My partner suggested I sell myself

Wow!!! What a piece of shit!! Boy BYE!!

Sell his ass to a research facilityā€¦Tell him to get a jobā€¦Sounds like you were better off on your ownā€¦ Let him figure his own stuff outā€¦Until he contributes in a positive wayā€¦good bye!!! Good luckā€¦

Sounds like heā€™s just using you. Do not sell yourself. Kick him out!! Save again move forward with your life


Throw him to the rubbish and start againā€¦ if his kids chose to stay with you then you should talk to him about that. No way would a man treat me like that again


Get out of there now


Drop him last year!!!
He just wants a free ride and will continue to take advantage of you until you are just a shell of a person, then youā€™ll probably end up ā€œnot aliveā€.
You are worthy of love actual real love and your kids deserve someone stable, he will never be stable.
Get away fast yet safely. Get a restraining order and kick him out, change the locks or move if you have to.
He doesnā€™t love you he never has and he only looks at you as property he can sell.
Your worth, self-esteem, self love, and life are beyond measurable. Leave him and never look back, then heal yourself and love yourself.


Its beyond me why you need to even ask for advice on this!!


Run as fast as you can !

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Get rid of him hun x

Girl, you just said how much better you was doing whole he was locked up. You had it all under control. Loose him, he is a albatross around your neck and will do nothing but drag you down with him. Put you and those kids first. But also start documenting everything he says or does. You may need a restraining order after you change those locks. Good luck!!

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He better start selling himself to pay for that child support cause Id leave his ass.

Tell him go sell his butt ā€¦

Seriously if you need to ask what to do then you should consider if you should even keep this baby or give it up for adoptionā€¦my word! Your kids are your priority not him, not you, an that should not be hard to figure outā€¦ get rid of him fast!!!

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Please leave, this is a posionuus situation for you and your children.

Sell his corpse? :woman_shrugging:t3:


Jacquelyn Wone this canā€™t be real


You are a flippin retard grow up

Sell his ass and move on!!

Get rid of this low life scumbag. How dare he disrespect you like that :rage:

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What did I just read? The man is a dead beat. Why are you asking about this? Do you want advice on resources for single mothers?

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I suggest you leave him.

Well. Sorry to say this but you already know your answers to your own question. Now go take care of this and get back to living the good life!

Thatā€™s not a partner. A partner would help, a partner would not have broke you, but helped you build. You can do this, youā€™ve already done it. Selling yourself will open up way bigger problems. Stay true to yourself, your children, and lose the real problem.

Is this even a question? Girl run as fast as your can ! You did so much better when he was away and now heā€™s out your broke :smirk: get your kids and go .

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Get him gone u have already shown u can do this without him stay strong and show him the door x

you will be selling yourself real short if you consider staying with him! Save yourself and your children and kick loser boy to the curb.

Um heā€™d be gone. Thatā€™s messed up. He clearly has no intentions of bettering his life and is okay dragging you down too. F that. Leave!

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That man donā€™t respect you. Please respect yourself. Respect your kids!!! They donā€™t need that.

Naaaah tell him to go sell himself. I will never know why good women stay with losers like this! FFS

Kick him out. Heā€™s a worthless piece of sxxt.


Dump him. You are better then this

:scream: he doesnā€™t give a flying Fck about uā€¦ get outā€¦ :flushed: ā€¦ u ainā€™t losing outā€¦ men do go Wey women wey kids thatā€™s absolute bullshitā€¦ but to be honest, being single would be the upgrade

Why dont you stay?, it sounds like he has alot to contributeā€¦:woozy_face:


Girl you sound stupid make it make since 3yrs in prison ok people make mistakes but for you to let him get you penny less and broke and then he say sell your body sister Girl get a pet it will love you more than he do


Girl u no what u supposed to be doing leave bby

That man will only take you further down. Please take your kids and move or throw him out.


Aw hell no! Get out fast!

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Time to take out the trash.

Be a single mom.

Why are you pregnant?


U need to leave he has no respect for you

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You already know the answer.

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With all due respect, itā€™s time to say byeeee. And for the people who are being hateful towards you for questioning what you should do, just know that there are people willing to be your support system. No one knows everything about your situation but itā€™s obviously hard for you since youā€™re questioning it. Itā€™s time to leave and it might be lonely but I promise you it will be better once you leave and you can always send me a message if you need to vent or need someone who understands and can be there for me you. Life is too short to deal with that kind of bullshit.

Why are you still there?

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šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Is this for real??? Why are you even asking and not packing instead? :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


Donā€™t sell yourself. Get rid of him, heā€™s a loser!


Push him to the curb. Throwing his belongings at him.


I think you know the answer to your problemā€¦. you seem like a smart person if you saved all this money while he was locked up & now you have none & youā€™re pregnantā€¦. You are in denial while he leeches off of you and has no respect for you or your children! It wonā€™t be long before CPS gets involved and removes the children if you continue to stay with him & follow through with his requests. He doesnā€™t care about you or the children, sounds like he is more of a danger to all of you! Run as fast as you can from him or get him out of your home!!!


Its a NO BRAINER, fuck him off. for future advice, use contraception.

Youā€™ve answered your own question get out now x

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Whew :grimacing: sounds sort of familiar, except my exhus never wouldā€™ve suggested me sell myself ha. He did however try to get me to smuggle in contraband smh. I dropped that situation like a hot potato an now I am close to paying off my own house. Definitely drop that pos he doesnā€™t care one bit about you and those babies.

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Why donā€™t he sell himself instead for things he wants. What a looser. Kick him to the curb snd start living your life with your kids.

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Why would you even give him access to your money?


