My sister in law told me she would be hurt if I got pregnant when she was...advice?

So my brother and his wife just announced they are expecting their first child in March. Very happy and excited for them. My husband is 37 and I am 30. We have a 4 year old and soon to be 2 year old. My husband has been away for almost a year now deployed. Well he comes back soon and we agreed we would try for one more when he comes home. My SIL has said she would feel hurt if I were to get pregnant while she is. Since my husband has been gone, I have expressed quite a bit that we would try for 1 more when my husband comes home, so it shouldn’t be a surprise. I have already been to my OB for the iud removal. I just don’t know how to feel with all this.


I think it is a little odd for her to say that to you. I would do what is best for your immediate family and follow your intended plans. If she says something, then oh well. :woman_shrugging:


Ok…and? Tell her tough titties, she makes no sense anyways but she literally has no right to even try to decide when you can have a kid or not

She’s afraid I’ll steal her thunder :woman_facepalming: do it anyway who cares and do what’s best for ur family

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That’s weird that she would be hurt by something that has absolutely nothing to do with her

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Well I guess she’ll just have to feel hurt!!! Not sure who she thinks she is telling you when you can get pregnant.


literally nobody can tell you to not get pregnant. who cares. let her be salty about something insignificant to her. go have that 3rd baby! who cares what her and her feelings say. it’s YOUR family girl!


That’s just straight up jealous behavior. She just doesn’t wanna share the limelight.


Your sister in law is a weirdo. You do you.

Grow up to her, get your freak on to you! Wow… AUDACITY is really the only word.

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My sister in law and I were pregnant together and we were both so excited for it!! We have a picture holding eachothers belly on the 4th of July :heart: this is so weird for her to say that? She must feel some type of way towards you or SOMETHING. Jealousy?


Let her be hurt then. It’s strange and weird

Odd I’d prolly get pregnant out of spite.


She’s selfish. Do what you want…

Go get pregnant and name the baby “spite”. Lmao

Go for it . Don’t let her tell you what and when

its your life end of the day. SIL will get over it and shel be grateful to have cousins same age!


None of her business if you guys want another child, go for it. It’s rude of her to even say that to you. Childern are blessings.

Too bad. You cant live your life according to other ppls timelines. Oh well :black_heart:


Werid I would do what is best for you and your husband it’s been a year :pray:t3:


As a SIL I would have been excited to be pregnant at the same time! Someone to share in things with and then our kids will be close to the same age. Lifelong friends and cousins! Sounds like she’s petty and doesn’t want to share the limelight. You guys do what you had planned, she will get over it


Grow up. Who cares? Do what you want

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Your uterus and womb is noones business

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Lol whatever. Do what you want

She just wants the extra attention and all eyes on her. Do you who cares what she thinks


I think u should be able to have a baby when ever u want reguardless if she is pregnant I mean she is being selfish it shouldn’t matter

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It’s y’all’s life not hers, you don’t have to tip toe around people’s feelings when it comes to decisions in YOUR LIFE


Tell her to suck it up. She doesn’t run your life

Who cares what she says do it anyways

It’s not her choice. She can get over herself.


Forget her honestly it’s ur body and u and ur hubby already discussed what u want to do and that is none of her business or concern do what makes u and ur hubby happy. And even if it wasn’t planned he has been deployed for a year! Make yall sum babies lol

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Oh well. She will get over it. You do you.

Tell her to get over it??? Not like baby’s will be born at same time ??? Sounds a bit of a jealousy problem on her side. She shouldn’t care at all in my opinion lmao. My man’s daughters pregnant due about same time as me and we got no issues at all. Seems like someone needs to get over themselves

Why would you let your SIL tell you what you can and can’t do? You’re an adult and the only person business it is is you and your husband. Tell her to F off and to mind her own business.

Be honest with you plan for your family.

She’ll get over it. It’s none of her business when you guys have children. She sounds self centered

Very odd to say especially as she doesn’t have a decision in the matter :woman_shrugging: it’s not her business when you fall pregnant. Sounds like a very insecure woman x


Have your baby don’t wait.

That’s weird. I’d be happy. Cousins close in age is great to have.

