My sister stole my baby name and our family has a "no double names" rule...HELP!

I have a Nicholas he is 16 and my cousin she had a son he’s 4 now I believe and she named him Nicolas also cause her man picked it.I got to pick his middle name tho lol but nobody says anything about us having 2 Nicholas in the family.My dads name was Bobby he passed away and my 3rd son I named Bobby after my dad so I really don’t see an issue. Name her paisley and the family will get over it.

Screw your family baby name rules and do what you want

your baby not your family’s name her Paisley if that’s what you want

Those two names didn’t go well together anyways. Elizabeth Lee sounds nice though.

Screw your families rule sweetheart. Name your baby what you want too.

Psh screw that rule… she gave you a pass…

Screw the family’s rule! This is your life and your child and you can name it whatever you want! Don’t allow family to have that control over your life that much. Name the child paisley

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Can Paisley be her middle name? Wow what a shitty thing your sister did. You know what I never share my daughter’s name because it is unique and I want it that way, but her name is Lorelei. Pronounced Laura-lie. I wanted to name her Isabella, but it was so popular I made that her middle name. Lorelei Paisley could be a new name idea for you. Honestly if I had always been set on Paisley, I would probably just name her that and deal with any family fallout.

Name her what you want f the family rule and your sister is messed up I would cut ties if it were me

Screw that…your sister is just mean!! :boxing_glove:
Screw that rule!!
Grow a pair and stick with YOUR plan! :blush:
She’s your kid!! You do you!
Whats your fam gonna do stop talking to you​:woman_shrugging:t2::joy:
I doubt that very much!
Good luck with becoming a mommy! :hugs:

There is no darn rule. If they don’t like it too bad :person_shrugging:
That was YOUR name for your daughter that you picked out and she stole it. I’d still use it idc

Girl what? Your family’s rule? Nah. You name your baby WHATEVER you wanna name her.

You can name your kid whatever you want, who cares about their “rules”

Name your daughter Paidley as well. Who cares about a name policy! How rude. One of my friends comes from a family that only named their children M names. She broke that with her son. Gave him an A name. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:woman_facepalming:t2: how do you even know your having a girl yet? Lol.

Family rule? Unless it’s the child’s father or you are 12 that rule doesn’t matter.

Hell no!! Keep the name. She’s soooo rude and not a good person for doing that to you. Your family. Your baby. You already have baby stuff. Name her paisley!!! I’m so mad for you.

Lmao family rules? Are you still a child yourself? Name her what you want REGARDLESS

What’s the rule… do they kick you out the family?? Sounds like everyone knew what you wanted to name your baby including your sister… I would name her what I wanted… but at only 10 weeks fo you even know the gender yet??

10 weeks along, you already know sex, named the baby and have clothing/items with her name on it ??? Holy smokes, I didn’t find out our gender until 20 week scan!!! :flushed: wild how early they can predict genders now !!

Is your family gonna buy you clothes, diapers, wipes and stuff for the baby? Are they gonna babysit 24/7, feed the baby, change diapers? Are they gonna have sleepless nights, sore breasts? Are they gonna push a whole tiny human out of your :cat:? No, right? I don’t think so. So you don’t have to care about what they think or stupid rules, you have your own family now, you can make your own, they can throw a tantrum if they want, it won’t kill them and it will pass. Write your own story from now on. Good luck :heart:

Screw the family rule!!! It is your child not theirs if they don’t like it they don’t need to be around

Name your kid how you want. Who cares what your families “rules” are lol and why would you have baby clothes with the name on it already? You’re gonna have a boy now lol

LAMO name your baby what the hell you want to. SMH

Your sister sounds like a huge bitch :woman_shrugging:t3: Name your kid Paisley.

Name your baby what you planned , screw anyone else

A good reason to keep names “secret” until the child is birn

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Your parents should be scolding your sister not you. I have to say though at 10 weeks having her name on clothes you already bought is extremely early. But you already had her name picked out so maybe spell it differently? Paisleigh, Paislee, Payslee???

