She clearly states that he makes enough that it wouldn’t hurt them and it didn’t sound like he couldn’t come home because he would have said that. Taking care of children is work, that’s why we have to pay for other people to take care of kids, not to mention everything else moms do. I always find it funny that the same people who claim it’s nothing to take care of children act flabbergasted when you suggest that he takes care of them when he gets home. Is it work or is it not? Also, it’s perfectly okay to need sick days and time off as a mother, because as someone with two daughters, I don’t want them killing themselves because I did. My husband would come home in a second if I asked him to, because they are his kids too and he understands that I do work for this family. If I wasn’t there, he’d have to come home after work and still clean the house, make dinner, take care of his kids. No wonder so many women don’t want to be mothers anymore.
I really hate to even say this… but in this economy at this time… I would save my sick leave for emergencies it sucks, but I would have to. I hate that for you and it sucks to not have a support system. I’m sorry.
Well you still alive .
He is the only one who works , and you expected him to come back to your house and lose two days of work because you were vomiting, wanting him back when you could have asked family for help was unnecessary .
if the situation had required you to go to the hospital another would be the story and if it had been very inconsiderate of him not to return
l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18410 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Honestly, i know it sounds prehistoric but thats a mothers life, your hubby is doing the right thing, he cant come running home if your sick. You’ll cope, we always do.
He the money maker two days in this economy. Sick days are like gold. Family and friends are closer to you than he is. Maybe emotional support from him should be good enough and just need to live with it sucks but money don’t make it self maybe when he gets home he can relieve you and you rest up. I’d never ask mine to do this as he makes the money and is out of state
he doesn’t know when he would need his pto what happens if he get sick. he is being smart. he is the only one working his boss can think he is unreliable if he called out or left early everytime you were sick. I missed a month of work being in the hospital then 7 weeks later my house got covid missed 2 weeks of work. we don’t know what will happen.
This sounds like it was written by a child or someone who has never worked and doesn’t understand that jobs don’t tend to care that your spouse is vomiting.
Idk any job that would care that your spouse vomited. If that was my husband and he left an out of town job because of some adult puke, he would get written up. I would rather he save his sick days for the kids if need be.
I guess it would all depend on how old your children are, if they are just babies that is one thing but if they are older it’s another. My kids are all grown now but when I was sick I would never have expected my husband to stay home from work to take care me. It’s all part of being a grown up.
Men feel different than women when it comes to being sick. We as women are expected to do everything even when sick. AND amen are the biggest most helpless creatures when they get sick. Big babies who need us the woman undivided attention.
So, sorry you didn’t get the support you needed, but be happy you do have a partner that provides for you and your children.
I’m sending you some extra special love, joy peace and serenity! Hope you are feeling better now?
I mean, I’ve been sick PLENTY of times and never asked my fiance to come home early or call out and I have two kids to take care of. And he’s never asked me to call out or come home early when he’s sick either. We save our sick time for when we are so sick we can’t go in or the kids are sick. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up as bad as that sounds.
Are tou pregnant? Seems like a little moody there
My husband has never come home when I’ve been sick. I’ve never asked him to either. It wouldn’t even cross my mind to. This is whether I’ve worked outside the home, been a SAHM or WFH as I’ve done all 3.
I was sick mentally one day and couldn’t stop crying and having panic attacks. I told my boyfriend I needed him to leave work and come home. At first he said he would have his aunt take our son until he got out of work I said no I don’t want to be alone right now or anyone to see me the way I was. He came home. When I was vomiting I didn’t ask him to come home. I sucked it up I knew his aunt could come get our son for me. I wasnt vomiting every minute. I curled up and watched a movie with our son when I needed to throw up I did. I was a couch parent and there is nothing wrong with that when you don’t feel well. There was another time I was so exhausted and I had a migraine super bad I had family take our son until my boyfriend got out of work. If you have family to help which you stated utilize them when you need them. Don’t make it harder for yourself and there is no need to feel bad nor guilty. If they want to help they will and let them. If you have other options then no, he should not need to leave work.
Is this for real?
Yeah you are gonna have to put your big girl pants on… he did what was right…
I’m very thankful my husband always stepped in when I was sick and we had little ones. When momma is vomiting it takes it to a whole new level. He should have at least come home early.
He doesn’t need to. You’re an adult. You weren’t incapacitated. You knew this is part of taking care of kids. When I’m sick, I do. You just do it a little differently while you’re not feeling well.
