My partner will not stay off of dating sites: Advice?

Run fast that is a fricken mess save your children

Time to say bye and do for you love

Well until u learn ur lesson and leave then u cant blame anyone but urself.

People only treat you the way you ALLOW them to!!

Get out, and get someone who loves you, he clearly doesent :heart:

Realize your own self worth and kick that jack ass to the curb and concentrate on your babies.

You know what to do! Start putting away money. Get yourself out.

Then you can only blame yourself. I’m sorry but that’s it.

You are having some low self worth issues.

If you won’t leave… Hop on some dating sites too. :woman_shrugging:

Time to leave and start over Once a cheater always a cheater

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Get out and on with your life.

Get rid of him he is not worth it

Leave him. Not worth the time or stress.

5 words! kick him to the curb

If they want to act single, make em single. No one can make you leave. That’s gotta be your strength, but he’s already shown you. How he feels about you. Until you love yourself enough, you will never leave for good.

Leave and make sure you get child support

Two words: leave him

You deserve better ! Take
It from a divorced women with kids with my ex husband. Girl he was soo good at convincing me and I went back every time. It’s been 2 years , and I went on my daughters iPad the other day that used to be his. I went to delete tik tok on it because I don’t think a 7 year old should have it. Well ex didn’t know that all his app history of every app he has downloaded was still on there. Girl, we were together for 7 years and it was an eye opener. Dating site after dating site , second number app, fake gps app. He has a new girlfriend, just added another app yesterday !!! But they are smooth assholes. I knew in my heart for years that he was still cheating even though he said he deleted them but stayed until enough was enough! You deserve sooo much better

As much as you love h you need to walk away for yours and your kids sake. My ex husband was like this and it will not came out after our marriage song other things. I didn’t want my daughter to grow up thinking that’s what a happy relationship looks like mum sad mad depressed all the time. He obviously doesn’t care and I would say he knows he has you under his thumb to continue doing it after you have expressed your feelings.

What you allow is what will continue.

What you permit you promote

You should get on one too

Leave after the first lie. It only gets worse.

Time to cut this loser loose

Show him to the door!!

Kick them to the curve

Get out this man is so immature.

Leave him. He won’t ever stop.

Leave is ass he will never change

LEAVE, not gonna stop. RUN

First: it’s not your fault he’s a grub, despite some tasteless comments. It’s easy to put your 2 cents in from an outside perspective.
Second: who ever you are and we’re ever you are you are beautiful and deserve better. If you think that’s not the case YOUR WRONG and you need to find a way to build you up to believe different.
Third: if you stay because he’s the father of your children please try understand that if you leave that doesn’t mean there relationship has ended, it means yours and his has. you always be the bigger person and keep that communication and relationship open for him to do his part. Kids are resilient but you want either your daughter or son to have respect for there partners and people in general when they grow up and that starts with loving and respecting you :blush:
Forth: it’s easy to just say pack your bags and leave but it’s not that easy. Make a plan honey, your pregnant, you have other children and you should have somewhere organised that is safe and homely for you and your children. Make sure you are financially at least capable of looking after you and your children for when you do leave, otherwise your back at square one and no better off.

Unfortunately the likely hood of him changing is extremely slim and as hard as it may be to walk away from someone you love you deserve to be happy and heard and respected. I only hope the best for you, your children and your baby on the way. Please look after you. It’s your time. If he’s not looking out for your feelings and needs don’t look out for his.

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Stay with him and continue to be miserable. Your choice

The nicest advice I can give is to leave…pack your babies up and go! Or you can break his fkn hands and see how well he can type in those dating sites with no fingers…but seriously this man is selfish and likely has some sort of sexual dysfunction, staying only leaves you open to more hurt, more babies and the possibility of catching STD’s.


I was with a man for 35 years if that’s what you called him well long story short these men never change for 1 but want there cake and eat it my kids knew nothing it was always a act one day I thought I’m off with just 4 p no home anyway it was hard but it gets easier I thank God my kid are my prize 2 are teacher and 1 singer they mean the world to me anyway I have a job car which is paid for also a lovely flat I feel like a new person like a bird who is flying out her cage never felt so wonderful no more hurt or stress life is so much better so we’re there’s a will there’s a way


He doesn’t love you and just has you there for convenience… and also because he knows you won’t leave him… do yourself a favor and cut it off.
Maybe look for a rebound if that helps to get up and leave him


Honey, no matter how many people tell you the same thing… you’re never going to stop believing him until the reality of the situation strikes home in your heart. Sometimes, it takes more then being told what to do, and it sounds like the type of situation you’re in. You have to take some time to yourself and take a good look around at the position you’re in. You have to look back and think about every single time it’s happened. You have to come to the absolute realization that he isn’t going to change. And then you have to think about what he’s teaching those kids.
You have to ask yourself if that’s how you want those babies to grow up.
You’ll figure it out soon mama. You’re so close.

