My sisters boyfriend proposed to her at my wedding without asking me: Advice?

Did you kick him out? Because I’m telling you he wouldn’t be sticking around if it was my wedding

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That was WRONG plain and simple

You’re definitely over reacting… Be happy for your sister or get out of her way it’s that simple


You are not wrong for being upset. Most people would be. It’s kind of inconsiderate and selfish. BUTTTT. Move on. Be happy for your sister if she is happy. That’s all that matters. Don’t hold a grudge that might ruin your relationship with your sister. Life is too short. It sucks but it’s not something you can’t move past. Congratulations on your marriage!


First and foremost …. Congratulations on your wedding.
Being that your sister and her partner had only been dating 3 months it worries me that he proposed so early…. Also the fact that he did it at your wedding, says to me that he likes to be the centre of attention and carry the limelight with him. This would be concerning for your sister and your family as him and his ego will take centre stage above everything else.
I hope his rudeness doesn’t take away the joy you have for now being a happily married lady… I wish you much happiness for many many decades into your future


He probably got caught up in the moment because your wedding was so amazing and with only into the relationship for three months that’s like the honeymoon stage


So rude, and clearly it was for attention the chances of them actually getting married are slim and that seriously sucks for you since it ruined your 1 special day. I’m sorry


That was very rude of him.

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Yea that was foul of him…:unamused:

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It’s not her fault…you should probably step up and talk her out of it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It wasn’t ideal, but its done now, so move on and concentrate your energy on your hubby, don’t let someone else’s actions ruin such a wonderful day.


Its not your sisters fault, she more than likely didn’t know about the proposal plan, how can you be mad at her do saying yes? Was she supposed to say no to make it better? Not talking to her over this is a bit ridiculous on your part. She didn’t do anything. He did. Not her.


I always thought that was pretty much the one thing you shouldn’t do at someone else’s wedding. What did the rest of your family think? You have a right to be mad, at him.

My husband’s sister danced with my husband (her brother) during my father-daughter dance and I didn’t appreciate that. It was your day, call it petty or whatever you want but I’d probably feel the same. It probably wasn’t fully thought out or he would have realized things probably should go down differently.

I would have beat him tf up right there… in my wedding dress. :joy:sometimes these gestures can be sweet IF APPROVED… if not it’s rude.


You haven’t talked to your sister since?? It’s totally her fault he proposed to her :rofl: I feel like this is some sort of sibling competition. It’s only taking away from your wedding day because you’re allowing it to bother you. I think it was tacky that he did it, but not your sisters fault… And, you shouldn’t let it ruin the memory of your special day. It’s not gonna matter in 20 years, chill.


It’s not your sisters fault she didn’t know he was going to propose. You should be blaming the boyfriend and DJ for calling her up.

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He’s already throwing red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: this early? Find someway to make her realize he’s is manipulating and abusing


Not ideal, but let it go . Remember your happiness and things about the wedding that matter It can’t be undone

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He’s a narcissist. He had to make it about him. Your sister is going to need yall big time


You are being a little childish. Be happy that he was so impressed with your wedding that he wanted to propose to your sister.


Nothing you can do about it, except be mad at him. It’s a totally shitty thing to do, but some people don’t see it that way. He’s probably just clueless.

Honestly, I’d be pist as shit. Not gunna lie lol :woman_shrugging: at my age I probably would have lost my shit. Talk about disrespectful. Expecially pisted at him and he would have lost all my respect, for MANY reasons. That’s not good, cuz yah know, he’s only got a 3 month track record with myself/ our family :flushed:
I’d also chew my sisters ass for saying yes, I mean she can do what she wants. Love is love and all I get that but for real. I mean on top of how disrespectful that shows he is, only beging together 3 months, how " caught up in the moment" he got and marriage ain’t no " oops I take it back kinda thing… i dinno…
I guess its her choice to either chance it working out in her favor or possibly becoming a victim from a crazy lifetime movie.
The fuck.
I’ll still love her and be there… no matter her choice, but I’m sure gunna tell her my thoughts on it. Not only for me beging upset, but her own safety.
I’m sorry, so many things are wrong with this.
Hell no :rofl:

No your not overreacting. He shouldn’t have done that.
Congratulations on your wedding

Ya should be happy with her for time of love with her boyfriend .after all your sisters and thats blood right. I would question the fact though of a short time for the proposal though way to soon for only three months.? Bit then again could be Mr.Right too…
Ya should just congrs her and wish the best maybe something with ya for her wedding day if there still a grudge …


Absolutely inappropriate and should’ve been shutdown right away!!!

