My sister stole my baby name and our family has a "no double names" rule...HELP!

Also name her paisley!
What are they gonna do shun you


I personally wouldn’t change the name. If your sister knew that was the name you chose, she is the one that broke the “double name rule.”

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Your baby, you get to pick the name. If YOU want to use a different name, Presley or Parker go with Lee. Actually, I think Parker sounds better. Names ending with -ley will be a mouthful with Lee.


Not a fan of the double “-ly” combination. But also, I’d tell
my family to stuff it and name my kid whatever I want. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Big Paisley and Lil Paisley

Payz Lee. Its technically not a rule break🤷‍♀️ but i would also say F that toxic tihs and name my baby what I wanted to regardless.

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The is no such thing a a family name rule- your kid your choice-! Do what you want


It’s tough when a family member does something like that, but maybe when your baby arrives she won’t look like a Paisley at all. And will look more like a Megan or a Victoria? I had a family member tell my son and DIL that they can’t name their baby xxxx so they didn’t, family member had a boy. Next pregnancy had a boy and still didn’t choose the name she had asked my son and daughter in law not to choose. It’s disappointing but your baby will have a beautiful name that you will love. But it’s also a good idea not to share names if your heart is stuck on it. Keep it close so no one decides it is amazing and uses it first.

Dish those rules and name you girl what you like. Are you an adult?

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This happened to me but not a family member, I know how you feel.
I still named my child Nixon.
However I couldn’t do it if my family member had done it.

I have an Alaska.
I think it’s a beautiful name so an idea for you.
Alaska lee sounds and looks beautiful.
Good luck with it all :white_heart:

I got an amazing name ready for it Paisley Lee

Everleigh Lee Is beautiful


Accept the name change. Wren Lee


Makayla Lee
Lavender Lee
Katherine Lee
Aurora Lee

Just name your baby whatever you want. Your family is not the boss of you

Family rules ?
Why wasn’t
taking someone’s baby name one of those rules ?!!?



Do what YOU want and not what the others have always done. It’s YOUR life. Paislee is a way you can spell Lee with and just change the middle name to Harper,Hope or something you like.


You can absolutely name your baby anything you want to. That rule is STOOPID! to begin with

I’d be naming her Paisley still that’s awful, but I will tell you my 12 year old daughter’s name is Paislee Grace. Lee is my middle name so I intentionally spelled it that way. Just an idea if you’re set on “Lee” in the name.

Other names I also love are Everleigh, Kynslee, Lainey, Maelee. My oldest is also Bailey Marie. You can of course change the spelling to Lee at the end.

Middle names I loved are Rose, Sage, Fawn.

I’m so sorry this happened to you how awful and heartbreaking for her to do to you!!


Can legit still name her that. No one owns a name

As much as it is unfair and your sister is disrespectful, I wouldn’t call my daughter the same name as my sister’s daughter, it will create problems for her down the track. I like the following names: (I have a boy lol) Nellie Lee, Kensy Lee, Charlotte Lee (Charlie):heart_hands::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yeah, that rule really isn’t enforceable. Name your daughter Paisely.

Family rule? What the hell is that?

I would still name my child that. If your sister knew then that’s on her. She broke the rule. Just because she delivered first doesn’t give her the right to use the name you choose. Go with it and if the extended family don’t like it that’s one them.

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This is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard. Name your kid whatever you want. Your family doesn’t control you.


Presley, Peyton, Parton, Paris

Page, Payton, or Lee Paisley

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It’s time to break the rules.

It’s your life and child… name her what you want. No one “owns” a name… and that’s really :poop: y of your sister !!
Looks like there’s gonna be two of the same names is what I would do and if they speak up, voice your feelings. You’re valid in your feelings especially if you both know how your family is about names.

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I would name your Daughter Paisley!! If your sister knew that, shame on her!!!

I love the suggestion of Ever Lee. Spell it Everlee❤️. Don’t stoop to her level. Tell her how you feel and add -do t worry-she will always know her mother did this to you😝


It’s your baby, call her what you want and ignore the family rule!

You can do whatever you want to


You’re an adult, name your daughter what you planned. So what if it breaks a ‘family rule’ just cut family ties and don’t associate with the toxicity if it’s that big a deal to them. You don’t owe them anything and you decide your boundaries with them.

Your baby your decision! I’d name her Paisly —

I won’t tell anyone the name till the baby is born. Sarah lee

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Rules were meant to be Broken!!

I wanted to name my son Hunter, my husband’s cousin and his wife named their son Hunter (same last name)

We went with my grandpa’s first name for my son’s first name and my husband’s Granddaddy first name for my son’s middle name.
BOTH Solid Strong Names!

I’d get a new family also!

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Your family has a rule?? You’re a grown adult, do what you want.


Pixie lee… Sounds like a super :star: :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Name her Paisley. If they don’t like it tell them to tell her to change her kids name. You’re an adult. Stop letting your family’s ‘rules’ run your life.

My daughter’s name is Haisley
Technically its not the same name if this helps


She is your child name her whatever you want. You and your husband have your own family now and your own traditions

Emma Lee
Faith Lee
Madison Lee
Morgyn Lee
Payton Lee


I’d name my kiddo whatever I want to name them. When you say your family has a no double names rule are you talking about your parents? I just want to remind you that you are grown and you can make new rules for “your” family… doesn’t sound like you have the nicest family around anyways… not if a sister is going to do that to you. Sorry

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If you want that name then don’t worry about your families rules, your family comes first before them and if you wanna name her that you should. Do what’s best for your own family.

sounds like your sister did it to purposely upset you. I would keep the name Paisley. you had it set in stone. if it’s such a big deal she can change the name again. absolutely ridiculous that your own sister would do that to you.

