My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

Surely your sister knew you loved him. I wouldn’t have much to do with a sister like that. If you don’t want to go then don’t but know your family dynamics.

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Weird I wouldn’t date my sisters X. Just my opinion. :woman_shrugging:

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Nope! If you don’t feel it don’t go. They probably won’t last cause she will eventually see the side that made you leave. Don’t beat yourself over it!

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I would never speak to her again you don’t do that to another lady expecially your own sister no morals I say


After 2 kids ur still heartbroken…?


Grow up lol how long has it been if you say kids :joy::joy::joy: this has to be a joke??


Many years ago when I lived in Jhb…I met a lovely couple at church, we became friends…this couple used to live with the lady’s sister…the sister and I also became friends and she told me that she used to be engaged…she went away on a work trip and when she came back her fiance told her…that he is in love with her sister! Imagine how awkward that is …all 3 of them were living together. So as much as this sounds far fetched. .it’s does happen!

In my family we had sisters marry brothers one of them divorced and then remarried another sister… if they are in love your will have too find a way too deal with it…

Ewww no! She’s disgusting

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I’d go to the wedding and wait for them to ask if anyone there doesn’t think they should get married, and that’s when I’d stand up. Sorry your sister sucks.


My sister slept with my first husband. Then when I kicked him out he moved straight in with her…and she had the nerve to ask of she could have my wedding ring!!!


It sounds like it breaks some sort of girl code or something. It would definitely be a betrayl!

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Listen to ur gut instinct,if it upsets you this much dont go,lie to her or tell her the truth

Be happy for her, she’s your sister and that’s forever, being married doesn’t always last forever but don’t wish bad on them. He was your X!!


Nah, what she did to you is grimy!! Anyone who thinks you’re overreacting probably did this to their sisters or plan to. YUCK!!


It depends. If my sister ended up with one of my exes from like my teen years, 1st love or something, it would be strange, a bit odd, & creepy, kinda gross… But I would still be respectful and I wouldn’t hold a grudge, I wouldn’t be best friends though. Now if she got with my kids dad or partner, someone more recent that I cared for deeply, then ya, I probably wouldn’t go.

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If you don’t wanna go then don’t. But obviously yall weren’t meant to be together. Instead of being bitter, you could be happy for them…and if you’re still hung up on your ex, even though he’s clearly moved on and is happy, then stay home.


Your body shouldn’t even react a certain way towards people that have dated a sibling. That’s automatically gross to me.
Don’t go to that wedding. How he can be with one sister, and then have sex with the other and still sleep at night is all she should need to see what kind of man she’s marrying.

Guess she likes sloppy seconds :sneezing_face::grimacing::nauseated_face:


Wait… is this the sister of the girl who posted a few days ago? Why do I feel like I’m in the middle of a soap opera right now?


You say ex boyfriend, and your sister has 2 kids with him, so it’s not just a silly fling, sorry to say this but there obliviously made for eachother, you either wish them all the best or remove yourself from there lives, this wedding is happening with or without your approval


Shes wrong…it doesnt matter if she now has 2 kids by him.She should have never laid down with him to begin with.All the comments saying you are wrong are apparently by those that would do those they supposed to love and be loyal to dirty…ignore them.You have every right to feel the way you do.Id never speak to my sister again.there are just lines that should never be crossed.But as for you saying you are still in love with him…why would you not hold him as accountable as her…love or not when a man hurts me enough that love turns to hate.period.


I wouldn’t go to the wedding and probably wouldn’t be around them either.


Get over it. Move on.


How long were you together for?

Wow…did she even talk to you about getting with him before they got together?!!
Have you been active in your sister’s kids lives?
If so…I would go to the wedding… for the kids. And I would act like them getting married didn’t bother Me at all. I would say something like, " Idk how you put up with him sis but Congrats!!! Im Glad that we are both better off now than we were before."

But girl… your sister does suck for getting with your ex and I’m sorry about that. But screw it…he’s your EX for a reason.

So they fell in love. And have two children. Maybe you should accept that he is over you!!!
And yes I would go to the wedding. She is your sister. And that must have been quite some time ago
That he went with you.
Move on.
And as to going to the wedding. She has been with him and I don’t believe if you went out together you just weren’t meant for each other!!!
Go find some one who will be in love with you


Get over it! If he is your EX it was for a reason. Although the sister part strikes a cord your sister started a family with him and will have to deal with whatever shortcomings troubled your previous relationship with him moving forward.

