My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

If you want to go, go, if you don’t want to go, don’t go, do what makes you feel good, not what others expect you to do, yes, it looks ugly for one sister to marry the other’s ex -boyfriend, for me, the ex-partners of relatives and friends are like family to me and I would never have a relationship with any of them.

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With the time frame of having 2 kids , this sounds like you were together along time ago. Find it in your heart to move past this, for the love of your sisters kids. Move on , forgive and let go. Yes, go to the wedding, smile and show them you could careless about him. He has a family now , let it go


Is this the other sister from the lady’s post the other day?!? :rofl:


So this is where karma comes in. Go to the wedding. wish then well. Be a better person then they are. And you will recieve a better person in your life that will treat you better then they did.


Is this getting reposted everywhere or​:face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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Finny, when a post said “I married my sisters ex” none of this support for them was in the comments. :rofl:
Look, no one can tell you how to feel. I advise therapy.
Why did you break up? If it was his fault, she may end up hurt too…or, she may not.
My grandfather cheated on my grandmother, divorced her then married my step grandmother (whom I adored). They were married for almost 40years.
Sometimes life really does just happen and all you can do is deal with it, HEAL from it and move on.
Your do what you have to so you can forgive bc forgiveness is about you. :heart:

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Honestly I feel like some of the stuff that gets posted in here is seriously something some people should address in therapy and not on the internet when you get some really harsh comments sometimes.

Although I respect that some people are just looking for advice… feels more and more like im reading the script for a Maurey show sometimes :see_no_evil: especially with some wildly negative comments at times.

For this reason, I gotta :v:

No, don’t go if you don’t want to. I mean the two kids together is more permanent than marriage in my opinion but do what you feel is best for you.

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A marriage is nothing compared to kids

This is why I feel like Dr. Frankenstein had the right idea.

2 kids later and you still talking to her I would of had nothing to do with them the sec I found out


It’s been THAT long and your still trippin over it?!!! Damn, I’d say it’s definitely time to move on find someone new and be happy for your sister and enjoy her special day!

I agree with you Charla

No I wouldn’t go personally.

Damn that’s crossing the line that’s a big no-no girl code you don’t date your sisters or friends ex ever. I’m so sorry hun I know there is nothing that will soften the blow but remember to keep it :100: if it bothers you let them know and if you can’t handle it there is absolutely no problem with you parting ways with your sister I mean it’s a man who divided both of you and that’s not cool she doesn’t care about your feelings so why should you care about there’s

I would cut ties with both,period.


I vote for you to go to the wedding and get a sympathy card for her and inside write, “do my leftovers taste good?” Petty? Maybe :joy:


Ex boyfriend get over it why bring it up now after all they have 2 kids


Wait… Ur the sister from the post the other day :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m fkn done :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


They have 2 kids together now. Why are you only voicing your opinion now that they’re getting married?


Yep OK…
1 You are a beautiful woman
2 You can do better
3 No need to hate, because that’s what others will say JEALOUSY
4 your heart wasn’t meant to be for him

So be happy for your sister and her children and attend

1 He’s your sloppy second
2 He’s not worth your time, mind, body and soul
3 She won’t be the first woman he’s been with and left for someone else
4 He didn’t care how going with your sister would affect you



So find someone that will love appreciate and will kiss the ground you walk on



If she wasn’t screwing around with him and they started seeing eachother AFTER y’all broke up, then get over it. He moved on. Doesn’t matter who it was with.


It wasn’t meant to be for yall. Get over it and be a sister.


I swear we saw this post from the sister’s point of view a while back.


I suggest you follow your heart and your gut. There is a lot of things to consider in a situation like this but the most important is how you feel. If being around them is too painful then simply remove yourself and move on to things that bring you joy. You don’t owe your sister anything.


Over an ex boyfriend? I think you are being dramatic. If he was you ex husband and you had previously had kids with him then yea I’d say cut ties, but just over an ex boyfriend no that’s stupid to ruin your relationship with your sister over that.


For how long you were with him? Are u having something with him? If no then its ok just forgive your sister… They have 2 kids together… let them be happy start new life… Move on…


Move on he obviously was not meant for you. Love has a funny way of findings someone. You need to get over him in order to move forward. You’re a bloody Auntie to those kids love them no matter what it’s not their fault who their parents are. If you cannot accept them together you cannot move forward and find someone for yourself. I may be hard for you to do this but when there’s kids involved obviously There’s No Going Back he loves your sister not you. There’s someone else for you out there but until you heal your heart from the hurt of your ex and your sister you cannot move forward.


Be the bigger person go……but go BIG get a smoking marine to go with you! Dance like noones watching!!!