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Umm first relationship of just over 2 yrs already have 2 kids and a third in route. Holy smokes. Well lets be honest . high sex drive . with you constantly pregnant dont help because there is times you just aint in the mood. Plus its porn…not like he is out chasing other women. So be thankful he is faithful. Pick the battle that are worth fighting

Leave & dont look back! If you cant do it for yourself, do it for your kids! You dont want them growing up thinking what you have is a normal relationship!! He will never change. You just have to realize your worth & stop allowing him to treat you like that

Uh dump the loser! Clearly he has ZERO respect for you. He is telling you everything that you don’t want to see. If he is on a dating site he is making his self available when he isn’t…that should tell you everything. Boot his ass to the curb and save you the drama and headache, you deserve loyalty, love, faithfulness and respect!

The best advice I can give is pack up and leave I was with my soon to be ex husband 9 years dealing with this and a porn addiction honestly I finally broke after 9 years of that plus the emotioanal verbal and physical abuse I ended up dealing with it’s not worth it and it only gets worse

Please leave . And see an attorney about child support.AND college tuition and health insurance for them. And you get to a doctor and get tested for STDs. He’s playing you and will never change
Also, dear, get some information on what goes on between your knees and your torso. You don’t need more children with him.

I did the same thing.
Took the guy back. Ended up having 4 kids with him. (He had a kid previously, actually he was cheating on pregnant her with me and I didn’t know it. Somehow sweet talked me to stay in a relationship with him and I stayed to fall in love with him and his newborn son. <–So it is like I have 5 kids).
That was in 2008.
He has cheated SO many times on me. And each time I took him back.
I finally left him and found someone else. (At this time we only had my daughter together. And he knew I didn’t want to want “share” my daughter but I would. However he sucked at a dad. All he cared about was women) but I found someone who cared for me and my daughter finally. Word got back to him that this guy was going to purpose. And my ex knew all I ever wanted was to be a wife and be a mom. He knew the wedding ring I wanted.
So the night he was to come see our daughter he proposed to me. And always wanting to married, and still loving him, I said yes. So stupid of me. The other guy…i mean, he was sweet. I didnt love love him. I had feelings for him. I’m sure I could’ve fallen in love with over time. And I know that sounds horrible. But it is what it is.
We got married. Had a few years. I think he may have been faithful for a year and half.
But he’s always been a Cheater. Cheater to me is someone who always has to text or say something inappropriate or flirt with another woman. And if it gets back to the SO other, the guy lies and defense about it. Or if the shoe were on the other foot, he’d heated.

12 years later and we fight all the time, i can’t stand to he in the same room as him, the kids can’t stand him either, he’s ALWAYS on his phone, his own family doesnt even like to be around him, he’s turned into a bitter man, and I find myself thinking “what if I stayed with …?”

So my advice, from someone who in your exact shoes, leave.
Leave before you even more invested and it will cause even more heart-attack

You know he is a douchebag but you keep popping out his kids…you need intense therapy.

Honey he’s a douche bag I had one of them many years ago Hes been my ex for a very long time .

Leave him… hes not happy being w. Just one person. Leave his stupid ass and find someone who cares

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Well one I wouldn’t stand for being second best and two if he don’t pack his shit then u better and throw it right out the fucking window poof over next

Just leave , simple…

I get the staying with him for the kids and maybe financially but you need to work on yourself get some therapy call ur insurance and u may qualify for free pre postpartum therapy and work on self care and get ur shit together start putting money away plan divorce plan and leave but he doesn’t respect u not if u never leave and he keeps doing it so cut him off. No sex no food if u cook for him laundry nothing thats wife/partner duties and he isn’t acting like a husband/partner why should u stress over him

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Swipe left…
It sounds cliche as shit… There are better fish in the sea!!! Toxic breeds toxic get out… Or give him a taste… Take the kids to grandma’s… Go on tinder and stick it to em just so he sees you can do it too…

Oh fuck no. We done! Kids or no kids that disrespect would be intolerable

You have a bigger problem than that. At this point, who cares about anything he says or does? Work on leaving him and stay out. My ex did the same and cheated on me frequently. When I was pregnant with our second child (that we planned and wanted) he cheated on me and got someone else pregnant. This shit never stops and it doesnt get worse. When you let him walk all over you that diminishes whatever amount of respect he has for you. The more it will happen and the less he’ll respect you. Tske care of yourself and your kids. By staying in an unhealthy relationship you’re teaching your kids to do the same. Lead by example.

