My side of the family thinks I am not doing enough for my sons birthday: Thoughts?

I’d be very content. I had a few friends at the house.

I think you are doing plenty of your dad feels that way tell him to help contribute more to his is a huge pet peeve for someone to mom shame when a mom is busting her ass to provide and do her best for their child.people need to learn when to keep their opinions to themselves.

Tell Dad to pay for it then if it’s that important to him. Sounds like your baby is going to have a wonderful birthday

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What happened to the days when you had a party in the backyard (or in the house if it was too cold) with a few of the neighbourhood children? You played games, had birthday cake, ice cream and hot dogs for lunch. You received small gifts from your parents and also from the children who were invited. The children were sent home with a treat bag of candy and everyone just had fun. Things are so out of control these days. Your side of the family needs to pony up the money and then explain why your son feels entitled to have everything that he could want whenever he wants it if they want you to do more. I think you are more than generous and should scale back what you give him.


Maybe he needs to donate the extra money he thinks you should spend. Too many holidays and other things to pay for. On top of the rising cost of everything. Ok grandpa mind your damn business it’s the 60s any more.

Sounds like you are doing plenty of your dad thinks he need more “stuff” tell him politely he is welcome to buy them


My ex told my son… I’m a bad mom for buying him a $300 oculus as his only gift and giving it to him a day later . My son cried and cried saying she not , she was waiting to get paid. So sad that people do that shit

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Nope!! Kids don’t need a bunch of stuff to have a great birthday.

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Wow! That’s a lot. What is your dad getting your son?

Sounds to me that boy has a wonderful mother. Kids get too much these days.

Wow, you are giving him a great birthday, just ignore them. bikes are expensive, and that is a great gift.

Thanks Crazy! You’re giving your son a wonderful birthday. That I know he’ll be very happy with! Most kids don’t get half that much. Don’t feel bad at all. You’re doing a wonderful job. Happy Birthday to your son! Enjoy!

Better bday then I ever had lol

Tell them they raised their kids, they had their chance to do it their way & now its time to let you raise your child/ren!

Now in my opinion what you’re doing is amazing & he’ll have the memories to last a lifetime!!!

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Honestly your family is ridiculous for saying anything to you at all! You’re doing a great job!

Tell ya dad if he’s so.worried he can buy ya son more presents

But…what’s your dad doing? Sounds like he’s trying to compensate through you. You’re doing plenty and it doesn’t matter how much or what you do anyways. What’s important is letting your son know he is important and he matters

Sounds like you’re doing more than enough.

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A bike is a big gift plus he’s getting to do a bunch of activities. You’re good

What, like an actual bike? Like full sized that he can ride around? Is your dad smoking crack? A bike is a great gift! Tell him if he wants to spoil your son with lots of gifts to go ahead, but you’re all sorted thanks.

Your dad is crazy, we never know how parents manage to buy things for their kids, your dad instead of making stupid comments should tell you if you need any help or something like that. Shame on him and anyone who thinks you’re not doing enough.

You’re throwing the party which is expensive and time consuming. Bikes are expensive so I’d tell him if he so worried but more. I only spent $100 in gifts for my daughter. But I’m throwing party

Sounds like a perfect birthday :two_hearts:

More than I ever got!

My personal response to my parent would be mind your own damn business. You raised your children, now I am raising mine. And if you want to keep up with a nasty, judgemental, attitude then don’t join the party!

Some people can’t afford anything for their kids,you are doing plenty for yours

I’m sorry but you need to stop worrying about what others think about you. It’s not your fathers opinion that counts anymore or your families it’s only your son’s. Stop listening to people and live your life you will be much happier good luck

Tell your dad to back off. Kids now days have way more than they need. I’d say your doing plenty. All I got was a cake and one gift. Usually clothes. Maybe take cookies or. Cupcakes to share with my class. Never had a party. Im 82 and have never had a real birthday party. Friends have taken me to lunch but never a real party to speak of

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Sounds Amazing for your son !!!
Smh, Tell them to feel free to ADD whatever they feel necessary!!!

I’m just curious what they did for your birthday every year if this is so horrible? Sounds like a fantastic birthday to me and they sound toxic af. It was much cheaper to raise kids when he did.

Everybody is different, I don’t like to overspend, and I don’t like to overdo things. A few special parties up to the 18th to 21st birthday is all I really commit to. Yes, celebrating with family and friends every year, but not big bashes.

He’s getting a party, a bike, and a theme park day… that’s a pretty awesome birthday for a kid. Ignore your dad, he had his chance for lavish birthdays when you were a kid.


