My partner would not come home from work when I was sick: Advice?

I get where he is coming from about not wanting to miss days work… I have had COVID twice, a real bad viral 3 times but I got up everyday took care of the kids, the house and the animals. When he was home he did help me put kids to bed before he went to bed but other then that it was me. I know without him going to work that bills don’t get paid and food doesn’t go on the table. But also, a lot of bosses don’t care for missing time and hold it against you if you do miss time


He’s the sole breadwinner you say you would be fine $ wise and just want him to care… he is caring just not in the way you want… he’s making sure you get to keep staying at home with the kids so you can make memories and enjoy them on the days you’re feeling well… a few days might not seem like much but what if his work is short on staff and he risks his job for not being reliable.


Wow some
Serious inconsiderate people on this post. Yeah it’s being an adult and being a mom but dang we all need some help sometimes and being sick with kids is the worst.


This can not be real. :joy::joy: you’re a grown ass woman. I feel for your husband.

I’ve been sick all week. My husband has gone to work. When he comes home though he does his best to help me out so I can rest. My husband wont even stay home if he’s sick unless its serious so he sure ain’t gonna do it for me.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: its called life get over it


That is childish he is supporting you

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You are manipulative and you use your kids as pawns to get whatever it is that you want. You’re wrong as two left shoes, let that man do what he needs to do in order to keep the family afloat and stop these manipulative tactics because your games are eventually going to push him away and he might not ever ever come


I feel you! Especially vomiting! I would make my husband come home to have my toddler! He would probably be very reluctant to as well… I think it’s that he feels bad for his boss… it’s just him and his boss now. Used to have another worker. It’s hard enough for me to get him to work from home when my toddlers sick and I need to go to work as other parents rely on me so they can go to work…
He did take a lot of time off when I had heart surgery but still felt guilty about it and felt he needed to work… he doesn’t want to let his boss down I guess…
But I completely feel you!
I think it does depend on the sickness… I asked him to stay home tonight as I’m fighting a cold and needed a break in the evening but he didn’t for his band commitments…
But if I was vomiting he knows I have a fear of it so I think/hope he would stay…

:rofl: I’m an only parent of 3 kids and I support my family alone. I work when I’m sick, I make supper for my kids when I’m sick… Because I’m a grown woman, and a mother. That’s the job.


Why does someone need to come take care if you?! He pays the bills… let them man do his job and you deal with you… stop being selfish


I was sick with the flu for over a week and so we’re all 5 of my children. My husband still went to work… why?? Because I am a stay at home mom, and he works to take care of our family. He did let me go to bed early, and lounge around the house when he was home, and also told me to not worry about the house being a mess.


My partner is also our main provider in our household. He would not miss time from work if I was sick (unless it was serious and I was in the hospital then that’s different). And I wouldn’t expect him to. I can empathize how hard it is to take care of your children when you’re unwell, it’s really hard, but you do what you have to do- medicate and stay hydrated. I generally have ‘movie days’ when I’m sick with my kids at home. If you’re extremely sick calling a family member or a friend is the next alternative. It takes a village and with everything inflated (gas, groceries ect) it’s more practical than him missing hours from work.

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Girllll you need to get out and get a job or something because it sounds like your bored in the house and your in the house bored and attention seeking


Thats adulting for you. I had covid and still had to take care of my kids. What happens if you were a single mom? Just food for thought. I would never expect my husband to jeopardize his career because I was sick. Now if you on on life support and he don’t care well thats a different story. Suck it up buttercup

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I mean, while I understand your feelings, he might not have been able to come home. Maybe couldn’t take his sick days or whatever bc it wasn’t for himself. Some jobs are like that. I’m sure if you needed to go to the hospital or something he would have come home. Your feelings are valid but so are his here.


We always say when something is wrong why did she not ask for help well folks here is why :woman_facepalming:


I get it. Those are his kids and he should have came home to help take of them while you barfed your brains out. Staying home is a full time job that I guarantee is harder than his. Don’t let anyone else make you feel that it’s not just because he leaves the house to work.


He doesn’t have to leave work for it maybe when he gets home he can help out talk to him

Mamas get no sick days unfortunately.


