My sister in law told me she would be hurt if I got pregnant when she was...advice?

She can get over it… sounds like she will be towards the end anyways by the time yall would announce

That doesn’t even make any sense to me. It isn’t up to her when other people have children. Your pregnancy in no way diminishes hers. I’m not sure what her problem is.

Forget her she’s selfish!

Shes saying that because she doesn’t want to lose any attention for her , imo. I could be wrong but how dare you say that :triumph:


Not her business.tell her gro up…sounddd like a jelously thing…

Don’t fall for the guilt trip. You live your life on your terms. Good luck with #3.:heart:


You and your husband have your baby. SIL will be ok.

Why would she be hurt? I don’t understand.

Don’t worry about her. She doesn’t get a say when you’re pregnant. She sounds controlling to me.

The only people who get a vote on if youre planning a baby now are you & your husband. Your SIL sounds shallow and immature. Ignore her warnings and carry on. If she gets upset in the event you do get pregnant, tell her its your life not hers and yours doesnt revolve around her.

Tell her to mind her own business. If you and your husband want to have another baby, nobody has the right to tell you when you can or can’t. She needs to grow up

She can get over it. You don’t owe an explanation or anything to her. Do what you and your husband want

The world does not revolve around her. She will be OK. And if she isn’t, frankly, that’s a HER problem… not a you problem. She doesn’t have any right over what you do in your family or with your body. Stand up for yourself as gracefully as possible but if she persists, then I would just let her know exactly what I just said. That’s such a weird thing to say to someone. Or talk with your brother about it.

Who cares :woman_shrugging: it’s your life and your baby

That’s just selfish. You won’t be having the babies at the same time. So she can just get over herself. This is between you and your husband. And no one else.
And thank you to your husband for his service.

My bf and I were pregnant at the same time and it was awesome lol. Your SIL needs a life

Do as you like , she won’t be pregnant when your baby arrives . Maybe just don’t tell her you are :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s not any of her concern when you get pregnant ignore it. How disgusting of a human!
She should be happy as excited to have a pregnancy buddy and a baby the same age!

Well I would drop contact with SIL, talking to brother is one thing but no need to speak with the wretch. Acting like she has control of everyone and the life choice they make. How selfish and manipulative of her.

Have your baby when you want it. Don’t let someone else dictate you life and marriage.

Sounds like she probably wants all the attention since it’s her first child. She still has no right to try to manipulate you and your husband’s plans. She needs to worry about herself and her family and not what you and your husband plan for yours. I think she’s being immature and selfish here.
Have fun making your baby, girl!

That’s actually fucking gross. A baby is nothing to get mad about no matter what…

Sounds like she needs to gtfu

Honestly sounds like a her problem. She isn’t the one carrying your child, supporting your child, making your child, caring for or financing you child. She has no say. If you are worried about it, have a heart to heart. Ask why she feels that way. Is she worried she won’t get the same attention? Is she wanting help from you and worried she won’t have support if you are also pregnant? If you guys have a good relationship, talk to her, hear her worries, let her know you heard them and reassure her that you will do everything to be there for her, but you can’t agree not to get pregnant (whether trying or not) because you have to do what’s best for your family, just like she is doing.


Me and my brothers 1st baby mama was pregnant at the same time due 3 months apart in 2015 . Me , my sister , and my brothers 2nd baby mama were pregnant at the same time one born June one in July and one in December in 2021. I think it’s a good thing to have cousins the same age cause they will have someone to grow up with. I was born in 1994 and I also had 3 cousins born the same year to and I grew up with one of them .

Tell your brother to go get her into therapy.


That’s her issue not yours

Sounds like she needs to get over herself. Try for another on your and hubby’s schedule. She can get special attention from.her friends

Well your SIL is very selfish. Tell her you are very hurt that she would put that on you. You aren’t taking anything away from her.

oh fkn well . she can go to therapy

So is every other woman on the planet not allowed to be pregnant when she is. She is very entitled. I feel sorry for your brother. She is high maintenance

Literally pretend she didn’t say anything. Go about your life as if she said nothing. It will make you happier. This is one situation where “fuck yo feelings” fits perfectly.