Focus on yourself and finding your own happiness instead of dwelling in the past TRUST ME the right person will come along in time.

Don’t go to the wedding instead plan a mini getaway the weekend of the wedding :airplane: :sunny: :desert_island: :dark_sunglasses: :lotion_bottle:


Fuck no I wouldn’t go . I also wouldn’t even be worried about them. I would be movin forward with life . Glad of the good riddance

How long ago was this that they have two kids. Maybe it’s time to move on.

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Take her ex boyfriend with you to the wedding :blush:


Ew to all the sick pigs saying get over it. Family first. How could u even look at ur SIBLINGS significant other like that knowing their parts were all shared yikessssss straight up pig behaviour :pig2: :pig: :pig2:


Doesn’t it say my sister MARRIED my ex …what wedding ???

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Wow! I would just not go. If you were in love with him, then NO. Your sister wouldn’t have betrayed you like that. Too many other potentials out there for her. That’s just scandalous of her!

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I agree with the few saying it’s a bit messed up. Just the thought of dating someone either of my sister’s did, just seems wrong to me. (Especially if it were serious) isn’t that some sort of girl code?:rofl:I don’t think I’d wanna go the wedding either


No ur not silly I dont know how it wouldn’t make her uncomfortable to be honest … I would have cut my sister off


After two kids now that they’re getting married you’re broken?


If you don’t feel comfortable just thinking about it, imagine how you’ll feel being there and part of it.
Is it a recent boyfriend or from a long time ago?
I think based on your feelings you should sit this one out


Ew I’d cut them both off forever
Goodbye! Lol


Take her ex boyfriend as your plus 1.


Uhhhmmmm, nope, she’s fucking trashy!!!

How can people say get over it?? Sister code fucking broken man fuck your sister and your ex💁‍♀️

Hell no I wouldn’t go!


I need more info, was this like your ex from when you were a teen and now they’re in their 30s and reconnected, did they cheat together, etc. do you intend to never have a relationship with your niece/nephews. Maybe just accept that this person wasn’t it for you and move on. If you don’t want to go to the wedding Bc you don’t support the family they’ve made together then don’t go. This ex did not love you I know that’s hard to hear Bc you maybe loved them. You weren’t each other’s person and they were and I get that it sucks Bc you wanted SO to be yours but that’s not how it played out. If you’re struggling at accepting this and moving forward I’d get with a therapist. Don’t let this affect you long term.


nope nope nope, fuxk that, what wedding! im sorry but i would be livid!


Kids plural means years stop being salty an stay out of the what ifs


Personally think she’s crossed a line as your sister. There’s bound to be an unspoken rule about things like that. If your not comfortable going just tell them. Sorry your going through this


To the people saying just move on I think she is over him. From what the post says it seems likes she is hurt by her sister and that is why she does not want to go to the wedding. I can understand that. She can still be upset and hurt by her sister without still being in love with her ex.


I’d wanna be in the wedding and then be up front and center and be the one that objects and then tell my sister in front of everyone what kind of person she really is. :woman_shrugging:


You have every right to feel the way you do.
It’s okay to not want to go.
It’s okay to feel upset and disrespected. But it’s alos something you should bring up to your sister if you feel comfortable to talk about it…
Let people know when they have hurt you. Don’t carry that type of guilt. Express how you feel…


Why do you care who she married? Do you have any children with him? I’m confused. Are they married or are they getting married? In the beginning you said they are married then second or third (whatever way bbn you look at it) you said they are getting married. Which one is it? They are married or they are getting married. It can’t be both.


Done spite your niece/nephew because your sister and ex bf made a decision to be together. Its done and dusted, your going to have to out your big pants on and deal with t


Sorry but thats a bitch move…you don’t do that to family. Many men out there. There is a fine line and she crossed it. If it was other way around how would she feel. I’d tell her to take her wedding and shove it up her a$$. Your better than that. Low blow on her end…sorry…

I could never and I MEAN never go with someone my sister has been near.


If she married him, how are you going to go to a wedding? And its pretty ironic that this is the same topic but reversed as one you already posted. Seems like you’re baiting for angry posts!


Grow up! You’re going to alienate your sister and her children over ancient history?

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You cant say anything now. They have 2 kids together. Sounds like they’ve been together for awhile and your just now upset over it? Time to move on.


