My partner suggested I sell myself

What… Get rid of his SORRY butt

Read what you said over and over you will figure the answers out.

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Tell that Devil he’s a lair and. I will do good. And my. God will provide for me

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So why are you with this man? And having another kid with him?


I call troll post. 5 wks pregnant? :face_with_monocle:

Honestly he sounds like a leech

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You need. Private bank account he can’t have access to and dump him like ASAP


Know your worth and leave him. You were better off when he was in prison.


How can you not know what to do? Get rid of him.


Pizza delivery driver I know two ppl close to me taking home 17-30 a hour after tips at Pizza Hut …easy job good pay …an tell him to fuck off

Why are you still with this person


And you’re with him why?


The fact that u were doing better on ur own speaks volume. That says he doesn’t add anything to ur life… Run Run Run and leave that toxicity alone


Girl you know what to do so why ask?? Do what is best for you and your children… and it ain’t him!! Do not settle ever settle even something “small” don’t sacrifice your standards for him


Are you F**king kidding me!!! Kick that douche canoe to the curb, go to the woman’s shelter and get help.


You should tell him to go F himself

He doesn’t not care about you or your worth, leave him or this story is just gonna keep adding

You know you can do it and do it better without his toxic ass. Leave him. And go be with family or Friends who are close and can protect you.

Also, sell yourself as in prostitute? Get out quick!

Oh hell no. Buhbye. See ya. Sayonara. Do one douche bag! Merry Christmas and GFYS!

You know the answer. You did better without him.

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He sounds like a real gem :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow: ditch him and run FAST!!! :v:t3:

You know you can do it on your own. So kick him out NOW. I would rather be alone then be miserable.

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If you can’t see through your own eyes that you were doing better off WITHOUT him, then you got to wake up girl… he is going to just continue to drag you down, and leave you broke. He clearly doesn’t care to help support you or his children if he’s willing to offer you to sell yourself, rather than him being a man and working a job to help take care of his family … you already answered your own question … go back to being the single mother that you were when he was In jail … your children AND you are much better off for your own mental, physical, emotional, and financial well being !:woman_shrugging:


Sounds like a sucking the life out of you

you need to be gone from him, or he needs to be gone.

Tell him to get the hell out. You were doing just fine without him.

You did better without him.

Whole scenario is gross. Why are u settling? Where’s your self worth? Is that really what you want as a father figure for your kids? Baffles me how a woman can even be attracted to that enough to end up pregnant. He sounds like a total loser.


Your kids are around a person like this ? I can’t call him a man or a father … cause he isn’t one , you need to be both parents right now and get far away from this. If he can tell you to sell yourself? He will be ok to sell his daughter to , he will be ok for his son to do this to women. Run right now.

This has to be a joke. The answer is easy here……


He can go sell himself.

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Never let any man tell you to sell yourself or he can do himself. When a man go to prison that long it not easy or safe when they come out. I just couldn’t do it if that happens to me. Be on your own , be brave for you and kids.

Look hun… he is obviously not investing in u both like u had been…or u wouldn’t have gone broke so fast when he came out. And if he had TRUE REAL love for he would never tell u to do such a thing…he is lazy n trying to pimp u out ehile pregnant when his ass should be looking for a 2nd job if he has one already cause yr pregnant with his child and he needs to man tf up. If i were u, I definitely would leave tho boo… it’s just gonna get worse…

You know u don’t need him to make it in life…u showed that by being able to handle up n save when he wasn’t there…

Get rid of the man sounds like your amazing mom and can do good all by your self

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This is an easy answer leave :woman_shrugging:


Find all thr help to keep you afloat that you qualify for. And just keep working at it. And get rid of this guy.

He needs to sell himself! Run!.


Kick him out u don’t need him. Or to degrade yourself like that…

Get rid of him. Strange you don’t see the issue here.


Sounds like you did better without him


Tell him to get out. Why let a man bring you Dien like that? You obviously don’t need him. I’ve Shays told my girls (they’re grown) that you can do bad by yourself, you don’t need someone that’s going to make you do bad. Meaning if you can do better on your own, or feel as if you already are on your own, you should be on your own. Don’t ever let someone make you do bad.


