My sister found out she is pregnant and the dads mom won't let him be there: Advice?

My teenage sister just found out she’s pregnant, and her boyfriends mom is refusing to let him see her or have anything to do with the baby. is there a law or something that can help him out once the baby gets here? They live in California if that makes a difference.


Yea they both teenagers

Parents are in control


The court system is a wonderful thing that his mom can’t control even if he is under 18. Since he made a child and since your sister is pregnant they are both automatically emancipated. I went through this myself.


If he wants to see her, he’ll find a way


If they are 17, they technically can get married in my state. That mother is making the worst mistake. He will have revenge and will rebel against her. The mother needs to be there for all in the situation and not make it worse.

Yes it was many many years ago for me but I petition for emancipation

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The family can’t do that. They can try but all that will do is make him hate them.
He will see her and be a father IF HE WANTS TO BE!


No runaway law. He can do whatever he wants.

Not till he is 18…but as soon as the mom files for child support the courts will get involved and they will not care what grandmom had to say


I dont think your emancipated until after the baby is born I could be wrong I can’t remember I had daughter at 15 as was automatically emancipated after I had her


this is horrible. as a Mother of a son I can imagine the Grandmother is probably very shocked, but he’ll be the Father regardless. i live in Germany but can’t you go to the child welfare service and ask or a place where under aged Mothers can seek help or support?

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I hope he gets to see the baby when it’s born.

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Emancipation! He can file for it.

The baby dad needs to grow some balls and tell his mother where to go … and be there for that baby … The baby did not ask to be born


Get a Legal Aid involved. Maybe after emancipation the young mom’s family will help them be together. To bad the dads mom is acting like that.

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How Irresponsible Of Her


Smh so she denies her grand baby :cry: Not going to lie I would b upset to hear that bcuz of their age about having a baby but still :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Issa bby :baby::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Why are the parents doing this for? If the father wants to be in babylife why are they against it so it will only hurt the child in the end because parents are actin like children themselves


Went through teenage son 15 and girl 15 .as his mother I stood by him she ended up at my house for her parents helped her move out in SC that made me responsible for all 3 I made sure both finished school and college in the end she moved on with her life and Im still helping (me raising) my son raise my grand it’s been 19 years now and we still haven’t seen or heard from his mother or her family . But , I got a wonderful grand . Don’t understand parents behavior of these teens for you can’t just close the door on your child or pretend it will just go away . In SC the teens parents are responsible for there child no matter what and can be made pay half of all medical and pay full child support till there teen turns 18 .

Why didn’t that mother have that kind of control over her son before he knocked up his girlfriend. Too late now.


Once the child is born, a DNA test will show paternity and he will be required to support the child. Getting married would solve a lot of problems.


Contact a lawyer ASAP and child support enforcement. Just know that if he is involved with the baby, then that family has “rights” to that child. They could make your sister give the grandparents visitation bc in Cali there are grandparents “rights”. And depending on how evil these people are, they could try to take the baby from her. Contact a lawyer now!


Is she going to chain him to his bed? Lol.
Emancipation would probably be a good idea.
Sounds like she’s jealous. Most mothers would support their sons.


If she’s under 18, why wouldn’t you charge him with statutory rape?

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You can be emancipated due to the birth of a child and family interference no matter what state.

Court will decide. File for child support. Court will order Paternity. Court will set visitation and support.

What are their ages? It matters.


Get a DNA and take legal action

See if he can move in with y’all. He can help and it’s not like you have to worry about her having sex. She already has

A lot of the time, it’s best to not have the “other” family involved in any way shape or form. Y’all need to just raise this baby away from them. Do not let the child be involved with them at all…ever!!! Already sounds like a bad deal!!!

May be they are contacting their own lawyer as he would have to pay child support now , so his family must be freaking out.
It’s up to him really, if he and his family do not want to be for the baby… the baby deserves a better father n no someone that has to be forced to see his child.

I would rather have full custody of the child if the father is already walking away, less stress for the mom and she can make the call in important decision instead.
If you get a lawyer is for child support but i’m not sure if the baby is to be born or not yet.

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Nope I’ll think you find it ain’t just the mother’s decision. See he has literally shit himself to find out he is going to be a dad and says it’s his mom. I think it’s mother and son both making the decision he isn’t ready for a kid. Teenage boys usually have the mindset of outta sight outta mind. He only cared for your sister while her legs were open. Forget him I’m pretty sure the baby will have all the love it needs from your side of the family

Oh yeh when he has grown up and wants something to do with the child. Shut the door in that lil bitches face tell him to go suck on his moms boob obviously she didn’t ween him yet

Oh my… people. This is about a child, a human being. As it seems they are on good terms with the dad. If he is underage himself and his mother is taking over, that is a freaking hard situation. I feel sorry for both of them. Imagine the pressure he gets from his family. And how can someone say that the baby should never ever get to know the other family. Aren’t they part of the baby’s roots as well. That would be nothing but a selfish decision. She should try to get through pregnancy in peace and as soon as the baby is born make a DNA test to confirm the father. Keep the door open. Don’t take their hate and use it against them.

