I had my sister babysit my daughter for 2 hours while I was working. I started getting a text that my daughter is a brat and is throwing tantrums and that I need to get her not so attached to her dad and me. And that I need to discipline her. My daughter is 11 months old and doesn’t understand much. I don’t believe in hitting my children. I do tell her no when she’s doing something wrong. What more can I do? How do you discipline an 11-month-old BABY? She’s just so attached, and she wants to be held all the time. She sometimes does the crying trick to get her way. I need help i don’t want to be told my child is a brat. That’s the worst feeling. I’m doing what I can. It’s so hard when her dad works night shifts he has to sleep most of the day to rest for work again. I work when he’s off or home.
Omg she isn’t even a year old. Shame on your sister.
Tell your sister to shut up
Tell your sister to go fuck herself.
Your child isn’t even 1 yet.
You are the parent, tell her what you think! 11 month old babies communicate by crying & the require you to show them you will be there for her needs. Screw what your sister thinks, you are the parent. You do what your baby needs, not what others think.
I second that. Tell your sister to shut up!
Shes 11months old… find a new sitter your sister is nuts
That’s outrageous, she’s only 11 months
Your sister sucks
My one year old is needy. There’s a difference between a child being a brat and being needy. Sounds like your little girl just wants mama and daddy and there’s nothing wrong with that! Especially at the age she is, she’s going through it and learning that she can’t always have you guys around. That doesn’t make her a brat! That makes her a baby/toddler.
Your sister is a brat.
That’s pretty typical behavior for an 11 month old
I take it your sister doesnt have kids?
The problem is your sister, not your kid. If someone needs discipline it’s her. Shame on her!
Shes 11 months old…they’re all undisciplined at that age ALLLLLL the way till 18 when you can throw your hands up and go ‘NOT MY CIRCUS ANYMORE!’
She sounds like a bitch, no more babysitting for her then.
Is your sister even a Mom? I doubt it
Tell your sister she is the brat. That is absurd!
Your sister doesn’t deserve to baby sit your child if she is going to say things like that
Does ur sister even have kids😂 I’m gonna go ahead and say no. Don’t have her babysit anymore, sounds like my sister always throwing her opinion out when it’s not even accurate.
Pick her up, hug her, and here is the most important bit. Don’t put her down untill she turns 5.
I wouldn’t let my sister watch my kids anymore if she is like that.
Your sister needs to shut up. Your baby isnt even a yr old. She is still learning boundaries of being mobile
Your child isn’t the problem. She’s a baby.
1st don’t leave your kid with her again . 2nd its normal she’s a baby . 3rd find a new sitter.
Babies aren’t brats and sister wouldn’t babysit anymore.
Does your sister have children? I assume she does not. And if she does I pity those little ones.
Don’t stress it my dear. Have someone watch her that understands an 11 mth old baby.
My baby is 9 months old and understands the word “No” perfectly and usually listens the first time. Good luck mama, hope everything works out!
I wouldnt leave her there no more
My son is 15 months and we’ve just started to use “no” instead of just redirecting him( now it’s “no” or “please stop” combined with a redirect) Also, if a baby wants to be held HOLD THAT CHILD!!! There will come a day when that child won’t want to be held!!! I bet your sister just thought she could lounge around and do nothing while an 11m old entertained themselves, which does not happen! You have to engage and entertain and interact with an 11m old. If she had been doing anything like that, I bet there wouldn’t have been any “bratty-ness”.
This is the age of separation anxiety… it will get better. Is your sister young and maybe just doesn’t understand the stages babies/children go through? If she doesn’t understand after you explain, find a new sitter who can be compassionate toward a baby.
My daughter im used to her antics shes the same age. Shell scream n cry n its so hard lol
What a horrible thing for an auntie to say.
11m is not to be disciplined at most say no and redirect. You are your child’s security and having healthy attachment is critical for her attachment later in life. Tell your sister to grow up
Your child is 11 months old. Your sister is the brat.
My brother said something similiar as my son wouldnt read a book at about 3…he is now 15…he has been diginosed as on the spectrum, he still can’t read…needless to say it’s been over 10yrs since I have seen or spoken to my brother…you are mum and she is still a baby…
You sister is the brat, not the baby
Your sister is the problem…not your baby.
A one year old isn’t supposed to be disciplined
My son is 11 months old and does the same thing. My mom says he is spoiled and he probably is but it’s spoiled with love. Love the mess out of my son. But he is very attached to me and sometimes I have to let him cry because I can’t hold him while I’m cooking. This does not make him a brat. Your sister just want the baby to not cry or want attention. Your doing a good job mom! I’m sure you needed that!
