They sound nuts and you would be better off without a nutcase like that in your life. Talk about entitled…what is wrong with people
She sounds kinda controlling
Until they get her allergy tested it’s absolutely EVIL of her to ask family to get rid of their animals. But even if the child does have animal allergies, it’s still wrong to expect that you get rid of your animals. It’s your life and your household. You live to put your family and YOUR children first- not hers. Maybe your niece doesn’t stay the night anymore if she DOES have allergies, but there’s always other ways to meet up as a family. DON’T let her manipulate you.
Your pets, your choice. She’s controlling and you dont need that bullshit.
Well I figure it this way. If they have been there twice in 2 years no loss.
You SIL is very rude to ask that. Definitely cut her off if needed or just visit her house. The cat stays !!
My pets are family. Don’t like it dont come over. Your choice. Id have probably laughed my ass off at her. Threatening the whole family is such a dick move. Especially when there are treatments for allergies.
Keep your damn cat and say fuck them . They can’t expect you to get rid of your animal for their child . That kid doesn’t live there . If they want to cut you off because of an animal the so fucking be it . Their loss🤷🏼♀️
I’m not even a pet person and I would never ever give someone a ridiculous, selfish, rude ultimatum such as this, I wouldn’t even ask someone to put their pet outside or in a room when I visit because that animal lives there. People have a lot of damn nerve. I’m sure her not talking to you won’t be a big loss.
Your pets are members of your family. I agree that you should just go visit at her house. If she decides to cut the family off, then it’s her loss unfortunately.
Cold day in hell someone’s telling me to get rid of my pet🤬my answer would be good don’t come over we like our cat more then you.
Keep the pet fuck them
Guess her ass ain’t coming over no more
I would not and do not give a single bit of regard towards the feelings of someone who doesn’t actually live in my house and pay my bills about how we live, what animals we have or what we do with our own home. In my opinion, animals are forever family members. Guess they can cut you off
Tell her to take a zyrtex and suck it up. Especially if they’ve only been there twice in 2 yrs!!!
I’m very allergic to pretty much every animal, however, I have 2 cats. I would never ask anyone to get rid of their family pet. When my girlfriend comes over with her daughter whose allergic to cats, I put the cats upstairs in my room. I would tell your sister in law to either not come over anymore or come prepared with benadryl. She can also have her daughter get allergy shots that can reduce her allergic reactions. Yes it sucks to break out in hives and rashes from allergies but it’s not a reason to be rude and tell everyone to get rid of their family pets. Some exposure to allergies (allergies that cause mild reactions like a rash) can actually help reduce the allergic reaction overtime.
Gil has alot of moxie telling you to get rid of your pets. Out of her God dam mind over your dead body those pets leave she is crazy as hell. Good bye sister in law Good bye niece… ya can meet other places and she dont have to visit simple!
Keep your pet. Its not your problem! Cant expect to alter your lives for their benefit
Uhhhh there’s a thing called allergy pills…
Nope my house if you don’t like it
No question in my books. Keep your pets.
Tell your SIL to piss off!
I’m honestly shocked that anyone thinks that they can control others with threats!
It’s your home and your pet, you do not have to set up your home and lives to suit others.
If she doesn’t want to come to your house because she’s worried the pets are causing her child’s allergies, then she could ask you to visit at her place or meet somewhere she feels comfortable with like a park etc.
You keep that cat. You guys can go visit them. Its ridiculous for them to demand anyone get rid of their pets.
I does happen my daughter had a bad allergic reaction and I had to take her to the ER and she had been around pets before. She still has reaction to this day but she takes some allergy medicine before she visits people with pets and is find. My husband is the same way with pets. I guess just do outside play dates for now on🤷
You could always meet at her house or somewhere mutual. They are your fur babies, not some stray that you see ever so often
My pets are like children to me so if someone said that to me I would just tell them to get lost. That is an asinine request or rather demand on her part.
Bloody nerve of some people someone tried that on me years ago they didn’t like it when I showed them the door
Your house, children and pets. Yours.
She better pop a Claritin before she comes.
No way, keep the kids pets, shes visited twice in two years.
My pet stays…stop the bullshit
keep ur pets…did they get her tested?