These posts get funnier every time :rofl::rofl:


Call 211 for resources, reach out to churches, if you have not reach out to dhhs for assistanceā€¦but number 1ā€¦Boot him to the curb. You are better off alone and donā€™t let him come back to ruin things again.

Iā€™m sorry but your boyfriend will never change and you canā€™t change him no matter how hard you try. You have already proved how strong you are and can be when you are put under pressure. Raising your children and his children was no easy task. I say you give yourself the respect and love that you deserve and donā€™t bother looking for it from him or any other man . Ask God to help you stop loving him. Love yourself and your children more than you love/hate your boyfriend. You seem like you already know what you have to do here your just not ready to make that move yet. Tye longer you allow him to destroy everything you worked for the worse your life will be. Take the reigns hun. You donā€™t need him and you have already proven that. Your priceless !


Sell yourself to who? And at what price

What should you do? How bout leave.

Girlā€¦ Leave u dis it once on your own do it again

Dump the loser. Youā€™re worth more than that.

Let that mans go back to the streets :bangbang::triumph:


Oh my god

He is a #1 idiot that is thinking only of himself.

Life is to short do for yourself and your kids be happy .Donā€™t do what I did I stayed for 25 years and finally left either nothing trying to rebuild. Itā€™s not worth it leave.

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No man who truly loves you would want you to be with another man even if it is for money. Get rid! Stack that doe againā€¦ just without him!

Jesus get a second job or sell your nudes first. Lol

Run! It may be hard. It may be painful. But youā€™ll be happier in the end. Staying will only provide a life time of misery heartache and pain

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Get rid of your scrub!:roll_eyes:

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Dump him and stack that bread again without him. You done it once you can do it again


I donā€™t get how you could possibly be confused. You know what to do. Just do it.


Bye bye heā€™s a jerk

that is very sad that you worked so hard and he destroyed your savings. then has no value of your body or mind to suggest that you sell yourself. (unless that is your choice). I feel like you need to find your own self worth and realize it doesnā€™t sound like he values you. Iā€™m sorry


First of all,why did you take him back.when he got out of jail,and then getting pregnant.šŸ¤¦.


I suggest you get urself a real man not a looser ā€¦ get rid of the trash in ur life. You clearly can do way better on ur own ā€¦ i sure hope you do, many blessing to you

Youā€™ve shown that you can do this with out him. You donā€™t need him.

Boy byeeee


Clearly he doesnā€™t respect you. Leave him and take care of your children

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Girl u dumb if u stay. U already know u can do it on your own. U did it while he was locked up. U held him down now he got jokes!! Just get ur kids and walk away. Itā€™s hard at first but so worth it

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Run fast, very fast. He doesnā€™t care about you AT ALLā€¦get out of there!!!

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Tell him to go sell his ass.

He does not love you at all! Girl, get rid of him, you have already proved you can do it on your own!! Leave and rebuild! You got this!


I suggest dropping him and go back to doing whatever u did before that had you doing well and taking care of yourself and your kidsā€¦ he sounds like a lazyass mooch thatll probably wind back up in prison again anyway


Ok. 5 wks isnā€™t much, so you donā€™t HAVE to bring another child into this (if the stress will even allow for gestation) should you decide to leave. Also, are his kids taken care of by another stable person? If not, I can see how that makes it harder to walk away, and Iā€™d consult a lawyer or a social worker about options. If they are though, I suggest you drop them off with their stable parent/guardian and gtfo. You made it on your own once, you can do it again. Next time find someone who doesnā€™t suffer from mental illness/addiction.


Why is what you should do even a question?


Pick your self esteem back up off the floor and run.


Fuck him. Leaveeeeeeeeee
Bad enough telling someone to sell themselves but when theyā€™re pregnant :roll_eyes:

So, these questions be for real? Because wow!!! :slightly_frowning_face:


Heā€™s a sponge who loves only himself. Throw him out for you and your kids.

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What to doā€¦
Step ONEā€¦ throw the whole man away!!


Leave immediately/ throw him out

Thatā€™s actually really freaking sad. :pleading_face:Iā€™m so sorry.

Nope! Heā€™ll spend your hooker money to.


Confused??? SERIOUSLY??? SmhšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Wow tell him to go sell himself what a doucebag


What an absolute scummy @#$% wow. Doesnā€™t surprise me with some men how they are. You should suggest he get a job sort his dam disgusting self out and take care of the best things he will ever have in his life. If not get rid of the scum as he certainly doesnā€™t deserve u or his kids xx

Tell him to go hell and get away from him

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Wtf :flushed: Happiness over history !!never letting your past dictate your future!!!


Is he the father of the baby? If he is, first, dont have any other relations with him. Get a restraining order, im guessing he is abusive in other ways if heā€™s telling you to sell yourself. He has a record, if you donā€™t getting full custody and child support shouldnā€™t be too hard.

If a man is hurting and not helpingā€¦its time to pack his sh*t and kick him the eff out. Youā€™ve obviously done well without him for the last 3 yearsā€¦you donā€™t need him! You are strong enough to do it on your own!


I suggest you look his ass out the house and go back to living life like he was back in prison because he clearly should be and you shouldnā€™t even be questioning this.
You did great without him.
Hes back now things are awful.
Solution do great without him

Girl love yourself enough to see you and yours was better without him. Dont let him bring you down. Get out and never look back. Stay strong


I have so many questionsā€¦ why the hell would you not know what to do in this situation? Why would you get pregnant by this loser again? Why would you stay with someone who has taken everything from you? Why is that man still standing after suggesting his 5 week pregnant ā€œgirlfriendā€ sell her body to pay for things?

Tell that man to kick rocks! You, yourself, said you were better off without him. He was in prison for 3 years, out of your life and you were doing amazing. Heā€™s back in your life and youā€™re doing horriblyā€¦ itā€™s not really a difficult decision.