My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

What wasnt meant for you was meant to be for somebody else and that happened to be your sister. Weird? Yes, but it’s not your fault fate had plans for you sister… you just got in the way first… :joy:

You said he was you X so whats the problem

I’d find a new sister.

Idk bout the hole kids part but I got 2sisters way younger then me thank god. There almost same age but one of my sis is marrying my other sis ex but there still talkin. But hate me tho

I didn’t know snakes got married. I need to watch more Animal Planet. smh. In all seriousness though neither one of them are worth your time or anxiety. The day of the wedding go get your best lady friends and have a night out on the town. You do you. You can still be there for your nieces or nephews without being party to your sister’s betrayal.

They both sound like terrible people. Everyone else on here is trying to sound so proper. But that’s some snake sh#t. And that relationship isn’t gonna last. Don’t even stress. And I wouldn’t trust your sister at all. I’d be more upset with her than him. He’s just some guy she’s your sister you deserved more from her than her getting pregnant by a man you were in love with. She sounds like someone I wouldn’t want in my life. Horrible.

Move on and get over it. They have 2 children what did you suppose would happen? If you were so mad at her you would have long cut her off when they got together and this wouldn’t even be a conversation right now. So the problem seems to be that they are getting married, maybe you’re just jealous. He’s your ex, your sister didn’t date him when you guys were together, so stop being so entitled and grow up. He wasn’t meant for you but clearly for your sister.

Why do I feel like I’ve seen a very similar post in the last couple of days…?? You’ve already answered your own question…you don’t want to go because you feel betrayed by your sister and your ex….them you shouldn’t go

Did your sister cause the break up ?Your sister will always be part of you but a man can say he loves you today and next day ask for divorce .Go to wedding wish her the best and move on God has the right man for you .

Naw I wouldn’t speak to my sister again if she did that…


Let it go girl…she is your sister…find yourself a better man and enjoy life.

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No I wouldn’t go , there was no reason for her to do that to you

One of my friends MARRIED her DAUGHTERS baby daddy. Its so weird and gross. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

Please do not let the “shes still your sister” comments get to you cus idc if it was aunt, grandma cousin or mom you just don’t do that :woozy_face: if you don’t wanna go DONT GO babe. Your feelings are completely valid :wink:

Move on lol. It’s been long enough for 2 kids. Go meet someone new and leave the guy alone. Your sister would hopefully support you if you got married, it sucks that she chose your ex out of all people though.

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I feel for you I’m sorry you’re having to go through this! I’ve been trying to sort out my own feelings and try to control my attitude watching my twins go through a similar situation. If you don’t support their wedding and you don’t feel comfortable, there’s nothing saying that you have to go and it would be very understandable why if you didn’t. Mental health is more important now than ever, take care of yours 1st! Hugs :hugs:

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Oh brother. If he’s an ex I’d laugh at my sister for being so dumb!

They’ve had two kids by now and you’re mad about a wedding? Why didn’t your relationship work out? Are they happy?

I want to add, you don’t need anybody else to justify your feelings. You are entitled to feel the way you feel. Don’t ever doubt that and don’t ever lose sight that you’re important

Grow up! Clearly they have had two kids together and now it’s bothering you…

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The people saying its no big deal and to move on gross me out… lol thats trash. Your sister is trash and so is your ex. Fuck the wedding.

Wish them well. If you broke up move on


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My sister married my ex boyfriend and had kids with him: Advice?

He was your boyfriend not your husband. Move on, next chapter.

He is ur x so u should not care

You always got to know both sides of the story to form an opinion. I have somewhat the same scenario when I was very young 20 at a club I had a man start walking towards my sister and I at that moment someone asked her to dance so he came over and asked me to dance we hit it off extremely well had a very good time and we ended up dating for about a year and I felt this could be really something. He then went away on business I met someone else I decided to marry even though I didn’t feel the same deep feelings.
I found out years later he went to my sister try to find out about me actually tried to stop the wedding she refused to give him any information and she made a date with him acted like she was going to give him the information. I don’t think I would have married my husband if I knew how’s my past boyfriends feeling. I ended divorcing my husband quite soon after our marriage.
Now do you blame me for accepting the dance and starting a relationship when he was on his way to meet my sister or blame my sister when she literally screwed up my life by not letting him to stop the wedding.?

Ha! You’re not going to believe this But…

Need more details…how long after you broke up did they get together, etc.

Please stop posting complete garbage this is ridiculous

Nothing like sloppy seconds. :blush:

If you don’t want to go don’t go. It will only make you feel bad.

This sounds like a Jerry Springer show. But I say don’t go.

Hell no I wouldn’t go to the wedding

I agree go have a spa day

F$&@ that bitch! And I’d tell anyone that supports it they can pound sand too!

