My sister ended up with my ex-boyfriend. They now how two kids together and are getting married. I’m so broken a sister could do that to me. I had a strong love for him. Would you think I’m silly? I don’t want to go to the wedding. Would you?
Yes, you are being silly, she’s your sister and that was an ex-boyfriend, it obviously didn’t work for you, you have to choose to be happy for her, and they’ve been together for a long time, you can’t help whom you fall in love with
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?
Are you also married now
I would definitely not go either.
So many questions how long were you together for?
This is so weird!!!xxx
Why is it a issue now? They already have two kids together. Lol
I’d be upset but love is love and it’s not something you can stop nor be petty over be happy she’s happy I have a very bad relationship with my sister for personal reasons BAD ones but you only got some many family members and siblings in life. It’s not her fault I’m assuming that you and this guys relationship didn’t work out . There’s no tag saying she can’t date certain people
No I wouldn’t blame your for not going
Umm so one pregnancy 9 months 2 pregnancy 18 months …
Your just now having issues?
Not your ex it’s her baby daddy now
Get over it.
That’s kind of “girl code” but if this was JUST an ex bf (no kids involved) then idk. Are you willing to sacrifice a relationship with your sister over a guy you are no longer with, who has moved on, and now has MULTIPLE children?
Things end for a reason, I’d say move on with your future, it all depends on if you want your sister in that future.
Edit: what about his kids? YOUR NIECE and/or NEPHEW? Do you want to let this destroy any relationship with them?
That’s your choice. If you’re not comfortable, don’t go.
Why did u guys break up? How long were u together?
Lol I’m pretty sure your sister posted her perspective here a few days ago…
I would bring a date and have a blast!
Always remember this, you can pick your friends, your relatives are dumped on you. It’s ok to dislike your sister. Move on, find someone suited to YOU. Good luck
They already have 2 children together, you’re their Aunt. You’re already family, wedding or not .You need to let this go
I find it fucked up on the sister’s part to go for someone that their sibling was with. It’s gross and weird. I wouldn’t go and I wouldn’t consider her a sister, either.
Go ita ur sister shoot me and mine got the same baby dad her daughter is 2 years younger then mine we had to sit the rest aside bc of our kids and the fact she my sister and he a dead beat baby dad
Ooo I’d have to cut sis off for life. That’s breaking code I could never do that to someone I cared about no matter how I felt about someone. I’m so sorry you have to go through that
If y’all were serious and she knew you loved him and got with him anyways… I’d say cut them off. Toxic is toxic. Family or not
Well lets consider her niece/nephew. Does she want a relationship with them? If so, bite your tongue and go for their benefit.
#GIRLCODE your sister shouldnt have even got with your ex in the first place, kids or not thats just messy af
Girl, it’s been two kids long now. Move on
Shame on sister she broke code sorry I wouldn’t go to weeding or I’d show up looking smoking hot whatever makes you happy
Life is all about choices. Your sister chose to abandon “girl code,” or worse… “sister code.” That was her decision. Now you get to make the choice to either swallow your feelings on the matter and be supportive orrr remove yourself from the equation all together. Don’t let anyone guilt you into believing your feelings are irrational or tell you how you need to ‘get over it.’ You’re entitled to your feelings.
If he was your ex before they got together then it’s been awhile as they have a couple kids. Be happy for your sister
I’m sorry but yr sister sounds toxic asf
As I see get over ur self yes ur sister shouldn’t of crossed that path but I mean come on u are a adult start acting like one
Life is too short Let It Go. Go to the wedding and have a good time. You only get one sister
So, I believe your sister posted the other day. At least I hope that was her because what she done to you was fucked up. Blood don’t make ya family💁♀️
No one says you have to go to the wedding but if you have been communicating with her for the past 2 years they have been together then why you looking for a pity party?
If u feel u can’t go don’t id feel uncomfortable too do what ur comfortable with as for ur sis I dunno were u ever close or has she alwayz done this kinda stuff to u I guess in the end do what u gotta do to feel ok again
Your sister was kind of crappy for getting with him. That said, they’re clearly serious and if you don’t accept and support her, you risk losing your sister and nieces/nephews.
Talk about keeping it in the family
Wish them well and get on with your life.
Accept and let it go but if you don’t feel comfortable going to the wedding then don’t go to the wedding.
Did your sister post on this page yesterday? Very similar situation…
They have two kids together now…sounds like this is old baggage. Move on
Cut them both out. That’s wrong.
This is your x, this is your Sister This is Family
You decide what you can do. If you can love them and support them in their wedding go and be the best you, you can be❣️
If you are hurt, or bitter do not ruin the Wedding.