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Seems like she wants to be the centre of attention in the family…Think I would be saying we are only pregnant for a few months but our kids will be close in age and more than likely good friends for ever…if it happens it happens u cant plan your life around her…


She can’t control what others do. She should focus on herself and her own pregnancy and not worry about others. You do you and if she is upset oh well. You wanting another child has nothing to do with her.


You & your husband grow your family as you wish. She & hers can grow theirs as they wish. The cousins will love one another! SIL needs to get over herself, she’s brewing some underlying resentment(s) which don’t have your name on them.


I was pregnant at the same time as both my sister in laws twice :woman_shrugging: that’s weird of her to even say.


Girl, bye. Who cares? Not you. Not I. Get pregnant. :interrobang::interrobang::interrobang:

You do whatever it is you want to do in regards to family planning. It’s none of her business what you do in this regard. If she is hurt, oh well, that is what you get when you have the emotional intelligence of a potato. :woman_shrugging:

Tell her that’s nice. Or sorry it’s my life. Whichever you prefer.

Your sister in law doesn’t control your conceive time or your sex life. She can have her cake and you can have yours. There’s room at the table for everyone to enjoy and give out love to the wanted babies.

Ignore her, she’s being selfish

Geez what a selfish person insecure person? So much for having close family & close cousins? heaven forbid the kid be born near or on a family member’s birthday or near a holiday?? She will think her baby must have priority over everyone else!! Hope you have twins :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Um that’s her being selfish not wanting ato share the spot light which is understandable but for real I’d tell her to get over it

Nobody but you and your spouse gets to dictate to you when you plan to try to get pregnant. It is a little bit unreasonable for her to act like that. Cousins close in age is not a bad thing.

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Tell her she’s allowed to feel her feelings just like you’re allowed to procreate. Tf. People are soooo weird! My daughter and my nephew are 13 days apart. Had the same due date but he come earlier. I literally LOVE it that way and wouldn’t change it


Umm who does she think she is! That is so rude! Get pregnant anyway! You and your husband have been planning this so who cares what she wants!

Thats a her problem :woman_shrugging:

You would think she would be excited for your babies to be close in age they would grow up together. With that said let her be “hurt” she is only saying that because she wants everyone to be excited for her and not have to share that attention.

Oh well. Tell her to get over it.

Hurt her feelings! This is about ur family not her

she has no say in what you & your husband choose to do. tf is wrong with people.

do youuuy who cares what she thinks not like yall will have the same due date…

Seriously? What is her deal, do what’s best for your family and she can do what’s best for hers. It sounds like there’s some kind of jealousy here. 

Tell her shes allowed to feel however she chooses just as you’re allowed to have another child.
She doesn’t get to decide that for you.


OMG she totally needs to get a grip, and grow up… the world does not revolve around her and I highly doubt she’s the only pregnant one right now​:hugs::sunglasses:

This is SUPER weird to me that she thinks she can dictate your plans to grow your family that is something that should only be decided between you and your husband… if I were you I think I’d stop confiding in her so much. At the end of the day what you and your husband want to do is the only thing that matters . She can have feelings but you are not responsible for them.


Your pregnancy, with a due date months later than hers, will take nothing away from her.
She can have all the joy of first time motherhood - the baby shower, the extra attention, all the advice & child birth stories everyone feels compelled to share.
Meanwhile, you and your husband can quietly grow your beautiful family. Live your life, love your family and enjoy every moment together.
Thank you for your husband’s commitment to serving our country and thank you for the sacrifices you and your children endure while he is deployed :us:


Your babies will be cousins. It should be exciting to have them close in age. You already told them about trying for another and shes allowed to be hurt, just as much as you are allowed to get pregnant. I assume it’s your husband’s sister, have him talk to her about it. If it’s your brother’s wife, have your brother talk to her.