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We have a Peyton and she is the sweetest, wildest lil firecracker. We also liked Piper, if you’re wanting to stick with the P theme. This is also a big reason why we wouldn’t share our baby names till they were born. If you love Paisley the most, I’d still use it.

Rules are meant to be broken :wink:

I would still used the name. Screw the rules,you are your own person. They have no power over you.
Another option is go with Lee Paisley but call her by her second name. Lot do that and you haven’t broken the “family rule” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::thinking::wink:

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You are having a child there for you have created your own family and can make your own rules

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My sister had a son and named him William, fast forward 6 years and I met my husband who for 5 generations has named the first born son William . So now myself and sister both have a William and we love it :grinning:

Hahaha screw your family it was always your name. What are they gonna do? Disown you? Youre family is insane to think they can enforce this stupid “rule”. You do you mama. This is your child, yours. Name your child any name you want forget them.

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Some rules are meant to be broken


Your child. Name her what you want. And that’s kinda shitty of your sister if she knew!

THIS is why people do not tell anyone the baby name until he/she are born. People can be so selfish. Sad part is, it’s usually not family who you should worry about. :confused:

Personally, who CARES about the “family rule”. If you want to name her paisley, DO IT.

However, I could never now because I would never want my child and her cousin to have the same name.

Name her something beautiful and different. Then tell your sister she is the definition of SELFISH.

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Make your own rules for your own family. The family you create is more important.

Ayshla Simpson parsley maybe :smile::smile:

So what !!! But I have a student named Pepper, super cute name

We’ve had 4 living Williams that I can remember in my family at one time.
All but one was called by a nickname.

Ummmmm, rules are made to be broken….
Just like respect and trust within the family apparently. Spiteful move by your sister.

Watch you’ll have a boy :see_no_evil:

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It’s your baby name it what you want. That rule is really stupid. Do you forget everyone else

Family rule? Huh? Name your daughter whatever TF you want.


I’ve met one too many Paisleys, I think you should go with something more interesting maybe Campbell Lee or Parker Lee. If I had to do it again I wanted to name my daughter Kitson since my uterus is all dried up now​:joy:you could use it instead​:blush:this is the reason my best friend when asked would always give a fake name before her child was born to avoid the name stealers :blush::heart:

My granddaughters name is Lincoln Lee.

Name her Paisley the first


??? You are a grown woman. You can choose your daughters name.

That’s happened in our family a couple times!! So very rude, and I would let her know that, and how sad you are about what she did!!

Kaisley but u name ur baby what u want who cares if ur family has a no double name policy …u have ur own family now make ur own rules!

You could call her Paisleigh or Paislee


Screw family rules, name your baby what you want :smirk:

I’ve got a Jaycie-Leigh. But if you love the name I would keep it. That’s ridiculous.

This rule sounds so absurd. Apparently your sister knew that you were naming your baby that and that was rude on her part. I would stand your ground and name your baby that
You shouldn’t have to accommodate to help that aspect you already have things made for your unborn daughter. I am sorry your sister done that though

Keep Paisley-it’s time to break the rule!!

My name is Tina Lee. I don’t know if you like that or not

um. your family does not control you at all. you’re an adult about to become a mother. your sister threw that rule out the window. the family can blame her. and if you’re that concerned about what they’ll think then it seems like you will do much better in life without them controlling you and what you name your kids is your business. I can’t believe that people who are supposed to think for themselves would even think it’s ok to be controlled that way.


Rules are made to be broken name her whatever you want. Payson is kind of close if you are for sure not using the name you already had picked.

if you are only 10 weeks pregnant how do you know it is a girl?


Aurora Lee, Hayden, Everleigh , London, Eden

Oh heck nah, I would be naming my daughter whatever I had planned on.

My granbabies names are Ford, Chevy, and Rick

Your baby your little family your rules. Keep the name Paisley. I also like Penelope, Piper, Portia

I have a Whitney Lea but I also like Kennedy Lea

Who cares?? It’s your baby and you should name her thatname.

Find something old school! Jalaine Lee would be pretty.
Mabel Lee
Emmalyn Lee
Eleanore Lee
Tallulah Lee
Loretta Lee
Grace Lee

I’d keep your original choice and as some have said maybe add
But if you had your heart set on that name then go with it.
When you meet your daughter you may feel like that name doesn’t suit so all I can say is keep an open mind. I named my daughter completely different to what I had my heart set in for years. Time to break the rules you have your own family now and go with what’s best for your family :100:


Pft I wouldn’t give a shit what anyone thinks an name my daughter what I wanted!

Sutton Lee…Paisley Sutton Lee

My gosh it’s not even an original name just pick another off the top ten chart and move on.


Both of my great granddaughters middle names are grace .we love it and them the same.

I’d name her paisley-lee wat you wanted or Dakota-Lee

UM, Paisley!!! :100:, without a doubt! I’d name her PAISLEY!

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Sounds like family rules needs to change

Make lee part of the first name and keep your choice. It’s your baby

It’s your baby ! Name her what you want !

The family rule about no double names is stupid. It’s your baby name him what you want

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I recommend Katie Lee just like me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You can name you’re daughter whatever the heck you want :rofl:

i’d advise cutting your family off and starting fresh with your new family.