with them.


Leave now… do it while he’s at work so he can’t reject you leaving. Have some family help you and get out!! You don’t want either of your kids learning that’s how they are supposed to be treated or treat another.


Leave. Because it’s going to be your face next and flowers and chocolates and him crying with you comforting him. Get. the. fuck. out. I cannot stress this enough. What if he misses and bits one of your kids like he did that wall? If you stay, after he gets round to hitting you the first time, the second time will be within a week. Again, you’ll end up comforting him. By the fifth time, YOU will be the one apologizing. You’ll even make excuses to your kids who hear you getting hurt, even if they don’t see it. And that’s going to be the foundation they set for their future relationships. Run. Dont worry about belongings.they can all be replaced. If you wait, your gonna end up believing you deserve it all and your lucky to have him and noone in their right mind would want you. Just him. Love isn’t about suffering or walking on eggshells or being enslaved by another

Leave his ass that wall will be your face one day

Sounds like he is a Narcissist? I never even knew what that was, til I researched it. My ex fit the bill. One word…RUN. If he is, things will only get worse. :neutral_face:


He is not the same person you fell in love with. Alcohol takes control over him. When sober he most likely won’t remember half the stuff he does or even says to you which makes you feel “that it’s ok” because he didn’t know what he was doing. But then there will be other women and as far as he knows as long as he comes home to you then all should be ok…

Do it for your children! Be strong, be firm…

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Leave while you can, nothing is going to change. The only way he will change is if HE wants to, and for him to say “I will get anger management classes as long as you stay” that’s manipulating you and guilting you into staying. If he drinks that often he needs more than anger management, he needs to do something for the addiction too!


Get out now … your very first sentence told me this


Sounds like you’re young he’s Young. Best thing you can do is get yourself a job and get the hell out. It’s not going to get better. And he’s going to leave you when it’s when it’s the worst time.


Do you have a cast iron skillet? If not, it sounds like it’s time to invest in one- they’re really versatile & helps pack a good swing.


He will never change and things will not ever get better. Leave.


Get to a safe house!

Get out now before he hurts you or kills you in a fit of rage. Find a women’s shelter near where you live, pack up as much as you can, take the kids and get out! They will help you with therapy as well as your kids, and an attorney to help you figure out what needs to be done. He needs not only extensive anger management therapy, but also parenting classes, and personal one on one therapy. You deserve more in life and your kids deserve a mom who feels safe again and whose happy.

Ask him to go to Marriage Counseling, and if he won’t go and get the help, then you must leave him as he is not only beating you down, but the children and they are so important as they learn life from you and their daddy.

Baseball bat when he sleeps believe me it’s going to get worse I stayed for 31 years get the fuck out girl

Darling are you living at a carnival with all these red flags? The next punch is your face. He sounds like a typical narcissist. For yours and yours kids safety you need to move on. Don’t kick him out because a narcissist will never leave. Plan your strategy and get yourself out of there. Good luck

He doesn’t have to accept your breakup for you to take your kids and call it done.

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Girl run…
That’s manipulation. “I’ll do what you want me too if you stay” next it’s going to be suicide threats and God forbid holding your kid from you. Not only are (most) alcoholics hot tempered and unpredictable but narcissistic behavior is not healthy and it’s not love. He doesn’t have to accept that you’re unhappy or that you want to leave but oh goodness girl, I wish you the best of luck. Pack your shit in the middle of the night if you have too bc its only going 5o get worse and your baby does not deserve that toxic environment. Get a restraining order or have the cops with you when you get your stuff but I’d get out of there asap.

When someone shows your what they are without change or follow through. You need to leave.

You should never stay somewhere that you start questioning your own worth and what he’s doing to you is a form of emotional abuse xxxx

Girl… Leave. This is abuse. And I think you know it. You just need to hear it from someone else, so you’ll know it’s really real.

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Walk away, as you said you are only 22, that’s a toxic relationship swee

Playn some gritball with him. Lol no all seriousness u can’t make someone change they have to be willing and ur kids don’t need to see that kind of behavior from him. As your friend if shell watch the kids and first talk to a divorce lawyer to see your options then tell him y’all need to go to counseling along with anger management. If he refuses take your kids and leave get an restraining border and file for divorce. Sometimes its worth saving but not if only one person wants to try. I don’t know if you believe in God or not but if you do pray and ask God for protection over u and your children and for guidance