Ignore her. She is being selfish and has no right to feel “hurt”. Because what she’s really saying is she’s wants all the attention on her and doesn’t want anyone taking attention away from her (not even about her baby, it’s about her). Do what is right for you and your husband in your marriage and she can just deal with it. Tough cookies for her. She doesn’t get to decide what happens in your womb or not.


Waawaaa. Girl get prego if you want to be. That’s ridiculous

Why are you caring what she thinks? It’s your life . I was pregnant and so my 2 of my sisters I thought it was great

I get why she said it. I had a friend like that. It was said because this is her FIRST baby and she wants the attention and focus on her and her baby, whereas this would be your THIRD baby.

I was trying to get pregnant for a while with my first and then my best friend got pregnant before me with her 3rd (I didn’t know she was trying) and I was nothing but happy for her. I could tell she was nervous to tell me but it was great news! Couple months later I was pregnant with my own. I think it’s just a her problem thing. You do you.


Uhmmm is she in charge of your uterus? Who cares what she thinks…she seems immature.

Me and my I was about 2 months pregnant when my sister had my niece and then our youngest sister was about 2 months when I had my sons. My boy is 7 months younger then his cousin and
6 months older then the last cousin. :joy: totally not planned we all love the fact that we got to experience that together.


Id tell her not everything is about her lmfao

Smh ppl are werid do your thing and make that baby it’s not there life it’s yours.

Simple, it’s not her business
You Do You !

Your sister in laws being selfish. A lot of baby are born about nine months deployment… just saying :wink:

My family: I was in my mid mid 30’s my niece were in there early 20’s. My middle daughter & 2 great-nieces were all born within 4 mns of each other. Then 3.5 years later my son & 3 great-nephews were born with 6mns of each other. 3 years later 2 g-nieces & 2 g-nephew within 6mn. 2years later 1 g-niece & 2 g- nephews. The last 6mn 1 g-niece, 3mn g-nephew & 2mn g-niece. Waiting on g-niece & g-nephew due Sept (different parents), & another baby ( Parents aren’t finding out the gender) in November.

She needs to get over herself

You do what’s best for your family. She needs to get over it, she had no right to control when you chose to have a child.

She sounds fun! But your body, your choice. It’s such a weird thing for her to ask of you, honestly!


Gez just have another. She can’t tell you when you can have another!! How selfish she is.
And why wouldn’t she want cousins to be close!! Closer in age the better!!

My sister and I were 2 weeks apart. I was pregnant first. Not once did I think it was a bad thing. I loved being pregnant with my sister and now the cousins are 2 weeks apart! (Only thing that sucked is she never was nauseous and I was always puking :roll_eyes:)


Your sister in law is a mental case…ignore her

Don’t let others dictate what you do with your family … never apologise for raising a family how you see fit. If she is hurt thats her problem to deal with

Honey if you want to have another baby then have one. No one has a say in when a baby is conceived it just happens. And if it happens while she’s pregnant then oh well.

None of her business. You plan your family as you and your husband see fit. The only thing you should feel is comfortable with your decision to add to your family whenever you wish.

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I can understand her feelings. But ultimately her feelings are her responsibility.

Getting pregnant is a privilege and it happens when you are lucky enough for it to happen. Your SIL is being a bit silly, don’t wait because of her because then what happens if you start having trouble conceiving? Don’t plan your family around someone else’s wants.

Do your plans . F her. Mammas uncut :grin: but no dnt change your plans because of what others can say. I’ve done this and changed plans to make others happy and at the end you gotta do what you want when you want. The ones who really care for you will be okay with your choices. Congratulations in advance, you go do all that. You got it!!! Whoot whoot! Do you. Sounds like she don’t want the glam light off of her . Sounds like she could be Jealous of the attention you would get with all the great news. Maybe talk to her tell her your feelings. Good luck.