That’s what happens when you have unprotected sex

It’s called wait until the child born.Get a DNA test.If they don’t come to their senses by then maintenance and what ever else.If the child resembles him the judge will throw the book and gavel at him.Tell mommy pay it . She should have held her son and his dick in check before he had sex.

Being underage and BF’s mom not wanting to face the fact that she’s about to be a grandma might have something to do with it. Problem is, if he isn’t there at the birth and down the road they are together still, he’s gonna blame mom and he can’t ever get that back. I think they all need to have a talk. When he turns 18 he will be responsible for that child (child support for sure) and mom isn’t going to be able to stop that. They need to act like adults and make choices that will benefit all even if they don’t stay together or do. Once the birth happens, they can’t get that back and the hurt feelings can last a long time. Mom sounds controlling and she will damage her relationship with the son if she keeps him from the birth, she needs to let him go and support him.

Boyfriend needs a backbone! Do what’s right

How old is he? 18 go for child support🤷‍♀️


She will have to take him to family court, if his parents refuse to allow him to be involved, his parents will be held responsible.


She can’t legally force him out of his babies life, he may need to move away from her if she’s making it hard, but legally he has every night to be a parent to his child regardless that he still lives with his mum

They could go to court and get a custody schedule set up that says he NEEDS to see his child on certain days and if she interfere with the court order she could be charged for breaching the order.
But I’m sure if he keeps trying to be apart of the pregnancy and the birth then the mum will eventually get over it, she’s probably just in shock and upset right now , once it becomes public knowledge that he’s the dad I’m sure she’d rather people think he’s a good dad than a dead beat one


Time for daddy to get a job, a home and act like a man!
Your teenage sister needs to do the same.


We need more details to answer

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Ages of new mom and dad to be

How old are mom and dad to be?

How is he 16?? That makes any sense!! If he is an adult tell him to be any adult

She can’t keep the daddy away! Only the mother of the baby can do that. Tell him to grow a pair


Yea she could do a paternity test and then CS. About the only thing she can do.

yes, taking him to court with a demand for DNA testing and child support—regardless of his age, his name must be reflected if she’s applying for any assistance. So my advice other than taking him to court would be have her apply for public assistance and list his name, and let the state handle him. And they will.


She doesn’t have that right. He’s the dad, not her. Lmao

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Legally he has every right to be in the child’s life. He’s mum can’t do anything about that. Get him to talk to a Family Lawyer in he’s state or if contact police and get them to show up to the house and explain to the mum that, if he’s above 16 years old he can make he’s own choice about wether or not he’s in he’s child’s life.


He should consult a lawyer.


Yep it’s called DNA test … tell the doctor who she thinks the father is … get state aide and they will make him do a dna and go after him for child support

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If under 18 for both of them, your parents may have to go through the court system

He could probably get emancapated if he is old enough. It would make him an adult and on his own though. And he would haft to go to court for it


Firstly, is your sister keeping the pregnancy and raising the baby?
She needs to ask to have a meeting with her parents and him and his parents.
His Mum needs to be told that he will take responsibility for paying for the child (he was old enough to make a baby). He’s old enough to legally be responsible.


How old are they? Take him to court and do a DNA test and then set up a visitation schedule

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Yea its called his dna. She cant do shit.

Put it in the states hands. Hand it over to child support for them to handle and they’ll take care of dna tests or anything else that’s needed to prove he’s the father. Then it’s in his hands


If under 18 and he doesnt want to be in babys life cant legally force till 18. Atleast in Illinois that’s the law.

Wow! Mother of the baby’s father is encouraging her son to back away from his responsibilities? Great job mom! :rage: I sure hope there’s more to this story.


Age is an important factor here. If he’s over 18, then he simply needs to get himself in a situation where he can live independently from his parents. I’m not aware of any law, state or federal, that protects an underage parent’s right to see their child, but it may exist somewhere. This doesn’t really fall under the legal definition of custodial interference, since she is still pregnant and it’s a non-parental family member. Best advice you’ll probably hear from any non-lawyer is to contact the non-emergency number for his local police department or to contact someone in legal practice to find out what his rights are. An officer is most likely going to tell him it’s a civil matter, and as far as I know, minors can’t do much in the civil realm.

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She’s gonna be shitty when he has to pay child support anyway then…

Consult a lawyer regarding the laws.

Any chance there could be a mom to mom friendly chat? Her mom and his mom? Her standing in his way could ruin their relationship completely.

If he wants to be in the child life then he will find a way, and stand up to his mother if not then maybe he isn’t mature enough, just my thoughts, if that’s the case go through court and DNA


In missouri as soon as you are pregnant you are emancipated


its called a dna test go to child support and they will force him to have a dna test

File for a paternity test once established a judge will determine the rest


Sounds like the father’s mom is a worthless cunt. Your son made a baby… Time to step up Grandma. 🤷

Is he under age or what ? Or is he old enough and he’s momma Whipped

If he’s over 18 and she’s under he can get into a lot of trouble or vice versa.