Your life, your choice. Many families welcome new members at the same time. She needs to get over herself

Haha , I hope you have twins xx
Imagine how pissed she’d be then

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Who cares what she feels or thinks. People are so entitled these days

My sister in law and I had babies 6 weeks apart. I actually nursed my newborn nephew while my brother and sister in law were at a hospital with their gravely ill daughter. An experience I cherish​:heart::heart:


Do what ever yall want to do, she has no say so in yalls business and for her to be upset is weird in my opinion she should be happy for you guys sounds like she just wants it to be all about herself I mean she’ll have hers before yall have urs so it shouldn’t be a big deal this is something for your family

She is being selfish. You try for your baby and don’t worry about her. It is not going to have any effect on her life or baby at all if you fall pregnant. Never wait bc of someone and their insecurities. Have that baby girl!!! Baby dust to you.

Who cares what your sister in laws says or feels
If you and your husband want to try for a baby
Go ahead and do it

That’s a her problem. You can’t put your life on hold because she’s pregnant. Life isn’t just about her. And how would you feel if you missed your window because you waited too long or something god forbid happened. It’s selfish of her to ask that of you


Just stare at her until she gets uncomfortable and walks away.


This is why you should never tell your personal plans to anyone other than maybe your parents. People are just very Self Centered more times than Not. Stick with your plans.

I would try extra hard to get pregnant :joy:

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,don’t feel bad about it enjoy your husband and family you both deserve it if that’s what yall want be happy and thank him for his service

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That’s super petty, she can get over it. It’s your choice when to get pregnant not hers.

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She can’t dictate how you grow your family just like you wouldn’t tell her you’ve been planning for another one and wish she would have waited. It sounds like she wants the full attention on her and if you were pregnant that would take away her spotlight. Thank your husband for his services and do as you planned :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: side note-everyone is diff but personally- I would have been ecstatic to have someone to share my pregnancies with. I think she’s the odd one out :laughing:


I’d tell her to kiss it !! Your life she don’t pay your bills . Entitled ppl ughhh

weird. make your baby, sis.

Have your baby
More children in the family is good. She wants all the attention, about the time you get pregnant she will be focusing on having the baby.

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That’s stupid. I hate when women do this shit. CELEBRATE EACH OTHER!!! This shit is hard enough!

Tell her that’s a really selfish thing to ask of you.
If you get pregnant you do.
She has no say in it.

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Don’t announce the pregnancy until after she has the baby if you become pregnant i told my bf and our parents when we found out but everyone else at 20 weeks after we found out the gender


My cousin and I were pregnant at the very same time with our 2nd boys and they were born on the same day, month and year. We loved it. The boys were best friends until my son passed away at 20 years old. Having another baby with your husband is your business and a blessing for your whole family. Your sister in law will be OK. Be happy. Just be excited for her and when you get pregnant again share your news with her. She’ll see that your family has enough love for all the children.


Tell her to prepare to be hurt then lol

too bad! that’s out of her control…she just wants all the attention to be on her :woman_facepalming:

Yeah she can feel how she feels but that’s an unreasonable ask on her part lol

You do you… how dare she try to tell you when u can have another baby… let her be childish and insecure … that’s a her problem not yours to bare…

You carry on with ur life’s plan :+1:

Sounds selfish on her part. Like she’d be jealous you’d be taking any attention away from her. Girl, just do what you want, it’s your life.

Let her be hurt, she will get over it.
Sounds like she doesn’t want to share the attention.

I’m assuming because she’s having her 1st she wants ALLLLLLLL the attention :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: some people just love drama and definitely seems like she does :sweat_smile:

She doesn’t control your life. Who the hell tells someone that? :roll_eyes:
If she decides to be mad, that’s her problem.

Ew. I’m gonna have a baby when I want and you can like it or not like it :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:

I wouldn’t care what she thought about it. We are on gods time not OUR time. If you get pregnant she can suck it up

It’s got nothing to do with her! Your family, your decision. I think it’s outrageous that she should say something like that. Who does she think she is?

She has absolutely no right to tell you when to bring a baby into this world and shame on her for trying to control that. And what is the problem with y’all both being pregnant at the same time who cares it just means your kids will be close in age and can grow up together why is that a problem?! She needs therapy! I would honestly get pregnant and steal her sunshine at every moment that I possibly could just because she wants to be that way :joy: I swear the audacity of some people!

Live your life …who really cares.
You can’t predict when or if …so do what you want

She’s being selfish. Go for it!