My sister in law told me she would be hurt if I got pregnant when she was...advice?

Got nothing to do with sil ignore her

I have 4 kiddos, the first 1 my fiances cousin and I were due same day (ended up her little came few days early mine few days late), 2nd another of my fiances cousins and I were due within a week of each other, last 2 my cousin and I were pregnant the same time. I loved being pregnant the same time as my cousin especially, and having one child already the same age as hers made it even more enjoyable because we’d get together for to parks etc. our kiddos are so close and I love it! I couldn’t imagine someone feeling the need for attention to the point they wouldn’t want to experience pregnancy along side someone they’re close to resulting in close kiddos. I loved that we could talk about our symptoms and issues and such we were having and relate to each other on them.

I wouldn’t feel anything. That’s selfish

None of her damn business. Don’t listen to her.

What is this world coming to?? I’d be happy to have a pregnant friend while being pregnant! A sister would be even better! You do you girl, and that’s all there is to it. She ain’t got no authority in your love life or family life. :woman_shrugging:

I was pregnant very young and my mum had my baby brother 4 months before i was due, i was happy that my baby would have a playmate so close in age and hooed they would be close growing up. I also had someone alongside me going through pregnancy who could support me and understand my feelings etc. My brother and my mum had time to be new mum and baby before i was due. Just continue with your plans, its not like you want to steal her thunder

When I tell you I’d be ignoring her and enjoying my husband….a whole petty wear my husband out kinda petty!!!

That’s very selfish of her to feel that way. Babies are blessings and miracles. I had such a big family amd multiple people would be pregnant at the same time. We were all happy about it and my Nonny was always happy to welcome another grand child or great or great-great into her arms.


Tell her to get over it. It’s your body. Your marriage
Your baby

She’s jealous and selfish you do you

She’s being selfish and an attention hog. Tell her that her feelings have no bearing on when you and your husband grow your family.

Fuck her. I was pregnant at the same time as both of my sister in laws, my parents gained 3 new grandkids within 2 months and they all get to grow up together. It’s awesome. It sucks that she wouldn’t want that for your families.

She cant control that, so sad she can’t take joy in your experience as well, how precious it is to be pregnant at the same time as your SIL it means babies will grow up together ( if you live close) family is wonderful.

I’m assuming it’s her first and she doesn’t want to share the spotlight.

You had this plan for sometime. What a joyous way to celebrate your husbands homecoming :pray::heart::hugs: :baby_bottle:

That’s ridiculous… and selfish

Just let her be hurt. My sister and I are pregnant at the same time, her first my 3rd, and I’ve made it very clear that she can have the attention and doesn’t have to worry about me. This isn’t my first rodeo, and it would be silly if either one of us was hurt because the other got pregnant. Especially since I knew she was trying, and mine was a well see what happens

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Do you. She’s being selfish

My sister and I were both pregnant with our lasts. It was such an amazing experience to share that with her. We were both admitted same day to the same hospital. My nephew was born on day of admittance and my daughter was born the next morning. I was two doors down from her so needless to say it was easy for our family to see us all on the same visit. She may not be your sister by blood but she should respect you as a woman to say the least. How would she feel if you asked her to do what she is asking of you? Have lots of fun(and sex) and get pregnant. This is what you and your husband want, to heck with what anyone thinks.

Sounds like she just wants all the attention on her.

For the life of me- I can’t figure out WtH is wrong with people. That’s entirely your business and none of theirs- nothing to do with them!

why? that’s selfish of her and if you have another baby, frankly, it’s not her business.

This is your family and your life so make your own decisions.

To bad for her get pregnant…

my sister and I were pregnant at the same time for both of my bio kids. It’s fine. there is plenty of love. She can get over it.

If she knows your going to try then I won’t worry about it…Have you a beautiful number 3

Stop caring about what others think. It’s your family, and it sounds like this has been yalls plan for awhile. Do what’s best for your little family. She will be fine.

Well let her be 'hurt '. No one should tell you when to get pregnant!!!

She shouldn’t of said that to you and also have no right to decide when you want a child tell her sorry but you and your husband have decided its thr right time to have one and really it’s nothing to do with her so she can either be a excited auntie again or not be part of your journey

Ehh why do you care about how she feels. It’s your choice and you decide whenever you will have your child. Screw her, if she don’t like it. Sucks to be her