My sister stole my baby name and our family has a "no double names" rule...HELP!

Yeah… I’d be naming my child Paisley.


What’s your family going to do if you still use that name? Put you in jail? Use it. This is why I don’t spill names


Call her what you want to call her, it’s your kid!

Maisey,or spell it different than her

Thats why I havent told anyone what I am naming my daughter yet and when people ask I legit tell them they have to wait until after she is born. I am almost 27 weeks and keeping my daughters name a secret


Call her Paisley as her second name Dont give up on your own personal wishes.

Name the baby whatever the hell you want and screw them. I would be damned if l let someone tell me what I could and couldn’t name my baby.

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You are an adult. Name the baby what you want. As you said you’ve already named your child and bought personalised clothes so why should you have to change it.
I’d tell your family to get over it as you chose it first

Briar Lee
Peyton Lee
Jaklynn Lee
Josie Lee

Name your baby what you planned and want to!!!

Paige & I would call her Paige Lee all the time…but being grown & stressing over a family rule is wild :sweat_smile:

Aw my little moo is called Paisley :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Family rule? Yeah who cares? Name her what you want. Family don’t pay your bills.

Name her Paisley!! Freak what your family thinks or their “rules.” You are a grown woman! Do what makes you happy!!

Paisley and the jealous sister need to change her baby’s name. Exactly why I never tell ANYONE my secrets

Go ahead and never get that that is your baby

Give your baby the name you’d chosen if anyone has an opinion then tell them they all knew what you wanted so this complaining should be to your sister not you. If she moans tell her you don’t care as she clearly didn’t when she took the name she knew you’d be using which was selfish and unfair


My cousin has a Palmer Lee

My daughters name is Madyson Lee

That is an insane rule, I would name my child what I wanted regardless… I don’t know why people let the people in their lives have so much control over them…

Forget the rule.
You had that name choose before your sister so go with it. And when they say something be like I had that names picked out first and tough…

Tell your family to stop being weird and name your baby whatever you want

That’s your baby and you’ve always wanted to have that name, so name her Paisley. You’ve got clothes with her name on it so yeah….

I’d 100% still name my child what I wanted. You have made your own family now. You’re an adult, make your own rules. NAME YOUR BABY PAISLEY 🫶🏻

Ha, my sister did exactly the same!!! We were pregnant together. She was about 12 weeks in front of me. She knew I wanted Gracie May! Low and behold she had her baby and called her Grace May!! Looking back now I’m glad she stole it! As its quite common now!! (No offence to anyone) x

That ain’t Family…that’s control. Break the cycle

Name the kid what you want, who cares about the family rule lol. It’s your daughter and you’re family you are creating

Girl the name Paisley always comes with drama :joy:

I’d be dropping the “sister” and naming my baby whatever I wanna name her :woman_shrugging:

Please keep Paisley. This is your family. You can name your baby whatever you want, love.

Change the spelling then it’s not technically a double name. I’d disown your sister though, and also what a dumb rule, that you don’t HAVE to follow

Literally name your child WHATEVER you want. Forget about the “rule”.

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Well Paisley Lee doesn’t sound good anyway so consider it a favor, and if your only 10 weeks pregnant why would u have clothes woth names on it? It may be a boy :sweat_smile:

Go with Paisleigh instead.

Screw the rule that’s your name and you can use it

Your family does not get to decide on YOUR babies name. If you still want that name, use it.

How about Haisley .My granddaughters name

Your family has rules for YOU naming YOUR baby? :face_with_peeking_eye:

We have 2 Dylan’s in our family. My uncles son, then I named my daughter Dylan Leigh :woman_shrugging::heart:

Since I’m never having a daughter and her name would’ve been the same, I was going to name her Love. That way her name would be Love Lee, like lovely. Or London Lynne Le. Those were my 2 top picks.

You had that name first. Go with it. Rules are made to be broken and it wasn’t your rule in the first place!

Screw “rules”!!! We have a girl Bryce and a boy Bryce in our family.

Do Presley it’s very similar

Time to break rules I guess :woman_shrugging:. I would

It’s your baby, you can name her what you want regardless of the rulea.

My niece is named Haisley :heart_hands:

Our baby’s name is Taylee.

My family has no say in my children’s names, I am also stable enough to choose not to follow their rules.

Too many “Lee’s” in there, Paisley Lee? Use a name that doesn’t end in “ley” or “lee”. Daisy is a pretty name and it’s a flower. Daisy Lee… Your sister was wrong for what she did, I don’t recommend sharing certain information with her, because she obviously can’t be trusted. :pensive:

Presley is close to Paisley if you like that name or add an R in it and name her Praisley.

I mean id say stuff the “rule” thats completely imaginary lol but i also wouldn’t want the same name now anyways…

Ive an Arianna and a Cali
You could use Rose Ivey jorja ella eden ellie lottie… xx

Just spell it different :upside_down_face:

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My best friends name is “Kalee” pronounced like Kay-lee. And my mom’s name is Tracey Lee.