You must not make a tough situation worse❣️ Make sure you do not make this about you but what is the best for the entire family, think about your parents and be open and honest about your feelings
Let it go and love your nieces and or nephews. Sounds like it’s been long enough for you to get over it.
How long were you broken up with him before she started to him,? had you been dating others since the break up? If it was a while and you both had moved on, get over it. Since you two didn’t work out and you still cared for both of them, be happy for them.
Dress as sexy as possible. And go. Pick up his best friend.then go home.
Umm. Did your sister leave a reverse post… because someone’s sister posted too
Your sister is a SLU* has no boundaries is extremely unloyal blood or not I don’t give a damn that was one of the most scandalous things she could’ve done there is 1 million men out there there is no reason to do that what the hell is wrong with people no respect whatsoever you never go after your friends ex or your family’s exes Hell no don’t go ! If it hurts you it hurts you and it should don’t ever let anyone on here tell you your feelings aren’t valid don’t trust her ever again That’s someone you cut out of your life
What kind of sister do ya got? Thats trashy and low. I wouldn’t attend the wedding. Why celebrate them as a happy loving couple? What a slap in the face! How can your family even be happy for them at that? Id assume they all new you and him were a couple? Gross!
Hell no it’s a thing called respect
Yes go to the wedding stoned no problem
I am sorry to hear this happened within your family. But I would let him go. Wish your sister well. And move on. Find happiness for yourself. You can do so much better! I actually feel sorry for your sister.
I guess this is the other side of the story from the other day? Lol
There was a post about a woman who fell in love with her sisters ex and now they’re engaged and all.
Very messed up for a sister to do that to you. I would never trust her in any situation. She stabbed you in the back. I would not go and would not be in her life ever again
I wouldn’t go. I know people say that’s your sister but your sister is not loyal. But if you want to be in your nephew and niece life maybe cordial with your sister. You don’t have to be as nice and close as before.
Not will at all. That’s unforgivable, especially if she knew you really loved him.
Shit happens. I’d be pissed buuut there’s nothing you can do. Let it go, move on, be happy. Disassociate yourself from them.
Yari Bobyn another one:sob:
Exact same thing happened to me. I was seeing this guy and ended it with him because he said that he didn’t want a serious relationship. Less than a week later he was sleeping with my younger sister. When they got married she wanted me to be a bridesmaid and could not understand why I wouldn’t do it. They have two kids together and honestly I dodged a bullet because he is horrible. However, I still have issues with her because of it. Simply because you don’t do that to family. I’m civil to her because she’s my sister and I love her but, what she did was not okay and I don’t pretend that it was. I don’t blame you at all for the way you feel and you have a right to your feelings. You’re not wrong for being upset because it’s a shity thing that she did.
I wouldn’t speak to neither of them for a while at least until i dont feel anger an hate
They have had kids together … But you’re angry about the wedding? The fact they have had kids I say time to let go and move on
Yeaaaa sorry but after 2 kids I think you need to move on & let your sister be happy🤷🏻♀️
Its a EX boyfriend. So who cares. Now if she got with a current boyfriend and would up pregnant thats different
I could get being upset at first but not long term.
Why be upset or fight over a man with an unwashed ass?
He wasn’t for you or he wouldn’t be an ex.
Take a girl trip to Nashville and party your ass off all weekend! Take lots of pictures of you celebrating Not being the bride! You Win!!!
I’d just like to add and I cannot believe how many women are on this post telling you to get over it. It doesn’t matter how long ago it was you don’t get with your sister’s ex. Like who raised some of these people? I have never and would never even get with a friend’s ex let alone a family member’s ex. I guess I was just raised differently, Thank God. Yikes.
You have a shitty sister
Hes your ex for a reason. They have 2 kids. Be there for her. It’s your sister.
That’s awful. How could she do that. You shouldn’t feel bad at all for not wanting to attend. That’s a toxic situation
I mean if you guys were in a 5 plus relationship I would be upset but anything less than I would try to let go. Yes it is messed up I don’t think sisters should be with any ex but it happens It guess
Go to the wedding, in my opinion…some guys do that to stay close to the ex…as far as kids go… be cordial to him, congratulate him on the kids…chances are that was her decision to get pregnant, and not THEIRS…MY OPINION ONLY…try it and see what happens…
Be an adult. Did she steal him or were you already broken up? Clearly u and him weren’t meant to be together. The have kids, a family. You cant be happy for your sister, happy you niece/nephew whatever the kids are. Will have both parents. Holding on to ur pain or just jealousy, will keep you from finding the one god has planned for you. You were ex’s, let it go.
