My partner will not stay off of dating sites: Advice?

He obviously doesn’t respect you or your relationship. I hope you find the strength to leave mama :heartpulse:

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Leave its better for you and for your kids. You don’t want to teach them its okay to be in a bad relationship.

Kick him out or just leave you will feel and do better once you are officially done with him

Leave and dont ever look back you and your children are worth more than somebody that is happily treating you that way. He has already proven hes not going to change.

Its sad man… U keep having his babies knowing he is cheating. I hope I’m wrong but i really see one day him leaving for good and leaving u, and ur kids fatherless.

Smh. See ur value and get rid of him


Leave. That is a very toxic environment for your children and a terrible example being set for them. If not for yourself, leave for your children. There are plenty of options out there and plenty of places willing to help out a single mother. You can do it. Get out now.

Advice isn’t anything until you are actually gonna do it and stick to it only you know when ur ready


Think about what you would say if your children came to you and told you the same thing. What would you tell your best friend? Do those things. Surround yourself with loving people and keep yourself busy, that should be easy with two kiddos and another on the way. Delete and block his phone number. Keep communication through email and only about the kids. If he’s in dating sites, he’s probably meeting people. God knows what he’s bringing home if he is. He continues to do it because you continue to allow it by taking him back. You need to be strong and realize your own worth. Believe me, life will be so much better for you and those babies.


you need to dump him, do you think zebras change their stripes?

Stop trying to change him. You need to work on your own self confidence and worth. This is extremely unhealthy for your children to see. They need to see a real, loving relationship.

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Leave if you ever want to be happy


No tell him to knock it off

Leave. Thats the only way, literally. Just leave


My ex did the same stuff. You will basically fight and stay until you finally have enough and leave and stay away. I finally did that 2 years ago and I’ve never looked back. I was just done. You will get to that point and hopefully you do soon. Someone like that will never change no matter what. You deserve better and so do your kids.

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It’s your own fault for staying with him girl.

Don’t put up with that nonsense

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It sounds like you are not gonna leave. What he is doin is looking… I guess the relationship will end when he finds someone new and leaves you. That’s gonna be harder… Just walk away!!!


Have respect for yourself n leave.

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You leave or pack his things and sit them by the door. It’s not fair to his children that they see how their mom is treated. And he is OK with it

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LEAVE. Stop being stupid. “I can’t seem to leave and stay away.” Well then you choose to live in misery with a cheater.


Burn his shit and leave him! If he can’t stay faithful to you and only you he’s not worth the time! Kick him out of the house!

You can’t make him stop, you can’t change him. He is doing what he is happy doing even though it upsets you. What does that tell you? He does not give a tinkers dam about what you say, think, or feel. You have two choices. Accept what he is, his lack of respect for you and live with it. Or, leave his disrespectful sorry ass and find a real man.

Its your choice with what you allow people to do to you. You know he’s toxic yet choose to continue having children with him, why?

He isn’t going to stop. He’s going to continue until he meets someone whom he feels is worth leaving you for and he will eventually leave and move on with his life without you.

You already know what to do… stop making excuses for him and stop living off false hope and fake ideas. Be real with yourself and own up to what you are allowing him to do to you. That’s your fault.

I get it, you want this perfect family setting with him and your children… but he doesn’t want that. Stop believing the bullshit. Focus on being a great mother to your children and stop letting this loser distract you from your own potential and life.

Kick him to the curb.

He has no respect at all for you, if he did he would never treat you like this. I think some counseling would help you tremendously. I’m praying that you will have the strength to realize your worth and never go back to this guy.:heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Leave baby girl, we all gotta be strong, and move on. I’m preparing to leave mine too. He’s a jerk to me in front of my kid, to put that nicely. Sometimes we gotta get it together and get far enough away so it’s not as easy to see them and fall back into old habits. Just keep telling yourself you are better, you are beautiful, you are worth it! You’re worthy of a better life, relationship, you’ve got this and I believe in you!

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He’s not going to stay off he has shown you. You need to focus on how to live a better life with you and your children.

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Break up with him end of story. Either u leave and be happy by yourself or you stay and be miserable. Only you can make that choice. And stop having kids with a cheater cause having more kids with him isn’t going to make him stay or stop just letting you know.

