My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

I’d be disowning my sister. There’s just certain unspoken rules that shouldn’t be broken. And the sister has broke all of them. Just don’t go to the wedding and become sisterless

Unless he did something abusive etc to you then you should be happy for your sister.

You’ll probably be seeing them together in the future. You’ll have to get used to it. Going to the wedding would make you the bigger person. It really sucks she did that, but you need to move on.

That’s a lot of ill feelings to be holding on to/carrying around. Will it change anything for them if you don’t go? I doubt it.

So 2 kids later you decided to be upset about the wedding be there for your sister xx

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I wouldn’t be going personally that’s just messed up I mean your sisters ur not really supposed to cross a line like that

Id purposely fuck up their wedding and never do shit for them. Block them. They obviously didn’t give a shit about your feelings. Fuck theirs!

My ex husband had a baby with his brothers girlfriend (while they were still together) and then they got married. It’s some real F*cked up sh!t!

Fuck no I wouldn’t go to no fucking wedding with my sister Marrying my ex the fuck is that or maybe you know what I would show up and I’d be throwing shit at both of them I would fuck up her wedding dress

If my sister even went on a date with any of my ex’s. I’d be DONEEEE. Straight up no way. That’s just No . Not for me. They can have each other but I wouldn’t want either of them.

I wouldn’t go. Stuff like this, personally grosses me out. How could anyone go for someone their sibling had been with, long term or not? I shiver at the thought.

I probably would never talk to her again let alone go to the wedding :joy:

Seems like this has been over the course of at least a year or more. Since they have kid(s) together. Not much you can do. But , yeah it’s messed up.

Wow. I’m so sorry. I honestly don’t know if I could ever talk to my sister again if she did something like that to me.

I wouldn’t have a sister after that. Luckily i don’t have any so no worries there haha. Idgaf what people say about ‘being the bigger person’ or ‘letting it go’ don’t get me wrong I’d get over it but i certainly wouldn’t forget that shit. Breaking the girl code is disgusting and i certainly would not be attending that wedding :joy::fu:

O man I wouldn’t even be down for a friend to date my ex let alone my sister… My sister doesn’t even want to date my exs. It is gross to me.

Some comments just choose to not validate your feelings. You have every valid reason to feel hurt. It’s understandable about how you feel about it; especially when it’s somebody in your family. It hurts. It doesn’t matter how long ago. But the best advice that I can give, is try to stay strong. And try to be happy for them. I’m sorry it’s hard to do so, I know it’s heart breaking to see that the person you once loved and still do, is with somebody that’s your blood and soon to be married. I understand the feelings there. But, just try to be positive. You don’t have to go, just wish them well. In due time, you’ll be happy again. Try not to dwell on it too much. It sucks, I know honey. I wish you the best and hope you can also feel from it all.

  1. what’s the worst possible thing that can happen (if you go or don’t go.)?
  2. Can you live with that?

If the answer to number 2 is yes you can live with that choice. Then you have your answer.

And they have 2 children… that’s at least 2 yrs to come to terms with the fact they’re together

Grow tf up and be happy for her. Its obvious yall weren’t meant for each other. You will find the one for you someday. Stop being so childish.

Nope, I would not go. Especially if you’re not supportive of this wedding.

I would go to the vow ceremony then leave

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I would go and when they ask if any one apposes this marriage stand and say I do

Damn she did u dirty…I wouldn’t blame u if u didn’t go


I mean were ok with the kids? After the second… either say bye or get over it

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You didn’t think to voice this to your sister before they even had kids?

I think you should marry me to get back at her.

No. Absolutely would not. Hes gonna be ur brother in law now?
In fact I’d go the other way… distance!

Wasn’t my sister but my best friend of 12 years did the same fucking things and I have kids with my ex… She now is their step mom…


The two kids didn’t bother you but a wedding does ?


I absolutely would refuse to go to the wedding or be in the wedding but that’s just me.

If they have 2 kids together clearly this is a long time ago tome to love on and be happy for her. He clearly didn’t want u

I’d go…wouldn’t bother none …he is a ex bf not ex husband…the damage is already done…apparently you got over it if yall are still talking and shit lol…if it was meant for you two to be together…he wouldn’t be with your sis…so…his loss …move on .go gurl.find a good looking guy to take with you…play nice and roll on down the rd …burn that bridge …

My sister could kiss my :peach::peach:…thts cutthroat stuff…who raised y’all … Some lines u jus don’t damn cross I don’t care who u are​:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation:I’m not sleeping with no man who had his dick in my sister sorry)


How long ago were you with him? Was it recently or are we talking a long time ago.

