I’ve been with my partner 4 years married since December, we have 2 kids together. He has been doing things that people question me about. The way he speaks to me is shocking, he makes me feel worthless, he drinks beer every single night, leaves me to pick everything up after him. I think he has anger issues and I feel as if I’m walking on eggshells all the time, I met a couple who have a child so me and my kids have been spending time with them and my husband has done nothing but argue with me about it and scream at me about it. He wants me to wait at home for him to finish work and not be home later than him. I tried to leave him at the weekend, so he punched a hole in my wall and refused to leave.
I have a very big heart and I want to make this work for all of our sakes, every time he says he will change nothing ever does. He’s said he will do some anger management as long as I stay with him.
I don’t know what to do as I do love him and if I tried to leave again he will just reject my breakup again. but I’m not the happiest I could be and I’m only 22 I have so much more life left
Leave him periodttttttttt
Is this new behavior because why would you marry him if he treats you like this? I would leave him, because it sounds like this will just escalate and become abusive.
Leave. It won’t get better.
Very unhealthy situation. Get out as soon as possible.
Betta get out of that situation
Make an escape plan, and pack your shit and leave while he’s at work
Hey mama listen to you’re gut think abs decide what best for you and your kids this time it was the wall but when anger over comes someone next time it can be you or your children… you are not worthless …I hope you figure this out or I hope y’all can work it out but only time can tell
Get a restraining order. The police will escort him. If you have kids this will also help you get custody. Go while he is at work to the court house.
Get out before he gets violent towards you
If he punches near you eventually he will punch you.
Get out now - dont let another year of your life go by!!! He isnt going to change.
Give him a deadline. He can start his anger management by X date or your are booting him. Follow through with it if he doesn’t get help. It will get worse and if he knows you won’t leave, he will never get help.
He’s going to say whatever he has to so you will stay. If he was going to change he would at least be making some effort. It will never get better.
This time was the wall, next time could be you!! You are too young and deserve to have a happy life, do you want your kids to be treated like this? I am assuming the answer is no, so don’t condition them to live this kind of life, the sooner you get out of there, the better life and opportunities you will have for you and your kids.
Get out now!! Next time it could be your face, not the wall!! Been there done that!! It doesn’t get better, you can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change!
u married him? these signs had to be there before marriage…get out with ur kids…
He has no say so you have every right to leave him. He will always say"he will change" but it’s just going to get worst. Please get out you deserve so much better.
Doesn’t sound like it’s working no man should ever make u feel worthless. He’ll make u feel isolated n like shit. Defo a red flag n not been married long. I’d leave
Lawyer 1st, exparte order,
Run. Run as fast and as far as you can.
Leave before he kills you. Tell your parents tell the police. Do not go back.
Talk is cheap. He says one thing and does another. Stand your ground and leave. 4 yrs to long.
Wait till he’s at work and leave. Been there, done that, it only gets worse.
I’ve been there, I understand. Unfortunately he can’t change without taking actions, talking about it or intentions without actual actions won’t make a difference. You sound like me, I’ve always been way better about caring for others than myself, so if you can’t get out of the abusive situation you are in for you then do it for your children. I’m so sorry for the situation you are in but it sounds like it is time for you to get those children out of that environment and live a life without abuse. You can do this and you will get through this. Sometimes when you love someone you don’t realize how much you are enabling their own self destruction. You may not know this but you deserve a better life than you are living. Sending so much love to you.
Do yourself a favor and look into therapy. Take him if he’ll go. But if he won’t, it may be the saving grace you need to learn to love yourself & feel your own self worth.
He needs to quit drinking and most likely the rest will follow
Too young to put up with his crap. He will not change and you will waste many year’s waiting for him to change. A change that might never happen.
just get out while u can. he is having his own demons right now and you will soon be a punching bag if not already. Do yourself a favor, just this once. And leave now!!!
Get out. Do what you have to do. If you need help finding resources please message me, I check my message requests often. I will help you find the resources to get out if you need help. Even if its only to give him an opportunity to change. Put some space between yall and you will see his true colors and honest intentions. He will either continue on a path of drinking and anger or he will wake up.
Run. Take your kids and run. Don’t look back!
DO NOT HAVE MORE KIDS WITH HIM!!! Can’t stress enough!
Why are you there. Think of your self and your children. They are being emotionally harmed by what they see and hear
Not love
Trauma bond, control, and abuse
Stay and your children will see things they will never be able to unsee and have experiences that will not shape their lives not for the better
Leave or you will be saying the same story 10 years from now but only more horrific
Get out now.Punching a wall can easily turn into punching you and your children. Wait til he goes to work,get a supportive group of people to help pack up you and the kids and leave
Leave! Sounds like a narcissist…been there its rough in the beginning but if you have help it can be a bit easier if you need to talk im here
Baby leave his butt, you and your kids deserve better than this. Put your safety and your kids first. He is not gonna change. I have been there for 13 yrs. My life was changed for ever once it was over. Please please leave him.
