If he’s the only one working you can’t expect him to take off work when you’re sick. Geeez
Wow jeez guys. My hubby took a couple of days off work to take care of our son when I got really sick. If he has sick days he can use them for her. This is very heartless on his part. She said he had sick pay but wouldn’t use it to help her.
You’re overreacting.
I usually push through everything when I’m sick. There have only been a couple of times my husband has had to leave early to come home to take care of the kids because I was so sick that I couldn’t leave the bathroom. There are times he couldn’t leave because if he got sick he needed to save his sick days so he could get paid to rest and mend.
My husband had a dickhead for a boss and got flack for leaving a project in DC to fly back home after a drunk driver hit me from behind with our daughter in the car. Thankfully he left that job and works for a more compassionate company, but ya never know how his boss acts when he calls off work.
I agree he should want to take care of you and help with the kids when you are sick like you do for him
He is working. You take care of your grown self and the kids. That’s all there is to it. Making a man feel bad for being hardworking and what he needs to do to take care of his family is sad af
Ummmm please stay at work and get OT if you can especially when he is the only income! Wtf!
I agree with your husband, who is going to pay ur bills when he is genuinely sick and he used 2 days looking after you, I’m sorry but there is so much shit in the world already get of his back and stop giving him unnecessary shit to add to the shit that he is already getting form the world, oh and also thank yourself that he is happy to take care of u all, if I was sick I’d want every one to stay away incase they got sick x
Yikes. If you want to be mothered call your mom
When im sick and my husband is out of town…i tell him to stay away so he wont get it. Why would you want him home to catch it if it’s a stomach bug? What can he do? Take meds…drink plenty of fluids…take it as easy as possible. It will pass. If have to go to hospital…call a family member to come watch the kids or a friend,etc. He needs to be working. Unless life threatening…let him be.
Honestly, as a single mom with no help from the father, it sucks but it is what it is. It’s all about the perspective and put yourself in his shoes as well. He is making all of the money so you could stay home with the kids and he wants to make sure he is not letting you down in that aspect. If it was an emergency and he didn’t come back, then yes be mad. But in this scenario, there’s no reason to be upset with him.
Take it from a mom who is working a full time career plus raising her child on her own, I would be grateful for any help I could receive
I was so sick I was on oxygen at home and guess what? I watched my twins without help and with the oxygen… It’s part of being a parent. He went to work and I made it through. So can you
When I was the most poorly iv ever been in my entire life last year, literally couldn’t lift my head off the pillow to look at our baby and our child let alone get up to look after them it went without saying, partner HAD to take time off work to look after them because I wasn’t physically able to, I couldn’t look at my phone, couldn’t watch tele, literally lay with my eyes shut…
If your physically unable to do that he needs to help you regardless of work or money
You’re an adult, so you can do this.
Bruh y’all are fucking rude. She literally ended the post saying like I just want some extra support. Have some fucking heart and try to see from a different perspective you half-wits… she is sick. She takes care of everyone else… no one takes care of her. Just like probably no one cooks for her. Or runs her a bath. Or asks if she needed anything. You can keep getting sick days. Money is important yes. His job is important cause he’s the only one working. She obviously made this post to get some support and or just to vent and y’all ate her THE FUCK up! Y’all need to find compassion. Just because y’all can “push through it” don’t mean she can do it all. It’s great y’all can be “grown” and do it all. But asking for help is NOT. A sign of weakness its a sign of strength. Her husband should understand because he can always make the PTO back up. Just saying. How would y’all feel if y’all made a post and vented and everyone told you to grow up or push through it? Y’all are rude and heartless. Today’s society sucks
Next time he’s sick leave the kids at home and go out for 2 days
I broke my ankle and my husband would not leave work either. Had friends take me to hospital – Pissed me off and the time would come that karma would take over.
I get the feeling and it’s vaild however he is working to provide for you all , you have just said u can ask family although u don’t like to, you can so I would suck it up call family to help out with kids he be home in 2days and get some rest especially as he’s working away you can not expect him to drop everything and come home you agreed to this arrangement hun xx
Your an adult, put the big girl pants on and deal with your life
Be happy he is thinking about the future, and is responsible. It sucks to be sick but its happens to us all. If every man out there stayed home with sick wife a lot wouldnt get done.
Hire help. Have him pay for it. Simple.
Wow! The comments are totally uncalled for
I had the same issue last week, except mine works locally and wouldn’t even leave a few hours early to come home… to top it off, he gave someone else a ride making it take longer. Fckn men! But I remind myself of why I should be grateful.