Heck no I wouldn’t go. If I did I’m standing up when they ask does anyone object lol

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Nope.Avoid them. Loyalty.

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What an awkward situation… :grimacing:

That’s kinda heart wrenching. I don’t understand why an ex has to go for the next sibling rather than finding their own love outside of family.

No!! I feel like everyone saying to be supportive are the ones that would get with their siblings ex :woman_facepalming:


Wish them well and move on.

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Your sister sounds like a bitch, I wouldn’t go to the wedding either!

I’ve seen so many posts in this group with sisters and their men. It seems to be the norm…all I can say is move on it’s your sisters …if it happens it happens… Love your family. These men weren’t your husband’s they were boyfriend’s …
Don’t let it to allow separation in family love. Some have children involved… I myself never saw interest in any sister cousin friends men … But I guess things happens move on and maybe you will find a man not a boyfriend that will suit your fancy …

According to your description above they were married, meaning already took their vows because that’s what married means, so what wedding do you plan on attending if you had or hadn’t already???

So you could stay home and keep out they’re business… or you could go to the wedding make a scene throw the cake at her eat the entire buffet and trash the place… completely up to you😊

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Ewww. That’s gross! I don’t understand how one could want someone that’s been with their family member. But that’s just me I guess. Whatever you do don’t take it out on the kids. They had nothing to do with it.

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Do what you want to do.

Es-tu toujours en amour avec cet homme .si non ou est le problème?

Yes you go. It’s not about you, it’s a celebration of them.


Go to wedding. Congratulation them. Love your nieces/nephews. Its not rocket science. Hes your ex for a reason.


Monika Julia :sob::sob::sob::sob:
You like cuppy if I like cuppy cuz if I don’t like cuppy he’s a fat bitch. :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Your sister crossed the line. I wouldn’t go to the wedding and I wouldn’t have much to do with her. These people telling you to grow up and go to the wedding, wouldn’t go either. You just don’t do that to a good friend much less your sister!!!


Time to move on. He is your ex for a reason

Although your sister crossed a line and you have a right to you feelings you need to find a way to push through. You will have no peace until you forgive them.

:heart::heart: girl some of these people will have you believe that you should forgive and forget! Just because family is blood doesn’t mean you can’t cut ties with them. To me this is so disrespectful and I wouldn’t want any part in her wedding or life. People think just because someone is family that you owe them something, you DON’T. If it disrupts your peace LEAVE it behind. I don’t know your situation but sometimes you need a whole new scenery and to live your happiness. Don’t dwell on it and if you need to talk to someone therapy can be so therapeutic :heart: some of these comments are just gross. I can tell a lot of people are okay with this level of disrespect. Not me! I’ve been through enough family trauma to know that family doesn’t mean anything unless they truly respect your boundaries.


Yeah no, I’d no longer have a sister, she’d be cut off from me for good. That’s not okay


Are there not enough men for women where this broads live :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: marrying and having kids with sloppy seconds :nauseated_face:


Do what you want. You’re in charge of you.


Sorry shes not your sister. That’s gross.

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Sometimes people come into our lives for many reason. Sounds to me like they love one another and are happy. It didnt work with you guys. I don’t think that should hinder you from a relationship with your sister or the kids. Move past it and move on. I had a love for someone and dated for 6 years. After a year my good friend got with him and you know what it stung for a bit. But then I realized how happy they were. How in love they were and I was happy for them. Be happy. Happy he found someone good for him and happy for your sister.


It doesn’t matter if is your sister or whoever in your family. Your feelings matter. Do what you feel to do, if your heart hurts and they didn’t care, stay away from them. Real family doesn’t do that. Your feelings are valid and she should have respected that , I would distance from her and seek healing out of that selfish and care less circle. Let them know how you feel and get away from them, cut all ties and move on with people who really loves you and respect your heart and boundaries.

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I think it’s a bit late to be upset after they had 2 kids together :roll_eyes:


family does not mean you have to do ANYTHING. my sister made up a whole bullshit lie to get me to leave my boyfriend and now i havent talked to her in a year. family will betray you just as bad as everyone else. burn that bridge if it hurts you that bad and just walk away🤷🏽‍♀️

Move on. If he has feelings for her than you are meant for someone else.

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They have 2 kids together to they’ve been together for a while and now you decide to be this upset? It didn’t work out with you guys and he never married you or even had kids with you so move on. Why are you trying to hold on to something that wasn’t worth holding on too? Your being childish.


Your feeling are valid and you don’t have to go if you don’t want too. She should understand that. That said, if they have two kids together it’s been a while and for YOUR sake I’d try to make peace with yourself. I’m not saying forgive and for get, just forgive enough that you no longer care and whatever happens happens.