Keep thecat and visit them at their house
My pets are like my babies i wouldnt get rid of them for anyone. Just meet up on playdates outside. If she has only been round twice in two years you both wont be missing out on much it isn’t like she’s coming round weekly. I understand her worry for her child but to ask everyone to get rid of their furr babies or she’ll cut you off is over dramatic and controlling.
I love pets. My stepson asked if we could cat sit. Loved his cat! My face swelled up & my eyes swelled shut. He told me I was allergic & immediately picked his sweet pet up. The allergic reaction is real. Maybe you can choose a neutral place to meet. Wish you all the best!
My kid always takes an allergy med before hand. Millions of people have allergies to pets should they all expect no one to have an animal.
She’s only been over twice in 2 years anyway.
If shes asking you to give up a beloved family member, (the cat), she doesn’t care about your children who would be emotionally devastated. I think that’s the answer to your question…go visit at their house or the park or something
I’d tell her bye feliciaaaaa
She’s very entitled so it’s time to put her entitled ass in her place. Keep your pets and tell her to go stick it where the sun don’t shine. It’s your home your kids your pets. When she pays your bills then she might be able to have a say. But till then bitch bye. And I would write it in a nice little card covered in cats with a lump of cat fur inside.
Id tell your sirry but your house, your rules. And if she feels that way your sorry but you can’t break your childrens hearts to satisfy her childs problem for just one or two visits a year. And besides that your, families happiness comes first. So if she has to stop the 2 visits a year… well you will just have to bare the load so to speak. And by the way if her child is that allergic she needs to be getting treatment. Because the mother cannot expect the world to bend over just for her child. And leave it at that.
No one can dictate what you can have in your home! Tell them to hit the bricks,kick rocks,get the f*CK out.
You don’t have a sister anymore
You’re kidding me, right. No you don’t get rid of your pets and you don’t get rid of the children’s cat. You guys can meet someplace neutral like a park or a restaurant.
Never get rid of your pets they’re family too. Maybe suggest she take allergy pills before going to your place.
Bye sister in law
When they come over they can give the kid Benadryl. I think you need a new sister (I’m kidding) but allergy medicine 100% and the doctor can confirm an allergy.
Tell your sil to kiss your a.s.! We tried helping my husband’s sister my sister in law and she completely fuck*! Us! Worry about your family and your family ONLY!!
I have allergies to both dogs and cats but have both as loved members of our family. As for your sister-in - law , you could always meet away from the house.
Keep your pets it’s your home you can do as you please
Your house your rules can’t you just go and visit them?
Keep your pets! Your SIL is being ridiculous! People that are raise around animals have less allergies!
Yes, I have allergies bad (doing a 3yr process of allergies shots), I would never expect people to rearrange their lives for me. Your niece can take allergy meds!
It is selfish of her to expect you to get rid of your pet. You can make sure you shower and put on clean cloths and meet her at her home or someplace else.
No she is just protecting her child because It could harm her if she keeps coming around the pets
Cut them off. No one can tell you to get rid of your pets just because they may come over one day. She’s very in the wrong and I don’t know why you’d want a person who threatens everyone to get rid of their pets or never see them again in your life
You can always meet your sister in law and her family outside - but you cannot leave your pet whom your children love also - go for a nice dinner/ lunch
Play her the *NSYNC song
She came twice in 2 years…hahaha youre house youre pet fuck her
Let them go, next time it will always be something else. When her children begin school that mom will learn the hard way.
Your cat your home
Keep your pets get rid of the inlaws
I’d tell her then we can come to your house or meet at the park but I am not ever going to change anything in my home I do not want to
Ask her if u can have that in writing pets are part of your family I’d get rid of most of my actual family before I would one of my pets lol
My daughter has an alergie to cats, can’t even be in same room can’t even be in house where they have been even taking alergie pill before going she still has a reaction.