If your sister doesn’t have kids then she has no business telling you how to raise yours and even if she does have kids she still has no buisness telling you how to raise your child .# I hate when people tell you how to raise your own child
Pick a different baby sitter. Your child is not the brat. She is
A baby cannot be a brat! Your sister is acting like a brat! I wouldn’t let her near my baby!!
I’m a bad mom. I started hand slaps as soon as my kids were old enough to grab things. Mind you, i never smacked them hard, but enough to get their attention. Now my kids are 5 n almost 3 and both stop when you say no and listen extremely well, especially for their ages. Babies aren’t dumb, people need to stop treating them like they are.
She’s only 11 months old, they communicate through crying and of course want mom n dad and to be held, you’re doing nothing wrong I just think your sister had a hard time with her and vented a little. Which doesn’t help either. You’re daughters not a brat she’s a baby so you do and raise her the way you feel is best and just try to not let other people make you feel otherwise, I’m going through same with people having options on how to raise my child it happens to all of us. You got this mama!!
You need to find a real babysitter
I have an 11 month old too and he is the same way but it’s just because its their first year of life and all they want and need is to be with mommy and daddy. You should be grateful that your daughter is so attached to you! It’s better then not being attached! Now I would probably avoid letting your sister watch her if she is going to be like that. Who in their right mind calls an 11 month old a brat…
Shes not even a year wth is wrong with your sister? I would fond someone else to watch your baby
I’d go like this “oh, I understand it is beyond your ability to care for a 11 month old, so I will be finding a new sitter that actually understand the needs of a baby!”
And proceed by saying that the only one acting like a brat was her, the sister!
Your sister sounds uneducated and absolutely ridiculous.
That’s normal behavior for an eleven month old baby. Find a new sitter.
That’s horrible
I have an 11 month old boy and this is normal. Separation anxiety can be high at that age too.
I wouldn’t listen to ur sister nor would I let her care for the child again
Telling a baby no is literally how you discipline them. You can put them down or walk away if they hit or bite or scratch. But redirection is all you have. No, no. Do this instead. At 2 you can start timeouts. Babies throw tantrums. Idk where tf your sister has been, but that’s how babies deal with not getting their way. You can let her cry it out if she wants to be held all the time. You can’t give into that. Is that what she meant? You hold her everytime she cries? Do you? You need to stop if you do. Let her cry for 10 mins, then comfort her by patting her and offering soothing words, but dont pick her up, then go back to your task. If you already do that, then your sister can shove it up her ass. You already correct the child when she needs correction. Does this chick even have her own kids?? I mean…? Are they all little fucking angels? I doubt it.
She’s not even a year old. Never ever hit your literal baby and call it “discipline”. A baby doesn’t understand why you’re hitting them, they only understand that their parents are hurting them. Your sister sounds like she doesn’t know how to handle a child and probably shouldn’t babysit in the future until she figures out that a baby can’t be disciplined. I’d also keep an eye on her in the future, in case she decides to take that discipline into her own hands and starts hitting your kid. I understand not wanting to speak up, especially to family, but that is your baby. Literal actual baby, it’s not even a toddler yet. You need to stand up for your baby instead of being upset that someone is calling it a brat. There’s plenty of time to be upset later. Stand up for your child and let everyone know not to lay hands on it or call it names. Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical and, even though the baby doesn’t understand the words now, they pick up on emotions, they learn quickly, and it’ll understand what people are saying soon enough.
I’m guessing your sister doesn’t have children? Sounds like a baby being a baby, ignore your sister
Interesting. Does ur sister have kids? Shes a baby my goodness. Use the word no when moving her away from the thing u dont want her doing firnly just to get her used to the word and associating with not doing something and over time she should learn it means not to do it but yeh shes just a wee baba. N if shes attached hug her for as long as u can soon she wont be n shel grow up so fast. Hug her every time u can xxx good luck mamma ur doing great
I agree with most of the comments. Does she have a pacifier. Or even the swing toys to sit in. We have an 18 yr old and a16 yr old both boys. And than a 19 month old with a boy due in March. Lily is a easy baby and very content… 2 hours is a short time to try to settle her time. Since you need the sitter try to talk to her. Does she herself have kids. That may be the answer. Good luck.
Normal behavior for an 11month old to experience. I too am going thru the clingy stage with my 11month old, never went thru it with the other kids. Shame in ur sister to call ur kid a brat. U can’t necessarily discipline an 11month old as they don’t understand what’s going on. Some may tell u to use time outs or quiet time, but depending on the child, it rarely works. On the clingy note, start off slow with ur child…first try putting ur child in a playpen or quiet safe place to play with toys and say “momma will be back”, go into the next room for 5mins at first and increase with each day and be4 u know it, ur child will good for abit with someone else to watch. Good luck momma
Your child is 11months old that’s normal behaviour geez. My son is 2 in a couple of months and is attached to myself and his dad in no way do I prevent it. Love and adore your child and find a new babysitter. Your child is not the problem your babysitter is .