Don’t blame your sister ffs. She didn’t know it was happening!


Well I feel like it’s inconsiderate to take advantage of your wedding. He didn’t pay a cent towards it, but decided to propose at a nice venue that was already decorated and catered… that’s messed up.
I’m not sure why you haven’t spoken to your sister though… doesn’t seem like she deserves that. Idk your relationship though.


His proposal at your wedding was very rude! This was your day! Hopefully your sister will not end up marrying him - he thinks only of himself!


You have the right to feel how you do. I can tell you that he would’ve been embarrassed bc I would have raked him across the coal just as publicly as he disrespected My special day and my budget!

Bet not NOBODY propose on my wedding day!!! It won’t end well. He should have asked and planned better!

I’d be furious. At him. But not at your sister, unless of course, she knew the proposal was coming and suggested he do it at your wedding.


3 months only and he proposes at your wedding without any permission from her immediate family. Bruh, that’s a big as red flag to me. Especially since you still refer to him as her new boyfriend!!!


Narcissist doing his “love bombing” thing. Keep in contact with your sister. It’s not going to end well for her.


He is an inconsiderate jerk and not your sisters fault.Maybe she will realize and dump him like he deserves.Bad nil material

Definitely talk to your sister, life is too short, she most likely didnt know he was going to propose, and if she did then they are two awful peas in a pod, as for his actions…completely rude! Even if they had been together for years, it was a terrible thing to do. You are absolutely right that it was your day and he should not have taken that from you. I’m sure some of your guests feel the same way. I’m sorry this happened to you. I would’ve punched him in the face!

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That’s rude AF. I would’ve cut him off before he could finish. :woozy_face:
It wasn’t your sister’s fault though so she shouldn’t be punished.


Hey could be a narcissist I hope your sister can see him for who he really is.

I am sorry about your night but that was horrible. I’d your sister mortified?


You are not over reacting. It was your special day to shine. Although you don’t want to make waves i would let both of them know that you plan to announce a special edition at their wedding. Lol.

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Definately rude and inappropriate. You don’t propose to anyone at another wedding or significant event. If you are planning children, announce your pregnancy at their engagement party or wedding.

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Yeah no I’d be pissed too, not at my sister but him. Unless the people getting married give the okay seeing as it’s their event to celebrate THEM not everyone else it’s just rude as hell. Especially when weddings are so expensive and take a lot of planning. People who do that just can’t stand not being center of attention. Definitely not the way to introduce yourself to someone’s whole family either after only 3 months but if your sisters into it then I mean :woman_shrugging:t3: in the end it’s her choice.


Incredibly rude and inappropriate but dont blame your sister. I’m sure she was just as surprised as you were… Congratulations on the nuptials!!!


Tacky, but not your sisters fault.


3 months and already asking and at the wrong place is not gonna sit well wit the fam. Shld be together longer than 3 months to get engaged. No. Sorry they stole ur spotlight. Very rude. Esp for not even asking u or anyone. I’m so sorry.

That’s terrible. I’m sorry he did that. I’ve seen pictures of guests wearing wedding dresses as a guest at a wedding! Talk about inappropriate! Def. Talk to your sister.

Hopefully she will see this the way you do. He was very inconsiderate and tell her to slow down and get to know him. My ex rushed me to marry him. He had a narcissistic personality disorder. He made me miserable the whole time I was married.


Oh hell no, if someone did that at someone’s wedding without permission of the bride and groom; yes I’d go up and ask them……I’d go up and throw tell them to get their glory-hogging asses off the stage and take it somewhere else!!! Idgf! That is messed up!