I understand that she may have crossed a boundary in your mind and opinion. BUT I also think if you don’t go to your sisters wedding you will regret it later on in life.

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She broke the Sister code ,NO Wedding !!!


It depends how old you were when you dated him. If it was older I’d be heartbroken but if you were a teenager together with him for a few months it’s a little overdramatic

Wait, they have two kids together but then getting married is where you can’t handle it?

Move on with your life. Don’t go to the wedding if you don’t want to, but for your own sake, you really need to move on. They have kids together and are getting married. Clearly there is something for your sister and your ex, that wasn’t there when you were dating. But if you had an issue with it, you should have said something when they first got together, it’s a bit late now.

Do you really want to lose a sister and your nieces/nephews over someone you are probably more in love with the idea of than the actual person?


You did say Ex right? There a reason he is your ex babe, say congratulations and enjoy a free bar xx


Pfft!! Hell no!! Why on earth would you go to a wedding that you don’t support? And he’s your ex! Regardless of who he’s marrying, thats a automatic no with regards to attendance.
And as for your sister… I think it’s quite clear who got the class in your family :wink: if you can, do something awesome just for yourself on the wedding day. A spa day? A trip to the beach? Coffee and a good book in your favourite coffee shop?
You’ve 100% got this x


You dont own your ex he can be with whoever he wants to be with and the same as your sister. Get over it if you dont want to go the wedding dont bother, im sure they would prefer not to have a sulking grown woman walking around with daggers anyway

You have a right to feel like that if my sister did that I would disown her a sister let alone a best mate doing that is disrespectful my ex best mate is currently with an ex of mine and she ain’t my best mate no more

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Not guna lie it obviously hasn’t been a problem all this time considering they are 2 kids down the line and if you told your sister at the beginning then maybe I would have some sympathy but yu soundin like a jealous ex right bout now #notcool


You’ve said she’s married him already so how can you go to the wedding? The only way this isn’t an attention seeking post is if you’ve been in a coma for a few years and only just found out, but I doubt that. So get over it.


How about don’t let your sister go out with him to begin with? Like 2 kids and gonna get married sounds like they been together for a long time :woozy_face: think you should get over it love, your sounding very jealous and it’s not normal lol


It feels so tricky!
Like I feel as though your sister betrayed you in doing that. Blood is thicker than water and she should have stuck by you. Like it’s one thing taking sides after a break up, but creating a new life with them while your sister is hurting. I dont know.
I guess maybe the next time you are at a family get together, only eat half your sandwich and see if she wants that too?

In all honesty though,
Focus on your own wellbeing. Put that first. If this situation hurts you, then you might need to cut out the toxic people.


They have two children… you can’t carry this resentment forever it will drown you. the wedding support your sister and pray that he is the man for her, than he wasn’t for you.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

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If you don’t want to go then don’t go. If it’s not going to be good for you then you need to choose yourself first. Doesn’t matter that it’s family, people do far too much for their family just because they’re related, sorry but if they’re toxic or in anyway make you not feel comfortable etc then being related doesn’t mean shit.


Ok so this depends… Was this a long term (years) boyfriend or a short relationship that lasted a couple months? How long between you and your sister. Clearly they have a couple kids so it’s been at least a year or two since they started together. Seems weird that you would be upset still. But like I said it depends. Not enough information.
Edit*** Some people clearly can’t read. The question asked if she should go to the wedding. Not if what the sister did was shitty. If my sister ends up marrying the guy I dated in middle school for a month… I’m not gonna give a shit. But if it’s the guy I lived with for 3 years and then they got together, no I wouldn’t go. Like I said it depends.


If you’re upset, don’t go :woman_shrugging: he was your ex at the time of them getting together, yeah? As much as it may hurt to accept it - they’re both adults who have chosen to start a family together. You’re not part of their relationship.


I wouldn’t go. You have every right to be upset. Doesn’t matter how long ago or what they have now. She KNEW THAN that you loved him & still got with him.


This is actually interesting…
Before any of my siblings and I were born, my mom dated someone and they ended up breaking up. Shortly after her sister, (my aunt) started dating him and they ended up getting married and having children of their own. My mom was totally fine with it. I know not all situations are the same, but unless you still having feelings for this man maybe that’s why you are so upset about it still. Though it is too late, this is something you should of spoken with your sister in the first place!