Have him removed from your home, you just don’t leave trash laying around the house.

Boot him out and put him on child support. Better yet call his PO and get him busted and thrown back in prison. You deserve a happy life. You did so well without him.

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Tell him to sell himself a**hole!!!

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Get away from him as soon as you can. Keep or don’t keep the baby you are 5 weeks pregnant with. I think you know what you need to do and that get far away girl

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That says one thing to me…He has ZERO respect for you and he wants you to have the same…LEAVE!!


Your partner doesnt sound like someone who fits the definition of partner. Run. Now.


Shaking my head in disbelief!

Run away from him fast!!!

Tell him to fuck off, and start again and don’t let him back. He was obviously the problem.
What kind of man wants to sell the mother of his child for money
He’s scum, no respect for you at all unfortunately x

So if you did amazing without him. And doing miserable with him…I feel like what you should do is pretty clear. I mean,.you already know you are strong enough and smart enough to do it on your own.


He’s a fucking idiot get rid of him

Yeah tell him to get the fuck out and think about if you really want another baby to raise and make that choice before it’s too late.

Walk away from that mofo right now.
You don’t need that nor do the kids need that.
See the red flags!!!

I’m not even sure why you need anyone else’s advice. No offense but once he came home and my peace was gone so would i🤷🏽‍♀️


Id tell him to go f… Himself and leave…u better off without him…hes a user…red flag…

What the HELL DO YOU THINK !!! Use your brain !!! You have made it without him so far, you Kick his ass to the curb and don’t even look back !!! And for DAMN SURE don’t take him back !! He is history and that’s where he belongs. Honey you may think it’s love but any man who tells you to sell yourself, well that’s not love !!! That’s him thinking he owns you and you have proven to yourself that you don’t need him for anything. Pack what little shot he’s got and throw him out. It will be the best thing for not only you but for the kids. You don’t want them growing up in a house with anyone who holds you in l ow regards as to tell you to become a whore to make money for him. You and they deserve better, much, much better ! Move on and don’t look back ! Good luck my friend. You and those kids are worth it !!!

Run.! He is no partner of yours he’s using you and leaving you dry. Pick yourself back up and never look back. You and those babies deserve better!!

omg get away from this person . i would not want him in my sight . . what a horrible thing to say , he will be a pimp . i guess that wont bother him being the scum bucket he is

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That’s not a partner. That’s a homeless man who’s using you. You wanna be 9 months pregnant fkn another man to pay another man’s bills while he’s laid up on the couch? If not I suggest you leave him.

Whyyyyyy weren’t you on birth control. All these posts of shitty partners end with oh and I’m pregnant again.

Sell him he’s not worth it


Real men don’t take everything from their woman and then try to pimp them out. Kick the POS to the curb and start over. Do whatever you gotta do to get him out and stay safe.


This is so utterly absurd. How tf are you confused by what to do?


If you know you can raise the kids without him, and were doing great, why would you allow him to ruin everything. Then suggest such a horrible thing. Kick him out and go to child support office and file. If my husband ever seriously suggested this I wouldn’t need Facebook to tell me I should leave. He brought you down because he knew you’d be stuck, don’t let him do that to you. Think about your kids and the baby you’re pregnant with. My husband would crawl through a bed of hot coals before he’d ever put me in that kind of situation, even then he still wouldn’t. This guy doesn’t love or care about you or any of your kids. He’s not only suggesting you do something absolutely degrading but also suggesting you put yourself and his unborn baby in harms way, STDs or rape from some creep. Good luck :crossed_fingers:, hopefully you’ll take everyone’s advice and leave him and don’t ever take him back!

You did it all before. Pick yourself back up and do it again. This time stay away from him.


Is this the man you want to be with the rest of your life & influence your children? I think not.

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Sell him, although he’s probably not worth much!

You better grab those kids and RUN as fast as u can while u still can!

He’s no good for you and certainly no good for ur children.