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That is seriously so childish of her. It’s screams "I want all the attention " you do you, if you want another baby, have another baby. No one else gets to dictate your life

You do you boo! You want another child, have another child. Allow NO ONE to dictate your life choices. God bless and let us know when you get pregnant.


My sister n law and I were pregnant together her with her 2nd and mine with my first it was great to be able to go thought the pregnancy with someone who had similar issues and concerns. So what I’d your SIL feels this way this is a decision between you and your husband.

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Pay her no mind and do what you want for your family.

She sounds like a child. It would be ridiculous to let someone control your life plans when it comes to something as big as having a baby.

I say go for baby #3, enjoy your hubby being home, and thank you for his service

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That’s selfish!! Why does it matter if you get pregnant, while she is?!?! It doesn’t!! It’s part of life!! And, has she ever heard, pregnancies, run in 3’s?? It has sure always hit my family and all my kids, that way!! Tell her to get over herself!! You and your husband, have a ton of lost time, to make up for, and if it means, getting pregnant, then, so be it!! :woman_shrugging: Also, a huge Thank You, to your husband, for his service!! :heart::white_heart::blue_heart:

Tell her oh well. :unamused::neutral_face::roll_eyes: if she doesn’t like it tough shit. This is a her problem, not a you problem

That’s dumb AF!! She needs a lot of attention I assume

She’ll get over it. :woman_shrugging:t2: she’s worried you’re gonna outshine her and that’s her problem.

I think she needs to realize that 1. The world does not revolve around her, and 2. You being pregnant will not and should not take away from her own experience. I could understand being upset if someone intentionally did it to be malicious, but you cannot ask someone to just not have their own baby until you have had yours. That’s extremely entitled and she needs to grow up — especially under your circumstances, and given the fact that your family has been aware of your plans. Her feelings and desires are not the only ones that matter. Maybe talk to her and your brother about this.

Your sister has a jealousy problem. The attention wouldn’t be solely on her. Have your beautiful baby. That’s important.

Tell her to kiss your ‘where the sun don’t shine’

There is a deep rooted issue in your sister in law and you need to talk it out. I’m assuming you care about her because you are taking her feelings into consideration. Have a sit down (in person only and alone) and tell her that although you feel for her and care about her feelings, having a baby is an important decision that you and her brother made and it would hurt you if it strained your relationship with her and although she is family, in order for your family to thrive, you must prioritize your commitment to your husband. Even if she gets upset or distances herself, you have already made your intentions Crystal clear. What she does with that information is entirely up to her as well as if she is upset and the family wonders why, it has already been sternly expressed. I get it. We are not going to be treated poorly at the expense of keeping peace in the family, but people are not always all bad or all good and you’d like to keep cultivating those relationships. Family dynamic is huge especially with the in laws. I hope this helps and you find peaceful resolve.

Don’t discount her feelings just because she is an in law. You wouldn’t if she were your sister or very best friend (I hope). Acknowledge her feelings. Tell her you understands how she feels and you don’t want to hurt or upset her, but you also can’t change your life plans that you have already made. Tell her you are excited to have her to talk to about pregnancy stuff and do pregnant mom stuff with & you hope she can be happy for you because you are So happy for her. And it will be great to have kids so close in age. She has a right to feel her feelings. Acknowledge that, don’t dwell on it or feel bad. You can’t base your life decisions around her & hers. Don’t do like some have said & ignore it, or her. Don’t hide your plans or your pregnancy, or be evasive. You need all the family you can get & you and your husband & kids don’t need drama & conflict. Be honest, upfront & do the mature thing. Have a conversation soon.

Do your life and stop worrying about others especially when it come to your children

Fuck how she feels. This is why you don’t tell everyone your business lol it’s none of her business at all lol

Have your baby when you want to!

Ignore her. Baby dust your way :heart:

Tell her to get over herself. Imagine feeling like u have a say over when someone else conceives a child. :roll_eyes::clown_face:

She can suck a dck and get over it. What an attention wh0r3 .

It’s an issue within herself that she needs to resolve.