Also, I’m a petty person. Whatever he’s doing to me I’d do right back to him. Treat others as you want to be treated. So clearly he wants to be treated like shit LOL I’d make a profile too and keep it up and if he goes out then I’ll go out too. Just leave the kids with him and sneak out of the house. My ex used to disappear all the time. So when he’s in the bathroom or playing video games I’d take the car and go to the park. But he never knew I went to the park. He thought I was cheating or hanging with friends :joy: Didnt stop his behavior but at least I was treating him like he deserved.

The big kicker is when i turned him down for sex he left and spent the night with another girl. I packed our clothes and left early morning. He never saw it coming. Went and applied for legal aid. He got smacked with zero custody, child support and ALL of the legal fees.

Leave his ass! Done!

Ffs leave him it go to show he thinks nothing about you or your relationship if he happy he shouldn’t be on dateing sites open your eyes and don’t use the bullshit you can’t leave and the kids if this is the life you want keep staying if not leave while you still normal because it will eat you up inside

Unless you’re actually ready to take advice that’s given to you, you’re not going to find an answer. Regardless of how many comments this post gets, YOU are the one who decides when enough is enough.

Omg ladies! It breaks my heart to see all the beautiful strong women in this situation :broken_heart: You are POWERFUL strong women!!! It may not feel like it right now but you CAN get out of this. And the minute you realize your power will be the most amazing and free epiphany you can have! Idgaf what they say or do, you deserve to be treated like the queen you are!! There is someone out there who will see you for the priceless woman you are. But YOU have to see her first. I can preach about this shit all day lmao.

Wow !! And you are still wth him

Girl u gotta get his attention punch his ass in the face so now he will take u seriously…look him in the eye n tell him to choose n he chooses u watch him delete all that shit

Burn his electronics and then he’ll have to stay off it :roll_eyes:
Okay sorry . no real advice. I just dont get why youd stick around; love or not. The shit hes doing aint okay. I woulda done knocked my mans teeth out tbh

Leave!!! You deserve better

Make a fake account and break his heart.

People can only treat u the way u allow. By giving into & believing his bullshit many times u have shown him what he can get away with.

You’re wasting your time!

You ALLOW this behavior why?? Bc u take him back… So why change. ?
I mean really why does he need to?
He WILL clearly be like this and isnt that into you
Im sorry but if he was he would not need anyone else or many other elses…

You don’t need him and deserve someone who will treat u like a queen not a side chick…
Bc clearly you ARNT partners or in a committed relationship if he is still looking elsewhere.

And he thinks since ur pregnant ur stuck
The hell u are
Pack ur shit and go
Last Thing u need is him bringing home some std or something
U are WORTH MORE THAN THAT… please see it
If you don’t realize your worth why would he?

Been there that’s why my relationship after 7 years ended with my ex husband he would give me excuses and then delete them but turn around and get on others turns out he was cheating for years. Was never really home cause of work supposedly but he got caught. Kept saying he would change but nope not happening finally I’ve had enough he ended up going to jail because it the relationship then turned violent had to get a pfa. It’s hard to leave but it can be done you just have to want to be happy but most of all a toxic relationship isn’t something a child should witness. Ask yourself is it worth going through all of that and your kids dealing with it and going through it as well?

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I wouldn’t be happy at all with this… I know you must love this man and I know it’s so hard when there’s children involved… But you do deserve better you really need to sit his arse down and have a stern word with him and tell him if he carry on with this behaviour you’ll leave and if after that it still continues for your own sanity and self worth I would leave… Be strong

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You can love someone
You can’t make them Love you!!

Kick him to the curb. Your silly. How old are you 16. Are you even married.

He is a narcessitic wimp…when he goes out change the locks and bolt that door! He has control of you at the moment…watch him change when he loses it all…mine did…I left him where he belongs in the gutter! :+1::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Please get on a dependable birth control. Are you able to support three children on your own? Talk to a lawyer about child support and get him out.

Get a good attorney to get child support and break up with him for good! He will not change so you have to be strong and take care of yourself and your kids … a

It won’t stop unless you Leave him. :pensive: It’s a hard pill to swallow if you’ve tried then it’s ran its course my recommendation is to leave him your mental wellbeing will thank you for it, wish you all the best x

U already know the answer to this sis. U deserve better than what he’s giving u. He is not your 1. Side note, u are showing ur children this is what love looks like. Is this what u want for them?

Until you respect yourself and your children enough to leave the situation, you will continue to be treated like shit. Its time to leave and stop taking him back. Grow a backbone, hold your head high, get your kids and leave.

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Dumped him slam him for child support and get on with your lifeHe’s not on dating sites to talk to woman he’s cheating on you you’re going to end up with an STD dating sites are loaded with them

Just leave, and don’t look back, that simple .

You CAN stay broken up with him. It’s a choice. If you don’t feel like you have a choice in the matter, you need to stop dating and love yourself. Get comfortable with YOU. Know your worth!