You had to accept the fact uour sister copied the name you wanted,so your family can accept the fact that there will be 2 Paisleys in the family! How low of your sister in the first place.

You are 10 weeks. Do you even know if it’s a girl? (Yes, I’m aware blood tests exist). If you do, she may not even look like a Paisley. But go ahead and “double name” if it’s the one you’re set on. Who gives a damn? :woman_shrugging:

Name her that anyways screw what your family says

That’s ridiculous you name your baby whatever you want regardless of any STUPID rule and yes that’s the dumbest rule I ever heard

Just name her it, she’s the one who broke the rule not you. She knew. She chose to double name not you, yours was set in stone with the clothing already like you said.

Ewww screw family rules, she stole it and I would name the name I WANT

Name her what you want and cut off your sister

Call her Aisley, Caisley, taisley… just change the first letter. Also dont give your sister any of the stuff with the name on it. So rude.

Call her the name you have always wanted , who gives a crap about family rules, your own family you make your own rules

Umm who is yr family to make a rule no way !!! Your baby your choice YOUR LIFE YOUR AN ADULT call her what you want no way id let anyone tell me otherwise

First of all….that’s ridiculous. Both the rule and that your own sister stole the name.

What about Presley?

Family Rule GTF OUT… what about stealing the name. Clearly your sister is jealous Sorry this happened but you name your baby girl what ever u want.

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Lmao at the “strict no double name rule” come on. Do they support you? Pay your bills? Raise your kids? GTFO and tell them to kick rocks with their “strict rule” :roll_eyes:

girl u can name your baby paisley still since that was YOUR baby name and she knew it and if your family dont accept it then too bad for them and you’ll now be the only one with a paisley anyways… i would also make it a point to happily tell your story about attempting to be robbed of your babyname everytime somebody asks why both of them have the same name… lol if it was a rule for no double names then they should have shut her down knowing that was your name but clearly ppl just do what they want anyways so u should just do u mama :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Name her Paisley Senior? Paisley the Original? Queen Paisley? Paisley the 1st? You have your own family now. That’s not your own familys rule. It’s the family you came from rule. We have alot of repeat names in our family. Because they are named after the parents sibling, parent, grandparents, aunty, uncle etc. It’s special to us. To carry on another’s name, not only the surname is carried on.

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How do you even know you’re having a girl? You are only 10 weeks! No ultrasound will tell that early. Unless you had genetic testing done, and they only do that if you’re high risk.

Since when do you as an adult follow “family rules”?? You’re starting a family of your own. Name your child what you always wanted and tell everyone else to screw off smh.

1st of all that was pretty shitty of your sister to do that to you IMO but it is your baby that you can name whatever you want without having to answer to anyone else. You’re an adult with a petty azz sis. I’m sure the family knows what she did and if they care about you then they won’t hold anything against you or your daughter because of it.

10 weeks pregnant? She doesn’t even know the baby’s gender​:tipping_hand_woman::laughing:

It’s your baby. Name it paisley. Screw their rule

She knew it was yours screw it.keep your name

Ugh! People SUCK! I’m so sorry this happened to you! I would be so upset! Honestly, I completely see where the majority is coming from when they say to still name your little one the original name you have your heart set on regardless.

BUT, if I were in your situation it would bother me to have the same name moving forward. It just would. As upset as I would be and heartbroken, I know I personally would not want my daughter and my niece to have the same name.

What I would do is try to find a name I liked even better OR alter it to another name that was similar. I actually had a friend do this to me and it forced me to consider looking at other names knowing how bothered I would be JUST IN CASE I was able to find another one I fell in love with and that’s exactly what happened fortunately!

Here are a few alterations that are similar:
Aisley (my fav!)

Figure out what you love so much about the name! Is it the “ley” at the end for example? Or the way it sounds?

Maize for example sounds the same but Brinley is beautiful with the ley at the end.

Just start looking! If you can’t top Paisley, I’d say screw it and use it!

Wait. You are only 10wks along. How do you know you are having a girl? How the heck do you already have embroidered stuff? Having a hard time not thinking this was made up for attention.