Incident 2: he was home he was helping me. Our daughter was 3 weeks old. When I got so bad I finally went to hospital, they kept me for 4 days. He was initiated into parenthood real quick. No wonder he stays at work now. Haha
This is a really hard question to answer. We’re taught if you’re drowning and need help, you should ask for help. Yet, even at my sickest, I’ve still done my mom jobs. Because that’s also what moms are supposed to do. There aren’t always people around to help. It sucks. If you have help, I’m so glad for you, but if not, it’s going to feel pretty tough at times.
You are in the right. Spouses should always take care of each other. I’m sick all the time while I’m pregnant and I stick it out to be here for my kids. I know it’s hard you gotta kinda swallow your pride take meds eat soup and drink tea and power thru. Don’t be a guy about it be a woman
Umm, you’re a grown woman yes? I cannot imagine asking my husband to take care of me while I’m sick. Lol.
I wish this was a problem I had. I am a single mom so it’s just me. I don’t get help when I need it. But I get where you are coming from. I am no longer with the jerk that treated me like that. Marriage is suppose to be a give and take. You are suppose to look after each other. There is no this is a women’s job and this is the man’s. And as for the kids it is both parents responsibility to look after them not just the mom… it takes 2 to make them so it should take 2 to raise them!!!
Wow y’all are rude. Just because she’s a mom she doesn’t deserve to get help with kids ect.? Being sick takes a lot on your body most times. She probably needed well deserved rest and sleep to get better. Not snarky comments from y’all. Next time tell your husband to take care of himself when he’s sick.
Sheesh. If you’re not broken, bleeding or dying, I think you’ll manage for the two days until he comes home. Welcome to motherhood.
I can’t believe all the non compassionate people on here. “Your a woman so tough it out”. “Your the one sick get over it” “my husband doesn’t do it either and I get through fine” like damn y’all. I feel bad for you guys who have the help there but just accept the fact they won’t help you. And think it’s normal
All the women who think she’s ridiculous for wanting help should go help her. Since they have coochies made of leather and spines made of Titanium. Apparently they can do everything
Interesting… something to think about. Especially in your golden years.
Welcome to motherhood. I suggest dayquil.
How old are you? I’m guessing early 20s…your generation has to toughen up. Moms don’t get sick days. Think about the spouses of military men. Do you think the Marines are going to let GI Joe come home to take care of you. Maybe if you were near death. My suggestion, get some mom friends that can help you out.
Have a back up plan. Sometimes it’s just not possible for them to come to your aid. My husband and I have always been able to be there for each other… but sometimes our back up plans had to be used!
Even when living out of state or away from family, you always need a reliable source for emergencies before the emergency happens. Church, school or groups of parents can be a source for you.
Um he’s supporting your family. I’m glad he’s taking his responsibilities seriously. You’re an adult, power through. It sucks but that’s part of being an adult, just like going to work every day as your expected and we’re hired to do.
My Fiancee most always has enough sick time to come home and do the job when I’m down. But even if he didn’t, he would still come home if I was sick enough to not be able to care for our kids or myself.
so how does that work when your pregnant and throwing up everyday? you expect your husband to take your whole 1st trimester off?
Oh brother!! Get over yourself !! Ask a family member to help out for a couple days & let the man stay & do his job !! Quit acting like a baby !!
My now ex wife used to want me to come home every headache she got and when I didn’t she would act like I was the worst husband ever. I didnt have much leave the way she does because she works for the government and I worked at a factory. I was trying to save time for a family vacation.
I dont know why she just didn’t just call her boyfriend because come to find out she was cheating and having the guy come to the house when id leave for work. Maybe he didn’t want to see her when she was sick or vice versa. Lol.
Marry first then have kids. Stupid move-don’t complain.
HA!! Mine doesn’t even acknowledge I’m sick let alone do anything different or special …
Welcome to the world of parenting and being a SAHM. I lived the same life and NEVER would have asked my man to come home early.
Sounds by like a very self centered person to me. Family should come first.
Young one - he is the sole provider- you said you have family but feel bad for asking them - ask them , sweetie. That’s what family does. The old saying it takes a village to raise a child - well the first support is your family. Besides - Don’t you know Mommas never get sick - your superhuman jk - but ask your family - it helps build the bond stronger.
Lmao wait what?! Is this a thing? Partners coming home to to take care of their sick Spouse for vomiting. Pop come non drowsy gravel and drink some Powerade buttercup. If I called my husband he would outright laugh at me. Sorry but this is absolutely silly
Who works to pay the bills him. Who puts food on the table him. Who clothes your ass. Him who pays for kids field trips medications diapers treats glasses bikes etc him. Find a hobby when you feel better
I know that feeling!