Don’t listen to these people “it’s your fault” because it isn’t. It’s his fault for taking advantage of you and thinking you’ll always be there to fall back on. Change things. I know it might hurt. But stop doing regular things around the house and make him. You get on dating apps and just assume you’re broken up until he wants to act right. If you need to move out, do it. Find a way. If you need to work to move out work third and leave him with the kids without saying a word. That way you guys aren’t sleeping next to each other at night also. Because you taking the step away from him and showing him you’re serious will either make him act right or make him leave you alone so you can hopefully move on

Why would he stop when he gets to do it and you’re still there? He gets both. Get rid of the garbage


Leave the jerk . Because a apologies may not be the only thing he’s giving you !

Think of the example you and him are setting for your kids… if you have any girls you are teaching them that it’s okay to be in a relationship with a man who has no respect for you. If you have any boys you’re teaching them that it’s okay to disrespect women. If you can’t do it for you, do it for your kids.


Stay and accept it or leave him he has done it before and you never leave so to him he can do what ever he wants ur gunna be there either way so why should he stop its the same mentality my ex had till I left and stayed gone

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He keeps doing it because he knows you dont mean what you say. LEAVE! Follow through. If he loves you he will realize his mistake and change. If not then you are better off without him as a partner. LEAVE!


Not much we can tell ya especially if you don’t wanna leave… :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


I went trew similar married for 10 years finally left 3 years ago its heartbreaking yes but please hear me you’ll be glad you do leave. five years it took me and yes it still hurts we all deserve real love & commitment! And I’m still scared to get out & date. God bless you!

You need to go it will only get worse. I’m sorry.

I don’t under why people are laughing about this. It happens and it really hurts when you love them, they say they love you, yet they keep going on there. My advice would be to show him you can too, breaking up with him he’ll just go and sleep with those women or move on with them. There honestly isn’t much that you can do to stop him, I had to stop going through his phone because every time I did I would see something like that. Break up or stay with him but don’t move out. Instead, Go on your phone, text, call other men and SHOW him you can and fucking will move on if he doesn’t get his shit together.

I’ve been in this situation with my ex husband. Hes not going to stop. Its scary leaving especially with kids involved. But you can do it! Have faith in yourself!

keep reminding urswlf he doesnt love u

Ok and you keep going back??? Honey I am not going to sugar coat this BUT WAKE THE FUCK UP!! He won’t change and he has no respect for you… He will keep treating you like this because you allow it! Grow a pair get rid of his ass and STICK WITH IT… being single is hard yes but YOU CAN DO IT

go on vacation and leave him with the kids and all the work for a week and let him see how much you do for him and the kids

You know the answer. It’s time to go.

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Same thing happened to me when you are ready you will be ready and once you finally get out of that circle your life will calm down immensely

You shouldn’t be asking him not to go on dating sites. If he wants to, then leave him to it. You can leave him, and either be happy on your own, or find someone who appreciates you, and knows it’s not ok to go on dating sites while already in a relationship… he clearly doesn’t give a shit about you or your feelings.

I’ve been through similar a few times. My ex never changed. Sometimes you have to say enough is enough, pack your stuff and your kids’ stuff, file for custody with the courts and move.

You said it… you are hurting yourself. Get help… your kids don’t deserve an unhappy mother.

You keep going back to him you allow it sorry to say he knows you won’t go anywhere especially he keeps getting you pregnant his unappreciative ass don’t deserve you so it’s up to you to be a big girl

You need to get help. Something has lowered your self worth, in your eyes, and you feel he is the best you can do. He’s not!! Start thinking about only you and your kids! They need a father who is willing to be there for them and my guess he is only part of the time.

Im going through the same issue with you, my husband has been texting girls since back in Jan of this year sending these girls dick pics back and forth for months we have a 15month old son, and I just found out all of this like 2 months ago, and he also sent photos of my to someone else and gave them permission to post them, and then also I found out I’m pregnant again by him, and I don’t know how to get away, I start school tomorrow and I work part time, but I also left home and moved to a different state for him . So I understand what you are going through, I wanna leave but I love him and want us to be a family.

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girl you need to leave this loser.

Ask him to go get help if you think it’s a problem and you’re not willing to leave. Tell him to go to counseling. You should believe his actions over his words, anyone can say they’ll stop but you’ll only really see it when he proves it. I don’t mean to be an ass but chances are you aren’t good enough, because if you were, he would respect you and not be going on dating sites.