I understand wanting to have help when you are sick. Your partner is right though. Employers do not usually take to kindly to employes calling in sick to often so he is right that he should save those days in case he gets sick. I know it sucks but you just need to deal with it.
Jobs do not care about a persons spouse vomiting. A lot of people would lose their jobs over simple things like that. He’s smart for staying and not using his sick time. What if something actually tragic happens and he has no sick time? He misses out on money and possibly loses his “good paying job”. Eventually if/when something does happen say a funeral, hospitalization, anything BIG you’ll look back and be glad he didn’t use the sick days over vomiting. And I mean this all as nicely as possible no hate at all. I wasn’t working when my son was born obviously and his dad was pipelining out of state and ended up hospitalized due to severe kidney problems he’d dealt with off and on since his teenage years and had to be off for close to a month. I still wasn’t working bc of our newborn and bc he truly needed me home as well to help him out. You just need to be more understanding about his reasoning. You never know when something could happen and that sick time will actually be 110% necessary to have.
Suck it up and grow up.
He wouldn’t be allowed to just take time off because you have a stomach bug, I can understand if he was going out and doing whatever he wanted and leaving you at home sick with the kids, but he is in work!!! You have other people around you who would be happy to help but causing arguments with your partner when you don’t need to swap places with him and see if you can just take time off when he has a sick bug.
Good thing there’s an adult in your relationship. He did the right thing. There’s Dramamine, no need for him to come home and possibly catch your stomach bug
That’s the disadvantages of having him as the bread winner. My husband is the bread winner and has never come home when I was sick and yes over 20 years married I have asked him lol
Parenting is hard. And priorities compete. My ex left me home with 3 kids, five months pregnant, and a fever of 104. Turned out to be meningitis. Sounds crazy in hindsight but work was hard to find at the time so off he went. Yes. I would have liked him there and he did come when I was hospitalized before the end of the day. He was just doing what he thought best though. I appreciated it then and still do today. I’m sure he was concerned when he walked out of the door.
You have family that can help, don’t call your husband to come home and lose out on money just because you can’t manage to call family. He’s the breadwinner and doesn’t get the luxury of just not going to work or coming home early. His crew relies on him. You need rely on the rest of your family.
i get the same here im sick im still taking care of the sick while im sick im still taking care of them him same there but not as much hes the main one that works. i also work but not the hrs like he works im working while kids in school .work at kids school my hrs are done before kids our out of school.and he works 3rd shift if he helps me when anyone sick better be sick on a weekend. if im lucky.
The next time he’s sick let him figure out just like you have to. Get the kids and go to a family member’s house so you or your kids don’t what he has.
Vicki Hurn She said money wouldn’t be a problem if he come home, not that his boss allows him to come home because a grown adult has a vomiting bug.
l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18410 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
When you have a 1 income family I’m sorry but they need to work. I have had a c-section and come home to 2 toddlers and a newborn and him go to work the next day. I’ve had surgeries and him go to work. The most recent being a partial hysterectomy. We have a dog and 3 littles…. Guess what, momma got up and did what needed to be done while he was working. Before I was completely released I went job hunting. The day I was released I was working. Being a mom means you have to be strong. I had hyper emisious (sp?) with all 3 kids to the point I had to go to the wrong multiple times for fluids. All 3 are about 2 yrs apart, vomiting uncontrollably but I still did what needed to be done while he worked. I cooked, cleaned and took care of the kids.
May not be what you wanted to hear but you had kids, you chose to be a sahm so you need to put the big girl panties on and do what you need to. If you don’t like it then why did you have kids and decide to be a sahm? I get wanting help but with 1 income it doesn’t work. Gas prices are going up, price of living is insane right now. He needs every hour to provide for you and the kids.
Welcome to motherhood where it’s all really fun !
I mean that’s what motherhood is not trying to be mean but if he can’t leave his job that’s what happens you were sick not dying
It’s disgusting how some of you are treating her. Get off this page if you can’t be kind.
I think a lot of people are missing the main point of this post. She feels like she has no help. I don’t expect my husband to run home when I’m sick but I at least like it when he offers to or makes it a point to tell me he wish he could. It makes me feel like I’m not alone and that he cares. Shows I matter to him.
Don’t we all want our partners to come home when we’re sick? Sometimes we have to suck it up and handle it, it won’t last forever.
You chose to stay home. Be glad that you can stay home with your kids and still be okay financially. You chose this. It’s not the end of the world. Suck it up buttercup.
