My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

Toxic all the way around. It was shitty for them to do but at the same time. You just can’t help who you love. But you should have discussed these issues with her in the beginning… But to answer your question, no you shouldn’t go.

Hes an ex why bother :woman_shrugging: if your upset your clearly still harbouring feelings for him

Was it discussed, i mean he was an ex and you were no longer together. Its situational. What terms you broke up etc.

Let it go. He’s an ex for a reason. If you were meant to be together it would have happened. Everything happens for a reason. There is someone better for you! :heartpulse:

I would go and stop the wedding

Oh gosh. I couldn’t. But every situation is different.

Most of y’all are trifling… just move on girl … :roll_eyes:

He’s your ex… for a reason…???

Hes your ex. Why didnt you marry him?

Na , me and my sister formed a pac that all our boyfriends , ex-boyfriends , dudes we liked all of them was off limits :bangbang: That’s some shady ass shit tbh …. I’ll block her out of my life for good :frowning:

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Leave her alone to get on with it you had your chance and blew it so move on find another man and get on with your life he has if you have a problem finding a man message me I may date you

Maybe he came into your life to meet your sister…I dont know…im watching twilight now…sooo

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Y’all are a special type of people on this post​:grimacing::grimacing:…but you do what’s best for you. You don’t owe anyone anything.

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I would have been cut her off.

Unfortunately I kinda did the same thing.

Oh h*ll no nope no way :clap: your feelings are justified :100:

You don’t have a sister any more.

Stop talking to her idk why you still are talking to her

No I wouldn’t go!!
I had a ‘best friend’ do that to me after being with him for 3 years. We stayed friends until I quit being a dumbass and realizing how wrong that was of her!! I can’t even imagine a sister doing that!!

Fuck her, fuck him!! They were probably fucking when yall where together. Dont go!! Fuck them!!

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Nope sisters are the worst

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F** him f** her I ain’t going to say the kids :joy: heck naaaaaah you shouldn’t go to that wedding and cut her off forever that ain’t no sister of yours blood don’t even matter sisters are loyal and true. You don’t have to hold a grudge but that isn’t some one I would keep in my life family or not period.


I wouldn’t go. I don’t trust that this wouldn’t happen as they stood at the altar…

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That’s really shitty for her to do. And just because she is your blood doesn’t mean you have an obligation to go. I wouldn’t!


My sister dated my ex and I never forgave her, never. She broke my heart and I could never trust her again. She crossed a line that could never be forgiven by me.


My aunt did that to her sister too, except marriage and they ended up breaking up bc he’s a POS. It’s been at least 10 years and she still has nothing to do with her sister . She does however have a relationship with her nephew (product of the betrayal) which is pretty mature to me but not all people are understanding and would allow their kids to have that relationship without involvement themselves.

Stay home I wouldn’t waist my time .it was heartless of her to date and have kids by someone u cared so much about he as well was wrong for putting sisters in this situation

I’d cut myself from those relationships altogether and make a new life away from that awful drama.
Every time you’re around them, you’ll feel like shit. You’ll always be struggling to stay afloat while you drift backwards. You need to move forward and keep moving forward. You’ll find a greater love. You’ll find your people. She’s clearly a selfish bitch and doesn’t care what her actions have done to hurt your heart. Put YOU first. Move on. Don’t attend the wedding. Don’t even respond to the invite. Move away if you’re close to them. Start a new life. Choose you because you’re worth it :two_hearts:

A friend shouldn’t even stab in you in the back like that let alone a sister, I’d never ever speak to her again and I deffo wouldn’t turn up at the wedding like everything’s good, leave them both in the past and move on with your life

I am with my nieces ex husband they was divorced 7 years me and him use to hate each other I have knew him for many years so was a shocker when we got together but she is fine with it they have a 12 year old sin together and he has always been my heart and always will be now my niece is with my fiancé 28 year old son and we all get along just fine …we dont know the whole story here so we can’t judge if they broke up and it was awhile before the sister got with him I see no harm

Never. That’s heartless and cruel and she crossed a line that I could never forgive her,especially if I still cared for the guy.

I would go to the wedding and get really drunk and take a date and they can get really drunk too and just make an arse of myself and if they comment just say well that’s what you get

Stop worrying what people think. Only issue I would have is that he would mess you sister over

How long ago was he your boyfriend and for how long? I am assuming if they have two kids together, whom you are an aunt to, it has been some time. Can’t live in the past forever

Toxic is Toxic and you don’t have to be apart of their wedding or life.