Look. Toxic relationships are hard to get out of, especially when there’s kids involved. He has shown you that he’s not going to change, though. So this is just going to keep happening and it could escalate and get worse. If you won’t leave for yourself, leave for your children. They are going to grow up seeing how sad and unhappy you are, how he treats you and disrespects your feelings. That’s going to be something they grow up thinking is okay and how relationships work. You all deserve better.


You answered yourself. You don’t want to hurt anymore. You know what to do.

If he’s not stopped by now, he’s not going to so you must change the way you react to him…leave!
I’ve never understood why females stay in a relationship that’s one-sided and full of mistreatment and disrespect.
You’ve now got 3 kids to focus on instead of some sorry ass swinging dick that doesn’t give a rats ass about how he treats you.
Put on your big girl panties and do Life on your terms!

Time to pick up your kiddies and run! It will never work out.
Good luck

Wait til he brings home something to you that Ajax can’t take off!
Then maybe you’ll be fed up.
Please find some self respect and self worth, and leave.
Harsh, yes but true.
And take his ass for child support ASAP.

Seek counseling for yourself. It will help you see clearly and make the best decision. You don’t need to be disrespected like that.

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Let me tell you, as a person who’s been there, start seeing a therapist. Find one you vibe with, you will never be able to leave him be without finding a way to be okay with that decision. That takes work, sadly we try so hard to keep the things we’ve committed too that we lose ourselves in the process. Your worth is more than staying in a relationship, (if you’re anything like me) because you don’t believe in giving up. Find yourself again there’s no shame in hurt, sadness, or having trouble letting go. But whether it be with friends/a therapist/groups you build yourself back up again and realize you’re worth more. Because you are💜


Dump his worthless ass like immediately.

girl you need Jesus. forget him.

Unfortunately he is showing you what is important to him. Believe those moments. It’s hard it’s really hard especially with kids, but believe in yourself, you can do it. You deserve so much better and so do your kids!

You are teaching your children to accept this behavior and if you’ve got boys you are teaching them it’s ok to behave this way

stop having kids with the guy… You’re putting out and putting up with it so… Leave once and for all.

I no it’s tough to leave a toxic relationship especially when there are children involved but if there’s one thing I’ve learned is if they get on them promise you delete them they always get back on and unfortunately sometimes it doesn’t change.

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There is also the option of embracing that side :woman_shrugging: maybe he wants an open relationship. Maybe that’s a thing you should talk about if you can’t leave him.


He’s not your partner. He’s your breeder. You deserve better


Leave he will never change

You fucking leave and stay away. I mean at this point you deserve what you get :person_shrugging:

I went through the same thing. You know hes a lier an wont change but the hope keeps you there. (N its not really hope it being alone thats the problem) find a roommate or family member to live with (emotional support) an keep busy to keep time moving! It seems you know whats up just cant take the action… No advice anyone can give you to help make that move thats on you hun. Just remember the actions you except toward you. Your kids will see an think that acceptable in there own relationship when their older!

13 years of doing the same and 3 weeks ago I got the strength and courage to love me more than anyone. I listened to Selina Gomez…Hate you love me Whenever I feel like I’m falling off

Leave now. The only regret you will have is not leaving sooner…

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Advice? Kick him out and stop going back.

Leave him. Don’t allow anyone to treat you badly.

Leave. He obviously doesn’t care. Keeps lying and cheating.

He won’t change I did this to myself! I kept believing him over and over for years and it never changed thought once we had kids it would change it didn’t. But I can say once you see your worth then and only then will you be able to get out of that relationship! And you are more worthy than you’ll ever believe!

Just leave. A toxic relationship isn’t good for you or your kids so if you can’t leave for you, leave for them.

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He’s gonna treat you how you allow. He clearly doesn’t respect you. You can’t change that. You can only respect yourself and do what you need to do. You already know what you need to do. Just need to do it and stay on track.

He is showing you how he feels. You already know what you should do.

GET OUT! Is the only advice. Children are not an excuse to stay. Once a person starts costing you your sanity, spirit, space, you gotta go! “Period”


how are you pregnant when youre gay ?

Live your life pay your Bill’s, have him pay child support and treat him like a quick poa when you want and dont live with him . See other people and move on .

If he loved you and his kids he wouldn’t do that! You deserve better and so do the kids.