Welcome to Motherhood. We’re all in the same boat but the rewards that we get with our relationship with our children is so much different than any man’s. I get you want more support but you should count your blessings. He is supporting you by going to work. It’s not just about money it’s about responsibility, commitment loyalty and reliability. That’s what’s going on in today’s Workforce that’s why employees are replaceable. I laughed out loud so hard at this just the thought of my father or my grandfather missing a day of work because their wife was sick. I had heart surgery at 37 and 42 I was rushed both times by ambulance to the hospital my parents didn’t even leave work they came to the hospital after their shift because what are they going to do nothing’s going to change my prognosis or my outcome is not going to change because they leave work. I would be so proud of my man that he would be working and that he is reliable and dedicated. It’s not his employer’s problem that you’re sick why should they suffer customers suffer and his workload change. It’s not all about you sweetheart. It affects everybody. There used to be a time when employees were appreciative that they had a job and a means to support their family nowadays people act like they are doing their job so favor by showing up. I can empathize with your situation but girl I would stay home every day taking care of 12 kids to have a loyal dedicated hard-working responsible man. I can’t help but to ask who took care of you when you were sick? did your dad ever stay home? How many times did your dad stay home to take care of your mother when you were a child when she was sick? She survived I’m sure and you will too. Be thankful you’re just under the weather there’s women out there that are fighting for their lives and getting chemo and radiation and they’re still raising their families and throwing up and sick everyday but they’re also thankful for their life and appreciative for the time and what they do have. Humble yourself you might find more support if you give a little more support


Being a stay at home is rough. When you don’t feel good esp puking and you want to rest it sucks when you can’t. Why is it that men can take off work and sleep all day n get taken care of while he’s sick but if a Momma is sick while she’s working aka stay at home mom then it’s different and she doesn’t deserve the same standard and it’s selfish of her to want to rest and sleep it off? The comment section is not where it’s at, you people are rude as hell. I would sit down with your partner and have a conversation about how you are feeling like you need more love & support in your relationship and in your household. There’s nothing wrong with that & it doesn’t make you selfish. He works to provide for his family, but what you do, raising those kids and keeping the household running is just as important!

No one needs to take care of you. I get sick and take care of myself. You’re a mom. It’s supposed to be that way. You take care of others. I take care of my mom even when she’s sick cause I’m a grown adult just like you. We as moms with young children don’t get to be taken care of.


Ask your family? He is the only one working he can’t just take off because your sick. Like he said what happens if he needs it when he gets sick?


He works away…you were not seriously sick. I am sure you felt better the next day. Is that worth him coming home for. Let the kids play and feed them ceral or PBJ for supper or something eat. Let the house go and lay on the couch and watch the kids.


No he should come home how are u capable of taking care of the children being that sick, this is more important then any amount of money.


Put your big girl undies on. Surely, if things were serious you have a friend or family member that could help out. Not to downplay your feelings, but he is the only source of income and staying in good standings is important. Losing wages to come home and watch the kids is less than sensible.


Girl grow TF up. My advice is he runs as far away from you as possible. How embarrassing of you to come here whining that the only person in your home who brings in money for your bills won’t take off because you’re sick. This says a lot more about you than him.


Omg. Are you that needy that you wanted him to quit working to come home. That’s selfish. I’m a single mom of four. I do it all without any help. Most women are too damn needy. This saddens me.

Gees, a lot of these comments make me love my husband even more! I’m a stay at home mom, he goes to work, and most times me being sick isn’t an issue and I deal with it. But man…when I am really really sick that man stays home and takes care of me, the kids, the house, the whole lot. We are a team and care for each other in sickness and health. He stayed home with me for 3 weeks this past January because I was deathly ill with covid…and never complained once!! I’m lucky…I wish more of you knew what that is like.


I’m a single parent with two sons who have special needs… I had swine flu and still had to look after my sons I remember using a computer chair with wheels to scoot round the kitchen cooking for them I was so weak… You sound like you have a hard working husband/partner… us mums just have to get on with it… we do our job they do theirs.


I had a horrible stomach flu the year I had my son, and had to take care of him and his sick father. It’s just something we as mother’s have to do. Even if no one does it for us in return. In becoming a mother, I became more resilient and determined. In being in these situations, you really find out how strong you truly are.


Some of these comments are gross.


sounds like neither is not much of a ‘partner’ also sounds like you both have MONEY as your partner…

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Being sick while taking care of kids and a home SUCKS!!! I dread those days.
However, if he is the sole breadwinner and can’t leave work, you need to come up with an alternative. Have a trusted babysitter or family member who can help in that situation.
It sounds to me that it’s not really about being sick but more about the burnout that comes with being a SAHM and the fact that you needed your husband to acknowledge you being sick.
They aren’t young forever mama. You’ll have more time. I promise.

Hes bringing home an income!! Why should he drop his duties at work to leave because your sick? I get sick I still have to.cook take care of kids and pets!! Its part of being a mother


OMG!! But I know how you felt, My Husband wouldn’t help me when I was ill, Had 2 Children to look after as well, It was very hard work doing it, But somehow I managed it, don’t asked me how, but I did it but when he became ill, I just told him to look after himself, don’t expect me to help you, I got 2 Children to manage with, and just walk away, He learnt his lesson, he never did that again to me. Sounds mean but if he expect me to look after 2 Children and myself when I was ill, so be it ha,ha.