Children having children
All I can say.


It’s so sad seeing all these “go after him for child support” comments. Like really? He’s a teenager for fucks sake. So many only care about the money and that’s sad. This post doesn’t even have anything to deal with that. Y’all are bitter.

Seems like quite a few people here can’t read or comprehend words.


Someone should smack Big mama🤷‍♀️

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There are too many people who need to re-read her question.
Hopefully after the paternal grandmother is over the initial shock of her young son’s news, she will have a change of heart.


This is so confusing. I think by what I am gathering is mom and dad of said baby are teens so the dad is underage and his own mother will not let him be involved. Right?

Y’all are being ugly saying dad to grow a pair and blah blah but from the way it sounds it seems dad wants to be involved. Mom of the babies dad sounds super bitter.


Could be just his excuse?!?


The mom is probably just upset right now. Legally if he is a minor, she can stop him. I wouldn’t take it personal right now. She’s probably just upset. If it continues, he can always sneak out so…

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Number one what is the age of the boy does his mother have that kind of control over him or does the young man want to be there and is not strong enough to stand up against his own mother?

I thought soon as you have a child you are emancipated


Consult a Family Law attorney. That’s the only way you’re going to get an honest answer

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For the people saying “she can get a dna test”…I’m pretty sure she knows who the dad is but wants him there while she delivers the baby IS THE ISSUE


The law and taking him to court for dna testing. That means HE HAS to take care of his child financially at least and be part of his life. I know it abounds shady but maybe threating with child support will let the mother of the teen son be part of the child’s life!


How tragic. If this were my daughter I would definitely get a lawyer and take it from there. Sure it’s not the ideal situation, but as a parent I would be there to support my child and my grandchild no matter if it were my son or my daughter. Some people are really awful.


Where was Mom when he was making this baby???


All she has to do is go through court and they will require him to pay child support and set visitation with the child. His mother can’t stop that unless she wants to be in contempt of court.


It’s his choice ultimately his mom is gonna have to get over it. No not the ideal situation but it happend and if he wants to be around he will be. Period

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Consult an attorney. Age of consent in CA is 18. There’s a lot more to this story I’m sure.

His mom cannot force him to not be in HIS child’s life. He can go to court and try to get emancipated then his mother has no legal right to him. If he tells the court that his mom is trying to force him out of his child’s life they will probably side with him.

To my knowledge, a 16 year old is under their parent’s insurance so a 16 year old wouldn’t have any reason for public assistance or state aid.

I think the only legal thing he can do since he is a minor is get emancipate. Other then that I’m not sure theres really anything he can do. But I think if hes not working and there is a child support request the boys mom would have to pay it so maybe that would wise her up?

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She’s a bit late to keep them away from each other. Probably should have done that before she got pregnant. Now she’s teaching him to be a dead beat dad. Bravo mom! #fail


He or his mom will have to pay some sort of support but that’s all she can do. She can’t force visitation on him he has to want it. Grandma will probably come around soon enough

Why does everyone just go straight to getting child support? He wants to be in the kids life but since he is underage himself, his parents won’t allow him to. So your solution is child support lol. First, they are shitty people for trying to force their son to be a dead beat. Second, it’s his kid. He will be a father, his parents can’t keep his own kid from him. Sounds like he needs to get a job and work on moving out. I had my first at 16 and it’s hard. It’s hard going out on your own and it’s even harder when your parents won’t support you. Hopefully, the parents are just in shock and will come around to the idea. Otherwise, it sounds like his parents might end up cutting him off/kicking him out for being in the kids life.

He will either have to stand up to his mom and hope that she gives up the fight since it’s not her choice even if hes under age, he can leave home if he has a place to stay to get on his feet or you can go to court to ensure he has child visitation and pays for support where his mom legally can’t stop him from seeing the child.
I honestly think he needs to sit down and talk to his mom maybe her parents can help too and try and talk to them


First of all, the baby is not here yet. When the baby gets here she can take the father to court. They’ll make him pay child support but as far as make him and his family be there, there’s no law for that. If he’s a minor, his mom does have the right to say what, when, and where he son goes. It may not be right but it’s ultimately her decision. She’s not teaching her son to handle his responsibility. That’s the kind of man he will grow up to be. So if that’s the kind of man she’s raising “look at as a blessing in disguise” u don’t want no irresponsible man father or not around having influence on ur niece or nephew anyway


I was a teen mom. I got pregnant at 15 and had my baby at 16. If he wants to be a part pf that babys life he can. It’s up to him not his mother.


At the age of 16 he can legally be considered an adult in a court of law, once the baby is born tell her to file for a DNA test child support and custody agreement then his mom cant say anything!

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