Paisley is a cute name but there are soooo many Paisleys now. How about Skye, Amariah, Felicity, Raven, Meadow, Juniper…your sister is a jerk btw though. Also I am Amanda Lee you don’t hear Amanda too often anymore.

Girl who cares about family rules? If I wanna name my baby something I be damned if ANYONE tells me I can’t especially my family. The family I created is the most important family to me.

Girlllllll name YOUR kid whatever YOU want. This is crazy lol

I would do

Your sister is a B

As you are only 10 weeks you don’t know the sex of your baby it may be a boy then their is no issue. Also who cares about your family’s rule its your child do what you want!.

At 10 weeks do you even know the baby’s gender? (Real question- my “baby” is 20 so I don’t know if they can tell sooner or not).
I love all these families with these arbitrary rules for adults to follow! Name your kids whatever you want to name them! If you’re so concerned about fallout from your family, if it’s a known thing that you were naming your baby Paisley before sis did, point out that she broke a different rule of “stealing” your baby name

She probably wanted the free clothes knowing you have them already made with the name she stole and now you cant use them if you follow the rules of your family. So shady and selfish of her to do that.

Screw your family’s rule, should have been a rule not to name snatch then tf :woozy_face: use the name still! Your sister can’t expect you to drop a name you’ve loved forever just because she stole it last minute.

Name your baby what you want to xx soke stupid rule made by your family doesnt mean anything xx you picked that name and your sister stole it x no way would my siter do that to me x ahe didnt respect you and your family have not said anything so shes just lost your respect for doing this too you x names your baby paisley as thatcis your family youve made and you can decide what you want to name your baby x

Fuck that rule name ur baby whatever u want and if ur sister is mad tell her to fuck off and change her kids name back to whatever name she was gonna use in the first place

Name her Paysley. I’d say screw your sister and your family’s rule. Your sister broke the biggest family rule and that’s not stabbing them in the back.

What if you just take the p off and go with aisley or if you want to just ignore your family rule seeing as your sister stole your baby name I would say just name her paisley

Who made this rule? Who cares what everyone says. Its your kid

You’re an adult with your own child now. Make your own rules, name your daughter paisley. Who gives a shit what your family thinks. You’re your own little family now.

Like I have questions. Does your family know you had clothes with the name already bc if so then can’t anyone be mad at what you name YOUR baby. I know different places and docs are different with the blood test at 10 weeks bc of insurance and age, but you know for a fact it’s a girl? And lastly, is this so called family financially helping with your baby, bills, cooking, cleaning bc if not…Name her what you want. SN, not trying to be rude with the 2nd question, just asking since we don’t kno details on that. Bc my insurance didn’t pay for my first 2 bc I was in my 20s but my last 2 I was over the age of 35 and it was required bc of my age and high risk. So was just wondering.

Ur baby ur body name her whatever u want. Sucks ur sister stole the name. I remember qhen i was pregnant q my son I told this girl if it was a boy or girl the name was jordan n she named her baby girl jordyn 3 weeks before I had my baby boy. I still named my son jordan bc I don’t think anyone in my family had that name.

“Family rule!!!” Are you an adult??? Why are you allowing your family to set rules to what name you choose??? Never. Name your child paisley. Your sister will look like the moron for doing that to you.
If you are truly looking for other beautiful names… I dont mind sharing my kiddos names.
Baylee Morgan
And Quinn Marie are my girls.

You’re an adult!!! Fuck your family lol. Your making your own family. So use the name you literally printed into her clothing. Tell your sister to shove it!

But I do have to ask. We’re you going to name her Paisley Lee -the lee lee sound is a little strange when you say it all out loud together. so y if you use Paisley I would change the middle name. But if your just wanting the “Lee” sound there are many other names out there.

That’s a stupid rule. Name your kid what you want.

10 weeks, how do you even know you’re having a girl? Crazy

Ok… very wrong of her, but who cares about your family’s "rule? There is no such thing honestly because you can name your baby whatever the heck you want and if you want to name your baby that if it’s a girl then you do it. My granddaughters name is spelled Paislee. I know you have it on clothes already but if you would want to change the spelling.