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No I would not and I would take space from both. But if it was short term like a month or day and not serious I wouldn’t be mad if it was like 6 months or longer I’d not be ok with it

My cousin did this to me honestly I feel I dodged a major bullet & I’m not even mad no more

It would depend on the relationship I have with my sister

It’s a little late to speak up now, don’t you think?

I wouldn’t go either. That’s nasty and disrespectful.


My sister did the same thing , they didn’t have a kid but there’s still time .

set healthy boundaries for yourself :heart:


Who cares?
Is he yours? NO!
Do you support your sister? No? Don’t go.
Yes, go.

If she loves him and he loves her, sure I’d go.

Are you happy? No, make yourself happy.

This is not your concern…:roll_eyes:
He’s not yours, she’s not yours…
Move on. Get a grip. Grow up.

There’s bigger things in life than you worrying about your ex.

Charing is caring, your sister should share him with you too.

I wouldn’t go. If your not comfortable with something, don’t do it. Family or not. I would never ever do that to my best friend, much less my damn sister. Nopppe.

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Your time will come!let her have him!

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Wow. Y’all ain’t got no loyalty on this thread. :flushed:


You feel whatever you need to feel as strongly as you need to. If you aren’t comfortable going to the wedding then don’t go. Your peace is your priority :woman_shrugging:t3:

She broke the sibling codes…that is disgusting to be with someone my family member has been with…i wouldn’t go to the wedding…I would live my life as if I am the only child.


No way! And you need a new sister!

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Yea well my twin sister is with my others sisters husband!! Now divorced. You’ll get over it!

What sister…she would be disowned!

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Wish them the best…clearly he wasn’t for you…your meant to be with better…

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Thank God he was a boyfriend and not your husband! Wish them well and move on!

My sister did the same thing. Glad I’m not the only one.

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Ahh… that’s hard… focus on love as seeing someone else happy with the life they are creating. I’m sorry your heart hurts over their relationship.

My best friend got with my ex. I’m happy for them I’m married and happy and I share a kid with this ex.

Go… Wear something with the words; congrats my sister marrying my EX​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Then get totally drunk celebrate that he wasn’t the right one for you​:+1::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It sucks your sister was plotting on your boyfriend for herself. I wouldn’t go. She knew what she was doing.

Do what makes you feel the most comfortable

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STRONG NOPE…thats messed up!

Hard situation. Awkward, just awkward.

I’m just gonna say:

-There are millions upon millions of men on Earth, :earth_americas: why him?

-He’s had both of y’all and that’s gross. I couldn’t fathom kissing a man my sister has kissed or sleeping with a man my sister has slept with.

-I wouldn’t go to a wedding or ever talk to her again… just being honest. :woman_shrugging:t4: BUT to each their own.

wow how sad that ur sister wud or cud do that to u especially knowing ur past wit him :slightly_frowning_face:

Nope I would not if you still have strong feelings for him.

You don’t have to make yourself miserable to please others. I think it’s clear she doesn’t care about your feelings. That would have been the end of that relationship with my sister a long time ago :flushed:

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For the people who would ghost the sister i feel for you

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Bottom line, he is your ex!

Yes I would. That is still my sister.

Sis…its been at least 2 years

No! Protect your peace at all cost.

Tough one. I don’t think I would.

You don’t have to have them in your life. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Honestly u cant help who u love. She has a family now so u have to try to move forward

Forgive and move on ,for yourself and your family.

May I please pm the poster. I had the same thing happen

For me, loving someone means them being happy. Even if that’s not with me. I’d be pissed at my sister but also shit happens :woman_shrugging:t2: I would probably let her have it…then go to the damn wedding

If you guys didn’t make it and relationship ended well then there’s no reason to stop real/true love from happening to others. Way I see it if yall broke up you probably woke up for good reasons. Sorry your sister fell in love with him and he her but that’s none of your concern. Let him go. Be happy for them then go find your own happiness

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Up to you if go but hello he’s an ex for a reason leave them to be happy you do you :heart:

You do you but key word here is EX I’d go

Ouch! You do have to let go eventually. But maybe you aren’t ready yet and that’s fine.