How long did the vomiting last?? Come home for what?? To watch you puke and sleep?? Lol… I guess I have been a single mom too long! You do what you have to do… sorry… but I do t think he did anything wrong… doesn’t mean he don’t care… it means he is looking out for you in the long run!! Seems like you for over the Illness… enough to stew about it and throw him under the bus! …
Being a mom sucks when your sick, but im sorry, I am siding with your husband.
I say this with love and compassion. You are wrong… his job is to provide. Imagine him leaving work everytime you are sick, plus everytime he is sick. He likely wouldn’t have any job very long. Your entire “everything” is based on his ability to provide. Roof, food, essentials etc… Unless you require hospital care, I think he did the right thing. I’m a mom of 5, many years, a stay at home mom. It’s hard! It’s awful trying to care for these people while you are sick. I get it!! But he has to do what he has to do for the sake of all of you. Don’t be mad at him, admire him for his dedication to you all and his job.
You deserved more compassion momma I’m sorry he was not able/willing/whatever it was to help you when you needed it!
Your feeling is valid
If you are in a marriage or parenting together you should have each others back or at least speak to the person with compassion we ALL could use more of that in our relationships!
Holy shit he should have gone home. Wtf is wrong with everyone. She said the money wouldn’t be a problem if he came home. Y’all expect her to raise those kids by herself and clean because he works, too? Hell, those are his kids too. If Money would be a problem then I can understand him staying at work. But relationships are not 50/50. If she’s at 20%, he needs to throw 80 and vice versa. That’s how parenting works.
I’m actually bamboozled that no one one here told you to get a divorce because that’s the first thing they scream:joy: I have no advice just looking through the comments. Good luck tho
That sucks. But have you seen the price of gas? Better to be at work.
Have you tried making friends? It isn’t reasonable to rely on one other adult for everything.
My husband does his best to come home and help when I am sick. You’re not wrong for asking him if he can come. We all deal with sickness differently.
It sucks being a mom and being sick. My husband and I both work full time and just recently our 8 year old was sick so I took off to be with him, then I caught what he had so I was home sick with him. The next week my husband and my oldest that lives with us were sick,I got up went to work and took the youngest to the sitter because I wasn’t sure how well they would take care of him and I knew they wouldn’t be as cautious as me with being around him.
I’m sorry, but I’m confused at the majority of these comments, “ welcome to being a mom” absolutely not. So being a mom means you take care of everyone even when sick but no one takes care of you??? Not. If the husband was sick he’d use the sick days right up and she would handle the kids … so why can he come handle the kids while she’s sick?? Because he’s a “dad” ??? Y’all got me messed up regardless if she works or not, dad wouldn’t be able to work without mom staying home…
My husband is a trucker and never gets a day off no matter what.
Nor would I want him to take, especially with prices the way they are right now. Unfortunately it’s adulthood, suck it up.
I wouldn’t come home over vomiting either. Need all the money you can get. It sucks yeah but not like you was down down.
I don’t know why people are laughing at this. It is extremely difficult to be that sick and still take care of children. When I’m that sick I’m dead to the world and good for nothing. I’m very fortunate my husband stays home to parent his children. Your feelings are valid and you have a right to be upset. On the flip side, I do understand the tough position he is in as well of being the only financial provider especially working away.
It’s okay to want help when you’re sick. Especially from your partner. Idk it sounds to me like everyone’s got some sad ass lives here because they’re all really bitter about what you said. I understand why he didn’t take off since you’re a one income family but you have every right to feel upset about it because it sucks to be sick, it sucks to have your partner gone. Next time call your family just to at least check on you.
It sucks not to have help. People say “It takes a village to raise a child” but sometimes people don’t have the village but we just have to keep on pushing ahead regardless if we’re sick or not. That’s just kinda… how it is. It sucks.
Welcome to motherhood.
someone who does not work? church people?
So… my husband is deployed to the other side of the world and I’ve been sick the past 3 weeks. I don’t get to ask him to come home to take care of me. I have to deal. I don’t really have sympathy
the only time my husband has taken time off work for was when I broke my thumb and needed surgery and both times I had covid
If the arrangement you made was for you to stay home and him to work then you possibly need a support group to help in these times. Family or friends etc. I’m siding with the hub on this one. I’m sure he would like to be there but someone has to work and you should be thankful that his job allows you to stay home and care for your kids. Many don’t have that option in the economy we live in and single moms/dad’s are doing it all alone everyday.
Men suck. Also, nurses agree that if a woman gets a long term illness like cancer or something, the man will leave. They see women as caretakers and if she isn’t there to take care of him, they’ll find someone else who will. And they see no obligation to take care of women in their time of need. Pay heed, ladies who think this is funny. In your time of need, your man, statistically, will abandon you, too.