Its EGO that gets in the way. Do some reading about the ego…it might help you see thru this.

I would. Get drunk as shit, then do a toast to the bride, letting everyone know what a backstabbing wh*re she is.

Lady they got two kids. TWO. Even if they had them back to back it’s TIME. TO. MOVE. ON.

You’re just now upset about it two kids later? I call bs


Not all family blood she a snake for doing that to you don’t go to it if you do crash it you have every right to be upset

nope i wouldn’t go and i’d just not bother with either of them. they sound like they deserve each other

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I’m just hear to tell you that people keep saying he’s a ex and I just wanna let you know he’s actually AN ex.

Are you in a relationship now? What does you spouse feel about this candle you are still holding for your sisters soon to be husband???

He is an ex boyfriend… who cares? How long who you two together?

Absolutely not be going and I’d never talked to either one again

I’d whoop my sister’s ass but you can’t wait til 2 kids and a marriage happens to be mad. Should already took care of that.

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Hells No. What kind of sister is that.


No. I would beat my sister’s ass


Just read this the other day: Blood dosen’t make you family. It makes you related.

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Hell naw i wouldn’t go.
My sister was fucking with our niece Ex boyfriend they broke up and Our dam Niece took him back and have a baby with him Now. Yuck

She wouldn’t even be my sister anymore reveling going to the damn wedding.

Your life with him has been over, go on with your life and be happy for them.

Move on it wasn’t meant to be. Be happy for her. Go get u a man now

I’d never talk to her again tbh

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That’s a tough one. Bit weird too. But hey it happens.Totally up to you. All the best :gift_heart:

You still talk to her?

Let it go , hes her problem now. Find happiness in yourself

I wouldn’t go either.

If you need your sister or your ex jumped dm me

Get over it. He is an ex for a reason.

Fuck them both move on

I’ve only got one sister & I couldn’t picture my life without her Jordanne Valincia Chau . Men are temporary :wink:

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Guess hers was better,maybe she’s more of a freak than you…you gotta let by gons be by gons and move on in life. . because… Family is the first to
F u over,…:100::100::100:…Sorry to say but…True…
Go to the wedding and try to bring one of her close friends or exes.,…

Hell no and I would disown her ass. Some family ain’t even loyal smh

Yah I wouldnt go that be wired

Hell no I wouldn’t go.

That’s most definitely a no no :weary: I’m sorry for you.

I’m going to the wedding to crash it🥰

What advice are you actually seeking? It was your ex. Who gives a shit?

He is a ex for a reason…

If you aren’t ready for that…your feelings are validated, you don’t need to go. It’s okay. You :clap:t4: don’t :clap:t4: owe :clap:t4: anyone :clap:t4: anything​:clap:t4: especially :clap:t4: your :clap:t4: energy :clap:t4:!!! One day you’ll be okay and healed. Healing is different for everyone. Big hugs. :heart:

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No. I wouldn’t go I’d just go out with myself do something fun.

No I would not go. Fuck that.

Hell no let them have each other n be done with both of them

I’d go just to beat the fuck out of both of them bitches.

Keep your distance until you deal with it personally

Ewwww! And no you are not being silly.

Depends. What food is there at the wedding?

I say beat that bitches ass

Na that’s not your sister

Fuck em, cut them off

I would make sure I looked hot as shit and of course I would go!! Rock it and make them both jealous!

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Just be happy for them.

I’d go to the wedding for the free food & drinks then leave :laughing:


Well why is he your ex lol

Tell both to stick it

It’s ok to choose yourself! These feelings are def valid… However if you don’t go to the wedding will that cause other issues long term? Can you fake it for an hour and then leave? It sounds like you are not in the wedding, so that def makes it easier to not go, or slip out the back and no one notices and no scenes are caused.

Go and wear the skankiest red dress available.

fuck your sister and fuck your ex!!! that’s fucked up beyond words!!!


Nope, I would most definitely NOT GO!

Nope. I wouldn’t go. That was a crappy thing for your sister and ex to do. Gross.

Do what your heart tells u :grinning:

Is this a copy pasta? This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this post in the last 20 seconds on my feed

Throw the whole sister away and start over.

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If you can’t do it then don’t.

Naw I would Def not go

I wouldn’t go. That’s grimy.

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No. Fuck both of them lol


I’m so sorry. I would not go.

i’d go to the wedding just to talk shit