They’ve visited twice in two years? Nope! I wouldn’t get rid of my pet personally, unless you’re caring for her child or she’s there on a daily basis. Keep your pet and just visit her at her home or meet somewhere else like a park. If you visit her home just make sure to be as cautious as possible. After all it MIGHT be an allergy. She’s not even sure tho from what the post says. She can’t expect everyone to just get rid of their pets when she doesn’t even know for sure if the cat is causing her daughters allergy!! SHE HAS NO RIGHT AND YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED!!! You’re home your rules!!! She sounds annoying tbh Lol nobody is going to tell me how to run MY home but I will respect the wishes of others in THEIR home. I respect the fact that you’re asking to see if maybe someone could help you see her side of things or to confirm the way you feel. It shows that it matters to you and that you’re genuinely concerned and taking it into consideration. Keep the cat.
Why can your niece not come over and spend time in the garden if it’s nice weather. Or when it’s raining going to their house. You could always meet at a park or softplay. My son has alot of allergies and my other son has allergies to dog saliva so if they lick him he comes out in a massive rash, that don’t stop him from going to his gransads house tho.
I give him antihistamines before he goes or when he comes home. X
They visit once a year?? keep your pets and organise catch ups at a local park instead
Just meet up outside your home instead.
If the kids allergies were severe enough for her to ask entire family to get rid of all pets then the mother would have had the kid to the docs to have alargie testing to make sure it was 100% the ca pets she was allergic to??? Keep your pet and set up play dates in garden
Would she try the same bull with people at school, their work placements, churches, play groups etc. Tell her to give her head a few bangs to see if that helps
Are you really sure she said this? Sounds a bit extreme if she barely visits. Strange.
Even if they visited every day would I hell be getting rid of my pets.
Pets are just as good as any family member, my dog is like my second child and gets treated no differently to my son.
Sounds so petty that she will cut you off completely, fair enough stop coming round if it’s that bad but to completely cut you if is ridiculous.
My sons allergic to cats my nana has 5 and my mum has 2, we haven’t cut them off we still visit I just make sure I have allergy meds with me.
Some of these questions. I will pass on this one
No way, it’s your home and your cat. Don’t let her dictate to you. If you got rid of the cat your children would be upset. No way would I do that to my cat or my children.
Tell her not to come you go to hers
Allergy mum - I can understand why she would want to protect her child who has had a reaction. It can be quite scary.
But she shouldn’t have asked you to get rid of your pet. That’s not fair on your family. Her child will likely react at your house even if your cat was outside because of the dander left inside.
Keep the cat - just go to her to visit or go somewhere else like the park, coffee shop, restaurant etc.
They’ll have to come on nice days be in the garden
My dad when we had cats couldn’t be in my house. Even if kids had cat on jumper he reacted. He never said get rid he’d just come in the garden.
is get rid of her, keep ur pets their more loyal
I’m allergic to cats … I take a tablet for it if I am around cats it’s really not that hard
She ever heard of antihistamines?
If she wants to visit just staying in the garden would be the best option .
Clearly she is not an animal lover. Tell her s
That you will not be getting rid of your pets, you will just have to visit her or meet her somewhere for coffee.
Sounds like shes worth cutting off.
lol byeeeee:raising_hand_woman:t3:
Is this a serious question. I tell her get lost I would never get rid of my animals because somebody else told me to
Lmao if you give up your pet for her yta . She can take allergy meds or you can go there .
Keep the cat not the sister in-law
Keep the cat no questions
I’d buy another cat just to spite her.
They are in the wrong.
Keep your cat, your cat is part of your family.
Shes being absolutely unreasonable&ridiculous. They make allergy meds for a reason.
Ummm that’s her own pettiness!! My pets are family and I will never get rid of them for anyone
They are absolutely in the wrong & have the biggest balls ever. Wow.
Keep the cat. Forget the sis in law my daughter has two cats. She absolutely adores and I wouldn’t get rid of them for any family member
I’d get more cats
“Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya”
I know it’s hard, because that’s family. But, I would personally tell her to shove it. They don’t come over enough for you to even consider rehoming that cat.
keep the cat! thats her choice if she wants to be that petty
Put up an adoption advertisement for your sister-in-law. Better yet send her to the pound. Keep the niece and give her some allergy meds and let her enjoy animals
Tell her only if she agrees to get rid of her daughter.
See how ridiculous that sounds?
Screw them. Keep your cat. They don’t live with you or pay your bills. They have no say so.