Story of a moms life. I think he should come home if you are bad enough to need a hospital stay.
Let’s hope all of you that are laughing are never in that situation
say, "I need you to be home with me ". No options.
You’re blessed he works while you stay home call a family member in.hes trying to support you.i took care of mine I didn’t have a man who worked or family to help I had ME.
I guess the next time he’s sick he can take care of himself.
I get paid over $ 150 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19776 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.
Your partner and not your husband?
Girl please. If you needed to go to the hospital that’s a different story. Suck it up buttercup people get sick, you’re an adult stop being a baby. I have two autoimmune diseases and I’m sick every damn day of my life. Can you imagine if I did what you are asking for? Shit my husband wouldn’t have a job anymore. I have two children I care for with zero help and you have no idea what I go through with my health but I keep pushing. Stop complaining and let the man work.
Wow …. Some of the women in these comments give MAJOR pick me vibes.
I got really sick the beginning of this year, without question or hesitation my husband was home with me. Caring for OUR kids and looking after HIS wife.
Turned out I had septic meningitis and when I was hospitalized my husband jumped into action and made sure I had not a worry. He packed me things and brought them to the hospital for me.
He came and picked me up at discharge and cared for me as I recovered, when he went back to work again he made sure everything was taken care of and cleaned the house for me.
I will never forget how he majorly showed up for me when I need him the most, the same as I jumped into action when he had hurt his shoulder months prior, and made sure he didn’t have to lift a finger.
Marriage isn’t 50/50 like people say, is 100/100 and on days you can barely give 1% make sure you’re with a partner who will without hesitation pickup that slack and do it happily
Welcome to motherhood
Boi gonna stay at home with you everyday when he gets fired
You feel like your partner doesn’t care about you being sick, but I think you really need to take some steps back, put your feelings on pause and look at the situation again.
- He was working away. How long would it have taken him to get home?
If he’s working away then it wasn’t just a quick drive home. While maybe this doesn’t feel like a factor, it really is. Stomach bugs don’t always last very long many are 24 hours. It was likely by the time he got home you’d have been feeling better and he’d have missed work despite it because he couldn’t just turn around and go back. - How much sick time does he have? What’s his works absence policy like?
Another important factor. You may not need the money of those extra two days, but you guys need him to keep his job.
It sounds like he’s only allowed so many sick days, and that he tries to make sure when they’re used it’s for a reason he literally can’t avoid using them.
Leaving out early because his wife has a stomach bug, but isn’t severely ill isn’t necessarily the best look for him as an employee. Especially given the current state of things, because of the rising costs of everything many employers are cutting back costs where they can and honestly that includes employees or employees hours (I haven’t worked all week because there isn’t enough work to go around right now)
I do understand your feelings, I do get it.
It’s not that your feelings aren’t important because they are, but they do need to be tempered with a real understanding of the situation and The real scope of what you were asking.
Life doesn’t generally stop when people get sick. Especially for adults. Especially for adults who are primary care givers.
In that situation, if you needed help so bad you were willing to ask your husband to leave his job early, then you should have reached out to family who was already available and nearby first.
I’m sorry but he needs to be at work. Yes it sucks being sick but as moms we gotta push through.
I mean maybe he wants to use his sick leave for when he is sick and can’t work instead of using it to take care of someone else sick? I wouldn’t be mad nor expect my fiancé to come home from work two days early… it’s just one of the bad things about parenting … still have to parent even when we are sick. You got this.
Welcome to Motherhood.
Welcome to motherhood
I am raising my grandbabies all 3 young… 5, 3, and 7 months old… I was just sick all of a sudden with fever and all… my husband stayed home 2 days with no pay to take care of the kiddos for me… he has no pto, vacation, no insurance nothing at his job of 3 years now… it sucks but he did it with out hesitation… I am sorry your husband didn’t I suggest talk to him and figure things out. Mama always needs back up… trust I don’t get a break ever and I mean ever so I get this.
Theres more important things than working. But nothing more important than being there for the ones you love when they need you. Mums deserve care too. I don’t like this mentality that mums have to walk through the fires of hell without complaining. Hope your man isn’t expecting any extra care when he gets a man flu. It’s a two way street or its nothing.