Tell them spare the rod and spoil the child when it came to you maybe but not the grandkid,ridiculous. If he’s a good kid he’ll appreciate the bike and all the other adventures that cost alot of money

He doesn’t need a whole bunch of stuff. My son had so many toys I bought him just cuz I thought he needed stuff and he didn’t touch half of them. Make memories and do things with him. That’s what important. Ur doing more than enough :heart:

Tell your dad he can pay for the trip and theme park then you will use the money to get more gifts. … You are doing plenty.

If your dad is that worried about him only getting one thing then tell your dad to pay for it himself. Not everything needs to be a party. You are taking him on vacation which the memories from that will probably be more meaningful than a birthday party. Do what you think is best for your kid and everyone else can mind their own business.

Sounds like you’re doing wonderful plans for his birthday…dont let anyone discourage you!

You are doing more than I could ever do! Tell everyone to myob!!!

Sounds like you’re doing plenty. I normally give my kid a budget of 400 total including party food and cake. So he typically spends about 250 on something he wants. Bikes aren’t cheap. I’d tell him if he doesn’t like it he can gladly provide more gifts. Especially given you’re going on vacation right after


Yo bikes are not cheap! Kindly tell your dad to stay in his own lane. :disappointed:


Good grief. If he is happy it’s all good.


Do YOU feel that you are doing enough for your son’s birthday? If so then leave it at that. Sounds to me like your dad is reliving some bad times from his growing up years. It’s not you, its your dad.

He’ll be fine lol that sounds like an awesome birthday :woman_shrugging:some people are just too materialistic, think you have to go into debt to show someone you love them :roll_eyes:

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You’re giving him memories and experiences. Tell your dad to mind his own

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Sounds like a lot to me. Kids birthday parties have gotten to be over the top.


Time is the most valuable thing you have.

Tell your dad to fuck off. (He can message me and I’ll tell him)

Some people are so poor all they have is money.

Everyone’s different :woman_shrugging:t2: we wanna go to Disney world for our daughters bday one year but we’d still end up getting her stuff for her birthday because she’s our only child :woman_shrugging:t2: if we had other kids then it’d a gift and the trip. But again everyone’s different

You are not giving him one thing. The whole trip and theme park is also a gift. Plus you will buy stuff for him on the trip. Suggestion. Let him have $5-10 each day to pick out something to buy that he wants. It helps teach him the cost of things and he has fun doing it. If he doesn’t buy something one day, he can add that money to the next day if he wants something more expensive. Be sure to explain this to him.

That sounds like overkill to me already.

sounds like what you doing is fine, Why are you listening to what other people are telling you to do, ???This is your child, who are his mother, tell them to STOP

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Let your dad know he should feel free to add whatever he’d like to your son’s birthday celebrations. He should let you know when and where he is planning to add to the birthday or add to the celebration so that you get your son there on time.

You are doing more than enough.Tell them to butt out.

Tell them to mind their own business n shut up for real …u got this :+1:t2:

Hello." Do. They. Think. Your. Rich??? You. Do. What. You. Can. Afford.

Sounds to me you’re doing some great things for his birthday!

Last year we gave our son a zoo trip for his 5th birthday. No party or anything else. And he begged we do it again this year. I’m sure your son will be ever happy with whatever you do to celebrate him.

What did grandpa get him for his birthday?

Quit worrying about what others think. If they want to throw a party they feel suited they can spend their own money on putting together something else. Otherwise the only person who’s opinion should matter is the child’s who’s birthday it is

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As families have shrunk, kids’ birthday parties are escalating toward productions. Bounce houses are a must; petting zoos are common. Remember playing games at McDonald’s and enjoying cake and Kool-Aid?

What you’re doing is more than enough. A new bike is a big gift and a theme park visit rocks.

Fun fact, grandparents as spoilers is a new phenomenon. Grandparents used to be the stern ones. My mother’s parents had over 30 grandchildren. That’s all but unheard of now. With only a few grandkids, and people living longer, there are often four grandparents doting on a few grandkids. Parents have to say no; grandparents usually say yes.

Don’t listen to the negativity… you have a great birthday planned and he will love his time together with those that love him more than any gifts.

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No if anything hes getting too much with the outings etc, so dont you worry your son will have some good memories and he will enjoy his birthday

A bike is a big purchase. plus all the other stuff. Let your dad do the rest . If…you could have cake and ice cream for family maybe that would satisfy dad.

then I must be a horrible mom. my oldest usually just gets a family party
(his bday is December 11).
up until last year, that’s all he had.
last year he got to go sledding with friends and some of them came back to our house for cake ,hot dogs and presents.
he also only gets 1 present from us. it’s usually a bigger present.
and for Xmas he gets stocking stuff , 1 big present . and a few small things.

birthdays shouldn’t have to be an extravagant thing. you’re doing great! make memories over “things”

No stick to your guns

You are doing more than enough, that week long vacation is going to cost more than two weeks pay. Hell, the plane tickets alone cost more than two weeks pay. If they have a problem then they can pitch in and get him some gifts. :person_tipping_hand: Coming from a “poor mother” over here

Sounds like your family needs to learn to mind their own business.