This must be so hard. I’ve been there. Unfortunately it’s not likely to get better. As a faithful partner you deserve the same. And it’s important for your children to see an example of a healthy relationship. People can change and I hope it works out but it’s important to have another plan in place

When someone shows you who they are believe them.

I had the same thing happen with my ex of 18 years. Well, that and a lot of other toxicity. Our 5 kids is what made me stay, but in the end I finally realized it was ruining life for them. I didn’t want my boys to think it was okay to treat women like that and I didn’t want my girls thinking it was okay to accept that kind of treatment as it only got worse over time. The worse it got the more unhappy I was and the kids could see it. Once I got out and am now in a healthy relationship the kids are way happier as well because I’m happier and that tension and toxicity is gone. Start with small steps to get yourself out. I started by getting myself a job, my own bank account, and started squirlling money away when I could. It took a little while but 3 years later I never thought I would be where I am and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Good luck! <3

I just left a relationship exactly like this 5 years ago. Most of the time it gets worse and not better. Get out when the time is right but dont settle and think that he has changed, my ex just learned to hide it better. Once the trust is gone, the relationship isnt worth it. You deserve better, your children deserve better.

If you’re not going to leave him when he cheats on you, you might as well call it an open relationship lol. I’ll never understand what’s so hard about leaving if the boundaries of a relationship is broken. He’s not going to stop. Get that out of your head. It will never get better. If that’s not okay with you then leave, and stay gone. Why would you want to be with someone who hurts you? Why would you want your kids to grow up in such a toxic environment? Yes, he is wrong but you need to take responsibility for your situation. You’re choosing to come back to it and stay in it. If you can’t care enough about yourself to get out of it then at least care enough about your kids. Every negative affect of living in that environment will be just as much on you as it is him because you chose to keep them there. When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM

Until you leave him and show you mean business, he will keep doing it.

My advice…and I recognize we’re in a pandemic right now…get out and move away. Even if it’s only a few hours (I also recognize that having children means you probably have to stay in the same state, if you’re in the US). I did this exact thing in a previous toxic relationship. I moved a state away. It was the thing that saved me from going back. Get out. Move away. Lose his number/socials. Forget about him.

I’ve been in this situation (not with children involved) I truly believe for most people there’s a breaking point. One day you’re going to wake up and realize you don’t care anymore. You’ll choose you. I was scared of seeing him with and loving someone else not really losing him if that makes sense. Once I understood that I moved on. All the negatives about a person should be enough.

If I were you I’d start getting on dating sites and accidentally leaving the computer open when he sees you’re doing it he’s going to get very angry but then you point out what’s the difference you do it I tell you I don’t like it but you do it you continue to do it so why can’t I never know it might find a really nice guy and watch him blow up

You just need to be done. Easier said than done. This is unhealthy not only for you but for the kids. Staying in a relationship for kids is not worth it because it causes more damage in the long run. Good luck.

Sorry to say, but you need to get out of that toxic relationship for yourself and your child. It is not healthy. He doesnt respect you and you need to start respecting yourself and know your worth.

Oh honey. This is MY story: I am going through almost the exact same thing. Third time I have left him. I always go back. I’m committing to be done this time. I have to be, this is taking such a toll on my mental health. Get out. He WILL NOT change! I’m so sorry, it’s so painful. I understand one hundred percent.


You’re allowing him to disrespect you. What you allow, teaches him how to treat you. You don’t stand firm in being respected; he won’t give you the respect you deserve. You staying in that toxic relationship is teaching your children what is acceptable in a relationship. If you dont want better for yourself; at least want better for them.


I am not sure of your financial situation but have been hearing parents with money who work are paying quite a bit to have someone watch their kids and help with in home schooling! Great way to keep your kids home and make a living! It’s easy to say leave but you have to support your children! So scary for you I am sure! Sending all my good thoughts! Be strong! Teach your children how it’s done!

Been through it babe. They never stop unfortunately. My ex did it while I was pregnant and after as well. It never changed & I got fed up.
Now I am happily married to my amazing faithful & loyal husband who gives us the world and accepts my daughter like his own they are so cute together so there is hope but that toxic trait will never cease. Try and let go :two_hearts: hugs

Cut him out of your life!! You as a human being deserve better than this… He will even continue in “friend status” ,don’t fall for it. He would just be using you for a full in… Think of you n the kids. Y’all deserve better

I don’t understand why there is a question. Leave…

Leave! Not acceptable in any way!

Get rid of him … not worth the stress

NOT married after 2 kids and pregnant again. Leave him, he is jushumoring you he will not stop.

Fool you once, shame on them. Fool you twice, shame on you.
I went through the same thing. It hurts. You want to love someone ao much and think that you can change them. You can’t. You will make it without him. Leave him and file for child support immediately.