What a horrible sister…

Your Baby your Choice its not like they live under the same room, Stuff that stupid rule call your baby what you and your partner want.

Name her paisley. Your sister broke the rule stealing the name. Your sister can rename her daughter or suck it up dealing with them having the same name

Screw rules
Give her your outfits with name.
Ps. Your sister is an idiot

I’m shocked that your own sister knew (im guessing) that you wanted to name your child that and she has gone ahead and named her child that same name. That is awful.

Your sister is an asshole

Your sister is a bitch for that but on the other hand if u really want to “follow rules” maybe when you meet your baby she will no fit the name and you will know what to name her

Eff your family. I’ll be damned.

Fuck “family rules “ do what you want .

How can you know she’s a girl at 10weeks? Your sister sounds rude

Ummmm first of all lol I’d name her whatever u want….second of all you’re only 10 weeks….do you know for certain 100% you’re having a girl? Third did you have those clothes made before you were pregnant just hoping you had a girl? Last…again if baby is a girl and you wanted to name her that who the helllll cares about some family rule…it’s not a law!!!

Stuff the familys rules,if you love Paisley then use it,and ursista is a bitch

Are u kidding me u can’t use the name because of your strict families rules!!! Name your daughter paisley that is ur child. I don’t understand this question. Shame on ur sister who knew u liked the name, but come on now you can put whatever u want on that babies birth certificate ur family doesn’t have that power over you.

There is a 50%chance that you may have a boy so I wouldn’t let your pregnancy hormones get you too heart broken over the name grab.
you could hyphen paisley-lee technically it’s not the same name.
And as for the clothes you have with paisley on them I would gift them to your niece but that’s just me I wouldn’t allow a division over a name.

Fuck your families rule and your sister. That’s why my mom always said to keep our names to yourself. I’m sorry your sister is so shitty.

If you legitimately had clothes with Paisley on them already, you’re pregnant, AND your sister knew all of this… I’d still name your daughter Paisley.

I’d change the middle name, maybe spell Paisley like “Paislee”, and have your family call her Ley/Lee as a nickname in order to differentiate her from your sister’s daughter with the same name…

Paisley Rain
Paisley Ann
Paisley Joy
Paisley May
Paisley Ray
Paisley Gwen
Paisley Fern
Paisley Dawn

Lots of one syllable names sound great with Paisley.

If you really want to give in to your family after being done wrong like that, then I think something similar to Paisley would be best- especially to help you feel like you weren’t cheated (even though you were).


I have a family member named Hazeleigh. It’s close to Paisley and cute. You can spell it many different ways.

Ask Ur sister why she broke the no double names rule???

Just because yours isn’t born - you had it first

My girl name was Maelyn James I would’ve called her Maisy but had all boys :grin: that sucks your sister did that

What the hell! What’s with the no double name rule! That’s ridiculous! Name that baby whatever you want and to hell with family rules! It’s your baby !

What. That’s really mean of your sister. Unless she didn’t know.
Screw the rule, name your child what you want to. Who came up with that rule anyway?

Your sister sucks. That’s all.

Why is no one mentioning how messed up the sister is!?! I wouldn’t have a sister anymore after that! Name your baby what you want.

Thats very spitefull. You should have told her some random name then you could still have your name

Uh f#ck your families “rules” :roll_eyes: are they holding you at gun point? No? Then name your baby whatever the hell you want and if your family says anything tell them to eat a d!ck.

Your the one carrying the baby for 9 months your the one that has to give birth to your child so you have every right to name your child what you ever you want. To hell with the family rules its not as if your sister is following them anyway considering she knew you picked that name for your child in the first place

The best revenge foe your sister is to name your baby Paisley…if there is anyone your family should have a go at is her,because you confided I her and she stole your choice…and to hell with your family thinks. If that’s how they are,get a new family.It isn’t just your baby it’s your husband’s as well. Why make yourself miserable? it…give that precious child the name you chose

Firstly I’d make your sister know that she’s low and I’d cut her out. Bc that’s selfish and inconsiderable.
What about Ainslie ? Or Madelyn?

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