Welcome to being a stay at home mom…:woman_shrugging:


Everyone is sooo judgmental jeez
Ok…i understand your frustration. You just need a break. Your overwhelmed. You want him to give you some extra attention and to be taken care of for once so you don’t have to do everything and being sick and taking care of kids and everything else can be so mentally and emotionally overwhelming.
I get it hunny.
I have two boys…im in a dv shelter with one boy who has anxiety and ADHD and a younger boy with down syndrome and a lot of health issues. And I get overwhelmed sometimes especially when I don’t feel well. I’ll wish I had someone to help me.
I know it gets hard hunny… But just try to breathe…and just try to get through it…my mama heart is with you :purple_heart:


Soul breadwinner needs to work. Try and find someone else that could come over and help assist while you’re sick.


What!!! Your man out there busting his ass for his family and you want him to drive back two days early to cut into his own sick days to come home and take care of the kids and you???
Do you not have family or friends that can help you out for a couple of day???

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I feel like this is burnout rather than actually being upset that he didn’t abandon his job duties to care for her. If he lost that job becuase she couldn’t find someone else to help, there wouldn’t be “plenty of money”


Thats shitty:( i had the day flu before and my hubby came home from work for me. I had a fever and i couldnt get off the couch and i had a young toddler at home.i am thankful he was able to do that. You must be feeling really yucky if you asked him to come sorry he doesnt understand:(

Just wow at these comments… no wonder this world is shit, look at how you treat each other… smh :woman_facepalming:

Being home sick with the kids definitely sucks but he’s bringing in the income that pays the bills. That’s his job. Yours is staying at home with the kids. You can take care of yourself, we all do it. As someone who was a single mom for the first 7 years, I think you need to appreciate what he does for the family and the fact that if you get HIM sick that screws you ALL.


Welcome to being an adult and a mother. He shouldn’t have to leave work just bc you are just sick. You have family that can help you out and no it’s not wrong to ask them to help out bc that’s what family is for. He is the only source of income so he knows what he needs to be bringing home to cover all the expenses. Money is the only reason you have a home, furniture, water, electricity, cable, internet, and food. Nit to mention home owners an car insurance to go with I’m sure two vehicles at least and any car payments you may have. As a mother if I get sick oh well too bad things won’t get done or cared for unless I enlist some help from family or do it myself bc my husband has to work bc if he doesn’t all the above listed will disappear and I won’t have that. If he gets sick damn sure I’m going to take care of him bc if I didn’t he wouldn’t get back to working sooner than later. That’s the whole point we are the glue that keeps the family team together an running smoothly. You get sick ok and so what you are literally the only one who can do your job as a mother, an wife so you need help you enlist it without taking away from the one who provides income. Now that’s not to say that when he is home that he can’t take over some child duties and food making an cleaning up tasks but to drop everything to do that is ridiculous. If anything he could give you a special day to yourself and care for the house an kids for awhile and maybe take you out to dinner as a sign of appreciation for all you do even when sick. But it’s what you signed up for when you got married and when you had kids you assumed the role of caretaker. Besides you weren’t dying you weren’t seriously sick and it wasn’t an emergency which means there’s zero reason for him to take off of work just bc you were sick. I did ya nit think that if he dropped everything to come home an cater to you that not only would he lose out on that money he clocked out early from just bc you wanted him to that he would possibly get sick from you and then be out even more time an money all bc you couldn’t just ask family for help so that he could keep making you money and providing for you and your kids. Be realistic. Kids let them be just make sure the don’t get seriously hurt and worry about the mess later or oh i dont know make them clean up after themselves yeah that sounds like a good idea. Cereal, pbj, ice cream, or even TV dinners are acceptable forms of food to feed when you’re sick. They don’t need fancy full meals all the time.

I was a single mom of 2 , I never had the luxury of help🤷🏻‍♀️


These comments are so cringy.


Be upset with the world and how much we have to work now and not him - jobs make it hard taking off any time.


I think it’s funny how everyone thinks being a stay at home mom means she should get less than basic help when she’s sick :woman_facepalming:t3:


If I asked my fiancé to stay home he would without hesitation. And I would for him as well. 

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Men r thee hugest babies on Earth when they’re sick. But when it’s the other way around…:roll_eyes:. Hope you were able to get a friend or fam member to help out.