A bike is an expensive present for a birthday. Your parents are wrong in trying to make you feel guilty. And it’s your child and you can get them whatever you want. If your parents feel like he deserves more then they can get it.


Personally I think he’s a very lucky boy

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Tell your dad to pay for it then.


Do what you want to , it’s your child. It’s nobody’s business what you do for his birthday,

You are doing the right thing

Tell him he is welcome to get his grandson whatever he wants. But you have made your decision and he is getting plenty. Bikes and theme parks are expensive


Your doing enough, it may not be enough to other people. But your not doing it for them. Keep up the hard work mom. Your will be happy!

Where’s their gifts lol

You aren’t just getting him 1 thing. You are giving him 1) a new bike; 2) a party at his favorite park; 3)a trip to visit family and a theme park. Your dad has his priorities messed up and is focusing on material things instead of experiences that will last your son a lifetime. He needs to get over himself and let you be the very good mom you are.


Family can be your worst enemy, tell them to cough up some money


I only got 1 gift from my parents, especially if it was a big one. He’s gonna have a memories. He won’t appreciate the small gifts 3 months out. The bike is a great gift!

Those memories will be so much more for your child than any material item. Have fun with your kid and enjoy the time while he is still young.

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Not at all mom do what ever suits you.

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no but that beside the point u do u

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You are getting him a bike, a party that’s not free, and a week long vacation I think that’s great! He will love it I’m sure. Tell your dad to shove it and buy him what he thinks he needs.

I think he is one lucky kid. And a birthday to a kid , isn’t about the wealth. All I got for my birthday since I was 5 til now is a birthday cake, and 20 dollars … We do the same with my daughter , because, it’s NOT about the wealth . It’s about the celebration.


You’re doing more than most parents can do, don’t let them bring you down. I think you’re doing great!


Hello, 1 Tell your family that is why our kids are spoiled today. 2. Getting him just one thing, 1. A party where I feel you will be providing refreshments of some kind 2. bikes are not cheap, 3rd. he will be going on a plane ride, again tickets are not cheap, and 4th. going to a theme park for his actual birthday, again not cheap. You are doing plenty for him and it sounds like he will have a great time. Life should not be about the things you get but the memories you make spending time with each other. Your family needs to be reminded of that.

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If they think he needs more let them give it to him. You seem to be doing enough for his birthday

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Seems like parents of children today have to have over the top parties that often leave children overtired and stressed out, whatever happened to, having cake, a few games, and time to enjoy their friends


No! You are doing enough for him!


No. Your boy is very lucky!


That sounds like a fantastic birthday!!! Tell your dad if HE wants to get him more, he is welcome to.


Tell everyone his is YOUR Son, if they want more pay for it


Sounds like a great birthday! What is wrong with people!


My kids get a birthday party as a gift. So :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:.

They never want for anything. Their dressers are overflowing with clothes and they have tons of toys. A huge play set and big trampoline. Lots of things I never had.

I grew up in a house where we only really got things for Christmas/our birthdays. My kids live the opposite life. Do what makes sense for you. After spending $200 on my daughters party yesterday, I felt no need to buy her some big gift.

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You’re giving your child great memories for their birthday, you’re not “just” getting your child a bike. Maybe the family member should be minding their own and get their relative the present from them. Why should they worry about what you’re getting your own child? Sounds like you’re doing great!

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They are not friends a real friend will tell u have him spoilt its not always about giving

The bike is a great gift :gift: he only needs one . Good job


Why do u need to even ask that??

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I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 17317 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.

Im someone who 100% believes experiences are better than gifts, and you mumma are doing a fantastic job. Yes it’s nice to give gifts, but experiences they will remember forever


You’re child m, not his.


You are doing fine! You do exactly what I do. I like to treat my son to outings not so much presents. He has enough toys and I usually get him one big thing that I know he has been wanting. This year the day of my son’s birthday we are having a chuck e cheese birthday and then the next day is a surprise. Instead of taking him to school I booked 4 days at the great wold lodge. Shoot that’s expensive as it is and I also get crap about not getting him presents. I already know he will get toys from family so I don’t think it’s necessary for me to also get stuff. You are doing just fine.