Ur sister is a scum getting with him in the first place. Take a date with you and have fun. Don’t let them get to you.
One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Let them have each other and for your mental stability, limit interaction if you can.
I would need some more info. Did they get together while y’all were still together? If so, then no - you’re not being silly.
If y’all broke up and then they got together later, then yes - you’re being silly. If he’s good to her and the kids, be happy for them all and find your own happiness that is out there.
Look, I know these three women. A Mother and two daughters. The youngest girl had a beau, the older one stole him away and married him. Then she divorced him and he married their Mother. Talk about fun at family picnics ! If they’re happy, try to be happy for them. She’s always gonna be your sister. To err is human to forgive is not only Devine, it’s absolutely necessary to our sanity. Hate always hurts the hater much much more than it does the hated. Gorgive and move on.
I am not as petty as some I guess. An EX is An Ex…
There is no possession of rights to an ex that can block them from achieving happiness
My sister married my ex fiancé! I was there when they got married and I love my brother in law, he’s my brother and my sister is my best friend! I was hurt at first but it was for the best! You will see . They’ve been married over 40 years now!
Does she know your still in love with him? If she does screw her put that toxic vindictive cancer out of your life, if she has no idea tell her and honestly I wouldn’t go to the wedding I think it’d really hurt
They both shat on you.
If you can’t refrain from being hateful stay home
Get tf over it. You have nieces/nephews now sis!!! If you can’t steer clear of hate and judgment- stay the hell back.
You and him didn’t work out for a reason. Maybe y’all met for him to meet your sister. That’s who he’s meant to be with not you. If she’s happy then I don’t see a problem. Two people should not be together just Bc you dated him first
Nope I deff wouldn’t go
Those are your nephews and your sister. Regardless of your relationship with your ex, it’s been years now (due to pregnancies and birth)
You’re entitled to do what you need to do, but personally I’d be there for my sibling and nephews.
I say go with your gut feeling on that. Yea she’s your sister, but they guy is an ex. I don’t know if this is the other sister from the last “I am engaged to my sister’s ex bf” story or not. But sometimes a guy just don’t click with the person they are with and randomly meet the sister while out and about and just casually start talking. And find that they click better. And over to me emotions start to build. It can’t be helped sometimes. It’s not something in control all the time. Love is hard as it is, but to actually click with someone is a special kind of love. I’d be happy if I had a sister and she was a better match for one of my ex’s. (I dated good guys, assholes sometimes, but good and protective) I’d attend the wedding or be in it if asked. But maybe that’s just me.
First off, he’s an ex for a reason! I’ll say this my sister married a man I had a crush on and let’s say I got the better deal
Yep, take the high road and go to the wedding. Those kiddos need a supportive Auntie! Yes it hurts! It is fluffed up but you are actually gaining more love than you lost and it’s healthier for You! Blessings to you, do what is in Your heart
Do whatever brings you peace.
. Just be happy for them. You know how both of them are. If he’s a good man then let your sister be happy. The past is the past why live in it. And as for the kids they are your nieces or nephews don’t drag them into it.
Omg that’s not right mixed exes family ew.
My sister is dating my ex husband. At first I was extremely upset but she deserves to be happy and if he makes her happy, so be it.
I have a husband that I love and he loves me. I wish her and him both love and happiness.
And the award for the most petty person goes to…
Fuck her fuck that wedding and fuck them kids just like she said fuck you when she got with him
Dont worry you can meet someone better. If you dont feel not going then dont your mental health is way important. Just send them gift and your congratulatory message. Move away or cut them off, it’s okay for now. Make sure to move on and move forward, close that chapter and forgive when you are ready. You will meet someone better just pray for it. That happens for a reason maybe to show you and save you that ex is not really for you.
Did he cheat on you with your sister? and if not, how much time was in between your break up & her picking up!
Not petty at all! I think thats pretty saddening but now they have children your nephews or nieces.
Its hard but check this… Be happy for them n you’ll find true happy love…
So…it has to have been at least 2 years for them to have 2 kids. What are you wanting? Her to not be happy? Him to not be happy? Do you want them to break up their home and him run off with you and you be Aunty-step mom? Unless this was some 2 years of cheating and you guys have been together the whole time, I think it’s just time to move on.
It’s funny to read the comments against you right now when just the other day someone posted it as the sister who was getting with her sister’s ex and everyone hated on her then. I don’t get it…
Why do people think this kind of shi** is ok. Out of all the penis walking around the world you choose one thats been inside your sister . Stay home
Divorce the whole family! Start over.