Your sister is no longer your sister.
There were 1, 654, 897,493,000 other men in the world.


I feel like the sister posted about this not too long ago in here, too.


I wouldn’t. It’s kinda weird tbh

He is ur ex he moved on him and ur sister followed their hearts the heart wants what the heart wants u can’t stop people from following their feelings for others.


If you still love him it’s pretty awful that they are together. If it’s like the other lady from last week where it’s been years since the break, maybe counseling will help reconcile your feelings? Do you have kids with him?
I think it is acceptable to not attend this particular wedding.

Throw the whole sister away!:woman_facepalming::raised_hands:


Sis if I was you I’d run my ass up and when they say kiss the bride push the bitchhhhhh over and kiss him :rofl::joy::rofl:

Last I checked there a thing as guy code so there has to be a thing called girl code. I sure wouldn’t go. F that.

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indifference is the biggest insult. act like it’s no big deal, you didn’t care anyway!!!


If you keep looking behind you you’ll keep stumbling trying to walk forward and never get to where you’re suppose to go.


Go; have too much fun, life is too short. He wasn’t “your person” otherwise you’d be going to the alter. If they love each other and are great parents; celebrate that. Your forever is out here…


Grow up. I know it’s hard. Try to be happy she’s happy.

Throw the whole sister away and crash their wedding. She broke the sister code, especially if you still have love for him… fuck that, burn her dress🤷‍♀️

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No Way, Backstabbing Sister, If She Loved You She Wouldn’t Have EvenStarted Dating Him Know How You Felt About Him, Sounds Like She Just Cares about Herself


Why would you go or even consider going If you’re in love with your sister’s husband? Stay home, there’s nothing saying that you have to go and and make yourself miserable. Many weddings are the beginning of the end of many friendships,why add to the misery?

Move on…bring some really hot looking guy with you to the wedding and make sure you look spectacular!!! Doing well is the best revenge!


:flushed::face_with_hand_over_mouth: I couldn’t go and not so sure I’d still associate with her. :woman_shrugging:t2: family doesn’t have to stay family… Not when it causes chaos in your life. Nope.


Who said they would invite you?? :sweat_smile::joy::joy::joy: :grin: just kidding

Idk I think you just kinda have to deal with it and wait for your true love

Women seem to be doing this shit alot lately.
What’s happening…?!

There is a reason he is your ex. Let them be happy.

Love is blind but there is that line.

I wouldn’t go it would be a tad too dang weird but id wish them well

I wouldn’t even associate with my sister if she did this. You do know you can cut ties with toxic family and still live life. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.


He’s an EX, sweetie. Know what that means? Former. No longer yours. Fair game. On the market. You get the idea. Build a bridge and get over it.

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Anyone that’s condoning the sister’s behavior probably wouldn’t feel the same if they were in this woman’s shoes! This is disgusting crosses so many lines and boundaries! There is a million men out there she could have picked anyone but she chooses the father of her sisters kids and ex. I’d be livid! It’s a unspoken rule you don’t do this to family or friends!


I feel your sister post the same thing from her point of view a few days ago


Show up at the wedding with a date.


I read some of the other comments and I agreed with several…pro and con.then I reread your words…you said your sister…ended up with…your ex( sounds like it wasnt right away…and they have…two children( so not just a casual thing they had not one but two so they have been together some time and are now deciding to wed.) You also mention you “had” strong love for him which says past tense…the keys wors I’m reading are…(she ended up with and you had) as someone said he is an ex for a reason hes not your person) whether you go or not is for you to decided. What does your heart tell you…not the ego but your heart. Maybe just maybe he was brought into your life to end up with your sister…you had strong love which means you saw good in him and that’s what you’d want for your sister someone good especially since he is the father of your nieces or nephew he is family . They are your blood children are a blessing. If you are STILL IN LOVE with him that is something else but if he was just a chapter in your life… someone else is out there waiting for you and you can feel good that you played an important part in creating a loving family.


Honestly if she could date him after you odds are they felt that way when you two were together … I would go for. The ceremony so nobody could hold it together but dip right after and call it a day you’ll find better girl plenty of fish in the sea and that one was clearly not your catch

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Your sister was wrong but obviously they love each other… not only are they getting married but they have two kids…Move on girl and no offense but fuck both of them…Move on with your life…

I’d be an only child :tipping_hand_woman:t2::joy: it’s not hard to cut them off trust me I’ve cut off 2 out of 4 of my sibling !


you should really try to get over it and go to the wedding. don’t let it hurt you because obviously it doesn’t hurt them

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She didn’t ask you if you were ok with them dating?? I would say if not, then you’re obviously not very close and as her sister she should want you in her wedding, but it doesn’t sound like you’re even a part of it. I wouldn’t go

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