An 11 month old can’t be a brat. They don’t know they’re “misbehaving”
She’s 11 months old…sounds like a normal 11 month old baby!..Definitely find a better babysitter.
Please for the love of god do not let her have kids…
That’s a baby your sister needs to grow up please don’t hit the 11 month old child she does not understand she’s just a baby growing until the new world to her trying an doing new things everyday.
#1 DGA💩 what other ppl say u should do with YOUR child
#2 smile & wave ( I wave with only 1 finger but u can use all yours if u like)
Baby…innocent not brat.
It’s totally normal at that age. Maybe start wearing her if you don’t already and then teach your sister how to also. They’re so curious and want to see your perspective. I love the ergo baby carrier for adjusting to different bodies. You may have a local babywearing group with a lending library to teach you and so you can try free
Tell your sister to F her self lol she just a baby damn !!
It’s Typical baby behaviour. Especially if she’s finding it hard to get attention already. Look parenting infants is hard. Esp when you both need to work. Worse if there’s less than good family support. Baby needs routine and attention. If it’s lacking she’ll demand it. My advice educate yourself on baby’s needs. Parenting guides these days are very informative on attachment and parenting classes as well. As for your sister. She seems very old school. Her idea of discipline is very outdated angry and very scary. Keep her at arms length.
I might be wrong but looks like your sister doesn’t have kids, that’s why she can utter such words and can be excused.a baby needs to be taught by elders you as a mother do not make her use to be held in the hands so she wouldn’t want it from your sister
I’d tell her to get over it. Shes not a brat shes a baby and wants to be held. your sister isnt ready to take care of a kid or have a kid if she cant handle that. And it was only 2 hours? Sounds like your sister has no patience.
Wtf really she hasn’t met my bloody daughter who just screams been like since she was 14 months old she is 7 soon ill lend her my child tell her to fook off x
Does your sister have children?? That is totally normal at that age. My daughter is 18 mo and still acts like that sometimes. She isn’t being a brat, she wants comforted. And she is probably picking up on your sisters negative vibe. Poor child.
did I read this right a 11month old doesn’t even know right from wrong time for a new sitter
I wouldn’t leave your child with her again. She is 11 months old! What a horrible thing for her to say to you! I’m sorry!
My daughter is the same way. Shes just over a year old and shes only been babysat twice in her life. Once when she was 4 months and last week. Other than that she is with or my husband. Babies are obviously going to attach to the people they are most often around. It’s normal. It’s not baby girl being a brat, shes showing her feelings and that’s okay! Your sister is the brat for even thinking that she wouldn’t have some separation anxiety at 11 months old. My best recommendation if you want her to be able to continue to baby sit is try to find some time where you, your daughter, and your sister can spend time together so she starts to recognize that your sister is also a safe person to be around. It can take some time but it’s worth it. It took about 3 months before mine was able to recognize my mom and my husbands mom as safe people to be with when I’m not there. I know it’s so tough, we all do. But your baby is NOT brat
11 months old she is normal your sister is the brat I would not let her near my child
11 month old a brat… nope. I think your sisters a brat
Yea I think at 11 months she’s right on par with tantrums and wanting to be held… plus if she’s not familiar with being left ( even with family it’s alil scary for them ) and I’d be upset if anyone called my child a brat related or not (How rude!! )Does your sister have kids ?
Your sister sounds like the one who needs to be disciplined your baby’s eleven-month-old for goodness sake
Omg ignore ur idiot sister… Sorry but she is an idiot calling a.11 months old a brat … hello she is 11 months old not 11yrs old… ur sister should b ashamed of herself calling ur baby a brat… U r in need of a new baby sitter my sister was the same would say it to my lil baby girls face calling her a brat, devil, saying tht my lil girl is a fucking lil bratty bitch well I hav NOTHING to do with my sister such a monster of a human
That baby is not a “brat” your sister is obviously not able to handle a child. She is normal and telling her no is the only thing you can do. You are doin absolutely nothing wrong.
Your baby is 11 months. She’s a baby.
No. An 11 month old does not need discipline. It’s likely separation anxiety and they can tell if they aren’t comfortable with someone. I’d be looking for a new sitter. Immediately. You don’t know how she is treating her when you drive away.
Your sister is a brat… what form of discipline does she suggest for a child under a year old??? How dare your baby want to be held and comforted by her family. I would not ask that sister to babysit again.
I’ll just go ahead and assume your sister isn’t a mother. If she can’t handle a measly 2 hours without running out of patience then she’s just the weakest link. & I wouldn’t let anyone who thinks a BABY needs to be disciplined watch said baby.
