My sister removed me from her wedding party because I am pregnant: Am I overreacting?

She shouldn’t of had to tell you. At 6 months, nothing would have looked good on you.


I get it its her day . But your her sister … certain look she’s just being selfish and an …
I can see why ya’ll ain’t close . I’m sorry hun

But congratulations :pregnant_woman:t3::partying_face:

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Enjoy the wedding and be you. Laugh have fun and be glad you’re not part of the circus and can’t be blamed for anything
Enjoy your baby and move forward .


Your feelings are hurt. Completely understandable. I believe your sister’s behavior was rude, selfish, shallow and ill mannered. In the last decade or so brides have begun to believe “their special day” :nauseated_face:entitles them to be bridezillas devoid of manners spreading misery wherever they go. It absolutely DOES NOT and family members should check that behavior. My mother would have. There is NEVER an excuse for bad behavior. Now it’s time to forgive your sister. Not because she deserves it (she doesn’t) but because it will help YOU move forward. Forgiveness frees you! Be happy for her but DO NOT allow her to pull you into her drama. It would be a great time to distance yourself because it’s guaranteed her behavior will only worsen between now and the wedding. Be it temporary or long term keeping your sister at arms length will be beneficial for your mental health. She’s proven she has no regard for your feelings. It’s ok to keep people like this at arms length. They will continue to hurt you if you allow it. Don’t. No drama or ugliness just quietly disengage from her. You’re also pregnant and don’t need that stress in your life! Don’t be roped into working yourself to death to make “her special day” perfect either. She wrongly chose to exclude you. You’re off the hook. Relax and attend only the functions you will enjoy. As hard as it is let this go and live your life. Toxic people (especially family members) will suck the joy out of life. Don’t let her do that to you. She doesn’t have that power unless you allow it! Her rejection of you is not a reflection on you. She’s just shown herself for the person she truly is and it’s not a pretty sight. Bless her heart!

Sorry your sister is such a bridezilla. My best friend; who I consider to be a sister, is having me as her Maid of Honor in September, I will be around 7 months pregnant. I can’t imagine being asked to “bow out” because of a pregnancy. That’s pretty disgusting. Sounds like she’s doing you a favor.

Congratulations on your blessing :two_hearts::blue_heart:

You’re not over reacting she sounds like a awful person your sister should be excited about you being pregnant she’s probably jealous thinking you will get all the attention I wouldn’t let her any where me or my baby when he or she is born I’d tell her she didn’t fit into my schedule


What a shallow sister I’m sorry but your her sister how sad of her she will regret it later in life but yes still go so you don’t have any regrets later on have a great time and celebrate her because it is a big day and eat lots of cake lol

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No, definitely not over reacting

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My sister yes anyone else I’d think I’d just have to get over it

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Don’t go, save yourself the hurt an show her you don’t give a crap.


Feel bad for her future husband! He is going to be MISERABLE!


OMG :flushed: she’s so vain , kick her to the curb.


You’re not overreacting at all.

I’m sorry that’s quite awful. You are not over reacting.

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But I bet she’ll still expect a gift. I wouldn’t even attend & damn sure wouldn’t be getting her a gift.

That’s crappy.

Not overacting! Sad someone would do that when pregnancy is suppose to a joyous occasion. Just like weddings. Could be 2 exciting things happening in one day!


No, I think that is a very hurtful and insensitive thing to do, as sisters can be sometimes. I wouldn’t support her in this.

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No you are not over reacting, what it does show is how shallow and uncaring your sister is. Hope not to much spent on her wedding cause cant see it lasting. So sad your sister treated you like this she has ruined her wedding memories already and not even got married yet.

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It sounds like your sister is going to be one of those brides from hell. And is going to make the whole thing extremely stressful and horrible on anyone involved. You might consider yourself lucky that you are not going to be a part of this wedding, You and your baby certainly do not need the stress. And if you decide not to go and anyone gives you a hard time, you say that you thought you were doing the right thing that you didnt want to upset your sister by ruining her desired and dreamed about “look”. Good luck🌻


Girl, I’d be rolling up at her wedding with showing off my belly and telling everyone yep that’s my sister! Don’t be offended, give it back to her politely. Be supportive and let her feel like the asszilla.


Buy yourself a nice dress that shows off your belly :woman_shrugging: and go :heart:


No you’re not. Your sister needs to grow up


I wouldn’t bother going if I were you


So she wanted you as a number but not you as a person basically.

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No you’re not overreacting at all. Instead, it sounds like Bridezilla needs to do a recheck on her priorities. Family should certainly fall before “image”. :roll_eyes:
I, personally, would give her a piece of my mind and make it a super hormonal piece girl!! Give her what she deserves!
Congratulations on your little bundle of joy!! :kissing_heart:

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I wouldn’t go. It’s most definitely her choice for how she wants her wedding to be but it’s also your choice to attend or not. Just don’t expect y’all to be close after all is said and done.

You are not over reacting…your not good enough now…don’t be good enough when your baby arrives. Your not a part of her special moments so why should she be a part of your special moments? Screw her and her wedding.

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Show up and tell everyone she kicked you out because you were pregnant- but do it casually :rofl:

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Oh wow. What kind of sister is that? That’s horrible.

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Maybe she’s not really truly over the issues between yall as you thought…

I would cut communication with her but that’s just me

You’re not overreacting at all. After that, I wouldn’t even go to the wedding but I’d still RSVP.