A group where we all tell you to leave them
Wait until hes gone, then leave. Its how I had to do it also. Left at 5am on a flight back to FL from Alaska. No one knew but my parents.
When you do leave, whoevers home he knows and may go look for you at, give them a heads up AFTER you’ve left but very quickly after you’ve left. My ex took a 9mm to my moms looking for me after I left.
It won’t get better. You’re 22, you have so much more ahead of you. You deserve to be treated correctly and more importantly, those kids deserve to see their momma loved correctly too.
guarantee that man will never change for you. Move on immediately.
LEAVE. He’s an abusive manipulative drunk.
Leave ASAP you can change him he has to want to change himself
So he treats you like crap n you stay why? That’s not love. That’s abuse. And if he hits the walls now how long before he hits you or your kids. You are their mom. You are supposed to protect those kids. Lawyer up n get away from him. PPO is needed. You are worth everything! Grab the kids birth certificates n a couple of changes of clothes… a fav toy or 2. And any cash you can get your hands on n leave. Fear for your life n those kids. Don’t wait. Sounds like he’s escalating… it’s not a good sign.
He is controlling and abusive. It doesn’t matter if he “rejects” the break up if you say you are done then you are done. Get out ASAP! And be careful, he sounds like he could do something to you if you try to leave him.
Get out! If you need help…please reach out! He is a danger to you and your babies!
Shame hun get out asap this is not gonna end well get helpu cant be in such an abusive relationship with ur babies esp being so young get out gurl real quick
You said it. You have so much life left. Go live it
Leave him best thing for you and you’re kids
Leave as soon as possible. Have a plan to leave when he’s not around. Have a safe place to go. Find an organization for abused women if possible. They can help. There is no changing this man & it won’t get better. Protect yourself and your children.
Get out now he will not change untill he is ready and by that time you or you children can be hurt bad. Good luck and I’ll keep you in my prayers
I think you already k ow what you need to do. Just need to get up the guts to follow through and do it!
well when he goes to work, pack as much stuff of urs n the kids as u can an leave don’t say a word to him bout it an let him come home to an empty house
You do realize that things are never going to get better ? You and your kids need to get out of this toxic situation. He’s obviously never going to change.
If your daughter came to you with a relationship like this, what would say?
That’s your answer.
Stop letting your traumas bond you to useless humans.
Put 20s back somewhere and grab toys and few clothes and leave them kids needs safety and so do you
Oh darling, you’re very young… stop wasting your life and your children’s. He’s most likely an alcoholic, and his behavior won’t change… until he is ready to change it… not a moment sooner. Don’t let your kids grow up to believe his behavior is normal.
Don’t stay in a toxic environment. Reach out to local human services for resources in your area. Don’t wait. It could cost you your life.
Get out now. He will not change. Do you want your kids thinking this is a normal relationship, to grow up and repeat the behavior.
Go. Now. Get out and don’t look back. Seriously. Take it from someone who was in your exact position and didn’t go
It’s not going to get better. It hasn’t yet. And now you are married. He CANNOT reject your breakup my dear. Do not speak to him, do not do anything but get down to the courthouse, file what you need to file and be done with it. It’s hard. But you can absolutely do it and NEED TO for yourself and your kiddos.
Ummm… he’s controlling you. And it’s abuse. Eventually it will be you that he hits if what is going on pisses him off enough. I am so insanely shocked that people with stories about husbands treating them so badly and then are like I want to make it work. Well let me tell you he is putting in zero effort. If you stay you are accepting this behavior. If you do leave, don’t tell him first. My sister was killed last year… they don’t stop being angry and abusive… it just gets worse.
There is no way you can “love” someone who treats you like that. He’s just what you’re used to. Let him go, people like that never change. His Dad was probably the same way. He doesn’t care about your happiness, he has made that clear. Keep that in mind & don’t let him suck you back in.
Don’t allow him to reject it.
Leave him. Move on. It only gets worse.
I would be terribly worried about the anger issues. Do you want to wait until he hits you at the children? Why do you love him? He sounds like an immature jerk to me.
Sorry to say but how can you love anyone that treats you like that ! you’re so much better off WITHOUT HIM. move forward with your life, it would be so much better & you know it.
Your in a abusive controlling relationship. It’s toxic and you need to get yourself and children out . Before it totally ruins them which this will . Your daughter will feel this is normal as a adult and get herself into a similar toxic relationship. If you have a son he will behave to woman like his father . HE WILL NEVER CHANGE HE WILL GET WORSE RUN
Leave while he is at work
Ugh it will only get worse…
get away from him straight away i was in a relationship like this and ended up being a victim of domestic violence so get out now because violence will follow
he is a narcissist and will never change
If your daughter was in this kind of situation what would you tell her? Get out!! Please don’t stay and see what happens.
Oh honey I dealt with that kind of thing for 17yrs. They’ll never change, being that everything’s still fresh leave before you lose yourself.