If your sister marries this guy, announce that your expecting your first baby at their wedding, even if it isn’t so.


It wouldn’t bother me at all.

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Really? Get over yourself


Your over reacting it’s over with be happy for your sister can’t blame her


Definitely a little rude. But you can’t be pissed at your sister. She didn’t propose and I’m assuming she didn’t know he was going to.
Either way, I’m sure you had a beautiful wedding. Be happy it went off without a hitch and nobody died.


You have every right to be upset by this, this was your day! Extremely inappropriate for him to do. This isn’t your sister’s fault though and you shouldn’t ignore her because of it. She probably was not aware and under pressure since he proposed in front of a lot of people. You definitely need to talk to her about this and him in general.


Very bad manners for sure ,I agree completely it was your day !

First, congrats on your marriage!! :smile::ring:

I think it was super distasteful of him to do that on your big day without asking. Even more so that they’ve only been together a few months, I’m sure your family had NO idea how to feel lol. Just tacky.

It’s upsetting and I understand how you feel! Like I would be happy if my best friend or sister got proposed to at my wedding if their spouses planned it with me (asked me).Like I’ve seen cute ones where the bride goes to toss the bouquet but instead she walks it to the person getting proposed to, that would have been so sweet!! Because then you are still included.



Hey you could always do your gender reveal at theirs! Lol :laughing:


It’s not your sister’s fault why stop talking to her. But yes that was inconsiderate of the guy.


My sister got married at my wedding. It hurt my feelings that she even asked but i didn’t want to be mean so i said ok. But it still hurts cause her marriage failed shortly after and then mine did

We are all entitled to our special day and having all the attention then, but she is your sister. She isn’t the one who proposed. So you being mad at her is most definitely overreacting. You are responsible for letting this ruin your day. It was your wedding, and your marriage should trump jealousy or anger.
Also are you and your sister not close? This would have been a great bonding moment for you two.
I guess to each their own, I would be over the moon excited for my sister.
Also who cares if he asked your parents for permission. If she is of adult age it’s her choice.
Good luck :+1:t3:


Not overreacting at all. A wedding is your special moment and he took the spotlight off of you and put it on him. All 3 months? You barely know anyone in that short of time

Yes your overacting. You haven’t talked to her since? She had nothing to do with it


It was a rude and thoughtless act. However, you got married, you had your first dance, it was still your wedding. Life is too short to be upset over this misstep. It definitely wasn’t an error on your sister’s part. If you feel like you need to say something, then let the boyfriend know.


I’d be livid… That’s so awful

Since when does the man ask the parents for a girls hand it’s not 1920 for goodness sake wow


Not your sisters fault at all, you need to talk to her about it. The boyfriend though needs a good talking to, he was out of line and owes you a big apology.

Congratulations on ur marriage :)… But why are you not talking to your sister? It wasn’t her that went upto the DJ? I’d be pissed at the new fiance.


I would be pissed. Him doing that at your wedding is completely disrespectful. It’s not your sister’s fault though. So if you’re gonna be mad at anyone it should be her boyfriend.


Give the D.J specific instructions on what to play and the flow of your wedding should go, No asking anyone else to get married AT MY WEDDING!!

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When shit things happen to me (and yes, I think this was a loser move and I’d be pissed) I think of how others have it so much worse. A man just flew from the US to Australia to see his dying dad but the QLD govt won’t let him out of hotel quarantine even in a hazmat suit even though he’s tested negative to COVID twice.
A brand new Mum who was in hotel quarantine went into labour unexpectedly and was transported to hospital alone to have her baby alone. Because bubs was early and needed to be in the NICU, she was sent back to the hotel without even having laid eyes on her baby. She didn’t get to see him for a whole week.
Now those things are absolutely heartbreaking, life changing events. Yours is inappropriate and rude but hopefully the above puts it into perspective for you.

It bothers you that he asked at ur wedding and not that they’ve only been together for three months? Get your priorities straight! They’re not staying together sis lol.

