Who made up that silly rule
She can name her child what she wants to
Plenty of names work with Lee
Such as Elsie Lee , Ashley Lee,
Tracie Lee
Just to name a few
Trust me you have 30 weeks left
And chances are you will find many many many different names that you like , then decide you don’t like a name
Dont sweat the small stuff
Nobody owns a name. Name your daughter that it if you want. But even then Paisley Lee is a tragedieh so you should consider yourself lucky
Its your baby not theirs, name your baby what you want
Poppy lee , Melissa lee , averly lee , Amanda Lee , Bobby Lee
Keep paisley who cares what family says even not a first name take as a middle remind family you had it first.
No double names rule? Nah…
Personally I would use the name I’d chosen. Maybe a middle name with something else or a different spelling. Payzly maybe
Who cares what your family says??? Your sister sure didnt care about you!! Name your daughter paisley!
Forget. Your. Family. Rule. Or. Pick. A better. Name. What’s. Your grandma’s. Second name or. First. Name ? Someone. Really. Special to. You?
Your family’s rule?! That’s absolutely ridiculous. It is YOUR life.
Your family has a no double names rule? You’re an adult name your child what you want what are they going to do ground you?
It’s your baby who cares what your family thinks? You only get this chance once
If you’re old enough to have a child you’re old enough to know that rule is stupid and you’re an adult that doesn’t have to play by your families rules anymore.
You are 10 weeks…what if you’re not even having a GIRL???
If you’re the one pregnant for 10 months and doing the labor and delivery, name your kid whatever you want. That’s a silly rule. My family and my in laws have names that have been passed down generations.
My daughter’s name is Paislee.
Name your baby whatever you want
Use it anyway. They can’t decide what you name your child. Or make it the middle name.
keep the name. she broke the “basic respect” rule. you can break the “no double name” rule.
If that was a rule, stealing someones elses name idea should have been a rule too. Name her as you’d like and that was very rude of your sister.
Thats her fault, let her look stupid.
Theirs No law saying that you can’t name your baby paisley because ones named paisley already! In a matter of fact you can call your baby paisley #1
Rules?? Girl it’s your life…. Name her the same with the middle name ya choose n ya show them, !! If they get huffy to bad!! It’s your life n ya daughters not there’s
F*ck the rules, go no contact with family, if they reach out and have a problem with it then explain it but the family you create comes before the family you came from
2 cousins named Paisley does sound weird , especially if they’re the same age. If they go to the same schools it’ll be even weirder. Just my opinion. But, it’s your choice , if you love the name that much screw any “rule”& name her Paisley as well. I’m sorry your sister did this to you , I’d probably trip out on her at least once.
Yeah, I’d still 100% name my child the name I chose
Does your family have a dont double cross a family member rule? Because your sister broke that rule so break the no double name rule. My family should have had the no double name rule because all the kid’s are named the same they just get called big and little there names and my so and so or your so and so.
I’m going to start with what??? Your family doesn’t get to dictate names . It’s a bit controlling and odd. Secondly no one has ownership on any name. Should you be irritated, yes! But Is this a hill you want to die on?? It’s done right? So being bitter toward your sister will bleed out to your niece. Name your kiddo that too anyone who tells you about “the rules,” can get over it.
F ur fam. Do the name. They should have a rule once someone picks a name they can’t take it. The fact they are ok with your sister doing that is awful. Just do it anyways they didn’t care how u felt so don’t care how they feel
I’ve dropped people for less
Rules are made to be broken.
Rule would be thrown out the window and anyone who has problems you can say Well she can change her babies name if it’s that big of deal. I have already stuff with the name on it and already planed on naming my baby that. Rules get broken all the time.
Curt her off for using the name and name your daughter Paisley. Won’t have broken the rules because you don’t consider her family anymore
For 1 your grown you can name your baby what you like for 2 I would tell sister that was very disrespectful since she already knew you were planning on that name
I would be a bitch and tell your sister either she changes the name or pay you for clothes you had personalized.
My babies name would still be what I wanted it to be. It’s MY RULES when it comes to MY BABY!!! Your sister is a huge jerk and I am so sorry she did that to you!
Name her what you want. Fuck your family. That’s YOUR baby not theirs
You know you’re having a girl??
This is why I keep my baby name a secret lol that’s so mean
I say this as nicely as possible, screw the family rule. Name your child what you want.
Make it Paislee same name different spelling so “not the same”
F them. Name her paisley.
Your family needs a new rule that they cant steal names others have already chosen
So theirs a rule about no double names but no rule about stealing names already meant for another baby yeh that sister would no longer be my sister that’s for sure
How do u know at 10 weeks your having a girl???
" Family rules" really …you and your partner and children are your " family" and you get to make any rules you want . apparently your sister don’t care because she knows you wanted that name so other than to rub your face in it why would she use that name .
Be petty use the same name and change the spelling?
In the nicest way possible, fuck your family rules. And shame on them if they don’t support your decision to still name your daughter Paisley. That was a really nasty thing of your sister to do knowing that you all go by this family rule.
Family rule ? Umm I would not abide by that and name my kid whatever I wanted, doesn’t matter who gets upset it.
If you’re 10 weeks along how do you know it’s a girl?
Sod the rule name her what you want but I get it with your sister now using the name you picked for your daughter definately should be having words with her and your family should back you up knowing that you had already picked that name.
I’d be calling her Paisley regardless. What your sister did is spiteful she obviously didn’t care about family when she made her choice.
Name your child w.e you want lol no one can tell you what your child’s name can be. If anything your sister broke the rule bc you told her that was the name you chose
You name that baby what you want momma! Screw the double name rule your baby amd your decision
Name yours Haisley or Taisley or something else that rhymes. Confuse everyone!!
Your sister is the one who broke the rule if she knew that was the name you had picked out!  Why would she do that to you???
F the family it was your name ans she stole it they need a new rule no stolen baby names id go beserk xxx
My youngest daughter is Danni-leigh and my granddaughter is Frankie-leigh x
It’s not Their baby… name YOUR baby what you want to to name it. 
Should of had a rule about no stealing names especially since u had it picked and she knew about it.
Nicole lee. And she can go by coley. But I would tell sis to bad she can change her baby name if she don’t like it
Name her Paisley and make sure she has a different middle name. That was a horrible thing for your sister to do.
Well she wants to be like that I would be breaking that rule
Who cares what their “rules” are they are not law so do as you please.
You’re about to have a whole new family, the one you create. If my sister did that to me I’d personally disown her so it wouldn’t matter to me anyways. Yes, I am that petty.
But Lynetta Lee is a cute name if you want to honor your family “rule”
I just wanna say the name paisley with the middle name Lee by itself is much, however, your family doesn’t get to choose your child’s name for you. Name her what you want, and if they give you hell, drop them like flies.
Families rule? Lmaoo it’s your kid you can name her what you want ! And your sister is really petty for doing that!
If she doesn’t want double names in the family maybe she should have chose a name you didn’t already say you’re using lol . Do it anyways mama
Sounds like you have a shitty sister!
I wouldn’t change my daughters name. I wouldn’t add anything to it. Change the spelling, nothing. I’d leave it just as you dreamed it would be.
Your family is being ridiculous. They can and will get over it. If they don’t. Then you know where you stood all along. And you and your daughter will be better off without them.
You dont know the sex yet 10 weeks its too early to determine , but its also a bit snide of your sister
What’s weird to me is how you let your family dictate your life? Your kid, your rules. Just a name.
Your baby your rules not the families…change the spelling…
Nobody has a right to tell you what you can name your child what you need your child is your decision
I think you should name all your children Paisley just to point out the stupidity of a family wide rule…
Anna Leigh
Bobbi Leigh
Cambria Leigh
Kristina Leigh
Monica Leigh
Samantha( Sami) Leigh
Eff your family. Name your baby whatever you want
She broke the rule, not you. Keep the name.
in our family my mom is irene and i am renie and my daughter is renie may… we are all named after my mom, my granddaughter is ashlee irene and her daughter is annalycia irene… we all have irene in our names but said different ways… o and by the way my lifelong childhood friend is also irene so our family spun alot of heads on a holiday get together…lol
If it was known that was a name you favored . It’s was stolen I would still use it🤷🏾♀️
I would post the stuff you have that already has kiddos name and say you already had the name selected and how cute it will be that cousins share the same name lol. Who cares about ur family’s rule. If they say something you can say “well maybe (sister) should have thought about that when she chose to name her kid the same name that she knows has been chosen by me as well as already has been purchased”.
That was a real A Hole move your sister pulled. I’m so sorry. I would still use the name.
I’m sorry but I’m the type I would say f*ck them. She knew that you were choosing that name its not your problem
Screw your family. They don’t make rules for your baby names. Go with what you want and planned. If your family doesn’t like it oh well, you had the name and she chose to make it a double.
No offense, but I’d be damned if someone told me I couldn’t name my child a name I wanted because of a “rule.” You’re an adult, with your own family.
It’s really crappy that your sister did that to you, but me being me, I’d name my daughter the chosen name anyways.
Also. Don’t discuss names with anyone other than your partner. Grandma and grandpa and uncles don’t get to decide.
Use it anyways! She broke the first rule by stealing your name!! They can go by double names. Paisley Lee and whatever hers is. Do it! Your sister is SO low for doing that to you knowingly!!!
Screw that, the rule no longer applies if a sister can dtand by the basic rules of being a sister and dont steal your name. I’d definitely be naming my daughter Paisley…and my sister name is Paisley, and it’s a lovely name.
Name your child whatever you want. It’s your baby your rules don’t go based on what you family says for your own child
Oh no ma’am they’re would be two paisley in the family. Idc idc. If it’s known you picked the name then I’d let it be a lifelong thing. She wanted the name because the thinks you will change yours. So don’t and keep your name
You are an adult. You don’t have to follow family rules
It’s not the family rule that is wrong, it’s your sister. I’d be so pissed with her. Just disgusting on her part. I could understand the rule, because it would be very confusing having the cousins together and calling for one of the Paisleys.
Use that name it won’t be the same as long as your last name is not the same as hers. My son is Valen after my grandpa he’s almost 15 and my cousin who is 8 is also Valen. It was my grandpa’s name my son’s great grandpa
Ummm, you are creating your own family… you make your own boundaries and if others don’t like them, they can stuff off…then the problem is fixed anyhow because there won’t be 2 x names
First of all huge bro-code violation by your sister (what a turd), please dont have misplaced resentment towards her daughter as she grows and you say her name, its not her fault that she got the name, just pick something beautiful and unique and you will have taken the high road, personally I would go with a 2 syllable L name to go with Lee like London or Leather
Wow that’s weird your family has that rule. F them, name her paisley. Your sisters a dick. Sorry.
How about Daisy Lee? Even goes with Paisley, and as cousins they can have flower names together? It’s going to be ok mama. Also, if you’re only 10 weeks you don’t really know if you’re having a girl yet, so I would just be happy for your sister and the birth of a healthy baby girl. Give her lots of love and support as you’ll be next needing that same support through your pregnancy and birth. Also congrats on your pregnancy!!
Why does your family have rules” how ridiculous. You’re an adult. Call your baby what you want it’s not that deep.
I would tell your family to fuck off with their “no double names rule”. It’s your child, if you still want to use the name, they’ll just have to get over it. It’s pretty shitty that she would do that, and it seems pretty intentional and spiteful, considering you guys obviously take that “rule” seriously. I would never disclose a name to her again and I would wait to announce any names until your child is born, to avoid this potentially happening again. All that said, here are some similar/similar-ish names…Presley, Phoebe, Coralie, Brynlee, Emberly, kynzlee, Adalee…I know it’s not at all similar to your initial name choice, but I recently saw the name Blossom used for a little girl and thought that was adorable…I think it would pair well with “Lee” too.
You may have a boy your only 10 weeks so gender isn’t known yet
If u want the baby called that then leave that as your babies name break the made up rule
It’s your baby not your families baby. I’d cut my sister off and use the name