Get. Out.
File for divorce
Leave now while you can he says he will Change no he will not leave ASAP
Why would you stay and keep a child in that atmosphere!!
I heard a saying… Give your daughter the life you give your wife… If you think of it this way, then you will realize your child will think this is normal and will allow herself to be treated even worse. Good luck
He doesn’t get to tell you he will attend anger management under his terms those are up now you tell him to give you a call in 8mths and see how it’s going and if your life hasn’t moved on maybe you’ll consider it
Get out now! Was in your position before… lend to a hospital trip and a charge once I fought back. Huge red flags!! He is a narcissist! It will never change. You can believe all the empty promises but it will never change.
It will for sure get worse if he doesn’t stop drinking my husband drank almost every day as well but when he stopped and taking classes now our marriage is a little better still working on it
Let him reject your break-up all he wants. The drinking and the abuse (yes it’s abuse) is not going to change unless he wants to and has a reason to. Just because he SAYS he’s going to anger management does not mean he’s actually going to do it. This is a tactic to get you to stop your current path to end the relationship, once he feels “safe” the bad behavior will resume.
Its called abuse. Leave. It doesn’t ever get better only worse.
This will only get worse and it will take a toll on you and your children. Make a plan to leave and do so while he’s at work like others have said.
When searching for a partner, we don’t look for a person we can change to be our husbands or wives. We find that husband and make him ours. He is not husband material. Sorry. I’ve been down that road. They never change and are professional narcissists. You trying to leave is giving him more power. Don’t waste your time, until you are ready. I left with both my kids and whatever possessions of their I could fit in my little car. That’s it. I’ve never looked back. You already have your answers on what to do, search for how to do it. And when you do, don’t look back.
Next time he punches something or breaks something. Smack the holly fuck out of his dumb ass. Ppl will treat u how u allow them to!
Ditch him. You and kids deserve more
Some people never change. So don’t waste your younger years trying to change them. He wants to control you .
Run! Plan your stuff accordingly do it all in secret u need to in these situations… Make an exit plan talk to family and friends u can trust and I know your heart is big but these types of ppl don’t change when everything’s said and done your last step is a restraining order. Plz do it now or you will be left an empty she’ll of a person I promise you your so yunge do what u need to do for you and your children it’s not easy but stayijg will tear u apart bit by bit your right you have so much life to live don’t look back at age 32 and regret never leaving
Move on it won’t get any better
Young one - unless he gets help he isn’t going to change. It will get worse sweetie- he drinks every night - he’s a functional alcoholic - his head isn’t right kiddo - either get help or get out
He wont change, the next punch WONT BE ON A WALL.
This is abuse. It wont change. He will agree to anger management and do everything to make you happy, and then he will go back to his old ways once he thinks things are forgotten about. Classic narcissist, he will push the people you care about away bc they are a threat to him. You’re still young. Get your life in order and find happiness while you can, bc years will fly by and one day you will wake up and wonder why you wasted all of your good years on a man who didnt deserve it.
This is how my abuse story began… Hitting and breakng property…emotional and verbal abuse… It ended with me almost being shot and my kids being forever impacted by what i allowed them to see and experience… Do not stay and risk your life over empty hope he wants to change…save yourself and your children
Next time he will hit you
Oh honey, first off I’m sending you a big hug filled with love and strength.
First off get yourself a support network. Whether that be family, friends, a neighbour maybe, the more support you have the easier (hopefully) it will be when you leave him. Cause girl that’s what you need to do. Get those babies of yours, pack your things and leave, leave while he’s at work if u don’t feel safe when he’s home. Sure he’s going to be mad as hell but that’s not your problem. You need to put you and your children first and being in that environment is not good for anyone. Hoping you find the strength and clarity it to make it through this . Please reach out via messenger anytime xx
Leave. Make a safe plan when he’s not home and go.
Imagine you are your daughter or best friend. Now re-read what you just wrote… Would you want this for them? Then it shouldn’t be your lot either. You’ve answered your own question my love. The trust in a relationship is the trust you have in yourself to walk away when necessary. Now walk away and never look back!
I’d go live with family with my kids till he actually does his counseling. And have him choose you and your family or his drinking. Not healthy for kids to live in that situation. Especially if hes punching holes in walls.
It’s only to get worse. You may not realise it now, but you deserve better than him. And please don’t make a kid with him, if he’s already like this with time it will get worse and more abusive.
Leave ASAP! You will find someone else in the future better for you and who you can have a family with.
Leave. He isn’t going to change and if your already not happy it isn’t going to work. You only get one life…make it count.
Ur 22 walk out n start over his loss! He should be happy ur out making friends with other moms n kids but if u do decide to stay he has to stop drinking n get his prioritys straight couples theapy would be somewhere to start! He could just be in a hole i duno but what he is doing now is abusive behaviour n you dont have to wait around 4 him to change