Tell them to mind their own business, period.
WOW I am stunned at the money
minded people!!! A bike
is expensive and who’s business is it how much you spend for your son’s birthday
??? He’s also being celebrated by other people and a trip!!! That’s waaaaaaay over the top, complaining shouldn’t even be an issue!!! You’ve done enough and more!!!
Tell them to butt out
We do 2 gifts. One big gift and one small 20$ gift. Plus we always have parties and go out to eat the day of…
You are doing more than one thing wow
I’m only getting my son one gift for his birthday because it’s an expensive gift. He will get plenty more at his birthday party.
Don’t let them guilt trip you. You are doing fine.
I would say your son sounds like he’s going to have a fantastic birthday new bicycle is a big deal and a trip I want to come and live with you LOL
I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 16374 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. ===>
You are doing enough for his birthday
Think some people need to back off! Your doing a great job raising your son and if others have a problem with how you do things they need to keep their opinions to themselves!
That is way enough honey, we’ll then have your family tp buy him things …you doing alot…
You are doing a lot for him. The trips too
I only buy my kids either 1 big gift or 2 small gifts for their bday and throw a party. A bday party these days isn’t cheap. Usually $500 for standard party. The fact he is going on a trip as well…tell ur dad to stuff it. Lol.
Your family can buy what ever they wish. You are doing what you think is right and no one has the right to question your idea on what to get for your son or not to get. You are the parent so do not allow any one to dictate to you. Have a great birthday with your child.
The trip alone is worth more in memories than a bunch of toys that he might play with for a bit. You’re doing enough.
That is plenty. If you dad thinks he needs more then he can foot the bill for that. For my daughter’s 13th bday we had a family dinner where we surprised her with a trip to Mexico, that was her gift a week in Mexico. Children don’t always need material things that will eventually end up in the trash, resold or donated. Experiences and memories will be with them forever.
grownup’s are ridiculous arent they
grownup’s are ridiculous arent they
Your child, your pocket, your choice. What you describe actually sounds excessive.
I feel like you are doing more than enough for his birthday. Tell your dad he is welcome to buy as many gifts as he wants to.
I think you are doing plenty
Sounds to me like he is getting plenty!! Tell your Dad if he thinks your son needs more, he can buy him more!!!
You are giving him a great birthday you are a great mother .
Don’t want to teach him to be entitled. Ignore them. Teach him to care for the bike and have a great time.
Take up a collection from them and you’ll see how fast they change there minds!
Tell them if they thinks he needs more to payed for it themselves I thinks he got plenty already
Tell them to get him whatever they want but you are being a responsible adult.
Just ignore them and continue to be a good mama
What??? Ignore the fools and tell them to keep their gob shut…kids get pressies all through the year these days…you’re doing great!
Just keep to ur plan… ur dad has raised his kid/kids he needs to get over it!!! Wat ur doing for him is more then enough n he will appreciate more in life as he grows ur teaching ur son right in the world we live in today with entitled children or so they think they are!!! UR A GOOD MOMMA
Sounds like the bike is for home but the trip is where the real memories are made and you can’t put a price on that. My daughter decided no big bay parties this year. They as a family are going to Yellowstone instead. Great idea
Tell your side of the family to mind their business. Did you ask for their opinion or advice? Is it their child or yours? Tell ‘em to go fly a kite.
Ah your are doing fine. Gifts aren’t even required for a bday. He’s getting a bike and a party and a big theme park trip? That’s plenty lol! Your dad needs to be quiet!
Tell your parents to throw a party for him - - bet they won’t.
So I’m going to say this remember Harry Potters cousin. Do you want your boy to act like that towards presents?
He has a new bike and is going on a trip where he will make memories. His birthday is celebrated.
I don’t know how old your son is but bikes can certainly be expensive these days and with a trip coming and visiting a theme park there I think you have done a great job and your son is very lucky. Lots of kids don’t even have a bed to sleep in.
If you didn’t ask for their advice, don’t worry about it. Some people get off on taking digs at others. It’s not your problem, it’s theirs.
You are giving him a party, getting him a bike, and taking him to an amusement park (along with a week long vacation). You are doing great! Heck, when I was young, I didn’t even get a party, let alone a gift.
Tell em to send you a check. You have done more than usual.
No. Don’t listen to them. A bike is a big gift. Tell them MYOB. And he’s getting a party and going on a trip. It’s a lot more than most kids get.
You do u stop worrying about others
They raised their children . Do what you want with your child and don’t feel pressured.
Tell him , how other people have nothing.
Wow! You’re a great mom! My kids get to pick a restaurant or favorite meal, they get a cake and a gift.
You are doing great fantastic mom
Totally agree with the above post. Do not let your son learn to be entitled. Ask Grandpa what he is buying? Then ask him not to; instead put money into an educational fund. Kids are happy with just having a party!
I think you are giving him a great Birthday
People like your family are why kids have become so stinking entitled.
Why isn’t one gift enough?
Your dad sounds delusional!
That is a great birthday
In the end of it all. He is your child and you should raise him the best that you can. It it what you think after all that counts.
Uhmmm pretty sure that is more then enough, tell your dad to buy him something else then lol
Girl you owe not one single person an explanation on how much or how little you are doing for your child’s birthday, as long as he’s feels special on his day is what is important. Don’t second guess how you parent based off someone’s idea of material things. Sounds like his birthday is going to create memories he will carry with him and that’s the most important thing!
Wow . People love to make other people feel not good enough for no reason. What u have planned is more than enough .
Sounds like you’re giving him an awesome Birthday
Don’t listen to your family. That’s nuts!!
They don’t pay your bills they can shut their mouths. So weird that they expect you to do more. Kids these days are so spoiled because expectations like this
Don’t listen to them.