I think a lot of things matter her. How serious was the relationship? How long together? Any kids? These are all factors but fo what u think is best

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Eew fuck no. I would cut all ties with the sister. It doesnt matter if you dated 2.5 seconds. The fact that your sister not only dated but is MARRYING HIM? She would be considered dead to me and the family and the kids and everyone involved :woman_shrugging:t4:

It could’ve been worse like a previous post. Where the sister married her sister ex husband and her sister has kids with him too. At least you two didn’t have kids.

He is your ex meaning hes not your posession something didnt work out in your relationship and that’s sad and hard to get over and of all the people that your sister fell in love with is your ex it’s hard to comprehend but let’s look at the facts without emotions. 1. Your sister is happy
2. She is in a loving committed relationship
3. Your ex is happy and with a good woman
4. You’re going to be an aunty
5. You have to learn to be happy for them bo matter how hard it is otherwise you’re going to loose your sister and being apart of her kids lifes
6. If you still feel strongly about not going to the wedding then it’s your choice


Why tf y’all be on here telling her to get over it but when the other girl posted about being with her sisters ex y’all were all screaming how disgusting she was, and how you should never do that to your sister, how nasty it was of her, and how y’all didn’t blame her sister for disowning her :roll_eyes: but here this girl ia same situation only reversed and y’all screaming for her to get over it :roll_eyes:


Don’t you have a new boyfriend , bring him with you but do not cause a scene …be happy and enjoy the party wedding .Forgive and Forget after all he is still a part of the family

He didnt choose you let it go jealousy is ugly on anyone shes your sister whos not perfect but im guessing your not either why would you keep the neg going they have kids if not for them forgive for the kids your truely being selfish

Wouldn’t blame you one bit for not going to your backstabbing sister’s wedding. If she loved you enough for you to be at her wedding she wouldn’t have married your ex. Wash your hands.


Sleep with his Dad and become his stepmum :joy::joy:joking…
I personally would not go to the wedding if u are heartbroken


Your feelings are valid hunny cause I would be pissed. You are not crazy.


Another Alabama shit show post LOL :laughing:

I would go decked out and have a ball, you know she will always struggle when he looks your way knowing you had him first! Forgive and find someone that wouldn’t choose to ever betray you by messing with anyone that is close to you! His loss and her problem now not yours!!


Theres just some lines you don’t cross as family. And just coz she’s family doesn’t mean you have to put up with toxicity.


I wouldn’t even want anything to do with her ! That’s low.


Dude I’m pretty sure the OP’s sister posted something a couple weeks ago…I mean what are the odds this would happen twice lol. But really, screw your sister. She sucks.


That’s disgusting, wtf is wrong with your sister?!?


I can’t even say my true feelings. Last time I commented on something similar I got muted for 24 hours


It’s really nasty. I would be so mad. This is a deal breaker.

Fuck 'em.
If a family member pursues your ex, that’s 1)gross and 2)disrespectful.
Everyone should hold the belief that exes of family should be forbidden…

Would your sister use your vibrator? Probably not because that’s disgusting.
This is worse because not only has his junk been in multiple family members, but there was an emotional connection present.
Sounds like all these “sisters” taking up with siblings’ exes are just spiteful and hideous.

I would no longer have a sister after that :woman_shrugging:t2:


Don’t go. You’re not obligated to do anything you don’t want to and she is bogus AF

Your loss her gain , you said ex he isn’t your anymore


Where’s the girl code?

Fuck that wedding, AND her. Excuse my language, but that’s some low dirty shit. ESPECIALLY her being your sister!! She should have made sure that all feelings were dead to the world between you and him

I’m really good friends with my ex boyfriend, really good friends, i used to love him so much, and if my sister started dating him, and had kids with him, I’d hate her. Oh I’d hate her for LIFE. L.I.F.E!

I would absolutely not go to the wedding! Don’t go anywhere that causes anxiety. I personally would be pissed at both them.

honestly id say he is an ex for a reason right? if it ended it wasnt meant to be. he may not have been the right person for you. granted it is odd to go after family after a breakup but not uncommon. you dont have to like it if thats what your asking. but to me family is family above all. just be there for her if anything


You said X right ? Let it go move on he was a x for a reason remember that don’t go to wedding if it makes you feel bad

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She’s gross I definitely wouldn’t go

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U gave up on him. U have no claim on him. WTH is wrong with u?


Can we get timelines? Like… you broke up with ur ex how long ago before your sister started dating him? And how long before they had kids? I feel its wrong if your sister jumped in with ur ex a month or a year after you broke up. But if she got together with ur ex years after, sure its awkward and your feelings of not wanting to go to the wedding are valid. But why voice it out now, and not before the babies and wedding plans?

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Wish her luck and tell her what he REALLY likes


My sister had a kid with my daughter’s dad. Since that moment I haven’t spoke to her and that was over 24 years ago. I have seen her MAYBE 4 times and the day she walked into the hospital the day my mom passed she said “don’t worry I’m not going to be long”. No grudge, she just became irrelevant to me. :woman_shrugging:t3: No loss and won’t bat an eye when her day comes. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Take care of your emotions! You don’t have to show up unless you want to. Some people don’t understand boundaries and in their desperation to be wanted they forget who they might hurt. Be fabulous for you!!!