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He will never stop, you are better off without him, there are far better men out there. I just hope he does not bring back a sexually transmitted disease to you like my friend’s ex did to her.

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Stop running back to him
U don’t know how to stop? U love ur self
It’s better alone then with bad company
All he’s doing is deteriorating ur self esteem
Don’t wait for him to value u
Value ur self
Yes wrong timing
Ur going to have a baby
Tell u the truth u will be much better emotionally and baby will be healthier mind with u just not being so sad all the time
That’s ur motive

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Don’t you think you’re worth more ?

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You cant change him if that is not clear already. His interest is elsewhere and you are completely torturing youraelf over what emotionally you ideally wanted but its not gonna happen baby girl let him go. Once you get over that hump you will lool back like why tf did I not let you go forever ago. You deserve the same love tou give and if you have to argue for it then its not for you. :heart:

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The change needs to come from you, not him. If you don’t want it, leave it! If he begs you back, call the cops and put a restraining order. Make it legal so he can’t come back. Do whatever the fuck it takes for you and your kids. Why do you let someone do that to you and yojr kids. He is a sperm donor and a womanizer. Why let anyone like that be close to you and your kids. Why are you still having children with such a loser?

You get on the dating site to! See how well he takes that , and tell him if he stops so will you!!! I’m married 5 year this year and I’ve always been a reciprocator . It’s a blessing and a curse but it works! If he thinks you’re cheating then he definitely is!


Stop and think of yourself what you deserve. Then look at standards you are setting presidence for your children.
Staying in an unhealthy relationship just because you have children is never good and will only end in further heartbreak. Id say you already know what to do.


Choose to love yourself over him. He doesn’t respect you. He has shown he won’t change no matter how it makes you feel. By staying with him you have to choose to accept him the way he is or decide your own sanity and self respect is more important to you than your feelings for him. One sided relationships will lead to resentment and feelings of shame. You deserve more than he is capable of giving to you and your children. I’m so sorry you’re going through this pain.

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You deserve better.
Leave while you can and apply for child support.
You’ve spoken your mind to him about those dating sites but he has shown he doesn’t care about you.
The grass might look greener elsewhere but he can’t look after what hes got, so he doesn’t deserve you.
You staying is showing your kids that being treated that way is acceptable. But it’s not.


Your words exactly! You don’t want to hurt yourself anymore. Get out, forget all about him, other than the co-parenting role. That’s it. You are showing your kids that his behaviour is acceptable and that yours is too. Do everyone involved a huge service and leave him as a partner. He’ll still be your kids’ dad but tell him that he is no longer responsible for your misery. Prayers to you and your children :pray::heart:


Well he knows what he is doing. And how it annoys you. So horrible as you are pregnant. This can effect the child…
So just do not carry hate. Just laugh at him.
Maybe you should go on a dating website too.
Many people to meet. So many guys and girls love pregnant women. Love yourself for your children. You can do it…


From personal experience, every time he does it and you stay he takes you seriously less and less. He’s not going to stop. And you sticking around isn’t going to change that. He’ll keep doing it and he won’t be afraid to lose you cuz he knows you’ll stay. At some point you gotta realize your own worth. You deserve better than that.


Dating site means they are looking for something; either hookup or relationship. At this point, he is seeing what is out there and knows he has you to come back to. YOU are worth more than that. you are not someone’s second choice. Leave him and remind yourself daily, how he made you feel because he was on those dating apps. If you told him your feelings and he is continuing, he doesn’t care


Time to learn the hard lesson of letting go. Maybe get therapy or find a good hobby to keep distraction. However you go about doing it, just do it. Not only are you being treated like a joke but I’m sure other people are in on it as well. You are basically there til he can find someone better.


You gotta go.
Think of your kids I don’t mean that nasty but just try and think I don’t want them thinking this is okay I gotta stand tall and be brave. Its so hard when feelings are so strong they override your brain. But honestly show your kids what their mumma deserves and what every girl deserves and how its not okay for a boy to grow up and be like that

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Why do you have so many children with someone you can’t trust? Control your fertility until you’re in a stable relationship


You’ve answered your own questions. He’s not going to stop and everytime you take him back it let’s him know he can step all over you and the kids. :woman_facepalming:t4: block and delete him and go to court to get the kids stuff in order.