Welcome to adulthood
Personally I would never ask my spouse to stay home or come home from work. However I suffer from severe migraines and the last migraine I had he did leave work to take care of the kids and help me out so I could rest. I was very appreciative but never asked. I wouldn’t want him to have to choose between me or making a living. Both are very important
You can tell capitalism has completely destroyed the moral code of most people. Money should never come at the cost of someone you love…
I think if he was maybe not traveling for work it would make sense for him to come home, but since it seems like that isnt the case- it sucks but i think he did the right thing. Im also a SAHP and currently have covid, as does my daughter. My husband only came home when he tested positive.
To all the women on here talking about pick me vibes and all that BS. You’re jackasses. A marriage a partnership is supposed to be 100% from both. And yeah it sucks when the mom the one that runs the household is sick and the husband and Dad has to take off to help. But you know what That’s part of the contract or the partnership you go into and for y’all to sit there and put this lady down because she asked her husband, her partner, the father of her babies for a little bit of help. You’re some major jackasses. I’m sorry y’all got into a partnership that your other partner isn’t. A partner doesn’t give you the right to be jackasses and go after this lady because she wants a little help cuz she’s sick. Lord help a good man that ever gets stuck with one of y’all
Im so glad I dont have a partner/husband to blame. Women have been doing it ALL for centuries, why should we stop now? I got covid twice, took care of myself and mine. I felt like I was dying but did what was needed.
I wouldn’t expect my husband to come home 2 days early. You just do what you can when you’re sick…everyone gets fed, gets changed (if in diapers) and don’t worry about things that can be done at another time. So the dishes don’t get done, the laundry piles up and the kids get a lot of screen time so you can rest…even if it’s just laying on the couch. Just do the necessary things to get by in the day
It’s super annoying when people say “welcome to motherhood” like they forget that fathers are JUST as much a parent as the mothers. They are equally as obligated.
Welcome to being a parent
I would never ask my husband to come home and care for me. If he was to catch the sickness he would have to miss more work.
Your husband has to support the entire household and it shouldn’t be held against him that he can’t come home days early from working out of town because you suddenly got sick. Yes it sucks, and yes there are more important things that working buuuut it really sounds like you need more of a support system. It takes more than just two people to raise a bunch of kids. Because if it’s just the two of you and you’re both working full time (plus you’re doing overtime) who is going to give y’all a break together? Be upset but don’t hold it against him. That’s a hard choice to make from out of town. I’d be calling all my friends before I asked my spouse to come home early from work. Or even stay home. You might want to look into some other things to create a support system like a babysitting service or a maid service. They’re way cheaper than childcare and may be able to help you out faster than him
He values his job and wants to keep it. You like being able to feed your kids and have a roof over their heads don’t you? That’s his way of showing love. Grow up!
Oh my lord that thought hasn’t even ever crossed my mind. I’m a grown ass woman and will look after myself if I’m sick I would never expect him to take time off work for that ESPECIALLY given he provides the sole income… In my case I work aswell and have once in a blue moon asked him to take time off to look after sick kids but even that I do it most the time.
These ladies saying welcome to adulthood or welcome to motherhood clearly don’t have a healthy partnership in their homes. Yes, a majority of chores and care fall on the wife/mother, but your partner should be there for support when it is needed. Sometimes they can’t be but it sounds like he just put his job before his family.
Welcome to being an adult. Mostly it sucks here. So you want your partner to come home from work just to take care of you? Miss out on two days of work because you’re vomiting? You must have a pretty good nest egg put back.
I didnt even have the option to ask when my kids were little…there dad was active duty the whole time my kids were little he missed the birth of 2 out of 3 babies. I didnt have the option to ask for help from him even if he wanted to help he couldnt have. There a tons of family’s in that position today still!!! Maybe be grateful it’s an option and cut ur hubs some slack!!
I mean how are your bills going to get paid if he leaves work for 2 days? That costs money which in turn means you may or may not be able to make ends meet.what would you do if you were a single mom? I can’t count the times I’ve been sick with kids home. I lay on the couch while my kids player watch TV so I can still see them but can rest.
It’s not he doesn’t care. He probably can’t afford to take two days off
I would not expect my partner to come home early just because I’m sick.
Suck it up buttercup…ur a big girl
Unless you are on death bed, better ask a friend to help or family. Bosses have hard enough time trying to find help…they have a large crew to worry about…Unless your husband has a job where he won’t be missed.
You need to grow up because that’s what a mother does and you should never expect him to come home early to care for you it’s not his fault you are sick so get over it
My daughter’s dad worked on the road the first year and a half of her life. He was home every weekend. I NEVER expected him to come home and take care of her when I was sick. He did come home when she was hospitalized and stayed with us in the hospital