Please do not let this change your big plans for your life, or steal your joy when you do become pregnant. You had already told of your plans, and she knew whe your husband would be home. You are doing nothing wrong.

Congratulations. Life is a blessing, and God bring new life when the time is right… no matter who else is pregnant.

It’s not like you 2 would have the same due date so it shouldn’t matter. And just because you’ll try right when your husband gets home, doesn’t mean you’ll get pregnant right away so you could have a baby 6+ months after her

Ew she can get naffed.
Aint no one in my reproductive organs unless they are making me orgasm.

You openly stated many times when he got back from deployment your guys were going to try again( as you should because he’s been gone for 2yrs😉!)That shouldn’t change because she says so. She will get over it.

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Girl what that is YOUR uterus. It’s not her business when you get pregnant.

Have your family on your schedule. My SIL and I were pregnant at the same time, it was really fun! My niece and son are 18, she’s about a month and a half older.

Um…your husband has been away for a yr fighting to save the country she lives in and all she wants is for you to NOT be pregnant while she is?
Pfft…if you want to try and it happens, then good luck to you.
She wants all the attention to be on her.


She isn’t queen of the world. You follow YOUR dream.

Do you think In 20 yrs this will matter. Thats the way I see it. Worry about your health and your kids and your future. What a person said won’t matter in 20 yrs, who cares!! Do you and don’t give a crap what she wants… she will get over herself. She must be someone that likes to be the center of attention.

My sister-in-law and I were pregnant at the same time boy did we have fun.

If she was a real friend and SIL; she would be happy for you and want to get close to you as you share pregnancy joys. Reassure her that she; as a first time Mom will be getting so much love and attention; that even if you got pregnant; you wouldn’t cast a shadow on her lime-light. She deserves to feel special, but not at the point of controlling or hurting others. It’s you and your hubby’s time to live by your own rules with your own little family. Tell her that you would never play those “petty” little games just to steal her thunder- but you will do what you and her brother want because your lives are not about her but about an abundance of love for each other and those who want to share the joy of new life no matter the timing.

I was pregnant at the same time my brothers first wife was pregnant with their second child and it was beautiful. They’re only 3 1/2 months apart and they have a great bond together bc of being so close in age

If you and your husband want to have sex and have a baby that’s not her business. what u should say… you telling me not to have sex when I’m with my husband? I am very blunt
Plus she’s having her baby first anyway. Don’t feel anyway it’s not her business I wouldn’t pay any attention to what she says it’s your life you have a baby when you want if she don’t like it oh well…

Have your baby when you want. My SIL was pregnant with her 3rd when I had my 1st. It wasn’t a problem. Cousins can grow up together. Maybe she wants it to all be about her.

That’s none of your SIL’s business what you and your husband do and agree upon.

Let her be upset, her choice, but don’t let it upend your plans. If you want a third baby, go for it! It’s honestly none of her business what you and your husband decide is best for your family. :two_hearts:

That’s none of her concern at all. She should be happy for you guys. What does it matter that you would be pregnant at the same time? Don’t hold back on your happiness because of someone else.

So you gotta plan your life around her? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: yeah I think tf not. Me, my sister and one of my sil were all pregnant at the same time. In fact, we all gave birth days after each other. My sister first, 6d later my sil, and 2w after her, me, and I went to 41w3d. :joy::joy: we had individual showers at our jobs and then a big joint family one. I can’t imagine wanting attention so badly I demand people stop their lives for me.

My cousin and I are 5 days apart. When I had one of my kids there were 4 of us pregnant at the same time. You keep your plans

Can’t please everyone. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Do whatever you want to do.

That’s ridiculous. Her baby would have a playmate and friend for the rest of their life.

I’d of busted out laughing and told her to go suck a big one.

I’m sorry but WHAT!?!?!? That’s selfish. It’s not like you’d even give birth around the same time. She can’t tell you what to do with YOUR BODY.

Tell her it’s none of her business

And fuck her feelings. It’s YOUR life not hers. Shes an attention whore. Good luck with her and all future endeavors if it’s already this way with bringing life into the world. I can only imagine what life is like with her