I’ve watched 13 kids at once from ages newborn to 11 for an entire summer without calling them brats or crying to their parents about kids acting like kids.
No just no. Find someone else to watch your BABY this is not a good environment for your family especially someone who should treat your child as if they were there own. Your sister is wrong 100%.
Oh come on now. Y’all sound like a bunch of twats. Who in the world says an 11 month old can’t be a brat?! Let me guess, your children are saints and never deserve to be called a brat. Good grief, idk why any mom would come to this group for any sort of validation, question or advice bc most of you sound so bitter and sad. Now from someone who doesn’t try to make fb think I’m the perfect parent… my 10 month old can definitely and most certainly be a BRAT. She knows things that get her what she wants and will attempt to throw a fit when she doesn’t get what she wants. Now clearly the mother stated she knows she can get her way with whining and crying… thats a brat. Babies aren’t as dumb as y’all try to make it seem. My 10month old can already point to colors and pictures bc I have taken the time to teach her these things. My advice to you, stop giving her the attention she wants when she is clearly throwing a fit. Now any mother knows the difference between a real cry and a whiney ‘i dont get what i want’ cry. That’s what I do. When my 10month old starts to be a brat and try to throw a fit, i ignore her and she almost immediately stops when she sees I’m not bothered.
I wouldn’t have your sister watch your kid, sounds like she’s the one needing discipline that’s a baby for crying out loud!!
Get your ignorant sister a book on babies. And I say ignorant because she has no idea not saying she is stupid.
She is still a baby and all she understands is what she wants or thinks she needs.
This is were the adults in her life show her what’s what.
Your sister shouldn’t be so judgmental. If she doesn’t want to babysit she should say so. And not throw shade as the kids say.
Shes 11 months old… your child has been on earth for 11 months. Holy… some people honestly shouldn’t have kids not gonna lie. Why are you even on here asking for advice? Find someone who understands kids better and you should read some parenting books as well. A child can’t even comprehend right from wrong well until age 2. There is no useful punishment until then when they can understand what they have even done wrong. You are considering punishing your child for having separation anxiety??? How fucked up.
Babies aren’t brats, but they do get…conditioned(?) If that makes sense. They get used to crying and then being held…and sometimes they get to where they don’t want to be put down. And for someone who doesn’t have kids and who isn’t that child’s parent it can be rough to understand and hard to handle.
At 11 months old its natural for them to want their comfort people.
This behavior doesn’t need discipline in the traditional sense. It requires more delicate teaching.
Get your child accustomed to whoever is going to be watching her. Have them come over, play with her, and hold her while you’re home. This will help them accept the babysitter when you’re not around.
Start slowly working on her independence and ability to play independently for short periods. Sit down and play with her and once her attention is on the toy get up and do something else in the room. This helps reassure her that she can play alone and you’ll still be there.
Small practices like that can go a long way to helping both the child and the babysitter.
Loooord if she thinks that’s bad, she would hate to babysit my daughter
Perhaps sis isn’t cut out for babysitting?
All kids are brats. Shes 11 months old i didnt start discipline with my kids till after 1 years old and it wasnt even big stuff . more like pats on the hands or tell them no no in my mommy voice and oh lord you’d think i would have killed them . 11 month old baby cannot be disciplined . only talked to . your sister needs to suck it up and be educated or not be around kids. Babys are obviously attached to their parents . its all they know right now. Find a new sitter hun ! If she cant handle your child she dont need to be sitting her
Spank her butt and telling her no. She’ll learn. You spatting her diaper is not going to hurt her or give her issues like these shrinks now days are saying. And you know your child better then anyone. Just keep doing what you think is best momma. She’s still a baby but is old enough to learn little rules.
I think you need to find someone better to watch your child!!
Your sister is a BRAT. You are doing everything right as far as a 11 month old is concerned. I am assuming your sister doesn’t have children. At about 18 months you can start doing time outs 1 minute per yr. And as of right now positive reinforcement like if you are able to get something done without her crying yell her how good she was how proud you are etc… Also if you KNOW she is crying to get her way try distraction instead of giving in. Also consistency is key. But try not to give into fits (I know easier said than done) but that’s all you can do at that age. But good luck and you are doing awesome. #fromamommyof8
Lol, don’t listen to your sister. Kids are selfish by nature, just love her. Let your sister have her opinions. You know your child best.
That’s horrible. I do know some children that are brats. But a 11 month old? Lol I don’t think. Maybe you should have a little chat with your sister. Sounds like she’s not used to kids.
That is someone who wouldn’t be watching my baby again… You have a baby
That’s why she does the cry trick because she knows she’ll get her way. Stop doing it for one.
Maybe you just need a better suited babysitter?