A job should NEVER be more important than your family. Your partner is very self centered and I’ll bet you he/ she will never marry you.
being second never feels good
Take a thought for all those single parents that continue to ‘get on with it’ regardless, he can’t come home when your sick he’s working to provide for his family, thankfully he has a job to do this. Buckle up buttercup!
Ummmm, I would never ask someone to come home from working out of town to take care of me for a cold. He’s the only one working so if he comes home early he’s missing 2 days pay for you to be just fine. Precovid I would do to work sick and be miserable but I needed that money to support my kids. I worked throw a pregnancy up until 1 week before my c-section, no one was going to pay my bills if I wasn’t supporting myself and my kids. It’s a harsh reality but he’s got to pay the bills. Some companies don’t pay sick pay for taking care of your spouse unless they get a doctor’s note stating that person as a caretaker. It really sucks but moms don’t get sick days, it’s literally what we sign up for having kids. I’m a single mom of 2 and if I get sick, I’m taking my but to work.
Girl, I understand you want someone to take care of you when your sick but welcome to motherhood. He works out of town, so technically you are a single mom at that time, and honestly, unless you are in the hospital there is no reason for him to come home.
Jessica Lynn Simmons ye haw
Ummmm no. Your ass is not working and he needs to complete his scheduled time in order to pick up your slack. He’s doing the logical thing and focusing on PROVIDING for the kids and rightfully doesn’t want to lose out on pay or sick time. This is the responsibility YOU chose to take on when being a stay at home mother. He helps when he’s home from work but while he’s working? IT IS ON YOU. Grow up. You don’t sound mature enough to have kids at all.Even if you’d “be fine money wise” leaving early without a valid reason (wifey’s tummy hurts is NOT valid) could look really bad on him and could cost him opportunities in the long run. Use your brain. If you don’t feel good, hire a sitter or ask other family/friends for help
Wow there’s a lot of unkind words on here I’m sorry for that , it’s hard being a parent sometimes, especially if you’re sick , maybe family or friends can come over and let you sleep a bit . It will be ok sounds like you have a great family already.
In what world do spouses or partners come home early cause you’re sick! Unless you need to go to the ER, honey you’re fine. I had crohns disease. Single mom. I spent most days yacking my guts into a bucket as a single mother. You’ll be fine!
Sad. It sucks to be unsupported when you’re sick. Maybe you could hire some help.
Sorry. Agree with your husband. How long does vomiting last? Just see a doctor if it’s that bad.
My hubby works out of town. My mom had to come stay with Mr after I had a c section. If he doesn’t work we don’t get paid. It sucks but it’s life.
Wow the amount of women I see on here completely invalidating this woman’s feelings is baffling. She clearly stated they would be fine moneywise meaning he didn’t have to take pto . She also only asked for him to come home 2 days early , I’m sure she probably would have compromised and said one day. The point being she felt like he was putting his job before his family, I know we’re all struggling in the fucked up world but we shouldn’t be putting a job that would replace us the second we died or moved on to other jobs before the people thar we care about most . This kind of logic absolutely baffles me .I’m absolutely ashamed at the other mothers in the comment section bashing this woman instead of uplifting her she’s human and everybody needs help sometimes
I see so many moms on here saying things along the lines of “suck it up buttercup” and “welcome to being a mom”…… y’all are the reason shit like this is acceptable in the first place. In my house we both work. If he’s sick, I’ll stay home to take care of the kids. If I’m sick, I’d expect he do the same. When I was sick with covid in January, he was home taking care of the kids so I could rest because I was the only one in my house who actually got sick sick. Everyone else in my house has symptoms for a day and then were fine again. I was sick for 2 almost 3 weeks. His work said he could go back because he was better. He didn’t. He knew I was sick and he stayed home to make sure I was good and the kids were taken care of. That’s exactly how it should be. Moms aren’t second class citizens. They shouldn’t be treated as such. If we are sick, we should be able to rest and we should be able to count on our partners to be there for us just like we would for them. I was a single mom and it SUCKED having to be sick and take care of the kids and having to worry about missing work and losing income. This ladies husband makes enough that he could stay home and take care of her and the kids and it wouldn’t effect them financially. He should have done that for her, and the kids too, since they physically and financially could. My husband does this because when he was in the army he couldn’t. And he hates that I had to deal with shit 100% on my own while working, being pregnant, being sick, going thru PPD, raising the kids, ETC., ALONE.