Exes are exes for a reason

Really?! Go to the damn wedding. Have fun.

i wouldn’t go and i’d personally cut all ties and contact with my sister if she pulled something like this. if my sloppy seconds is what she falls in love with without ever thinking of how i felt first since he’s an ex of mine i was in love with, then she can have him and i’d move on with my life. but it is entirely up to you just always put yourself first when it comes to things like this. never try to be the good person if it’ll affect you horribly in the long run. no sister or anybody who cares about you should get with someone you loved that’s just wrong.

I would never talk to her again. Period.

She’s your sister. In my world that’s kind of just a given you don’t date/marry/have sex with your sister’s ex or even a friends ex. But, that’s just how I was raised. I’d never do it to any of my friends or sister. But since yours did, it’s time to get on over it. You can’t change anything now, and they have kids together so that’s a whole different situation. Also being that you’re asking for advice it’s obvious you’re not over the dude. And really you should be, because he wasn’t thinking about you when he hooked up with your sister. So it’s time to move on and either be supportive of your sister, or don’t and lose a relationship with her. For what though? Some dude who obviously didn’t give a crap about the relationship between you and him. Move on. Forgive, let go and be the bigger person.

Your sister is gross to do that without your blessing. So there’s that. But I also think it’s time you move on if you are still hurt by it. I don’t mean that in a mean way, but ya gotta let go. I see no problem with you not going to the wedding since she back stabbed you like that. Even if you two were broken up. It’s still not cool!

My sister had 3 children with my ex. Husband
Now my son has 2 sisters and one brother, Who are also his 2nd cousin…
And, still very close with my sister… She saw what I went though and still got with him anyway… she got 3 great kids out of it!! They never married, and FINALLY, she realized, what I already knew​:crazy_face::joy:

Wow I guess it’s a new trend lol :joy: didn’t someone post something similar? That’s something that just can’t happen tf I could never ever date or sleep or nothing with one of my sisters ex :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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They made choices and you were not a consideration in their process. I would follow suit and move forward with out consideration for them. But, that’s my response. Do you, you have a right to feel how you feel. Just stop expecting others to move in their lives like your considerations are their main concern in their life choices.

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He is your ex!!! Grow up

Nah fuck that. That’s one rule you never break. You don’t date a sister or best friends ex :woman_facepalming:

She wouldnt even be considered my sister anymore :joy: yes I get that love is love and all that hippy dippy bullsheet but still, she literally went somewhere you’d already been and decided to marry him! Out of all the people in the world she chose your ex. To me that’s just a nope, no, nup, not now not ever. Bye bye “sis”.

She broke girl code and sister code
Im sorry.
Depends on whats more important
Your love for your sister
Your love for her kids
Your scorn for her actions (i do not fault you for feeling scorned)
Or your love/hate for her soon to be husband.

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I feel like thts a no no people shouldn’t go there esp family i dont think ide go … tbh

My sister an my husband dated before him and I met (I know not the same) but she actually introduced us and we’ve been together 14yrs now.
Tho my sister still til the day she went to prison (and I’ve not spoken to her since) she would never admit it. He told me before we ever slept together.
That was 5yrs prior to our ever meeting**

Obviously they have had children and are pretty comfortable with their betrayal so it may may be a fruitless effort to go and prove they didn’t break you. I believe I would walk away from the whole situation. Permanently. I would write her off because obviously she doesn’t care about you. You have no obligation to associate with her. She has no morals or boundaries. She is no one you can trust. Family can be toxic too. Instead, schedule yourself a day at the spa or go do something fun. They are moving on with their lives and so you must also. They did you a favor. They showed their true character. You are moving onto better things while these two won’t ever be able to trust each other. How miserable is that?

Nope! Family shouldn’t hurt family! I’ve cut so much blood out my life because I don’t want ube around toxic,dirty, fake people friends have been better to me than almost all my family!

Omg that’s terrible and hell no I wouldn’t go. I wouldn’t be talking to my sister either. She crossed boundaries she had no business crossing and so did he. I’m sorry.

Oh, this is too weird and awkward. I’d distance myself from all of it. There are so many other people on this earth that you can have relationships with. I simply wouldn’t deal with it. Makes one have all kinds of questions. Like, were they attracted to each other while you were still together? Did he cheat on you with her? I’m an over thinker so my mind goes rampant with this. I’m sorry this happened. Of all the other people in this world, they couldn’t find someone else? I mean, this is hurtful. We all have ways of dealing with situations. As I said, I wouldn’t deal with it. If anyone has regrets about anything, those two should. It’s not about what you do to them, by not going to their wedding. It’s about what they did/are doing to you. It obviously bothers you and rightfully so.