You are a mother it is your job to take care of everyone when they are sick including yourself. He works and provides for yall so you can stay home. My husband, daughter and I all got covid together, I took care of them and myself because that is what moms do. By asking him to come home early you are putting him at risk of getting whatever you have and then missing even more work.


Wow !!! When I get sick I can’t move, I don’t understand why everyone is bashing this woman, you all should be ashamed, we’re suppose to lift eachother up. SMH


Welcome to motherhood!


Imagine not having a partner who is actually a partner and parent and then giving your :wastebasket: opinions. Some of y’all are sad. You have every right to be upset. Your husband is your partner in life. I wouldn’t put up with this if my husband did that. But my husband is a good man and obviously some of y’all are okay with the absolute bare minimum. Yikes on bikes.


Life of a mom… I dnt ask my husband to come home unless sicknesses is unmanageable… Unless some ppl are big baby’s about being sick…


Unfortunately this is how it works for most of us. It’s not how it should be but doesn’t change no matter how much we want it to.


You deserve to be taken care of. Some of these comments are disgusting and stuck in the past lol. You’re a stay at home mom but you’re a human being. We put extreme expectations on mothers. “A good mother puts everyone before herself” you cant pour from an empty cup. Hubby should’ve come home and used his sick time. If he doesn’t want to do that then I think plan b would be for him to pay a sitter that would come for the days you need. Talk to him about what works best but you are a human being that deserves rest.


Yup that’s apart of being a mom. Sucks but that’s life


Y’all some mean asses… damn… not all woman are capable of doing this stuff on our own. Kids are created by TWO people. Both should help with the kids IN ANY OCCASION. I know-a lot of mamas don’t ask for help either UNLESS ITS REALLY NEEDED.

Y’all really know how to make someone feel so small just cuz she asked for some damn help… which more than half of you would of said for her to ask if this post was a little different…


Be glad he’s a hard worker. Get family to come help.


I have never had my husband take off because I was sick @ I had 6 kids


I’m just here to say, that when I’m sick & dying in bed my hubby will 100% take as much care of the kids as he can. He will call in, he will take longer breaks to check in if his work really really needs him. He cooks. Cleans. All of it. & I too, am a stay at home. If you expect that, you don’t need to settle for less than you think you deserve just because some other Mom does.


Everyone deserves support when they need it. It’s a shame so many husbands don’t realize that.


With most jobs it’s not so easy to just up and leave and then take two days off especially if your not the actual sick one.


Women Are Women’s Worst Enemies!

Just because you had/have it rough, or a single mom, or a spouse is on the other side of the country or world others should toughen up. She’s entitled to the way this made her feel. Maybe if she felt the need to ask him for help it was because she really needed it.


Being a SAHM doesnt mean we are robots who don’t need basic care, love, and compassion when sick. Thats what our husbands and children get. So why the real rock star of the show has to do without? Some of these comments are shocking and appalling. And down right disgusting. I would be angry too. Being sick and taking care of children and your man can’t even come home and care for you so you can recup? Im so sorry this happened. You deserve to be catered to when sick just like you do for the rest of your family.


Suck it up buttercup!!

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Definitely don’t take care of him when he’s sick next time.


I had Covid and my husband was forced home and my toddler who was negative was still quarantined in my room with me. Unfortunately it’s like that for a lot of us as the caretakers.

You deserve to be taken care of just like everyone else, but with him being the only one of you two working it’s important he still works. Besides most people can’t just take 2 days off from work without it being approved by the boss.

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No- this is not just motherhood- you need help when you are sick… he should have come home


Maybe his job wouldn’t let him take off? My husband wouldn’t be able to take off if he wasn’t the sick one! But I also wouldn’t ask him to either since he uses his sick/vacation leave for when we go out of town! So I don’t want him using his sick days on me when he’s not sick! Lol
I enjoy those vacations more!


I don’t understand why other women are here telling you your wrong for wanting support. If you feel you need the support than your husband should hear you when you ask for it.


I would be upset and your feelings are valid. Even my ex husband supports me and takes the kids off schedule if i’m sick or just need a break. There aren’t too many moms who will ask for help when they desperately need it and this is why…because when they do, they don’t get it or feel like they should have never asked in the first place.


Not ALL jobs will let you take off work unless you are the sick one especially if he works in like the oil field where they work 10 on 10 off. Sorry but I’m a single mom and when I get sick I still have to take care of my son. It sucks but its life.