You didn’t state how long your were in a relationship with this man or how deeply the love ran so for that reason I assume you are being petty. Time frame and background are important to the story to cast true judgement. Also keep in mind she is his wife to be and you were never anything more than his special friend. You have no reason to be hurt. Did she steal him from you? If not, you’re just jealous and bitter and she doesn’t need that energy at her wedding anyway🤷🏽‍♀️


Your loss her gain I mean you mad now just cause they getting married really should have been mad after the first kid not now it’s your ex not your boyfriend or husband you sound crazy tbh :rofl::joy: but to each their own I guess but really to complain 2 kids later really u just want attention and to make her look bad


I wouldn’t and would not speak to for a very long time if ever. You just don’t do that, especially to your sister


After two kids and you’re just now upset?


Your sister didn’t do anything to you. She settled down with a single man. You don’t own him or her.


He’s your ex for a reason, he’s your sisters problem now​:rofl::rofl: move on


How long were you together?!.

Nope forget hem your better best of luck

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I wouldn’t be happy.

2 kids later and you’re still holding on to this?! Stop already.


I wouldn’t go. I’m so sorry


Get over it!!! Your sister is blood. You have neices and nephews. Find another man, or mate. Prepare yourself to be there for your sister. Dismiss that guy. OBVIOUSLY, you two don’t belong together.

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Either you two never had a good relationship or your sister is a slapper. Makes him just as bad. Get over it fast, say goodbye to your sister and move on. Otherwise, you’ll be babysitting their kids while they have nights out on the town.


Holy shit hell no. That’s horrible sounds like you’re better off without him…AND HER.

Too much missing information. How long were y’all together? How long were y’all broke up before sister started dating him? If you don’t want to go to the wedding then don’t. It’s probably better that way, from the looks of your post you’d just bring pettiness and bitterness anyway on one of the happiest days of your sister’s life.

My advice…move on. Be happy for them. It wasn’t meant to be for the two of you otherwise things would be different.


My dad dated my aunt before dating and marrying my mom they’ve now been together 31 years and everyone gets along great it’s called been happy they are happy and grow up and yes I would go to the Wedding

i’d put em both in the forget pile


Dang that’s messed up


Erm. Not enough info. How long did y’all date? How long was it before she started dating, having kids and being engaged to him? Obviously they make a much better match if they can do all that. You sound bitter.


My mother married my uncle (her sisters ex husband) that’s the nastiest jerry springer real life bullshit ever. My cousins became step brother and sister.

No wouldn’t go. Wrote it off. Who needs drama in their life.

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Thats just so nasty lol i cant blame you and i wouldnt either id disown my sister and if my family approved of it they would be disowned as well the ones i pity the most is the children how do u explain that and not just that kids in school arent the nicest not being rude but how can u even wanna deal with her considering she is gonna be aunt mommy smh so sad prayers to you and all children involved :disappointed_relieved:

Girl either u forgive her n move on or remove yourself completely from her and her kids n his life forever. You need to get over your pettiness


You broke up for a reason. Get over it.

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She followed her heart. You follow your heart.

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My sisters would never date let alone marry a guy I’ve been with before. It’s just not right.

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Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, cannot make someone love you, try to be happy for them and get over it.

Believe it or not but Prince Charles dated Princess Dianna’s sister for 3 years before marrying Dianna an having 2 kids sorta depends on the situation an how long you were with him ,cause I don’t know the situation but if it was me I probably would’ve wiped both after them having a child together not wait for 2 kids later then the marriage ,I would’ve asked this question when your sister fell pregnant

It depends. My sister dated this guy when she was 15, and I was 12. They only dated for like 7 or 8 months. Like 10 years later, I ended up being out and ran into him. I asked my sister if she minded and she said she could care less. I dated him for almost 3 years and then I decided he and I weren’t a good match either and broke up with him lol, he was a pretty boy and I love the outdoors and camping n hiking :joy::joy:

Your mental and emotional health is very important! If you don’t want to don’t go!

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And last week there was a dilemma from a person who was dating her sister’s ex and wanted advice. I maintain that many of these dilemmas are created by the page. Either way, some of them are just so dysfunctional that I doubt they could ever be true!!!


I don’t know that I would go. If it hurts too much, don’t.

Who cares. You broke up and thats that. Sounds like a you problem. Accept or reject!


Damn, a lot of you dont know about girl code. You shouldn’t do that to a friend and definitely not your sister.

You broke up with him. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you have kids to him as well because that would be confusing for the kids

I have a sister and this is a big no no. I’d never go to the wedding.

Absolutely not ! There’s a code between friends an sisters !! She shattered that code ! Unforgivable