I can’t believe you let this happen throw him out now


Leave him there are a lot of places for women an kids leaving mentally or physically abusive relationships. Tell him to sell his self a really man never ask u to do that they would do anything to keep u safe


Get out while you can!

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Been there done that. Big red flag. I can do bad all by myself. I don’t need help. If you were doing good while he was away and you aren’t now, honey it’s time to leave that boy alone.


RUN…and never look back…hes a LOSER with a capital L


Sell him.:roll_eyes: Honestly, get away from him. That’s awful. Hope you make the right decision. You obviously know how to live (the right way) without his sqeazy butt.

Wow… He has no respect for you or his children. You need to leave this relationship now!

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best thing you could do is sell him, and don’t look back


I would say sell him but sounds like nobody would want him.
Run! Leave him!


Why do you keep going back? Get some help.


Why did you let him come back? Kick him out ASAP! You don’t this creep!


Stop giving him access to your money!! He sounds like a leech, using you for sex, money, and a place to live. Losing your savings is kind of on you.

However I am amazed at your ability to save up while caring for multiple children, giving them all a stable home, and bless you for taking care of his kids too.

Please contact a women’s center and domestic violence hotline so you can get out of this relationship safely. I’d also see if you can get guardianship of his children. You risk having your kids taken away for exposing them to this poor role model.

Is there any way you can prove in court he told you to sell your body? I’d use that as evidence for sole custody of the kids.

After the birth use reliable birth control, focus only on the children once you are rid of this loser. Get only court-supervised visits for him before he pimps out the kids!

You deserve so much better, and I hope you find it.

Why are you asking? You know what the answer is.

I suggest you get rid of him!!!

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Absolutely not. This guy is toxic. Tell him to get out and get a job to support his family. You did good on your own, maybe that’s what you need to do. Be on your own again.

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Kick his rear to the curb. You’ve already proved you don’t need him


Someone who loves you and respects you doesn’t ask you to do anything like that. Darling, you have to remember he doesn’t have a pot to piss in bc he got out and didn’t have a job now your pregnant with his baby and your still going to do it by yourself. You are a lady and you never expect nothing less and you deserve a lot more than that. Yes that might be your kids dad and you might love him but that’s so unfair and unhealthy for you and your kids. Please remember your worth!!!

Get rid of him you managed before you can do it again you sound like you are a strong lady good luck :+1::+1::+1:


Before you allow a man to make your life spiral out of control, think about your kids and how hard you have worked to get to where you’re at.

The first mistake you made was letting him get sum without protection yet y’all hadn’t discussed having a baby.


Been there myself…get out while you can

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Throw the whole man away!!! Smh sell yourself. Tell him get out thats not love and certainly not respect no need to waste your time on him !


Wow dispose of him he definitely doesn’t love you or respect you. I sure hope your don’t have daughters or he will be selling their services when they get older. Escape NOW

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He’s be gone for undoing all the hard work you did but the. To suggest you sell yourself he would be gone in a second. You need to protect yourself and the kids. Also as harsh as this may sound I don’t mean it to be but why I’m n earth would you want another baby with that guy. I bet it wasn’t planned but you need to seriously think about it. You have no money and a person who clearly doesn’t care about you. Go it alone with your kids and show them you won’t stand for the way he’s treating you. Good luck x


Omg. Sell him !! Put an add on Craigslist for his ass !!

He suggested you do what!?! If you don’t get yourself and your kids far away as possible!!! There’s nothing to be confused about!!!


I suggest he has a parole violation and goes back to prison. :woman_shrugging:t3:


What a waste of your time. So sorry. I’d make him leave,obviously you do just fine on your own. Good Luck Momma :pray:

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Why is this even a question?? LEAVE LIKE YESTERDAY!!!


Is it really a question? TELL HIM HE CAN GO SELL HIMSELF! And he can get the fuck out!!

Tell him to eat a big ol D and to sell his self instead, and while hes at it, tell him to take his shit and leave. You are strong and solid proving you can do it alone! You dont need him draining your funds, or your spirit. :heart: you can do this mama.

He is an stupid idiot

Let him sell himself! Get out while you still can. Sounds like a toxic relationship if he took everything you worked so hard to save.