Get family to help. Nothing wrong with asking a family. Let him work to provide for the family. Search up a drop in daycare or in home daycare for times you need an extra hand


I get that you needed the help but alot of jobs now a days are also very competitive post COVID and up and leaving 2 days early can also make him look unreliable to his job which could cost him work. On top of that alot of work away jobs are based off who is willing to work for them most. If you leave a job site early it can land you sitting with no pay the next job. I don’t think he was trying to be mean by not dropping his job to come care for you but at the same time his job is what pays for you to stay home with your kids. It needs to be respected as well.


I get it. My husband has missed work to stay home with me a few times and honestly I got more upset because he wouldn’t do half of what I do or wouldn’t do it thoroughly. Idk your husband but maybe he shouldn’t miss work often or has a big thing coming up or something. I know so many people who think taking a sick day makes you weak. I used to be that way.

Grow up​:woman_facepalming: You are a grown woman and you are mad because your husband wont miss out on 2 days work to take care of you.That is insane lady wow​:rofl::roll_eyes:


When men get sick they are on their death bed but when a woman gets sick she’s Exaggerating I’ve had to tend to children and cook and clean while so sick I felt like I should be hospitalized .


Would your family mind helping care for the kids? Given the opportunity are they also a good support system for you? When your husband IS home does he help?

A lot of men are worried about providing well even when they have a “good paying” job. You also never know when an emergency may take place and he may need to save the time off for that to make sure he’s there when it’s crucial. Just because he has difference priorities doesn’t make him a bad husband.


Girl, I’d have sympathy, but this is the real world now. It’s time to pull up your big girl undies and realize you’re an adult.

People can’t just take off early. It looks bad, puts strain on the company, and many have policies where the worker stays all shift. Unfortunately we still have to function and keep going when sick or not feeling well.

When he comes home, have him take over care for the kids and you then bathe, sleep, or just rest and relax.


I’m a railroad wife. My husband just can’t take off if I’m sick. I also stay at home with my kids. Guess what, you get used to it. You shouldn’t feel guilty for asking family for help.


Grow up and face the real world.


Good luck on that! He brings home the bacon and be thankful for that.

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How old are you? Just out of curiosity


Am I the only female that can take care of myself when I’m sick…if he’s already there then he could help around the house some but he’s working, providing for the family!! If you feel well enough to complain (type this) then you can fend for yourself.


What about all the financial responsibilities you’re placing on him? What about the fact that he does only get so much paid time off and if he uses that time for you then gets sick himself and loses his job because you were wanting pity?


Welcome to being a grown up and a momma. Put them big girl panties on.


Guess I would have never asked my husband to stay home when I was sick.


You were home sick. Not like you were in the hospital and he didn’t take off. You need just do your best at home till you feel better .


Look, I don’t mean to be rude here but I raised 2 boys as a stay at home mom and never had my husband stay home with me when I was sick nor did I bother anyone else to come help me. It’s what us women do and we push through no matter how we’re feeling!! Hopefully he’s helping where he can when he comes home but being the main bread winner, he also has a responsibility to his workplace. Hopefully you’re feeling better.

Wow a lot of these are sad. A man should take care of his wife and kids. My husbwnd and I both work, but when Im sick he comes home and takes care of everything. Kids, dinner, dishes, cleaning. A marriage is a team and its sad that many of your husbands are selfish.


Have the roles ever been reversed, where you were the sole income of the family? It’s entirely different and so much more stress. You likely wouldn’t be saying this if you knew how it felt to be in his shoes, especially in today’s market/world. He can be supportive, and not have the ability to come home early. You are an adult, just as much as he is. We figure it out with what we are given.


Realistically it depends on his work. Would his boss let him leave really quick? Wpuld he get in trouble? Hes out of town. So jumping right up and being there in 5 min isnt an option.

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Mannn…I legit just had Covid (tested positive last Mon) and I took care of all 5 kiddos, I caught it from one of my kids and then slowly all my kids caught it ending with my daughter this Monday. Plus I been dealing with my 4yo not sleeping for days on end (yes we have a neuro involved). I told my SO work as many hours as he can (10hr days plus 1hr transit each day) and then to spend as much time as he can outside the house so he doesn’t catch it. I have been SOLO taking care of 5 sick kiddos. I feel the same if it is a stomach bug or something…the less people sick the better. When I was pregnant with my 5th baby I had HG pretty bad…I went to school, cared for my then 12 month old, and other 3 kiddos (10,6,5) and the house all by myself until he got home from work. He obviously took them when he got home from work with no issue but he can’t take off work for someone else being just sick.


Imma single mom to 2… no one helps me when I’m sick. Heck I’m on week 3 of trying to get rid of severe pneumonia. Still working because I have too and still taking care of the kids.


Y’all so mean talking about pull up your panties. Maybe she was really really sick and having to look after little kids. SMH
Hopefully your husband will be there for you next time.