I’d be pissed. She’s the one who technically “broke the rule” because you’ve had it publicly that you were using it. If you want it do it. You are an adult and this is your child. Name her whatever u want

My name is Cassie Lee. You don’t hear Cassie too often :grin:

You should still name your baby Paisley change the spelling if you would like :two_hearts::two_hearts:

This is so weird to me. Family rule? It’s your child name it whatever you want who cares.


Surely you can have your own rule. Name your baby what ever you like

My nephew has two grandsons named Evan. Name your baby Paisley- end of story. Time to break the rule- who made it anyway

Your family won’t let you? You’re your own person and family

Madison Lee
Hannah Lee
Kyla Lee
Darla Lee
Alana Lee
Summer Lee
Fiona Lee
Bella Lee
Clara Lee
Isla Lee

I had paisley and piper on my list for girl names.

Went with Amelia, but really loved piper. 🩷

Maybe do Vaeda, vayda like the girl in my girl I love that name so much wish I coulda used it

I’d name her something even better. There are better names than Paisley tbh, one up her. But, screw the rule if you really want that name. Your sister obviously didn’t follow the rule. Who cares at this point!

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First off, I believe you should name your baby whatever you choose. She’s your baby. Family rule or not, you are creating your own family.

Kylee, or Kyleigh , kayleigh

You dont even know the gender of your baby yet :rofl: and honestly Paisley Lee is a little repetitive with the “lee” sound, she may have did your child a favor
And no, I don’t agree with using the same name IF it is a girl, that wouldn’t be fair to either child

Fk the family rule! Name her what you want! I love the name Paisley! I have a Paisley Shay-Lynn❤️


Just wait till you hold your daughter. I had a few names picked out that I loved but none of them felt right when I held her. We ended up picking a different name than what we had originally picked out. But if Paisley fits her then so be it. Family will get over it… if not you don’t need them. Family is who you love!!!

I’d name my kid whatever I wanted, it’s literally up to you and or your family: stop letting people control you

My sister stole the name Elijah that she knew we wanted to name our son. Our daughter’s name is Eliyanah and we thought it would be the perfect combo. Ellie and Eli… I regret not just naming my son like I wanted. We went with Hendrix but it just never felt the same as the first name we had picked.

You are starting your own family with your own set of rules and guidelines. Just because they “say so” doesn’t make it set in stone. If that’s the name you truly want, stick with it :purple_heart:


I would still definitely name my daughter the name I had already chosen …but that just me. If you would rather not some pretty options could be.
Paige (Paige Lee actually sounds alot like Paisley)


Octavia would sound awesome with -Lee

Kinsley Lee is very pretty

Your family has a strict “no double names” yeah my reply would be …. Off…. They aren’t the parents. They aren’t going to be raising baby … it has NOTHING to do with them what your name your child. NOTHING. You get to be the adult and decide. Why let them dictate to you this way?!

Weird that you care what you’re family thinks. If I lived the name so much I would use it :woman_shrugging:


Your extended family doesn’t get to decide what you can or can’t name your baby.

This is a joke, right? A strict family rule?! :rofl: I am positive, you are an adult right and have your own family now… correct? It’s the name you wanted to name her, so name her that. Everyone knew that is your daughter’s name at first. If the sister doesn’t like it, she can change her daughter’s name. She brought it on herself. Just grow a pair and name your daughter what you want.


Macey, Scotlyn, Jacinda, Peyton or Hayden

Your child, your rules! Name her what you want.

Wait, what? You name your daughter what you and her father want to name her. It is your child and yours alone. Nobody gets to put rules on you.

I mean it’s your baby. Your family can’t tell you what to name her plus you don’t even know what you’re having. You may have a boy so it may not even be an issue anyway

Your sister is mean but I would call her what u want…what about pressley…theres a mollion names to cjoose from

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Name your baby whatever you want. Change how to spell it. My friend spelled it Paizley. My cousin did this to her sister and it put a damper on their friendship for awhile

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That’s your baby! name her what you want

Your family has a rule on names? F*ck that. Name your kid what you want.

Family have a rule on doubling up on names in the family. They need to mind their business. Call your child whatever you want. I called my first son Jordan. My first cousin called his first son Jordan. And we all lived happily ever after.

Make your own rules. Your family doesn’t own you. Is your daughter, not your family’s daughter.

Name your child what you want!!

Urontsabeech… a lot of letters but I think it’ll be worth it!


Yes you can, name your baby whatever you want. Your family really doesn’t have a say it this unless you let them

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Time to change that stupid rule.

I have the same name as a cousin the parents are brother and sister. I understand how you feel If that’s the name you love go with what you wanted.

I’m sorry to agree and say F that rule. But to a name maybe Paislyn Lee🩷

I would name her Paisley anyway

Lmao fukk that rule name your baby exactly what you intended on

Name your child what you want

:heart: family rules can be broken. If that’s your daughter’s name, name your daughter whatever you’d like.

Aishley- or Aishlee .sounds nice .

What do you mean that your family has a no double name rule?! It’s your child, name her what YOU want!