Ouch thats a tough situation. Your feelings are your own and you dont owe anyone an explanation. Dont let others opinions of your feelings make you feel like theyre not right. Im sorry your going through this. I know they have 2 kids now but maybe just explain to your sister thx for the invite im happy for you but im not mentally prepared to go to your wedding. Keep it simple wish her well and be on your way.


Was he an ex boyfriend before getting with your sister? If so, there’s no reason not to. However, I’d find the best looking guy friend and bring him as my date and have the time of my life. :joy:


I would just for ur sister people fall in love and cant help it and also he wasnt good enough for u keep your head up


My best friend got with my ex and had a kid. It took a few years but got over it and renewed our friendship. Sometimes people aren’t meant to be together and that’s ok. If we hadn’t broken up, I wouldn’t have been blessed with the kids I have now. Everything comes in time. Go to the wedding…be proud of your sister for finding the love of her life, so that she will be there when you find the love of yours.


My sister married my x husband 6 months after I divorced him… I had a son with him and she had a daughter with him. We were married 6 yrs and they’ve been
married almost 25…My sister and I are best friends…No man will ever come between us!!


Unless I knew that I couldn’t keep my emotions under control & be happy for them, I’d stay away rather than be an embarrassment. How
did you cope when they had their babies? Did you think that you really had & chance to get back with him?Think you need to move on, & accept that your prior relationship is well & truly over.


If you are not in love with him now and haven’t been since you guys broke up. Let it go, you’ll find your love. Go to her wedding and be a great sister


These comments are horrendous. You’re entitled to anyyyyy feelings you have. If you feel you DON’T wanna go, then don’t. Like I seen another mom said, your mental health matters first.


No I would not go and I’d cut her off for life but thats me. Also you should date his brother or best friend


Do not go just because your blood does not make you family. You are being selfish. They have been together long enough to have two kids and relationship. Get over yourself


So she’s had two kids already to him and now his kids are your nephew and niece and you can’t change that. He will be in your life regardless because he is the father of her kids. Unless he is a dead beat dad. Anyway I’d be wondering why you are still upset? Are you still in love with him?

If you can’t be happy and supportive, I don’t think you should go. Despite it being such a shitty situation you know?

But I think maybe seeing a counselor or someone and talk through your emotions may help you to move on and find yourself, better your life.

I do understand this situation isn’t easy but I guess you have to decide when enough is enough and move forward rather than history letting you hold you back from something better :heart:


Whether you love him or not he clearly doesn’t love you and hes an ex…move on and grow up.:roll_eyes:


You didn’t work out for a reason, why can’t he be happy with someone that worked out for him?
We don’t own our ex’s, and they deserve to find happiness as much as we do.


What sister? At that point I would disown mine🤷🏻‍♀️


I know it is hard but I think it is the celebration of love and not a celebration of betrayal. In a way you should be happy that your sister found someone that you approve of.


As much as it sucks you have to remember he is your nieces and or nephews father and she is still your sister.


It probably hurts but love is found in all sorts of ways. Maybe you met him so he could meet her. I’d be happy for them. They already have kids too so it’s not like he’s going anywhere. :woman_shrugging:t3:


My question is how long ago did you date him? And for how long? Maybe your sister didn’t think y’all were ever that serious, did you ever tell her how you felt? They have two kids together so obviously they have been together awhile. He is your ex for a reason. Is your sister truly happy with him? Are they truly happy together? If it were me I would let it go move on and wish them a happy life.


That is s line you dont cross ss friends but a sister? Clearly their no respect from your sister. Absolutely disgusting that she could do that. I wouldn’t go


Very messy. Some things you just do NOT do. How would she feel if the tables were turned? That’s definitely betrayal and I wouldn’t support that.


He’s a ex for a reason … they already have two kids together and you worry about it now?


She would have gotten cut off. There are some things that shouldn’t have to be said or explained.


I never understood this thinking… why you mad at your sister? Love isn’t about what you can HAVE. It didn’t work out between you and your ex. If you still love him, love him as the new brother in law! Be supportive because YOU love your sister and him and this is bringing their family together and they are happy! The worst you could do is cutt off the people you love over a jealousy tick.
You will get you a man some day and have a wonderful life of your own… but no one wants to be with someone who is still mad at their sis/friend for taking an ex that they are no longer in a romantic relationship with. They will feel second best. Love unconditionally