I mean it isnt your sisters fault.
But its extremely rude & imo trashy to propose to someone at someone elses wedding. :woman_shrugging:t3:


And stop being mad at ur sister. She didn’t even do anything. What is it with all you women being mad at women?! Men are constantly the ones messing up and doing stupid stuff but you want to blame the oblivious and often times completely innocent women involved. Get over yourselves and blame the right people.


Oh. Hell. No. NOOOOOT okay by any means!! That’s so awful and I’m so so sorry that happened! You are NOT overreacting


Not your sister’s fault, like AT ALL. Be mad at the dude. I would be livid if someone had done that to me though, family or not.

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Yeah its not her fault and honestly pretty petty to be upset at her for doing something he did. Get over it and enjoy what you had.


It’s unfair to be mad at your sister because she didn’t do anything wrong. But he was definitely foul.


This is why if I ever got married I’d run off and elope. Weddings are overrated. People get so bent out of shape.


I totally get why you’re upset and it’s justified. On the other hand, you shouldn’t let it ruin your special day :heartpulse: Your special day is about sharing your love with the ones closest to you and about gushing over how happy you are to be committed to your husband forever! The actions of an immature and for now pretty insignificant person in your life don’t change those things.


You’re not overreacting. He’s boorish, stupid, and entitled.

Not your sissies fault. It was rude of him to do so without asking you or the groom for permission to steal a moment for her hand. I’d talk to her. Just saying. Let her know you’re hurt, and hopefully happy for her.

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I would have been happy to share my sister special moment on my wedding day. What an honor that they chose it on your day. That’s something the enitre family will remember :innocent: I wouldn’t have been upset. That would have just made it even more fun! :grinning:


I wouldn’t be mad at your sister. Its not her fault but I would let the boyfriend know how you feel about it because you will hold the grudge until you talk about it. I’d be livid. So. Lol

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So rude!!! Hope you do a gender reveal at their wedding​:skull::skull::skull:


I dont think so crazy shit.U dont steal someones spotlight.I feel bad for you​:broken_heart::heart:

Plot twist, your sister was jealous of you and planned that with her new BF just to piss you off! I mean, it could happen! Probably didn’t though so stop being mad at ur sis.

Wrong so wrong, must be a really stupid man or he likes getting all the attention. What an idiot.

To some it is rude, but I’ve seen some people get proposed to at weddings and the bride and groom weren’t upset about it. People have their differences though.

Oh no. That’s not only disrespectful, it’s lazy af. If someone proposes to you at someone else’s special event, it’s literally only because they don’t think you’re worth the effort of actually planning something

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Sounds like sibling rivalry to me. I wouldn’t have minded at all.

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I feel sorry for your sister. Yes. It was YOUR day, but maybe she needed a day too. Do you love her enough to sacrifice a moment of YOUR day? I’m sure it was at least ‘your night’. You’re having a tantrum. Fix your family.


I honest cannot believe there are people on here who think that wasn’t rude! Your big day… not anyone else’s


Well there’s no reason to not talk to your sister she’s not the one who proposed she might not have even known about it. Also he doesn’t have to ask your parent’s permission to ask your sister to marry him. This is the 21st century women can like vote now and stuff.


Sounds like sketchy narcissistic vibes to me! I’d watch out for that guy.


Yeah fck that, I would have gone psycho then & there, inconsiderate aseholes


It’s tacky how he went about it, yes. He should have asked you, yes. Only 3m? Yikes, def no go. Also def not something I’d stop speaking to my sister over.

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Shitty but it’s not your sisters fault.

I would be pissed. That was your day.


Hes incredibly rude. It is one of the unwritten rules of etiquette.


It was your day , I would be absolutely pissed too !
But unfortunately it happened and I am sure you still had a great wedding!
It’s your sister, don’t make a big deal of it You cannot undo what happened.
But you can speak to that guy and say next time please pick your own special day to do things


That happened to me too :sweat_smile::exploding_head:

Congratulations :two_hearts: Although, I would be happy if it were my sister. I totally get why you would be upset. Maybe not with her, unless the proposal was planned. It was your day & I’m sure it was beautiful :heart: